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Ok, I'll give a concise version of how I got my Thyroid under control. I did my own research from books because at the time The internet unlike now didn't have much info available.

If you stomach is not functioning properly then food is not breaking down effectively thus absorption is extremely poor. Vital minerals,fats, proteins, vitamins cannot be used by the body. Solution is You must keep stomach acid acidic and the good bacteria that breaks the food down in the gut.

Stomach acid = potassium + Sodium + chloride
Healthy Gut Bacterium culture = probiotic

Iodine and Selenium. Now there are two extreme opinions on Iodine. Some doctors say Iodine is absolutely NO. Then there are those who are for Iodine. But hardly anyone of these ever look at the importance of Selenium in thyroid Function! Completely overlook Selenium.

Iodine is an essential trace mineral thyroid Hormone releases T4 which the liver turns to active T3. The 4 and the 3 are Iodine molecules. Selenium is equally important this regulates the Iodine at the Thyroid among many other things like protein synthesis etc.

This is extremely important and I cannot stress this enough!!! Take Selenium with Iodine BUT DO NOT take Iodine without Selenium.

Vitamin C, You body's own defence is based on the Use of Vitamin C keep Vitamin C levels up!

Vitamin B complex needed at cellular level.

Vitamin D3 is a fat soluble Vitamin. If you are not getting an ample amount then it's disastrous. It will have a domino effect on many funtions in body.


Thank you for your kind indulgence---.
Ok, I'll give a concise version of how I got my Thyroid under control. I did my own research from books because at the time The internet unlike now didn't have much info available.

If you stomach is not functioning properly then food is not breaking down effectively thus absorption is extremely poor. Vital minerals,fats, proteins, vitamins cannot be used by the body. Solution is You must keep stomach acid acidic and the good bacteria that breaks the food down in the gut.

Stomach acid = potassium + Sodium + chloride
Healthy Gut Bacterium culture = probiotic

Iodine and Selenium. Now there are two extreme opinions on Iodine. Some doctors say Iodine is absolutely NO. Then there are those who are for Iodine. But hardly anyone of these ever look at the importance of Selenium in thyroid Function! Completely overlook Selenium.

Iodine is an essential trace mineral thyroid Hormone releases T4 which the liver turns to active T3. The 4 and the 3 are Iodine molecules. Selenium is equally important this regulates the Iodine at the Thyroid among many other things like protein synthesis etc.

This is extremely important and I cannot stress this enough!!! Take Selenium with Iodine BUT DO NOT take Iodine without Selenium.

Vitamin C, You body's own defence is based on the Use of Vitamin C keep Vitamin C levels up!

Vitamin B complex needed at cellular level.

Vitamin D3 is a fat soluble Vitamin. If you are not getting an ample amount then it's disastrous. It will have a domino effect on many funtions in body.

I concur about Vitamin D, it is very important for humans. It regulates the immune system and Thyroid is auto-immune disease. Vitamin C boost your immune system, however, Vitamin D regulates it. Also, it is bit of bro science, but cant do any harm, minimise the fluoride intake, don't have too much tea using tea bags, tea bags especially the cheap ones, do contain crap loads of fluoride. Flouride being a heavier metal affect the absorption of nutrients in our gut.
To be honest, for most of us, there is no substitute to some form of a crash diet to kick start significant visible and measurable weight loss, before we even try to sustain it and then build on the health benefits, fitness, and strength side of things.

I've been cycling for a year now, but could never really see any weight loss initially. Of course there is good improvement in overall aerobic fitness and muscle tone. But the charbi above does not go. I used to weigh around 72 kilos in college, which went up to around 82 post marriage and into my 30s and then 92-95 in my 40s.

A friend suggested the ketogenic diet which I initially resisted as it really too difficult for us desis. A couple of years ago I had gone on a crash diet where I had completely cut out major carb foods for us - rice, roti, bread, and potatoes. I have never preferred sugar anyways in my tea or coffee. that time I had lost a significant amount of weight then, but sadly rebounded (I love eating ....).

