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The Turks of Southern Azerbaijan

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Add Azerbijan to the South-Azerbaijan that is within Iranians borders and create a larger state,(larger Iran that is) they're all Rawafid Shia Majoos.

**** your separatist thread, no different than a separatist Kurdistan policy. Azerbijan's gov is just another Israeli bitch anyway, we need to roam them out of the way. They're not too different from Kurds when it comes to the government. Azerbijan needs another Safavid visit, secularism has infected their society. I say the Safavids should all unite, let's add Iran, Iraq and take Azerbaycan/ijan and infect the region with the Majoos virus.

First take your own country and then you can allow yourself to dream about taking other countries OK? If such move occur the only think you will take is another 30 years of backwardness as its not enough right now. Keep the sectarian sh!t out of the thread. If secularism infected their society then terrorism infected your societies. All kinds of terrorism from religious to separatist. You decide for yourself. Azerbaijan is a developing country in all fields.


Nadir Qazipur ...
“Türklər Şərqi Azərbaycan, Qərbi Azərbaycan, Zəncan, Ərdəbil, Həmədan, Qəzvin, Şimali Xorasan, Gülüstan, Mazandaran, Kürdistan, Əlborz, İsfahan və Fars əyalətlərində yaşayır. Bir sözlə desək, İranda türklərin yaşamadığı yer yoxdur. Bu 40 milyon əhalinin bir sıra tələbləri var. Türk əyalətlərinin millət vəkilləri həmin tələblərin təmini ilə bağlı Türk Bölgələri Fraksiyasını yaratmağa qərar verdilər. Sonralar bəziləri onun adını şimal-qərb fraksiyası ilə dəyişdirmək istədi, lakin mən bunun qarşısını aldım. Hazırda fraksiyanın rəisi Məsud Pezeşkiyandır, mən də onun müavini postuna seçilmişəm”-

“Öz zəngin mədəniyyətlərini dünyaya təqdim etmək üçün, türklərin bütün İranda yayımlanacaq 24 saatlıq televiziya kanalı və bir qəzetə ehtiyacı var. Türk dilinin tədris olunması da İrandakı bütün qövmlərin dili kimi təmami ilə qanuna uyğundur. Bu tələblər qanun çərçivəsində olduğu halda, “Qanun” kimi bəzi satılmış qəzetlər türkləri təhqir edir və öz hüquqlarını tələb edənlərin ünvanına çirkin böhtan və iftiralar yazır”


The source: https://www.gunaz.tv/az/xeberler/gu...ni-ireli-surur-urmiyenin-millet-vekili-109958

Nader Gazipour, the representative of the people of Urmia, says Turks live in the cities of Qərbi Azərbaycan, Zəncan, Ərdəbil, Həmədan, Qəzvin, Şimali Xorasan, Gülüstan, Mazandaran, Krdistan, Əlborz, İsfahan və Fars;and Those people of 40 million demand their own legal rights according to the articles 15 and 19 in the ''constitution''.

Some of those legal rights are TV and newspaper in their mother language.

He also says some media outlets insult and slander Turks who demand their own legal rights.(Just like being done by Mullahs in this thread)
. .
Another example for the existential conditions of Turks in Southern Azerbaijan.

Zəhra Sai the Turk woman representitive for the cities of Təbriz, Azərşəhr (Tufarqan) ,Üskünün (Üşkaya) in ''Islamic parliament'' was insulted and harassed by Persians due to the word of ''Turk'' in her congrat words shared on her Instagram account to another Turk wrestler for winning a medal in the World Wrestling Championship.


Təbriz, Azərşəhr (Tufarqan) və Üskünün (Üşkaya) ... millət vəkili Zəhra Sai...

Zəhra Sai oktyabrın 22-də İnstaqram səhifəsində post paylaşaraq Basmenc şəhəri sakini olan azərbaycan güləşçi Pərviz Hadinin Macaristanda keçirilən Dünya Güləş Çempionatında bürünc medal qazanmasını təbrik etmişdir.

