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TTP Offers Conditional Ceasefire to Govt Of Pakistan

How about my offer of an interview for my book so I can clear a few things (you will be rewarded with a mention in my book) or send a message to webbie for my promotion to Jr think tank.

Now that wont be hard for @Hyperion ! :D Will the proposed interview be broadcasted live from Janan nightclub , Kabul ? :P
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So there are grades of Pashtuns?

Mehsuds being A grade?

We need TaimiKhan here.

Only he can tell us what is going on over there.

Well he ain't a Mehsud or a Wazir nor is he a Suleimankhel ! Which leaves us with Bhittanis, Burkis & Dawars.

I suppose we can leave the Dawars out as well because the number of their tribesmen is too small plus he ain't ballsy enough to be from North Waziristan ! :bunny:

He isn't a Burki either & the Bhittanis do seem to fit the picture in terms of their numbers, their enmity with the Mehsuds & their religious & cultural dispositions !
@Hyperion : Abbb suspense khataam bhii kar dooo bhaii ! :blink:
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@Monkey D Luffy : If @Hyperion turns out to be a Bhittani then hes probably closer to you Marvats than you think ! :eek:
@Kashmiri Nationalist : Yaraa ummmer guzaaar gaiii lekin abhii tukk pataa nahin chal sakaa keh tum Buttt, Dar, Mir, Khawaja, Sheikh etc. mein seiii kiyaaa hooo ? :undecided:
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@Monkey D Luffy : If @Hyperion turns out to be a Bhittani then hes probably closer to you Marvats than you think ! :eek:
@Kashmiri Nationalist : Yaraa ummmer guzaaar gaiii lekin abhii tukk pataa nahin chal sakaa keh tum Buttt, Dar, Mir, Khawaja, Sheikh etc. mein seiii kiyaaa hooo ? :undecided:

If you remember when you asked me about hyperion ii told you that hyperion can not be a wazir, later he revealed that he is indeed not a wazir....in my opinion he is not even a bhittani......either he is bannuchi or khattak.....
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If you remember when you asked me about hyperion ii told you that hyperion can not be a wazir, later he revealed that he is indeed not a wazir....in my opinion he is not even a bhittani......either he is bannuchi or khattak.....

He never claimed to be a Wazir ! :what:

And he sure as hell can't be a Khattak & @Hyperion knows why I say that ! :rofl:

And who are Bannuchis ? :undecided:
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@Monkey D Luffy : If @Hyperion turns out to be a Bhittani then hes probably closer to you Marvats than you think ! :eek:
@Kashmiri Nationalist : Yaraa ummmer guzaaar gaiii lekin abhii tukk pataa nahin chal sakaa keh tum Buttt, Dar, Mir, Khawaja, Sheikh etc. mein seiii kiyaaa hooo ? :undecided:

If anything disgusts me more than extremists, it's ethnic sh*t. For me, Kashmir is as it was pre-1947, and nothing else should matter; that said, I do believe in having cultural harmony, and appreciating all cultures and colours of Kashmir (then again a part of me will always be a bit Pakistani ;) ).

Don't take my words harshly though, I stalk posts here often and usually only post when something needs to be clarified, or a debate-like issue which is based on logic, fact and not on "issues on the ground" (i.e., it's pointless making 1000 posts in Kashmir section on the same issue as no matter how much you post, nothing will move the situation on the ground; on the other hand, political ideologies, policy, etc are what I prefer to take part in).

But, uh... take a guess. Shouldn't be too hard seeing my current location :D
@Armstrong see my last thread in Member's Section.
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If you remember when you asked me about hyperion ii told you that hyperion can not be a wazir, later he revealed that he is indeed not a wazir....in my opinion he is not even a bhittani......either he is bannuchi or khattak.....

I think he doesn't want to reveal his tribe affiliation as by doing so, he would undermine the perceived neutrality of his post. After all, we all look at things through a specific lens, and that is our fault, not anybody elses.