This time i tried the keto diet. I started at 95 kilos (I'm 181 cms). No/zero carbs (less than 50 gm a day is the threshold). Fresh cream in place of milk for coffee (lots of people add coconut oil - "bullet" coffee). As much as oil (olive, safflower, mustard, groundnut) and fats as you want. Lots of protein. Paneer. Chicken. Mutton. Beef. Fish. Greens (all sorts of bhajis and saags, leafy vegetables, etc.). Strictly no sweets or chocolates. And certain seeds (pumpkin, sunflower) and nuts (walnuts, pistas, almonds, peanuts) as snacks (I used to munch masala peanuts, packed in 50 gm packs specially for me so I don't binge; plus trail mix for my cycling).

Your body takes about 5-7 days to go into ketosis. Then your body starts utilizing fat predominantly for its energy needs. And once you hit a plateau (I hit it at 80 kilos - which took less than 5 weeks), you need to go more technical. Measure your body fat percent and then calculate a graded calory deficit, and design your diet and exercise program accordingly.

Am at 79 kilos now and hope to stabilize at 75 before I start cross-training (alternate running and strength training in the gym). Legs, back, core, abdominals, and upper body (very important for cyclists).

Cheers, Doc

WARNING: This diet should not be tried by Diabetics.
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I concur about Vitamin D, it is very important for humans. It regulates the immune system and Thyroid is auto-immune disease. Vitamin C boost your immune system, however, Vitamin D regulates it. Also, it is bit of bro science, but cant do any harm, minimise the fluoride intake, don't have too much tea using tea bags, tea bags especially the cheap ones, do contain crap loads of fluoride. Flouride being a heavier metal affect the absorption of nutrients in our gut.

Absolutely 100% correct I filter my water and don't use Fluoride based toothpaste, there is now evidence showing Fluoride causes havoc with the Thyroid Function. Don't get enough Sun in England so taking D3 is an absolute MUST.

Iodine can detoxify the body from Fluoride among other toxins found in food and water, and talking for myself I can see the benefit of using it with Selenium!


Thank you for your kind indulgence---.

I will Just add this as part 2 to what I do or take.

Before my meal I take a Tablespoon of organic cider vinegar mixed in water and drink it. After a meal after about 10 minutes tablespoon of cider vinegar with small amount of pink himalayan rock salt. I would urge to discard the white table salt and use only pink himalayan rock salt. Thank me later. The combination will keep the stomach acid acidic thus it will break your food down and kill any bacteria that does not get eliminated by weak pH of stomach acid.

Apple cider vinegar is pure Potassium in acidic form. Himalayan pink salt is pure sodium and chloride. white Table salt is not good for you you can read apmle research on it. Pottasium + Sodium + Chrolide will keep the stomach acid acidic

Your stomach needs a healthy bacteria which works in the acidic environment for digestion of the food. Hence taking probiotic is a must!!

Fluoride is poisonous and now there is research that points towards it causing dysfunction of Thyroid gland. Among causing damage to other organs in the body. If you have young Children then it will cause issue in their brain development. Taking Iodine + Selenium can counter many toxins in the body including Fluoride.

Rest is taking Vitamin A,B-complex,C,D3+K2
Essential trace minerals.
Bendopnea is a newly described symptom of heart failure, meaning shortness of breath when leaning forward. It was introduced by Thibodeau et al. in 2014. Patients with heart failure often experience this when bending over to tie a shoe or putting socks on.


I experience shortness of breath when I bend over for instance to tie my shoes. By the way I'm also on cholesterol medication. Should I let my doctor know about this?
Got my Body Fat Analysis done yesterday. Have added running to my fitness routine along with cycling now.

