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The PAF is set to receive a batch of Egyptian Air Force Mirage-Vs

That's quite the thread! It seems like a portion is not happy about it and the other is fine with it and one thinks it's for spares only while some think some will augment current PAF Mirages lol. Good stuff. I can tell you that about 50 of those 80 or so Mirages in the EAF which are a mixture of the V SDE, V SDD and a couple other variants are very active and in very decent condition. Most of them train with the Hellenic Air Force instead of with the EAF Mirage 2000s which the Greeks have quite a few of. Instead, the EAF seems to prefer to use the Vs because they fly pretty well. It'll be interesting to see what happens.

I can understand the feeling of negativity with regards to a deal like this because many PAF fans would much rather see something new and of the latest standard be sought out by the PAF instead of these older birds, no matter how well maintained and upgraded they've been. It's very understandable. But sometimes you have to do what you have to do. The Mirages have been doing very well in the PAF for many years, and so why not augment them for lesser of the cost of a new platform if that helps in any way? I think it's a good thing plus what it can do to improve relations between the two countries, I'm all for it.
my friend people are right too

in pakisitan you can find mirages in every city . what is porpuse of buying more .









even pakistan gifted one to china


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what is porpuse of buying more .

Imran! I will rather suggest that if you don't know the purpose then you shouldn't be making fun or mocking or taunting as such. Just leave it to the ones flying these jets and utilizing their capabilities to the fullest. No doubt these birds have still a role to play and far more worthy than the price tag. Just don't start again if you don't like Mirage. Thank you.
Don't forget Pakistan's support to help Egypt get back into AL & OIC after the whole Arab World boycotted them after Egypt's camp David deal with Israel

Brother, we have fought along side you in 1973 over skies of Tanta, Mansoora, killed enemy as well. its just politics that takes us on different path...
Imran! I will rather suggest that if you don't know the purpose then you shouldn't be making fun or mocking or taunting as such. Just leave it to the ones flying these jets and utilizing their capabilities to the fullest. No doubt these birds have still a role to play and far more worthy than the price tag. Just don't start again if you don't like Mirage. Thank you.
well i remember sir @Muradk how much he was in love with mirages . we all know these are just outdated sir . our forcing do things its not mean we just stop talking on it . i can give you many examples where our forces did wrong deals . they are humans like us boss

mp5 guns deal
lynx choppers deal
AUG steyr guns
Some of these mirage horus will have RC400 radar on them. Same radar which Indian upgraded mirage 2000s are using. Same radar which paf wanted for their JF17s earlier which France denied that time.
well i remember sir @Muradk how much he was in love with mirages . we all know these are just outdated sir . our forcing do things its not mean we just stop talking on it . i can give you many examples where our forces did wrong deals . they are humans like us boss

mp5 guns deal
lynx choppers deal
AUG steyr guns

Bhai... few mistakes doesn't count all to be wrong. YOu need to see the brighter side... .limitations... needs.. requirement and planning to utilize such capability for a while. France demands high for spares and then, throw a doable option to ground them right now. We are talking but why the single point like Mirages being old and that's it? why not the other capabilities that these birds offers and moreover, they aren't outdated but updated for their specific role for which example was set during Operation Swift Retort where enemy had all the shiny things in inventory to stop. All I want you to consider every fact brother. For the time & given our requirements based upon circumstances; it is plausible to do so. You don't have a lot of options to ground such fleet like that.
Seeing how egypt maintain these..i am sure they are not flyable till refurbished by PAC

lol, com'owwwnnnn, maaaan! Stop with the silly hatred, will ya! :lol: Show me this phantom "seeing how egypt maintain these".....? Where did you hear or see anything that gibberish you just made up? lol

my friend people are right too
in pakisitan you can find mirages in every city . what is porpuse of buying more

I see that and I know that very well. I've watched all the impressive videos of practicing landing on roadways and testing the Raad CM and all things of that sort.

You also have a pretty large fleet of them that the PAF relies on, from 90+ Mirage Vs and what, same number of Mirage IIIs? Maybe some of the IIIs being a bit older than the V's will be put to sleep and so why lose a fraction of them without augmenting the other? That makes a lot of sense, actually. If the price is good (which knowing our end pretty well, I'm sure it is) then this makes all the sense in the world. Even if it's for another 5 years until the Thunders are in adequate numbers or suddenly there's a contract for 30 Eurofighter Typhoons or Mirage 2000s, then these would've served fine. I think it's a wise decision considering the large number of Mirages the PAF operates. And what a great aircraft that is.

Some of these mirage horus will have RC400 radar on them.

I was going to mention that but you beat me to it!
23 jets of the VSDE's were part of the Horus upgrade in 2010. Some decent info in this link.

Mirage 5


Upgraded to Mirage2000

upgraded to the Rafale


Getting Mig29 for interim measure OR F16 early model fighters makes sense .. = Why because they are early 4 generation fighters

BUT mirage 5 is MIG21 or F4 phantom era fighter ........ You really dont need to be doing this even for spares
Mirage 5


Upgraded to Mirage2000

upgraded to the Rafale


Getting Mig29 for interim measure OR F16 early model fighters makes sense .. = Why because they are early 4 generation fighters

BUT mirage 5 is MIG21 or F4 phantom era fighter ........ You really dont need to be doing this even for spares
whats india doing for its 3rd gen jauguars
Mirage 5 is still a capable platform for its role in PAF.
1 The majority of these will be used as a reserve to keep current feet operational.
2 little number can be inducted straight away which will increase Pakistans Land attack capability straight away as Pakistan already has the infrastructure to support these aircraft just like Pakistan did with used F16s.
3 Yes, its an old platform but Beside F16 Pakistan has no other platform which can be made operational that quickly.
4 Mirage 2000 is a really good platform but it doesn't offer much to Pakistan in terms as for that Pakistan already has F 16 and Thunder, Pakistan needs a true Air superiority fighter and in this age, the closest thing is a Stealth platform which will take years in induction be it Azm , J20 , J31 , J 35.
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