When Monkey d luffy, Armstrong and Hyperion are talking among themselves you can easily guess that they r talking about type of Pathans. Armstrong you seem to.be obsessed about Pathans.. :lol: j/king...

Pathans are nice people man. :/
I really like this thread, @haviZsultan just wanted to thank you for a very detailed and well informed post. As for grades of Pashtun tribes... I don't feel that needs commenting on to be fair.

Anyway, my two cents. This offer for a ceasefire is the first sign of a show of weakness by the TTP, as the season progresses you will see more of this. There is great turmoil in the camps, lets see what 2013 brings us.
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If anything disgusts me more than extremists, it's ethnic sh*t. For me, Kashmir is as it was pre-1947, and nothing else should matter; that said, I do believe in having cultural harmony, and appreciating all cultures and colours of Kashmir (then again a part of me will always be a bit Pakistani ;) ).

Don't take my words harshly though, I stalk posts here often and usually only post when something needs to be clarified, or a debate-like issue which is based on logic, fact and not on "issues on the ground" (i.e., it's pointless making 1000 posts in Kashmir section on the same issue as no matter how much you post, nothing will move the situation on the ground; on the other hand, political ideologies, policy, etc are what I prefer to take part in).

But, uh... take a guess. Shouldn't be too hard seeing my current location :D
@Armstrong see my last thread in Member's Section.

I don't give a wooden nickle about one's ethnicity either; God knows I've cracked more jokes about us Buttts using every stereotype in the book, than anyone ! :rofl:

'then again a part of me will always be a bit Pakistani' - You've know idea how much that made me swell with pride, brother ! :tup:
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He is very well informed. Unbiassed. Almost as good as me! :P

The only thing he lacks is the political and tribal connections. :D

I really like this thread, @haviZsultan just wanted to thank you for a very detailed and well informed post. As for grades of Pashtun tribes... I don't feel that needs commenting on to be fair.

Anyway, my two cents. This offer for a ceasefire is the first sign of a show of weakness by the TTP, as the season progresses you will see more of this. There is great turmoil in the camps, lets see what 2013 brings us.
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Honestly , if I ever get the authority , I will rip open his grave , get his rotten bones and hang them as a warning that shall serve as a deterrent to every extremist that is ever born in Pakistan ! This son of a ***** destroyed the whole country purposely through his Islamization and portrayal of Soviet threat which honestly was never there , the USSR was never going to invade Pakistan ... A war we should never have fought for US , Afghans and KSA , because these Afghans had been fighting for 200 years , what hope was there for them then ? They started a civil war again right after their liberation as expected ... Wouldn't the USSR proxy Govt had run the country better than that ? ... People bash Musharraf when it was Zia who started the very mess in the first place ... Created a whole breed of psychopathic extremist who have now mutated and evolved into Taliban ... That did it , we have instability and almost total economic halt in the country since 80's !

I , personally respect you as a rational patriot and very knowledgeable member on the subject ... You can judge how many people care by the number of thanks given to your highly detailed posts ... So , dont think like that and do not stop posting ... At least , we now know the actual ground reality in the trouble areas thanks to you !

I agree. Its a huge error. You can never play with your people like that and you should never interfere in another country unless there is a very solid gain for you. I could comment on this further... but the thing is I have done so on multiple occasions and I usually look at the final result. Its a bygone... but we can salvage something from here.

I thank you Secur. The change started when I saw Altaf's speech. I still identified strongly as a Mahajir at that time, but I was a Nationalist even then... maybe much stronger and more emotional than I am now. When I saw that speech on partition I nearly cried. I wanted to break the laptop screen. That was the start of a marked change. You can check my 2007-08 posts... I would be sympathetic to MQM and ethnic politics. After that ethnic politics and those who divided my people became an enemy.

A serious question , brother !

