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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

It's for show but it reveals their intention, and this situation would be far more dangerous if they had a strong backer like the US, whilst unlikely it could happen in the future, therefor this opportunity has to be taken to crush the KRG.

Iraqi Parliament voted to send troops to Northern Iraq to protect Iraqi citizens and assets.
" From far away now I hear the sound of ice crushers".
Iraqi Parliament voted to send troops to Northern Iraq to protect Iraqi citizens and assets.
" From far away now I hear the sound of ice crushers".

It's pressuring Abadi to do so but in the end he has to give that order, and he doesn't seem like the person to give such an order out of nowhere. What is more likely is that PMU will start clashing with Peshmerga, then he will give some order.
It's pressuring Abadi to do so but in the end he has to give that order, and he doesn't seem like the person to give such an order out of nowhere. What is more likely is that PMU will start clashing with Peshmerga, then he will give some order.

I am not confused, but irritated. Turkish MFA said just know : " We will hesitate no minute to intervene militarily if the Türkmen minority is threatened. PKK will soon combat Peshmerga" !

For my opinion,
this could mean , that Türkiye thinks to know that USA and some others promised PKK much more than only cantons in Syria.

Good morning.
Biz bugunleri 4-5 sene once gorduk, ama kor tayyip hala gormedi. Bu adam bizi ucuruma surukluyor vay halimize.

Usulsüz ihaleler,
Fetullahçı Cemaat ile el ele Atatürk ve Türklüğe ve dahi laiklik ilkesine karşı işlenen suçlar,
ÖSYM sınavlarında usulsüzlük yapılmasına göz yummak,
PKK'nın şehirlerimizi bomba deposu haline getirmelerine bilerek göz yummak ve onlarla pazarlık etmek,
Silahlı teröristlerin ülke sınırları içinde serbestçe dolaşmasına izin vermek suretiyle PKK'nın büyümesine hizmet etmek,
Irak'ın meşru sınırları içindeki bir bölgenin gayri meşru bayrağının Ankara'ya asılmasına izin vermek sureti ile Ankara Antlaşmasına aykırı hareket etmek,
Tarikatları devlet kademelerine yerleştirmek ve bu suretle darbe kalkışmasına zemin hazırlamak,
Fetullah Tarikatına devlet bütçesinden yardım etmek,
Suriye'de Türk toprağı olan Süleyman Şah türbesinin bulunduğu yeri teröristlere terk etmek,
Ayn El Arap'taki PYD teröristlerine yardım için peşmerge teröristlerinin ülkemizden geçmesine izin vererek imha edilmelerinin önüne geçmek...

Hepsini yaşadık. Herkes şahit.
Bunu kendileri de biliyorlar ve çok korkuyorlar.
Atatürk ve Türklüğe ve dahi laiklik ilkesine karşı işlenen suçlar,
Same happens today. In mainstream media, they accuse Atatürk to be a covert atheist and Islam hater. They reffer to his conflicts with Kazim Karabekir. Forget them. History will delete them.
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I think that the separation between KDP-PUK-PKK ended in the moment when PKK entered Kirkuk. Even PKK clearly said that "An attack over Southern Kurdistan will be considered an attack over all of Kurdistan" they are united under one goal. We must kill their dream- Kurdistan. I will tell it again KDP-PUK-PKK are all one and united before the supreme goal that they have been fighting for decades to complete. Supporting independent Iraqi Kurdistan means supporting the partition of Turkey, Syria and Iran in the future. Dont be naive to think that they will work with us. Their goal is clear.
Your giving them far too much credit to act united. Historically, they've been too clannish and divided in the past what makes you think it's different now.
That map always amuses me. Seems like wherever a kurd has settled is claimed as historic Kurdistan. A hundred years ago when the Russian empire occupied Kars census figures had 9000 kurds in Kars district out of a total population of 130k. 7%. There was barely a Kurdish presence in Kirkuk until the 1950s oil boom and now its their historic capital. Kifri was a completely Turkmen town before the 20th century now they claim its kurdistan. But reality and fantasy are two different things.
They worked with us because we allowed that region to rise. We worked with them because they were against
PUK-PKK. Now when PUK-PKK and KDP are united why they will work with us? To form an stable economy and then? When they rise their intelligence organizations and military what do you think they will do? With foreign help in a state that they are internationally recognized as a independent country they will be untouchable. Just imagine all the US and NATO bases there. Conflict will rise and they will accuse you of genocide over the Kurds. Over their diaspora. Imagine if US gives them air defense systems. Let alone the stingers for a country of this size even long range air defense system will be good. They will be able to scan all of our movements and even Turkish bird will not be allowed to enter Kurdish airspace. I think we must not allow this to happen. I prefer killed Kurdistan together with PKK and to earn Iraq, Syria and Iran our neighbours as friends instead of independent Kurdistan that will work for the separation of my country. "A land that have not tasted the blood of Sehit have no price". Our land is precious.
Declaring independence doesn't mean they will actually attain it. A lot of kurds oppose the referendum, not because they are against it but because they are against Barzani. They aren't as united as you think and a struggle for power will ensue.
Also say the KRG is crushed, what do you think will happen with the 200K+ peshmerga forces? Not like they will hang up their boots and call it a day. They've accumulated a huge stockpile of military equipment. If their institutions are destroyed then they will go underground, and then you will see increasing unity amongst the Kurdish factions. These things need to be considered. It will take many months of planning to come up with a military operation to take over the KRG controlled areas.
If Iraq is serious about regaining control then they will need to allow for years of fighting to do it. Look at the trouble in Syria to see how tens of thousands of lightly armed insurgents can can take on the government. Even with Russian air power and shia militias on the ground supporting them.
The referendum is going on as we speak. I think the outcome will be yes. What the KRG do about it remains to be seen.
Plan for the worst, be prepared to be surprised.

here for some fools who do not want to see.. this is barzani tv rudaw and that is their kurdistan..

that is your control, your leash your build up supported man.. maybe our ppl are on a much stronger leash

oh I forgot to mention Rudaw uses Turksat...

some pll said they are under our dependency and so on.. but they bite your hands every time this is not one moment of being a fool its always this way..

and maybe some ppl will say we did not know.. we are fooled..

see it with your own eyes: http://www.rudaw.net/turkish/freq
I love that map, it just shows how delusional kurds gotten over the last years. Maybe should remind them daily that without the USAF they wouldn't be alive at the moment. Hatay where not even one kurd lives is now somehow part of a ancient kurdish empire that nobody other than kurds know anything about. Sivas too. Soon Baghdad and Teheren will be ancient kurdish cities built by the angels themselves for the masterrace that the kurds are.
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I love that map, it just shows how delusional kurds gotten over the last years. Maybe should remind them daily that without the USAF they wouldn't be alive at the moment. Hatay where not even one kurd lives is now somehow part of a ancient kurdish empire that nobody other than kurds know anything about. Sivas too. Soon Baghdad and Teheren will be ancient kurdish cities built by the angels themselves for the masterrace that the kurds are.
Istanbul and izmir also belong to greater kurdistan.
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Istanbul and izmir also belong to greater kurdistan.
Berlin, Kurdistan. come on Europe show your human rights credentials and give them their land :D
Or is it like Israel, support their own country, so long as it's somewhere else.

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