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TTP Offers Conditional Ceasefire to Govt Of Pakistan

Sir I know how much people of Swat love Army and how much they hate them I know it very well and Army knows it they haven't succeed in swat they just pushed Taliban back for a little while but as government is doing nothing not negotiations and also no implementing the law which was passed so the moment Army will return they will be back and back with full power

Yes women would be allowed to dive yes their will be cricket and soccer but for women stadiums will be covered no movie theaters no women will have to cover up except for face and hands yes they would be allowed to work but in the environment where they are no men or they have to interact with men only few times yes minorities would have lot of rights Interest will be eliminated and many other things

well I can't change your mind be happy with your TTP power, Army succeeded in eliminating terrorism elements in swat and it did very well, I remember during operation I was told By my army friend, we hit them and we are hitting them way more hard than what we did to Indians, there is hope in the eyes of people in swat and happiness, stability there are no more weekly public killings what ttp thought was game to play and for Government yes to some extent I agree they should have put more efforts in putting social norms but work is there in small scale. Right now army have reduced it operations in swats to least compared to what was back then much of operations are under hands of local forces now, I will end this argument, you can't impose your school of thoughts on anyone else by force because ALLAH Almighty didn't gave you this right in first place and all the theories that these radical mullahs keep uttering holds no value for the person who is educated, over here majority public of Pakistan holds opinion against these radical terrorists and will so.
Such nonsensical drivel can only come out from a turd that has just half a brain cell. I wonder why juveniles jump in to comment on such serious topics? Knuckleheads and feather-brains must finish basic schooling first to avoid spewing such baloney.

Amigo there were unlimited proof of Indian involvement during SWA operation weapons, medicines, clothing etc. there were tons & tons of proof of Indian support to the terrorists to fight against Pakistan. Just youtube it & you will find the videos, don't want to waste time here with people who never admit anything.
Zarvan do you think before you post? In short you are saying you want Taliban rule in Pakistan.

We are the founders of modern day secularism (research Averoes) and we are the ones making suggestions of imposing things and locking women up in their homes.

Zarvan I have always held that only an insecure, weak mind whose ideology is extremely weak feels the need to impose his ideology through the use of laws and demands. Its imbecilic policy and all it is doing is showing to the world that while they are advancing we are stuck on inconsequential issues such as ethnicity, provincialism, regionalism, religious differences or sect. If one doesn't think too highly of his ethnic group he turns out to be a religious bigot.

If we had been strong, developed ourselves... not given up ijtehad, the ancient form of debate our scholars started with "I may be wrong but" (the height of tolerance) we would have been elsewhere today. Do you know from where modern secularism comes? It comes from a Moorish Muslim named Averoes.

Many Muslims in our past have been close to it including Akbar who introduced the Din E Ilahi (another form of Ijtehad-scholarly debate) and Pir Roshan who ran an ancient secular movement known as the Roshaniya. At that time people were following our ideology, our scientific developments were being introduced in the west. Now look at us. We are stuck at non-consequential issues.

I suggest you stop making Islam look so weak and do something productive... in this time and age the best thing you can do is educate or help the poor move to a better standard of living since they make up about 70% of our countries population. Religion is not something to be imposed... once someone starts believing he has to impose something his ideology is weak. If we were rich, powerful and strong we would automatically dominate.

That will never happen when takfiri Taliban decide to attack our military institutions, damage our orions and other facilities.

The TTP are children of Abdul Wahab. Research his history if you want and find out how many women and children he killed and how he was supported by the British.

Do that you will pay heavy price.... They don't fear death, your army does...

It would be wise if you keep your nonsense comments to yourself.
Amigo there were unlimited proof of Indian involvement during SWA operation weapons, medicines, clothing etc. there were tons & tons of proof of Indian support to the terrorists to fight against Pakistan. Just youtube it & you will find the videos, don't want to waste time here with people who never admit anything.

Unlimitted proof..?A picture of russian PKM machine gun passed of as Indian Vickers machine gun..Thats all the "unlimitted" proof conspiracy theorists have to show indian support to TTP..
@Xestan any thoughts? your fellow countrymen has conflicting opinions on sharia... zarvan saheb thinks women should not work with men, the state will decide if women's attire, No movie theaters... women would be segregated in stadiums

Segregation of gender is there. But it's not really that extreme which Mr. Zarvan makes it sound. Don't take everything you hear from my countrymen seriously. It takes years of research and a cool mind to say something about Sharia'ah. As I said before, leave it for some other time. We'll have a cup of coffee on this one ;)
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You indian cant stop posting rants in such threads and cry over rape threads.

I seriously have to agree here. Its borderline trolling and often these comments have the ability to enrage.

By the way Azad Pakistan, my reports suggest that they have even destroyed some Zarrar's. Tanks are unfit for mountain warfare anyway and shouldn't even have been there. APC's are the right tool to deal with infrantry. Tanks for vehicles and buildings. Ever play tiberium wars?
I seriously have to agree here. Its borderline trolling and often these comments have the ability to enrage.

By the way Azad Pakistan, my reports suggest that they have even destroyed some Zarrar's. Tanks are unfit for mountain warfare anyway and shouldn't even have been there. APC's are the right tool to deal with infrantry. Tanks for vehicles and buildings. Ever play tiberium wars?

In the above attacks? NO . Your reports are suggesting wrong. as far as my direct sources are concerned no Tank destroyed neither any was deployed on these check posts.
Amigo there were unlimited proof of Indian involvement during SWA operation weapons, medicines, clothing etc. there were tons & tons of proof of Indian support to the terrorists to fight against Pakistan. Just youtube it & you will find the videos, don't want to waste time here with people who never admit anything.
One word - PROOF?

Mate, you guys have been shouting from the rooftops about Indian involvement, but when asked to provide proof, it's zilch, nix, nada!

So don't keep tilting at windmills and stop the kite flying. It doesn't impress anyone.
well I can't change your mind be happy with your TTP power, Army succeeded in eliminating terrorism elements in swat and it did very well, I remember during operation I was told By my army friend, we hit them and we are hitting them way more hard than what we did to Indians, there is hope in the eyes of people in swat and happiness, stability there are no more weekly public killings what ttp thought was game to play and for Government yes to some extent I agree they should have put more efforts in putting social norms but work is there in small scale. Right now army have reduced it operations in swats to least compared to what was back then much of operations are under hands of local forces now, I will end this argument, you can't impose your school of thoughts on anyone else by force because ALLAH Almighty didn't gave you this right in first place and all the theories that these radical mullahs keep uttering holds no value for the person who is educated, over here majority public of Pakistan holds opinion against these radical terrorists and will so.
And I have people in Army who are posted their and they are pressurizing government to start talks so the move back they are fed up of this war its just like a cat and mouse chase they reach them first the mouse goes to other place they reach other place they return back to first one

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