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Truth About Indian-Occupied Kashmir: What do the Kashmiris Want?

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To the Indians, i want to ask. Is there any government policies being practiced that makes Kashmiris dislike Indians so much? Besides the presence of a large army in their state, what is the basis for the hatred?

Probably Article 370, which stops integration of Kashmir into mainstream Indian society..
Probably Article 370, which stops integration of Kashmir into mainstream Indian society..

I have read about that. Major blunder and to me, very illogical move from the Indian government. Indians should take a leaf from the way the Chinese have handled the Uighur separatist issue.
The whole of Kashmir should have went to Pakistan if partition was done on the basis of religion. But that did not happen and past is past.

To the Indians, i want to ask. Is there any government policies being practiced that makes Kashmiris dislike Indians so much? Besides the presence of a large army in their state, what is the basis for the hatred?

And if i could speak to this crowd, i would ask. Why not just migrate to Pakistan?

the kasmiri's know better than you what is the current situation in pakistan, they are asking for an independent nation, not a merger with pakistan, it would be better for kashmiri's to go in exile rather than be a part of a falling nation.if partition was to be done on relegious line's then there are many more muslim constituency's in india why not pakistan go on a war and claim them??? pakistan s not interested in the religion of kashmiri's , it is interested in kashmir from were it get's all its water
I know very well the history of Kashmir, my friend :)

So to you, it is basically an economical problem? Correct me if i am wrong, if the economy improves and terrorism stops, the Kashmiri's will stop demanding Azadi?

Anyway personally, I hope the LOC is made into the international border and India and Pakistan move on from this issue. It has been too long, there are more important issues in both countries such as economic, poverty and the citizens well being :tup:

The problem is not economic.Deteriorating economy is one of the many fallouts of decades of turmoil going on in that region.There is bound to be a lot of issues in a region which is the fighting yard of two neighbours for such a long time,all kinds of issues,economical,social,political.Now the economic issue is the one that hits a common man in the hardest manner.Hence it is one of the most prominent issue.

The economy of the state is rapidly improving,India has demobilized a sizable chunk of its army out of Kashmir as well,and the situation is getting better day by day.Anti India sentiments can also be observed to rapidly diminishing in the state.So,yes,economy can be taken as a marker for peace,prosperity and unity in the state.
the kasmiri's know better than you what is the current situation in pakistan, they are asking for an independent nation, not a merger with pakistan, it would be better for kashmiri's to go in exile rather than be a part of a falling nation.if partition was to be done on relegious line's then there are many more muslim constituency's in india why not pakistan go on a war and claim them??? pakistan s not interested in the religion of kashmiri's , it is interested in kashmir from were it get's all its water

Independent Kashmir nation? All land-locked and surrounded by India and Pakistan, life would be hard for them, innit?

Let me state here that personally, i don't believe in the idea of partitioning a country on the basis of religion. But if it has to be done, then a proper partition would have seen Kashmir go purely on the basis of a Muslim majority. That is the truth.

Yes, i have read about the rivers that flow out of Kashmir. Makes the situation all the complicated :disagree:
Indians here would close their eyes and ears and pretend this is a nightmare. Or behave like it is not reality.

But them keep dreaming wouldn't change the facts. My analysis is once the problems of Afghanistan are sorted India turn is next. It has to be done, we do not have any other options, Indians are playing very dangerous water games with Pakistan. Time is fast approaching for the liberation of Kashmir. It has to be done, no other choice.

i guess currently it is ur turn
What is the basic need of a simple person to be happy and satisfied??Food,shelter,clothing,means of livelihood,talking about very basic things here.

Now Kashmir has been the focus of conflict between India and Pakistan since their creation,4 wars have been fought over this region,not to mention decades of insurgency.Now the main form of economy in Kashmir is horticulture and tourism.No wonder that the economy in the state took a pretty bad hit owing to these nagging problems.Until recently, at least a third of total strength of the Indian army was posted in Kashmir.This added to the problems further.
Now the unemployed youth at Kashmir were angry.So,if someone comes up,and points finger at the authority,then the disgruntled people find a way out to vent their anger and frustration.So,their sentiments were used by outside forces,to suit their own agenda.This finger pointing came in the form of Pakistan employing 'terrorism as a state policy'.Some former President and Prime minister of Pakistan have even admitted to this actually,the most prominent being Gen.Pervez Musharraf.
The angry and dissatisfied youth were brainwashed that India is their enemy,they were taught to use weapons,they were provided with arms,and instructed to carry out terrorist attacks inside Kashmir,inside India against innocent civilian population,a policy 'to bleed India by thousand cuts'.

The issue of insurgency has gone down in present times substantially,mostly due to the border fencing and surveillance done by Indian army but more importantly because nowadays Pakistan is busy fighting a war with their own creation.

And you forget one thing freedom. It is their decision and choice to do what they want, they want liberation from Indian illegal occupation. They will get it. All those who are making comments, thinking it would be difficult should wait, time will show you. My Analysis is very close to the reality.
The problem is not economic.Deteriorating economy is one of the many fallouts of decades of turmoil going on in that region.There is bound to be a lot of issues in a region which is the fighting yard of two neighbours for such a long time,all kinds of issues,economical,social,political.Now the economic issue is the one that hits a common man in the hardest manner.Hence it is one of the most prominent issue.

The economy of the state is rapidly improving,India has demobilized a sizable chunk of its army out of Kashmir as well,and the situation is getting better day by day.Anti India sentiments can also be observed to rapidly diminishing in the state.So,yes,economy can be taken as a marker for peace,prosperity and unity in the state.