Is FATA even a part of the country if we cant implement our writ there since 60+ years ! :what: ... What do you mean by nobody can control them ? Cant we educate them , give them their political identity and integrate them with the rest of Pakistan ? It's starting to look like that we have these tribal areas , only for name's sake ... We cant wander in there , My Govt cant properly interfere in the matter and the tribal heads act like gods ... For obvious reasons then , tribes can be manipulated easily then to work against Pakistan ... What is happening there ? There are tribes in other parts of Pakistan too ! But they aren't like that ...

I agree. Its fairly easy to use tribal cohesiveness to form a movement. People are loyal to their tribe and eventually some flock to it just because its about their tribe... some are criminals by nature. I include one such person in my book which is set in Ladha, SW

But the thing is my book tries to promote the other side actually-which is the side of Pashtuns as not just what we hear on the news (terrorists) but as the victims... look at things from the narrative of the local people.

Before I start to reply, take a look at this. Very old article from 2008 when Swat hadn't been cleared but an excerpt:
Surviving on $80 a month
Most of Pakistan's 383,000 police are poorly paid constables. Malik Naveed Khan, who heads the force of 55,000 in the North West Frontier Province, said he has one policeman for every 364 miles of some of the most dangerous terrain in the world.

"Insurgents can see when I go someplace and wait for me to return and kill me," he said. "It isn't my own death that I fear, but every time there is an attack, it demoralizes the whole police force."

Khan said his men fight with World War II-vintage, single-shot weapons against the rapid-fire Kalashnikov rifles carried by the militants. The police go out on patrol without bulletproof vests or helmets. And of Khan's 18 armored personnel carriers, six are 1960s-era Soviet models that break down so often he now sends a mechanic along with the police.

A Pakistani constable makes about $80 a month, compared with about $170 for a Taliban foot soldier, Khan said.

Even in death, militants do better than the Pakistani police. Militant groups pay more than $20,000 to the families of suicide bombers, compared with $6,000 given to a policeman's survivor, Khan said.

Pakistan police losing terrorism fight - World news - South and Central Asia - Pakistan | NBC News

See in a region where GDP per capita... these tribals are ready to fight for us. They liberated 3/5th of Kashmir which is now Pakistani Kashmir but the issue is when a region is deprived, the unemployment and illiteracy rate as I demonstrated before is extremely low... how can we not expect this exact same thing to happen? There are no jobs. Its like Congo/Zaire man. You pay someone $200 monthly they will surely join you.

I believe there is a foreign hand or a hand of someone very powerful is involved... but I am a liberal. When I say this among other liberals (being a Nationalist I don't always just like ramming the blame onto ISI without proof) they just laugh, so I usually don't say it. Next I will prove why I believe so

Now this is from an article I wrote. Its an excerpt from our collective study on the Taliban's finances though these are outdated figures... I compiled the figures in this article and wrote it but they collected the figures:

To give the Taliban their due however they have indeed developed a source of funding in Pakistan over time. According to analysts the primary known sources of the Taliban’s wealth are donations from its sympathizers, looting of supply convoys, kidnap for ransom and extortion of protection money. Recent reports indicate that Taliban are even involved in bank robberies in major Pakistani cities such as Karachi while it has also been speculated that a great deal of the poppy growth cultivation in Afghanistan directly benefits the Pakistani Taliban. According to the past governor of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa this reserve seems to be increasing by approximately $45 Million annually. This in itself is a large figure. In fact it is actually just about half of what the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has been capable of spending on the war on terror. The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government spent about $89.5 Million on law and order according to the 2009-10 National budget. [6]

According to analysts the Taliban has also accumulated around $250-400 Million of wealth over time. Therefore the word that the Taliban is operating its own government with its own standing finances stands correct. [6]

If any further evidence of this is required, according to a report from Dawn a single Pakistani police constable makes about $80 a month while a Taliban foot soldier in Pakistan makes $170 per month. Even in death the government cannot match up to the Taliban. The heir of a dead policeman receives about $6000 while a suicide bombers family is often given sums of over $20000 [7]. The total number of Taliban troops and terrorists associated with other radical organizations operating under the umbrella of the Tehreek E Taliban Pakistan is 35,000. Using the figures and multiplying the yearly expenditure of the Taliban on salaries for its fighters and compensation for the families of suicide bombers the figures add to $72 Million. This is more than the $45 Million they are earning.