“Xoşbəxtlikdən qeyrətli türk güləşçi Pərviz Hadi Azərbaycana daha bir uğur gətirib. O Dünya Güləş Çempionatında bürünc medal qazanıb, hansı ki, qızıl medaldan heç də az deyil. Pəhləvanın qeyrətinə salam olsun”- deyə o səhifəsində qeyd edib.

“Türk” sözünü millət vəkilinin səhifəsində görən fars irqçiləri həmən ona və Azərbaycana qarşı hücuma keçiblər. Hazırda Zəhra Sainin İnstaqram səhifəsi irqçilərin Azərbaycana qarşı təhqir məkanına çevrilib.

The source: https://www.gunaz.tv/az/xeberler/gu...ehra-sainin-unvanina-soyus-yagdiriblar-110130
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Lets call a spade a spade. Iranians are good in many things like poetry and carpet weaving, but its just that statesmanship is not your thing. Iran has always needed strong Turkish leaders to be stable. When the turks stop leading the people of Iran they get lost. The most recent testament to this is modern Iran. In most of 20th century Iran has been in turmoil. It oppresses its turkic population even though the turks who have led Iran never oppressed Persians. It cant get along with any of their neighbors, or the world for that matter. And as we see now it is ruled by a bunch of religious fanatics who dont give a damn about human rights.

1. Iranian is not an ethnicity, it's a nationality. Turk is not nationality it is ethnicity. You cannot say Iranians are this and that but Turks are this and that. 2. Saying Turks rule better than Persians is absurd. Qajars who ruled Iran were utterly useless. They gave away most of our land. 3. Supreme leaders ethnicity is Turk. Nationality is Iranian. You decide for yourself what kind of ruler he is
Qajars who ruled Iran were utterly useless.
yeah they should fathom a miracle and beat Russians and British at the same time something even napoleon and french couldn't do it

They gave away most of our land
you forget say after 11 years of fighting against superior nation with superior population. technology. economy and army , an army which beat napoleon !!! + also fighting British look at the map of that era how many independent Muslim country existed at that time ?? how many independent country existed in the world at that time ?? India which have wealth and population far more than Iran lost her Independence and you expect qajar beat both Russian and British empire at the same time ??
surely you know what does "fighting 11 years of war without oil money against superior empires" means you Persians had fought 8 years against country with equal strength

Saying Turks rule better than Persians is absurd
They gave away most of our land
at least turks fought as i recall you gave away Bahrain without a fight
Al Arabiya news article about Iran. Should not be trusted.
You can trust the videos embedded, and can do google search.
Al-Arabiya is fine news agency, but if you have a biased heart there's no solution.
Azerbaijan, from Hamadan to Bab al-Abwab / Derbent (Muhammad Rafi, [Miladi 1312-13 or 1318-19] 1851)

Imam Muhammed, the son of Djerir Atteberâni (At-Teberi) in the description of the conquests during the reign of Omar, says that the most successful of the Khalifs in conquest was certainly Omar the son of Khattâb: he persecuted the infidels; overthrew (their) hosts; established the Dîvan, and laid tributes on different kingdoms. His troops passed beyond the river Djaihoon in the east; on the north they reached Aderbijan, Babul-Abwab and the land of Nitdjeh, which is contiguous to the wall of Yadjudj and Madjudj; on the south they reached Hind, Sind, Bahrain, Ummán and Mekreman (Mekran?); and on the west they arrived at the boundaries of Constantinople; ad all nations were in obedience to him…… He had one army in Syria, and another in Aderbijan: this country extends from Hamadan to Babul-Abwab in length…..[123]

[123] See Part I. Rem. 14. — Here ends the quotation from the history of Mulla Djeli; if the reader wishes to know our opinion of its merits, we refer him to our preface.

Extract from a quotation from the work of Mulla Muhammed Rafi’ surnamed Abul-Fat’h Dziaüddin // Derbend-Nâmeh, or The History of Derbend; Translated from a select Turkish version and published with the texts and with notes, illustrative of the history, geography, antiquities, &c. &c. Occurring throughout the work, by Mirza A. Kazem-Beg. ― St. Petersburg: Printed for the Imperial Academy of Sciences, 1851, p. 223.
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A perfect example for solidarity...

