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TTP Offers Conditional Ceasefire to Govt Of Pakistan

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@Hyperion : Rora, yeh tum Banu ka Pathan kubbb seh hogiyaa ? :blink:

Aur Luffy yaaar Bannu ka Pashtun Waziristan seh kiyun descend kareiii ga ? :undecided:

Quick... say something about his tribe... ask him about Marwats, his background... before he goes off about oppression of lar Pashtuns and Mother Afghanistan, zama mor, zama kor, oh Afghanistan taso pa khabar de d gwal... :cry:

Do it fast so I can go to sleep in peace. If he posts another rubbish I would be obliged to respond ASAP :angry:
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I disagree with your narrative of the tribals having liberated Kashmir, as the local populace in both AJK and G&B did rise up against the Maharaja, and before that, a civilian struggle was in play from the 1930s. The Armed Struggle towards the end was a fruit of the labours of Kashmiri resistance both privately (that is to say, dissent against the regime and their puppets - peasants rising up against feudals).

Though the Tribals did help in the cause, for which they have my respect and thanks, I am not sure whether it was in the best of interests for Kashmir for their involvement (but one cannot fathom too much on the past and what could have been done, it is hopeless and as Buddha saying goes: "Dwell not on the past, dream not of the future, focus the mind on the present").

What is interesting to note is the fact that looters (and some were much worse than that) were blamed on the tribes as a whole, even just after partitition, which raises the question in my mind: Is collective punishment and terming a British-era relic that were are oblivious to? I think so, at the time of writing this post, as it existed during the British era against other ethnic groups but has been mostly eradicated, but due to the ruggedness and undeveloped nature of FATA, which has only led to its political isolation and lack of person-to-person interaction which breaks down such barriers, this mentality persists.
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@Kashmiri Nationalist : Dude what happened to this guy : http://www.defence.pk/forums/members-introduction/37250-pakistan-zindabad-new-member.html#post527292

How did we loose a 'Proud Pakistani from England' to one who'd rather an Independent Kashmir & is scathingly critical of the State of Pakistan; mind it not the government but the State ? Who'd put Kashmir before Pakistan.

Have you ever asked him? He could be working for the unification of Kashmir with Pakistan... a number of Kashmiris do that... they say azadi, azadi, azadi and it basically means merger with Pakistan.

I think we had a guy from Srinagar who had lost his family there and stuff and demanded very vociferously that Kashmir join Pakistan Was it @waz? :what:
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Quick... say something about his tribe... ask him about Marwats, his background... before he goes off about oppression of lar Pashtuns and Mother Afghanistan, zama mor, zama kor, oh Afghanistan taso pa khabar de d gwal... :cry:

Do it fast so I can go to sleep in peace. If he posts another rubbish I would be obliged to respond ASAP :angry:

All I know is that @Monkey D Luffy hai Peshawar ki ranniii aur mein Lahore ka Rajaaa ! :kiss3:
@Hyperion : Oh Christ where did this Bannu ka Pashtun pop up in me ! :fie:

Have you ever asked him? He could be working for the unification of Kashmir with Pakistan... a number of Kashmiris do that... they say azadi, azadi, azadi and it basically means merger with Pakistan.

I think we had a guy from Srinagar who had lost his family there and stuff and demanded very vociferously that Kashmir join Pakistan Was it @waz? :what:

Hey I'm from Srinagar too; well in terms of descent ! My folks come from Khreu a village near Gulmarg which in turn is about a 50 or so miles from Srinagar !

I need to exchange notes with this Waz fellow !
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@Kashmiri Nationalist : Dude what happened to this guy : http://www.defence.pk/forums/members-introduction/37250-pakistan-zindabad-new-member.html#post527292

How did we loose a 'Proud Pakistani from England' to one who'd rather an Independent Kashmir & is scathingly critical of the State of Pakistan; mind it not the government but the State ? Who'd put Kashmir before Pakistan.