If the situation is getting better in the state, that is very good news :)

For your country and Pakistan sake, I just hope they get this issue resolve fast and Kashmiris can start living a good life again.
And you forget one thing freedom. It is their decision and choice to do what they want, they want liberation from Indian illegal occupation. They will get it. All those who are making comments, thinking it would be difficult should wait, time will show you. My Analysis is very close to the reality.

What freedom do the Kashmiris don't have in India, that they would get either by being free or with Pakistan? That is what i have been trying to know.
If the situation is getting better in the state, that is very good news :)

It's getting better

And you forget one thing freedom. It is their decision and choice to do what they want, they want liberation from Indian illegal occupation. They will get it. All those who are making comments, thinking it would be difficult should wait, time will show you. My Analysis is very close to the reality.

lol.. you make the word freedom sound like something out of the World,or at least something unfamiliar in India.Do I not have freedom in my own country???Let me tell you,a citizen always has more freedom in a democratic and secular country like India,where the state doesnt discriminate on the basis of religion,and the people of the state have the power to elect their own representative.
Now,there is nothing called absolute freedom,as absolute freedom is anarchy,and we dont support anarchy.
At the end of the day, a population who hates you and do not want to be with you at any costs, will set itself free sooner or later, you should not forget this fact, ever.
It has been demonstrated with the Arab uprising that this statement has some merit.

But whatever anger there is, it is concentrated within the Valley. So this doesn't apply to Kashmir in the broadest sense - just a small area within that area.

Drill down further and you have differing demands (independence, secession with Pakistan, etc.) within the Valley itself.

Then you need to define the word free, or 'Azaadi', something that was never clearly translated even during the height of the protests and unrest last summer.

Push further and Kashmir will never achieve statehood for the reasons mentioned above, and the geographical area in question. And if statehood was to be taken to the UN, India's clout will ensure it gets quashed without delay. Secession to Pakistan is a no-goer as India will never allow it, and I'm not seeing Kashmiris screaming for that on a daily basis.

Two options remain:

1) The status quo - an unresolved dispute with no real change going forward lingers on

2) Acceptance of the only logical solution - LoC as the border, greater movement over both sides, with a focus on trade and people-to-people contact​
The second option is the only realistic one. If Kayani and the military softens its stance, MMS doesn't dither or drag his heels like he did in 2007, then we can achieve that and open a new chapter in relations between both countries.
the kasmiri's know better than you what is the current situation in pakistan
Every ethnic group in Pakistan Knows current situation in the country, why are you being only specific to Kashmiris?
they are asking for an independent nation, not a merger with pakistan
Where is the Indian part of the story?
it would be better for kashmiri's to go in exile rather than be a part of a falling nation.
What do you say about Indian Kashimiris who are being killed in masses?
if partition was to be done on relegious line's then there are many more muslim constituency's in india why not pakistan go on a war and claim them???
You entirely misunderstood Mr. Rezavan, give him another read.
pakistan s not interested in the religion of kashmiri's , it is interested in kashmir from were it get's all its water
Actually interested in both.
It has been demonstrated with the Arab uprising that this statement has some merit.

But whatever anger there is, it is concentrated within the Valley. So this doesn't apply to Kashmir in the broadest sense - just a small area within that area.

Drill down further and you have differing demands (independence, secession with Pakistan, etc.) within the Valley itself.

Then you need to define the word free, or 'Azaadi', something that was never clearly translated even during the height of the protests and unrest last summer.

Push further and Kashmir will never achieve statehood for the reasons mentioned above, and the geographical area in question. And if statehood was to be taken to the UN, India's clout will ensure it gets quashed without delay. Secession to Pakistan is a no-goer as India will never allow it, and I'm not seeing Kashmiris screaming for that on a daily basis.

Two options remain:

1) The status quo - an unresolved dispute with no real change going forward lingers on

2) Acceptance of the only logical solution - LoC as the border, greater movement over both sides, with a focus on trade and people-to-people contact​
The second option is the only realistic one. If Kayani and the military softens its stance, MMS doesn't dither or drag his heels like he did in 2007, then we can achieve that and open a new chapter in relations between both countries.

wow impressive, atleast someone can think logically.
It has been demonstrated with the Arab uprising that this statement has some merit.

But whatever anger there is, it is concentrated within the Valley. So this doesn't apply to Kashmir in the broadest sense - just a small area within that area.

Drill down further and you have differing demands (independence, secession with Pakistan, etc.) within the Valley itself.

Then you need to define the word free, or 'Azaadi', something that was never clearly translated even during the height of the protests and unrest last summer.

Push further and Kashmir will never achieve statehood for the reasons mentioned above, and the geographical area in question. And if statehood was to be taken to the UN, India's clout will ensure it gets quashed without delay. Secession to Pakistan is a no-goer as India will never allow it, and I'm not seeing Kashmiris screaming for that on a daily basis.

Two options remain:

1) The status quo - an unresolved dispute with no real change going forward lingers on

2) Acceptance of the only logical solution - LoC as the border, greater movement over both sides, with a focus on trade and people-to-people contact

The second option is the only realistic one. If Kayani and the military softens its stance, MMS doesn't dither or drag his heels like he did in 2007, then we can achieve that and open a new chapter in relations between both countries.

UR bias is clearly towards a straight solution between India and Pakistan and ur views tho very true does not resonate with most Pakistanis ,
Realism for some reason has lost its hold in popular Pakistani psyche.
Nevertheless the fact very Aptly put, leads to only one solution , Making LOC a Fixed border.
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