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TTP press conference in Islamabad

TTP finalises 15 point draft for talks - DAWN.COM

PESHAWAR: The Taliban Shura has finalised a fifteen point draft for negotiations with the Pakistan government and the draft proposal is likely to be handed over to the peace facilitators and their representatives who are in Waziristan, DawnNews reported.

The Taliban Shura had been meeting since Saturday under its deputy Ameer Sheikh Khalid Haqqani.

Professor Ibrahim Khan and Maulana Yousuf Shah who are in Waziristan for a meeting with the Taliban Shura are likely to convey these points to the committee formed by the government for mediation.

The points are as follows:

1) Stop drone attacks.

2) Introduce Sharia law in courts.

3) Introduce Islamic system of education in both public and private educational institutions.

4) Free Pakistani and foreign Taliban captured in jails.

5) Restoration and remuneration for damage to property during drone attacks.

6) Hand over control of tribal areas to local forces.

7) Withdrawal of army from tribal areas and close down check posts.

8) All criminal allegations held against the Taliban to be dropped.

9) Prisoners from both sides to be released.

10) Equal rights for all, poor and rich.

11) Families of drone attack victims to be offered jobs.

12) End interest based system.

13) Stop supporting the US on the war on terror.

14) Replace the democratic system of governance with the Islamic system.

15) Stop all relations with the US.
let the negotiation begin with cobra gubships and special forces raids in waziristan :sniper:
Lal masjid tragedy triggered violence in khyber pakhtunkhwa, army started getting attacked throughout province.......ghazi abdul rasheed offered to surrender unconditionally at the end after his demand of safe passage was already refused. At the end stage the students coming out of mosque were saying that there are about 2500 women and childen in the compound. This was all covered by media, one can find out by searching youtube...beyond a certain point faujis didnt allow students to leave the mosque, bombardments started and most of the students got killed. Maximum casaulties of female students are put as around 2000 while minimum as around 900. Governament claim 110 deaths which is very weak claim. I dont know why there was need of using white phosphorus on them, ghazi abdul rasheed shaheed was saying to media on phone that they are dropping some chemicals on us which burns down the people. It seems army was possessed by shaitan at that time.
I would equate it with karbala tragedy. I am worried about the fate of those faujis in judgment day who participated in this operation.

TTP finalises 15 point draft for talks - DAWN.COM

PESHAWAR: The Taliban Shura has finalised a fifteen point draft for negotiations with the Pakistan government and the draft proposal is likely to be handed over to the peace facilitators and their representatives who are in Waziristan, DawnNews reported.

The Taliban Shura had been meeting since Saturday under its deputy Ameer Sheikh Khalid Haqqani.

Professor Ibrahim Khan and Maulana Yousuf Shah who are in Waziristan for a meeting with the Taliban Shura are likely to convey these points to the committee formed by the government for mediation.

The points are as follows:

1) Stop drone attacks.

2) Introduce Sharia law in courts.

3) Introduce Islamic system of education in both public and private educational institutions.

4) Free Pakistani and foreign Taliban captured in jails.

5) Restoration and remuneration for damage to property during drone attacks.

6) Hand over control of tribal areas to local forces.

7) Withdrawal of army from tribal areas and close down check posts.

8) All criminal allegations held against the Taliban to be dropped.

9) Prisoners from both sides to be released.

10) Equal rights for all, poor and rich.

11) Families of drone attack victims to be offered jobs.

12) End interest based system.

13) Stop supporting the US on the war on terror.

14) Replace the democratic system of governance with the Islamic system.

15) Stop all relations with the US.

R.I.P. Peace Talks (or whatever bullshit one prefers to call this bound-to-doom exercise).

1) Stop drone attacks = Not going to happen.

2) Introduce Sharia law in courts = Shariah courts are already working in parallel to other courts.

3) Introduce Islamic system of education in both public and private educational institutions = Not going to happen in every institution.

4) Free Pakistani and foreign Taliban captured in jails = Not going to happen.

5) Restoration and remuneration for damage to property during drone attacks = Not going to happen.

6) Hand over control of tribal areas to local forces = Not going to happen until insurgency dies out.

7) Withdrawal of army from tribal areas and close down check posts = Not going to happen until insurgency dies out.

8) All criminal allegations held against the Taliban to be dropped = Not going to happen. Blood of over 50,000 Pakistanis is not so cheap.

9) Prisoners from both sides to be released = Not going to happen.

10) Equal rights for all, poor and rich = Doable, at least in academic sense.

11) Families of drone attack victims to be offered jobs = Possible.

12) End interest based system = Possible but will take long time, very long time.

13) Stop supporting the US on the war on terror = Not going to happen.

