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The Top 10 Armies You Don't Want to Fight.

So by your logic you lost more men more machinery more land as well in 1999 Kargil War - "as your General said who was leading the Kargil Operation"

You are a senior member yet you are asking such a dumb wuestion lets see now
1965 : objective of pak army - liberation of kashmir
Fate : kashmir still with india more men lost more material lost

1971 : objective of indian army - liberation of bangladesh
Fate : bangladesh created

1999 : objective of pak army - breaking neck of the IA through destroying the national highway keeping all the occupied posts in control
Fate : Indian army takes back most of the heights pak army steps back
The kill ratios were far too high against them, they were fighting a war on their own land, and they had support from China and Russia the first time, and Russia the 2nd.

We're talking about no foreign aid situations.
With no foreign aid situations in 1992 we forced China to return Lao San moutain that was occupiedafter battle in 1984

With no foreign aid situations China dare not ram VN marine police ship to retaliate :coffee: , "Super power" China was just humiliated badly by VN marine police :coffee:
With no foreign aid situations China dare not ram VN marine police ship to retaliate :coffee: , "Super power" China was just humiliated badly by VN marine police :coffee:

yep, having 180,000 of your citizens turned into fertilizer, yet still jumping the border, is a great honor.
yep, having 180,000 of your citizens turned into fertilizer, yet still jumping the border, is a great honor.
VN's high casualties didn't prove your power in 1979 Bcz you have US-NATO-Thailand-Pol Pot support , and at least 180,000 VNese were killed by well trained PLA Soliders, but many of 26,000 PLA were killed by VN women with basic training only :lol:.

With no foreign aid , China only have Big Mouth to bark :lol:
forget the Bharats
they have no veto rigths at UN

Lol. who cares? Did that veto help Iraq before OIF/OEF? Given NATO's firepower and clout, and considering how vetoes are thrown around by vertain members, UNSC vetoes are a joke!!

Son, honeybadger dont give a sh!t.
If countries have to fight with sticks than what will be the top 10 list

3United States312,988,000


Russia a mass of freezing lands no need to be destroyed.

For now. Climate change might turn it into a tropical paradise.
A few corrections there, it should be like this:

1) USA
2) Russia
3) China
4) India
5) UK
6) Iran
7) North Korea
8) Israel
9) Turkey
10) France
11) Brazil
12) Germany
13) Japan
14) South Korea
15) Pakistan

No one is afraid of Pakistan, in fact more countries are afraid to mess with Iran than they are of Pakistan.

NATO kills 24 Pakistani troops and gets away with it, NATO Drones kill Pakistani civilians and they get away with it, NATO helicopters reach Abbotabad and get away with it, Ramond Daviz kills Pakistani citizens and gets away with it, while the Pakistan government, generals, and air force make empty promises to the people "next time we will shoot them down", but they only watch and do nothing.
This is Political Issue and secret agreements, coordination are on both sides, we are killing bloody Militants, No one is Insane to kill civilians. Remember we want drone technology because we also want to kill these bloody militants. This is separate issue. Political things should not be drag here. We are talking about top 10 armies.. INo one fears from Iran, In fact they all fears to kill civilians and children but Iran is dragging the world into war in Iran and want to defend the country with F14 garbage.. Their aggressive death speeches to other countries are just Like Balloon. No offence to enjoy living in dream world, But This is Offense to keep at stake Life of civilians.
Iran is No where in Top 20.
Pakistan is also not in Top 10. But Pakistan has deadly weapons in every warehouse .
Pakistan may be at 11 or 12th Position.
You are a senior member yet you are asking such a dumb wuestion lets see now
1965 : objective of pak army - liberation of kashmir
Fate : kashmir still with india more men lost more material lost

1971 : objective of indian army - liberation of bangladesh
Fate : bangladesh created

1999 : objective of pak army - breaking neck of the IA through destroying the national highway keeping all the occupied posts in control
Fate : Indian army takes back most of the heights pak army steps back

1965 : Objective Defence of Pakistan's international territory.
Now just point out those area which was successfully captured by indian army of Pakistani territory. Don't use indian claim that they've captured .... mi sq Cuz its just a claim, They attacked on Sialkot and Lahore.. Did they manage to captured it or not? Once again Wikipedia is using just indian sources and refrences even as a neutral claim.. check it out.

1971 : Objective : liberation of Bangladesh
Pakistan alone fought that war against two countries on a land which is more then 1000 km sq away from its home, nine month they fought with mukhti bihani and intruded indian soldiers ..you have all Death estimates .. then indian millions of personal officially intruded on bangladesh , and fought against our just hundered thousand civilians+troops at there. Even Russians and U.S failed in Afghan and vietnam ,The land away there home so how could Pakistan which is very less powerful as compared to them secceded in Bangladesh away there home? Illogical

1999 : Objective: Defend Pakistani positions
Mainly indian positions of kargil had been captured by Kashmiri Mujahideens.. Later Pakistani army interfered , After heavy battle Ceasefire was signed on the pressure of American President Clinton.. But still position 5353 ,Highest and centeric position of indian side is now is in hands of Pakistan. From where whenever they want to bomb National highway they can bomb it easily and destroy it in a few seconds..