The Amputee teams from Turkey and Azerbaijan, one of whom is The European Champion and the World's second, met for solidarity in the capital of Turkey.

The captains of both teams also are taken picture with the representative of Iğdır city of Turkey by holding a scarf of the famous Tractor football club from Southern Azerbaijan.

Another example for the existential conditions of Turks in Southern Azerbaijan.

The Book-burning era continues... A story book for kids written in Turkish language has been collected from all book stores and burned by Mullah/Persian regime.



GünAz Tv: İranın İslami İrşad İdarəsi türkcə bir satirik kitabın bütün nüsxələrini yandırıb.

Azərbaycan türkcəsində yazılan “Tülkü həccə gedir” əsərinin müəllifi Abdulla Şayeqdir, o kitabı uşaq oxucular üçün nəzərdə tutub.

Kitab, İran İslami İrşad Baş İdarəsinin icazəsi ilə nəşr olunub, lakin İdarənin Qərbi Azərbaycan Şöbəsi kitabları Azərbaycanın bütün kitab mağazalarından toplayaraq yandırıb.

Bir hiyləgər tülküyə işarə edən “Tülkü həccə gedir” hikayəsində qeyd olunub ki, tülkü toyuq və xoruzları aldadaraq onlarla birlikdə yola çıxıb, əsas məqsəd isə onları yolda parçalayıb yeməkdən ibarət olub. Hikayə bir növ insanların dini hissiyatından istifadə etmək və digər məlum hadisələrə işarədir.

Kitab yandırma faktı dünyada nadir hallarda baş verən hadisədir. Pəhləvi rejiminin ordusu da 1946-cı il dekabrın 17-də (1325-ci il azərin 26-da) Güney Azərbaycanda onminlərlə türkcə kitab yandırıb. Oxşar hadisə 1933-cü ildə Almaniyada baş verib. Faşistlər öz ideologiyalarına uyğun olmayan kitabları yandıraraq sıradan çıxarıblar.

The source: https://www.gunaz.tv/az/xeberler/gu...mi-irsad-idaresi-terefinden-yandirilib-112272
Another example for the existential conditions of Turks in Southern Azerbaijan.

A kid with a Turk name ''Onur''(''Honor'' in enlish) lives with his family and culture for 20 months happily despite his ''ID'' his refused to be given due to the origin of the name.

His father announced the situation on his facebook account. He says the name of his son is Turkish, therefore refused to be given an ID.



The source: https://www.gunaz.tv/az/xeberler/gu...un-sexsiyyet-vesiqesi-verilmir-goruntu-113224
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A kid with a Turk name ''Onur''(''Honor'' in enlish) lives with his family and culture for 20 months happily despite his ''ID'' his refused to be given due to the origin of the name.
same goes for turkmens i know a friend whom his family wanted name their child ela but their refused by government of iran and they didnt give id for it
The Turks of Southern Azerbaijan in Tebriz Airport wait to welcome Mustafa Denizli from Turkey who will be the trainer of the Traxtor Sazi Football Club.

The official twitter account of the Traxtor Sazi Football Club announces the situation with a few pics and half of some well know words ''Bakü, Tebriz, Ankara...''.

. .
this entire thread is "Turkish wet dreams of annexing Iranian land"

perhaps turks have never heard of the term "if you live in a glass house don't throw stones"

azeri's in Iran are extremely loyal Iranians. The same simply cannot be said of Kurdish people living in turkey.

if you start disrespecting Iranian sovereignty it would be like throwing stones at a concrete house while living in a glass house yourself.

not only would you fail miserably. but Iran will make sure to turn your Kurdish areas into not only "no go zones" for turks. but turks would be afraid to even look east at the general direction of kurds…… be very careful..

Iran respects Turkish sovereignty. I highly suggest you do the same.

last time ottoman troops were in "southern Azerbaijan" (Tabriz)

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