14) Replace the democratic system of governance with the Islamic system = Ask JI/JUI hippocrates to resign first from NA, PAs and Parliament.

15) Stop all relations with the US = Not going to happen.
Actually this is good.

There are many TTP lovers in Pakistan who continue to say lets negotiate with them and everything will be all right especially people who support Imran Khan.

So now that negotiations are being done and they will utterly fail because the bestial Taliban want to impose Sharia Law on Pakistan and most Pakistanis don`t what that.

So then the Army can be fully utilized to wipe these scum out once and far all.
Actually this is good.

There are many TTP lovers in Pakistan who continue to say lets negotiate with them and everything will be all right especially people who support Imran Khan.

So now that negotiations are being done and they will utterly fail because the bestial Taliban want to impose Sharia Law on Pakistan and most Pakistanis don`t what that.

So then the Army can be fully utilized to wipe these scum out once and far all.

I have never understood the utter hypocrisy of such people. On one hand they scream at the top of their lungs that we should talk to the TTP, but then at the same time refuse to abide by the Shariah that the TTP want to impose. This of course means no internet, TV, no cafes/restaurants (free mixing), no movies, no sports, no kite flying and pretty much anything else that makes folks happy.
Well, these things only make folks think they're happy!

Coming to the TTP and the sharii3ah, can anybody, including the TTP, inform us how would things they've been up to all these years will go down the sharii3ah if not but criminal activity and even sedition? Are they willing to pay up for their crimes or is all this talk of the sharii3ah only, well, talk?
qual rights for all, poor and rich = Do
I have never understood the utter hypocrisy of such people. On one hand they scream at the top of their lungs that we should talk to the TTP, but then at the same time refuse to abide by the Shariah that the TTP want to impose. This of course means no internet, TV, no cafes/restaurants (free mixing), no movies, no sports, no kite flying and pretty much anything else that makes folks happy.

These people are confused. They have been brainwashed from childhood into thinking Pakistan is this great Vanguard of Islam. And they support Jihadist causes in Afghanistan and Kashmir. All the while they themselves enjoy lifestyles that the people Pakistan trained would consider heretic.

So then the TTP turn their guns on Pakistan, these people feel that if you negotiate with them and you can hopefully make them see reason and instead of attacking Pakistanis, they would attack Afghanistan and Kashmir.

Thats their ultimate wish.

What these people fail to understand is that they have created a frankeinstein monster with these Jihadists and are now under no one`s control. They give shelter to foreign terrorists like al Qaeda which brings scorn of the entire world upon Pakistan. And they wish to return to the glory days of the 1990s when Pakistan ruled Afghanistan with the Taliban and those fighters were funneled into Kashmir to fight India.

Now NATO and America will not let Taliban return to Afghanistan and nor will India with its growing international clout allow the restart of the Kashmir Insurgency. And neither will China and Saudi Arabia tolerate more jihadist nonsense.

Pakistan will become a pariah state if it continues down its current Path. And these people are just too stupid to see the writing on the wall.
R.I.P. Peace Talks (or whatever bullshit one prefers to call this bound-to-doom exercise).

1) Stop drone attacks = Not going to happen.

2) Introduce Sharia law in courts = Shariah courts are already working in parallel to other courts.

3) Introduce Islamic system of education in both public and private educational institutions = Not going to happen in every institution.

4) Free Pakistani and foreign Taliban captured in jails = Not going to happen.

5) Restoration and remuneration for damage to property during drone attacks = Not going to happen.

6) Hand over control of tribal areas to local forces = Not going to happen until insurgency dies out.

7) Withdrawal of army from tribal areas and close down check posts = Not going to happen until insurgency dies out.

8) All criminal allegations held against the Taliban to be dropped = Not going to happen. Blood of over 50,000 Pakistanis is not so cheap.

9) Prisoners from both sides to be released = Not going to happen.

10) Equal rights for all, poor and rich = Doable, at least in academic sense.

11) Families of drone attack victims to be offered jobs = Possible.

12) End interest based system = Possible but will take long time, very long time.

13) Stop supporting the US on the war on terror = Not going to happen.

14) Replace the democratic system of governance with the Islamic system = Ask JI/JUI hippocrates to resign first from NA, PAs and Parliament.

15) Stop all relations with the US = Not going to happen.

I think Pakistani side should make only one demand:

1) Go dig a massive grave, shoot each other (members of T-Virus), die, and we'll take care of burying you.
These talks are already a waste of time, their 15 point agenda doesnt make any sense, if the TTP were peace loving abiding people they wouldnt have killed over 50,000 innocents, and shame on stupid GOP for insulting and playing with the emotions of families who have lost their loved ones due to TTP reign of terror. Their tried and tested Shariah has already miserably failed in Swat valley.
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