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TTP press conference in Islamabad

get your indian *** out of here
My friend, no need to use profane language. Such simplistic and ill-informed 'one-liners' deserve to be ignored or reported. Maintain your composure.
Looks like the negotiation has already failed. Pak govt will never accept Sharia. Its like beating a dead elephant. Absolutely no use of negotiation in my opinion.... :( sucks
Lal masjid tragedy triggered violence in khyber pakhtunkhwa, army started getting attacked throughout province.......ghazi abdul rasheed offered to surrender unconditionally at the end after his demand of safe passage was already refused. At the end stage the students coming out of mosque were saying that there are about 2500 women and childen in the compound. This was all covered by media, one can find out by searching youtube...beyond a certain point faujis didnt allow students to leave the mosque, bombardments started and most of the students got killed. Maximum casaulties of female students are put as around 2000 while minimum as around 900. Governament claim 110 deaths which is very weak claim. I dont know why there was need of using white phosphorus on them, ghazi abdul rasheed shaheed was saying to media on phone that they are dropping some chemicals on us which burns down the people. It seems army was possessed by shaitan at that time.
I would equate it with karbala tragedy. I am worried about the fate of those faujis in judgment day who participated in this operation.
Pak govt will never accept Sharia.
Pakistan's constitution of 1973 is based on Islamic laws, hence in true academic sense, Pakistan's constitution is already according to Islamic 'shariah'. So there is no question of accepting 'shariah' or not.

The demands of the state rebels (TTP, Jamaat Islami, Jamiat Ulma Pakistan, and the rest of the so-called Islamic political parties, fractions, and what not) can not be met because they don't want Shariah, they want power to rule Pakistan. They are well aware that Pakistanis have rejected them repeatedly in the general elections carried out from 1970s onwards. So the only way of coming into power is through terrorism. TTP is but one of the fighter wings of the so-called Islamic political parties.

That is why, a military operation against TTP will not achieve much if JI/JUI/others are not targeted in parallel. The madrassas run by JI/JUI are the birthplace of TTP, so it should not be difficult to understand where the epicenter of the problem is located.

Lal masjid tragedy triggered violence in khyber pakhtunkhwa, army started getting attacked throughout province.......ghazi abdul rasheed offered to surrender unconditionally at the end after his demand of safe passage was already refused. At the end stage the students coming out of mosque were saying that there are about 2500 women and childen in the compound. This was all covered by media, one can find out by searching youtube...beyond a certain point faujis didnt allow students to leave the mosque, bombardments started and most of the students got killed. Maximum casaulties of female students are put as around 2000 while minimum as around 900. Governament claim 110 deaths which is very weak claim. I dont know why there was need of using white phosphorus on them, ghazi abdul rasheed shaheed was saying to media on phone that they are dropping some chemicals on us which burns down the people. It seems army was possessed by shaitan at that time.
I would equate it with karbala tragedy. I am worried about the fate of those faujis in judgment day who participated in this operation.
All these number are incorrect and there is no proof of this. Please do not disseminate information for which you do not have a documented proof. According to a hadith, forwarding information without proof is what munafiqeen do. We are in this mess because of our habit of forwarding rumors as facts.

I can only pray that Allah grants you wisdom to see the difference between the martyr of Imam Hussain and Ahl il bait, and the rebels of Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Moderators: Please prevent posters from posting unfounded information. This the least this forum can do to help with Pakistan's war.
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Lal masjid tragedy triggered violence in khyber pakhtunkhwa, army started getting attacked throughout province.......ghazi abdul rasheed offered to surrender unconditionally at the end after his demand of safe passage was already refused. At the end stage the students coming out of mosque were saying that there are about 2500 women and childen in the compound. This was all covered by media, one can find out by searching youtube...beyond a certain point faujis didnt allow students to leave the mosque, bombardments started and most of the students got killed. Maximum casaulties of female students are put as around 2000 while minimum as around 900. Governament claim 110 deaths which is very weak claim. I dont know why there was need of using white phosphorus on them, ghazi abdul rasheed shaheed was saying to media on phone that they are dropping some chemicals on us which burns down the people. It seems army was possessed by shaitan at that time.
I would equate it with karbala tragedy. I am worried about the fate of those faujis in judgment day who participated in this operation.