I hope you get the Pakistani opinion which is not provided to wikipedia ...
I don't think India should be in top 10, until they start making their own equipment. May be after 2020.
You are a senior member yet you are asking such a dumb wuestion lets see now
1965 : objective of pak army - liberation of kashmir
Fate : kashmir still with india more men lost more material lost

1971 : objective of indian army - liberation of bangladesh
Fate : bangladesh created

1999 : objective of pak army - breaking neck of the IA through destroying the national highway keeping all the occupied posts in control
Fate : Indian army takes back most of the heights pak army steps back
1947, We broke India in two Pieces.
We still have 1/3 rd of Kashmir. Even India has no guts to snatch Pakistan Occupied Kashmir.
1965 Successfully offended and defended. Massive Huge defeat for Indian military because You were in numbers and we were fighting with 1/3rd of your army. PAF played historical Role.
1971, Role of Bangladesh Freedom Movement. Bangladeshi had huge role in 1971 war. You just took advantage of the sensitive situation.

Kargil: We successfully capture all hills of kargil. But returned back you from international pressure for Poor Indians.
Table Talks played key role..

Don't Mess with Pakistan:D
1965 : Objective Defence of Pakistan's international territory.
Now just point out those area which was successfully captured by indian army of Pakistani territory. Don't use indian claim that they've captured .... mi sq Cuz its just a claim, They attacked on Sialkot and Lahore.. Did they manage to captured it or not? Once again Wikipedia is using just indian sources and refrences even as a neutral claim.. check it out.

Read about Operation Gibraltor. Hope your text book have this topic. You pushed Gurrila (regular soldiers) forces in Kashmir to create civil war like situation, But Kashmiri kicked the Gurrila a&& and told Indian forces your Intention. my dear wrong-literate and ill-informed Pakistani brother..

1971 : Objective : liberation of Bangladesh
Pakistan alone fought that war against two countries on a land which is more then 1000 km sq away from its home, nine month they fought with mukhti bihani and intruded indian soldiers ..you have all Death estimates .. then indian millions of personal officially intruded on bangladesh , and fought against our just hundered thousand civilians+troops at there. Even Russians and U.S failed in Afghan and vietnam ,The land away there home so how could Pakistan which is very less powerful as compared to them secceded in Bangladesh away there home? Illogical

Pakistan fought war with only one country India, Thats too after Pakistan bombed our airbases. No matter what you say 1971 objective is visible on world map...

1999 : Objective: Defend Pakistani positions
Mainly indian positions of kargil had been captured by Kashmiri Mujahideens.. Later Pakistani army interfered , After heavy battle Ceasefire was signed on the pressure of American President Clinton.. But still position 5353 ,Highest and centeric position of indian side is now is in hands of Pakistan. From where whenever they want to bomb National highway they can bomb it easily and destroy it in a few seconds..

I hope you get the Pakistani opinion which is not provided to wikipedia ...

Bunch of lie, Mujahiddin don't carry NLF ID card. Most of dead were from NLF, your Entire NLF was wiped out in Kargil. No one knows how many Pakistani soldiers died in Kargil. Not even your President. Try it again, this time your entire force will be wiped out.. :)
The Top 10 Armies You Don't Want to Fight.
1.) USA
2.) Russia
3.) China
4.) France
5.) India
6.) North Korea
7.) Turkey
8.) Israel
9.) Japan
10.) UK
North Korea can be defeated in a few hours.
The correct list:
8)South Korea
VN's high casualties didn't prove your power in 1979 Bcz you have US-NATO-Thailand-Pol Pot support , and at least 180,000 VNese were killed by well trained PLA Soliders, but many of 26,000 PLA were killed by VN women with basic training only :lol:.

With no foreign aid , China only have Big Mouth to bark :lol:

LMAO we were sanctioned by US and NATO until 1980. Nice try though.

We turned 180,000 Viets into fertilizer on their own land, you never touched Chinese land.
LMAO we were sanctioned by US and NATO until 1980. Nice try though.

We turned 180,000 Viets into fertilizer on their own land, you never touched Chinese land.
Hehe, don't lie dude, all of your operations in 1979 had great help from US reconnaissance satellite, without US's satellite , PLA was just blind forces and didn't know what to do in VN's soil
The Chinese troop deployments were observed by US spy satellites, and the KH-9 Big Bird photographic reconnaissance satellite played an important role.[citation needed] In his state visit to the US in 1979, the Chinese paramount leader Deng Xiaoping was presented with this information and asked to confirm the numbers. He replied that the information was completely accurate. After this public confirmation in the U.S., the domestic Chinese media were finally allowed to report on these deployments.
Sino-Vietnamese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And we never need top touch your toxic land, we don't wanna be poinsoned by your melamine milk and polluted water in South China :lol:
My opinion:
1. The U.S.
2. Russia
3. The Countries in NATO
4. China
5. India
6. Israel
7. Japan
8. South Korea
9. Iran
10. Pakistan

North Korea may I am not appreciated, they are not the top 20. If China does not help them, their army will not stay longer.
My Vietnam is not the top 20. Why? We have courage and good tactics, but nowaday we lack funds to modernize our army.

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