I still love Pakistan as a nation :pakistan: Infact, I'm probably the first to raise objection to any attacks against Pakistan by others in the UK. But being Kashmiri was always, and still is an integral part of me - I admire Jinnah strongly, and his vision, but think that the best solution for the Kashmir problem is an indigenous solution by Kashmiris, otherwise the solution will continue to be in its current dire predicament and can only worsen (neither Pakistan nor India will budge an inch on the LoC).

An independent Kashmir is not a separatist Kashmir for Pakistan, in my opinion. There is enough respect, compassion and cultural similarities for both to live side by side, peacefully.
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@haviZsultan @Armstrong

Kashmiri Nationalism is something that I always feel is more patriotism than nationalism. Regarding those Kashmiris that wish a merger with Pakistan, they are the same to me as those that want an independent Kashmir. More of my patrioism is based on self-determination than a burning desire for an independent Kashmiri nation (the will of the Kashmiri people as a collective is what comes first, our individual -isms and exploitation by barons and leaders is what has led us to this mess today), so to summarise, which is quite a bit harder, I have two beliefs:

1. Self-determination for the the Kashmiri people (with an option for an independent Kashmir).
2. An Independent Kashmir is perhaps, the best option amicable to all sides, due to not wanting to marginalise or alienate non-Muslim Kashmiris and naturally, it is the best 'workable' solution.
2.2 This ties in to '2', any solution, including self-determination, must come from Kashmiris and not the outside. For too long we have allowed our destiny to be shaped by other people.

Liberation is not only breaking the shackles of oppression, but also what is in my signature - education and the eradication of close-minded mentalities.
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I disagree with your narrative of the tribals having liberated Kashmir, as the local populace in both AJK and G&B did rise up against the Maharaja, and before that, a civilian struggle was in play from the 1930s. The Armed Struggle towards the end was a fruit of the labours of Kashmiri resistance both privately (that is to say, dissent against the regime and their puppets - peasants rising up against feudals).

Though the Tribals did help in the cause, for which they have my respect and thanks, I am not sure whether it was in the best of interests for Kashmir for their involvement (but one cannot fathom too much on the past and what could have been done, it is hopeless and as Buddha saying goes: "Dwell not on the past, dream not of the future, focus the mind on the present").

What is interesting to note is the fact that looters (and some were much worse than that) were blamed on the tribes as a whole, even just after partitition, which raises the question in my mind: Is collective punishment and terming a British-era relic that were are oblivious to? I think so, at the time of writing this post, as it existed during the British era against other ethnic groups but has been mostly eradicated, but due to the ruggedness and undeveloped nature of FATA, which has only led to its political isolation and lack of person-to-person interaction which breaks down such barriers, this mentality persists.

It is your personal opinion. For me its inconsequential who liberated it in the end. Its our peoples now... it belongs to the Kashmiri people who on this side of the LOC identify themselves as Pakistani and that is all that matters. meena mee de Pashtun... thats my business and I am not insecure about our achievements.

You just said this ethnic stuff is rubbish. It is. You will never see me like Luffy involved in ethnic *censored* measuring contests (though Luffy measures the length of hair around the groin as well in a pubescent hopes that he will be able to beat everyone else) as since day one I have advocated that ethnicity is inconsequential... our country is a union of several races and much of my efforts are to build ethnic unity.

Do not fall prey to it yourself Kashmiri Nationalist. Our cultures are great and beautiful in their ways. The kingdoms of the Dogra's are a part of our culture and history, as is the empire of Ahmed Shah Durrani, as are the Talpurs, as are the Rind and Lashari nations. Together they make us who we are. Our job is not to argue ours is better than the other. :)

Pakistan Zindabad.
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I still love Pakistan as a nation :pakistan: Infact, I'm probably the first to raise objection to any attacks against Pakistan by others in the UK. But being Kashmiri was always, and still is an integral part of me - I admire Jinnah strongly, and his vision, but think that the best solution for the Kashmir problem is an indigenous solution by Kashmiris, otherwise the solution will continue to be in its current dire predicament and can only worsen (neither Pakistan nor India will budge an inch on the LoC).