first of all you are one totally twisted messed up mind, you talk about pashtunistan you parrot pashtun [ashtun, punjab punjabi every time, and then compare maulvi burka to imam hussain , WTF is wrong with you seriously?

will you finally take a rest when the entire pakistan becomes law less piece of land like FATA is, and taliban roam freely chopping people's head like you for not growing beard one millimeter against sunnah?

karbala took place in the open ground, maulvis destroyed the sanctity of mosque and hid weapons there, they used mosque to create anarchy, the local residents were forced to move out of the locality and they occupied children's library

do you seriously think it is islam?

did imam hussain ran in burqa to escape away from the battle?
I am very sad right now by listening to accounts of talibat.
This talk-show has no value of any sort as an evidence in the court of law. This is no evidence period. Even if some (or any number, it makes no difference) females got killed in the action so what? They were rebels of the state. Law does not discriminate between genders when it comes to punishment. Muhammed (PBUH) once said that even if Fatima (his daughter, and Ali's wife) was found guilty of theft, she would be punished as per Islamic laws. If Fatima does not enjoy immunity from punishment, the lal masjid rebels are in no count.
Naak ki seedh may sochnay walay faujis should remember that there always consequences of such use of force.
Because of lal masjid tragedy,
1- Fazlullah gained enermous support in swat against state. In 2009 you had to mobilize 1 lakh faujis and air force to clear malakand.
2- Waziristan tribesmen declared themeselves taliban, extended their influence into rest of FATA and initiated their attacks outsidd tribal areas. You are still unable to get rid of them.

Brother do you know how much is 1 lakh fauj.
"Innocent bachian" of lal masjid had their conference? Were cupcakes and chocolates provided to these "innocent women"?
Slaughter them already.
Lal masjid tragedy triggered violence in khyber pakhtunkhwa, army started getting attacked throughout province.......ghazi abdul rasheed offered to surrender unconditionally at the end after his demand of safe passage was already refused. At the end stage the students coming out of mosque were saying that there are about 2500 women and childen in the compound. This was all covered by media, one can find out by searching youtube...beyond a certain point faujis didnt allow students to leave the mosque, bombardments started and most of the students got killed. Maximum casaulties of female students are put as around 2000 while minimum as around 900. Governament claim 110 deaths which is very weak claim. I dont know why there was need of using white phosphorus on them, ghazi abdul rasheed shaheed was saying to media on phone that they are dropping some chemicals on us which burns down the people. It seems army was possessed by shaitan at that time.
I would equate it with karbala tragedy. I am worried about the fate of those faujis in judgment day who participated in this operation.

What about the fate of the ttp savages on judgement day, who behead people's heads and play football with them?
TTP finalises 15 point draft for talks - DAWN.COM

PESHAWAR: The Taliban Shura has finalised a fifteen point draft for negotiations with the Pakistan government and the draft proposal is likely to be handed over to the peace facilitators and their representatives who are in Waziristan, DawnNews reported.

The Taliban Shura had been meeting since Saturday under its deputy Ameer Sheikh Khalid Haqqani.

Professor Ibrahim Khan and Maulana Yousuf Shah who are in Waziristan for a meeting with the Taliban Shura are likely to convey these points to the committee formed by the government for mediation.

The points are as follows:

1) Stop drone attacks.

2) Introduce Sharia law in courts.

3) Introduce Islamic system of education in both public and private educational institutions.

4) Free Pakistani and foreign Taliban captured in jails.

5) Restoration and remuneration for damage to property during drone attacks.

6) Hand over control of tribal areas to local forces.

7) Withdrawal of army from tribal areas and close down check posts.

8) All criminal allegations held against the Taliban to be dropped.

9) Prisoners from both sides to be released.

10) Equal rights for all, poor and rich.

11) Families of drone attack victims to be offered jobs.

12) End interest based system.

13) Stop supporting the US on the war on terror.

14) Replace the democratic system of governance with the Islamic system.

15) Stop all relations with the US.
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