Height 181 cm

Weight 79 kilos (down from 95)

BMR 1739

BMI 24.9

Body Fat % 26.4

Visceral Fat (VF) 10

Trunk Fat (TSF) 16.3

Muscle Mass (MM) 30.9

Need to increase Muscle Mass to around 36% (5 short) and reduce Body Fat to under 20 (6 short).

Please help with suggestions. @ValerioAurelius ??

P.S. Am doing to for fitness only, and no competition etc.

Cheers, Doc
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Got my Body Fat Analysis done yesterday. Have added running to my fitness routine along with cycling now.

Height 181 cm

Weight 79 kilos (down from 95)

BMR 1739

BMI 24.9

Body Fat % 26.4

Visceral Fat (VF) 10

Trunk Fat (TSF) 16.3

Muscle Mass (MM) 30.9

Need to increase Muscle Mass to around 36% (5 short) and reduce Body Fat to under 20 (6 short).

Please help with suggestions. @ValerioAurelius ??

P.S. Am doing to for fitness only, and no competition etc.

Cheers, Doc

I send you a training sugesstion this evening, do you already do sport?
I send you a training sugesstion this evening, do you already do sport?

Currently, I only cycle. 4 days a week. Approximately 200 odd kms a week. Not recreational. Pretty brisk, with a few gradients. On my heavier MTB that's like 1600 calories (over 1:45 hrs) and on my lighter hybrid, about 1000 odd calories.

My main aim is to train my body for a expedition (unsupported) to Ladakh next year. Very extreme. 5 of the tallest motorable mountain passes in the world. And finishing at Kahrdungla. With another mate of mine.

That's about 500 kms of snow, slush, gushing freezing water crossings, rocks, steep unending climbs, hairy high speed descents, military convoies, and the world's coldest highest desert.

Want to work other muscles as well so want to cross train. Can't swim around the year here, so want to start jogging. And weight training (not too much though - as an extreme cyclist, into endurance and ultra touring, can't afford any extra "show" or non-functional bulk).

I can afford max 1.5-2 hours in the mornings (which I'd like to use to train on my bike), and maybe an hour in the evening, say 6:30-7:30 after work.

I also need to be careful about adequate rest for the body to recoup, and not to overtrain and risk burnout or injury.

I am 46, have been a state level swimmer and cyclist in my youth, and am still fit enough to ride 200+ kms on my bike in around 11+ hours saddle time.

Thanks for your help.

Cheers, Doc
Currently, I only cycle. 4 days a week. Approximately 200 odd kms a week. Not recreational. Pretty brisk, with a few gradients. On my heavier MTB that's like 1600 calories (over 1:45 hrs) and on my lighter hybrid, about 1000 odd calories.

My main aim is to train my body for a expedition (unsupported) to Ladakh next year. Very extreme. 5 of the tallest motorable mountain passes in the world. And finishing at Kahrdungla. With another mate of mine.

That's about 500 kms of snow, slush, gushing freezing water crossings, rocks, steep unending climbs, hairy high speed descents, military convoies, and the world's coldest highest desert.

Want to work other muscles as well so want to cross train. Can't swim around the year here, so want to start jogging. And weight training (not too much though - as an extreme cyclist, into endurance and ultra touring, can't afford any extra "show" or non-functional bulk).

I can afford max 1.5-2 hours in the mornings (which I'd like to use to train on my bike), and maybe an hour in the evening, say 6:30-7:30 after work.

I also need to be careful about adequate rest for the body to recoup, and not to overtrain and risk burnout or injury.

I am 46, have been a state level swimmer and cyclist in my youth, and am still fit enough to ride 200+ kms on my bike in around 11+ hours saddle time.

Thanks for your help.

Cheers, Doc

The Atacama is the worlds highest desert ;P

Would you want a 3 Day body routine or prefer a 4 day split? The 4 day slit is more for those who are trained already and from what you said you are not a counch potato.
The Atacama is the worlds highest desert ;P

Would you want a 3 Day body routine or prefer a 4 day split? The 4 day slit is more for those who are trained already and from what you said you are not a counch potato.