An independent Kashmir is not a separatist Kashmir for Pakistan, in my opinion. There is enough respect, compassion and cultural similarities for both to live side by side, peacefully.

The wishes of Kashmiris should be respected - Both the Governments & the People of Pakistan have reiterated that always ! The governments have indeed let down the Kashmiris with their procrastination, mismanagement & outright imbecility but never the People !

The common Pakistani wouldn't care if Kashmir were to join Pakistan or become Independent - It pretty much means the same for us, though with a tinge of regret for the latter.

On my part, I suppose, I being an ethnic Kashmiri, would never be able to come to terms, on an emotional & nationalistic level, with a Kashmir that doesn't want to be a part of Pakistan. I suppose I love Quaid-e-Azam, Iqbal & Pakistan too much to see it any other way.

Perhaps a closure of the Kashmir conflict would give some rest to the older generation of my family who first lost loved ones who were cut down when fleeing Jammu in '48 & then at the height of the insurgency in Pro-Pakistan rallies !
So many have died on both sides, so much loss of life, in my family too i have seen several members succumb to this war of attrition, many of my own family would say i tarnish and disrespect their sacrifice by what i am about to say, but being a father myself i could not bare to see another weeping mother or another father burying their son. I have seen too much death in our own motherland, to have it bare on any other is a tremendous burden on my own morality.

I would love to see the day both India and Pakistan can allow the Kashmir people to choose their own destiny under the watchful eye of global observers, sadly such a time would never come in our lifetime.

Perhaps someday, we can all hope and pray.
@Hyperion : So are you still at work or are you at home ? :what:

And ask Bhabi to make me some Nihari as well ! :smitten:
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@Kashmiri Nationalist : Dude what happened to this guy : http://www.defence.pk/forums/members-introduction/37250-pakistan-zindabad-new-member.html#post527292

How did we loose a 'Proud Pakistani from England' to one who'd rather an Independent Kashmir & is scathingly critical of the State of Pakistan; mind it not the government but the State ? Who'd put Kashmir before Pakistan.

You are quite different kashmiri, perhaps because you are settled in lahore. We have lot of kashmiris in ayub medical complex, they are critical of pakistan and talks of independant kashmir.
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The wishes of Kashmiris should be respected - Both the Governments & the People of Pakistan have reiterated that always ! The governments have indeed let down the Kashmiris with their procrastination, mismanagement & outright imbecility but never the People !

The common Pakistani wouldn't care if Kashmir were to join Pakistan or become Independent - It pretty much means the same for us, though with a tinge of regret for the latter.

On my part, I suppose, I being an ethnic Kashmiri, would never be able to come to terms, on an emotional & nationalistic level, with a Kashmir that doesn't want to be a part of Pakistan. I suppose I love Quaid-e-Azam, Iqbal & Pakistan too much to see it any other way.

Perhaps a closure of the Kashmir conflict would give some rest to the older generation of my family who first lost loved ones who were cut down when fleeing Jammu in '48 & then at the height of the insurgency in Pro-Pakistan rallies !

It can't happen yaar. Guy in Azad Kashmir assures me... vote for it now... we Azad Kashmiris will go with Pakistan. Its on the Indian side where people mainly want independence and in Jammu and Ladakh want to remain in India. There a poll shows 87% of Kashmiris want freedom. I should have asked the fellow if he would still go for Pakistan if there was an option of Kashmir, both Pakistani administered and IOK coming together as one. But I think we nationalists lack a proper effort in Kashmiri. Time to set up a branch in Muzaffarabad.

Kashmiri nationalist still has to decide how he will deal with this difference in wishes between Pakistan side and the Indian side. Not each Kashmiri wants the same thing. Major issue... proven to be true with Pashtuns too, both Afghan and Pakistani.
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