Given that the organization has spent approximately $72 Million of its wealth to pay their bombers and their foot soldiers it still leaves the question of acquisition of arms, weaponry and other expenses for its fighters. If that isn’t enough to prove that the Taliban is a power to be reckoned with even bolder is the announcement of Hakeemullah Mahsud, the Taliban commander that the Taliban can give $20 Million in aid to the government to provide for the flood victims of Pakistan if the American aid for the floods is rejected.

It is certainly clear that the Taliban is earning more than $45 Million annually and that money is not enough to maintain the group’s terrorist activities. It is also clear that to spend $72 Million yearly they would have to have another income source. This definitely means that either someone from outside is supporting the Taliban or the Taliban have even more sources of income that have not come under the scrutiny of Pakistani analysts and officials.

Bisecting Tehreek E Taliban Pakistan

Do note that not all fighters are paid... but a large section of them are being paid... where is the money coming from and no one has an answer there.

The moment we criticize US policy the hawks jump at us even though I am sitting in another country but they can't stop the Taliban? Are they trying to tell us they can't stop these people? In this article I outlined many things and with a team struggled for months to figure out their finances. But the thing is my paper has no value... no one will believe it. I can keep working for my country but is there any opportunity for me?

I think its easy to look down on FATA people... when they were fighting for us they became assets... now that their regions are the heart of the Taliban they become a headache. I suggest:
1) Development in FATA, basically this is the game-changer. Employment opportunities and literacy will automatically improve things.
2) End of the FCR-short for Frontier Crimes Regulation which holds an entire tribe responsible for the action of few miscreants. What this is doing is allowing a person to go to Bannu kidnap people and then escape any punishment just by paying part of the ransom money he receives. To FATIAN's its a negative too because basically there have been times when the army has razed entire villages based on this old British era law because they found a suicide jacket factory. In FATA because of the tradition of Badal-which means revenge you can't do this. Internecine warfare between locals is extremely common here.
3) Political parties being allowed to operate openly and FATA people being allowed to develop a party of their own.
4) Stop keeping FATA off-limits. Even westerners can get there more easily. (We should have done this before though because now its much more unsafe)
5) Urbanization... there was a bill signed and Khar in Bajaur was chosen as a location... basically look at the Zimbabwe example... many scattered communities with a low population in scattered, remote villages. They moved them to places where they could more easily provide basic facilities.

I could think of more ideas but I usually think when I know those ideas will get somewhere. I just feel useless when I know I am just a plastic soldier with no value. I thank you Secur and am glad to know you, @A.Rafay, @Hyperion, @Armstrong, @Andromache @AstanoshKhan and many good people are on defence.pk.

Also by saying no one could control the tribals... I meant by force! I am basically a person who receives information from a number of sources who are in Waziristan or the tribal areas, I filter it with my nationalism but there are some people who have stories... they say we always were loyal to Pakistan...never sided with the Taliban and our homes were destroyed. And 80% of these take place during artillery bombardment and airstrikes which I really believe have the potential to make us lose this war. :angry:

I am with the army 100% secur... but you see its not helping win the war if we by mistake hit Taliban. We have also blown up the main market of Makeen 3 times. For what? its collective punishment to the local people, the villagers. We can't be oblivious to this. Patriotism doesn't mean we ignore things like this.

Secur, the ways of the tribals are different. But we Pakistanis are a federation. I am not by birth a Pashtun... our family would piss everywhere in fear if they even saw a Wazir marriage-even the Attan is firing everywhere :lol:. We are very meek people. But I understand that the only way is to love our people and respect them and the culture... if I adopt another culture, khair de! I will build unity... and i love Pashtuns too!
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