Depends. Do you suggest I do legs as well if I'm already cycling and running?

Also, do I need to (initially) go to a gym. Or can I manage with a set of dumbbells at home?

Cheers, Doc
Depends. Do you suggest I do legs as well if I'm already cycling and running?

Also, do I need to (initially) go to a gym. Or can I manage with a set of dumbbells at home?

Cheers, Doc

What you do is mostly cardio

I would advice you a fullbody workout

Do you have weights at home? Otehrwise i would advise a gym.
What you do is mostly cardio

I would advice you a fullbody workout

Do you have weights at home? Otehrwise i would advise a gym.

Yes, you are right. It's mostly cardio, with brief anerobic on the really bad climbs.

Cool, so a full body then. Hopefully it should help my cycling as well, though they advise complex movements like squats n lunges instead of isolation exercises like raises, curls, extensions that work only specific muscle groups.

I have a set of dumbbells , no bench, and 8 x 2.5 kilo plates at home. But have access to a club gym just a couple of kilometres from my house, so no issues there.

Cheers, Doc
Absolutely 100% correct I filter my water and don't use Fluoride based toothpaste, there is now evidence showing Fluoride causes havoc with the Thyroid Function. Don't get enough Sun in England so taking D3 is an absolute MUST.

Iodine can detoxify the body from Fluoride among other toxins found in food and water, and talking for myself I can see the benefit of using it with Selenium!

I will Just add this as part 2 to what I do or take.

Before my meal I take a Tablespoon of organic cider vinegar mixed in water and drink it. After a meal after about 10 minutes tablespoon of cider vinegar with small amount of pink himalayan rock salt. I would urge to discard the white table salt and use only pink himalayan rock salt. Thank me later. The combination will keep the stomach acid acidic thus it will break your food down and kill any bacteria that does not get eliminated by weak pH of stomach acid.

Apple cider vinegar is pure Potassium in acidic form. Himalayan pink salt is pure sodium and chloride. white Table salt is not good for you you can read apmle research on it. Pottasium + Sodium + Chrolide will keep the stomach acid acidic

Your stomach needs a healthy bacteria which works in the acidic environment for digestion of the food. Hence taking probiotic is a must!!

Fluoride is poisonous and now there is research that points towards it causing dysfunction of Thyroid gland. Among causing damage to other organs in the body. If you have young Children then it will cause issue in their brain development. Taking Iodine + Selenium can counter many toxins in the body including Fluoride.

i take suplemnets for calcium , magnesium, vita d. what about magnesium flakes you bil it mix with water then spray on body and helps take out toxins and eases the muscles from pain. you get really good sleep. what is yoru youtube channel i wnat to connect to build network. i am waiting (post)for glucosamine tablets for cartilage build etc.

Rest is taking Vitamin A,B-complex,C,D3+K2
Essential trace minerals.

i take suplemnets for calcium , magnesium, vita d. what about magnesium flakes you boil it mix with water then spray on body and helps take out toxins and eases the muscles from pain. you get really good sleep. what is your youtube channel i want to connect to build network. i am waiting (post)for glucosamine tablets for cartilage build etc.
i take suplemnets for calcium , magnesium, vita d. what about magnesium flakes you boil it mix with water then spray on body and helps take out toxins and eases the muscles from pain. you get really good sleep. what is your youtube channel i want to connect to build network. i am waiting (post)for glucosamine tablets for cartilage build etc.
I don't have a youtube channel, as for supplementation I would recommend getting supplement from natural sources which is primarily plants! because its will always absorb better than synthetic chemicals. boiling magnesium flake is new to me, I usually take magnesium from plants! Do you take potassium? the entire world is deficient in it and it's vital for the heart to function among suppressing cortisol which is a stress related hormone.
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