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The fate of minorities in Pakistan

That! Europeans don't like Muslims that much (ok, studies show that Germans hate gypsies more, but this is a story for another time) but there are laws in place that protect us from being harrased or attacked. And those laws are enforced!

Exactly. Any one of us can go to the police without fear and expect justice from the courts. It is standard procedure. In Pakistan getting justice is an exception.
In 26-days three Hindu girls got abducted and converted to Islam in Sindh

An RSS hindutva bakht like you is in no position to lecture about Pakistan, given what you do to your own minorities...beef meat mobs, 'love jihad' vigilantes, anti-Christian programs, Ayodhia mosque, the massacres in Gujarat...guess what, the very same right wing religious ideology you used to preach against in Pakistan and claim moral "secular democracy" high ground is occurring in india...congratulations, you're turning india into Pakistan...imitation is the best form of flattery as they say.
More nonsense excuses. The society is heavily rigged against the minorities, there is no denying it. It is not the powerful or the system or some fringe elements or some foreign hand responsible for their miserable situation. It is the regular Pakistani, you and I. The issue is not the pervasive injustice and/or lack of justice in the country, it is your deliberate apathy and complete disregard of their misery. The exact reason why bastards such as these are so fearless in committing these crimes against these helpless minorities. You can't bring yourself to admitting the systemic injustice and discrimination exacted upon your own brothers and sisters let alone post a statement condemning the abduction and rape of a minor. Instead you made it a point to brush it off as if it was nothing. The hypocrisy then is that you would have no problem going on rabid rants against the very same minorities as soon as a Dane sitting thousands of miles away does something against your liking.

Hogwash. The injustice against the minorities stems from the societal bias and apathy against them. As is clearly evident from your posts. The extent of injustice faced by minorities is exponentially more than anything the majority has ever had to face.

Do tell me if your response to any of those cases was "Meh.....there's injustice every where. So what?"

"The majority" not "the majority of people".

No they do not. How can you even post that?

You and I never had our economic extent limited by our religion, never had our social extent limited by our religion, never feared to have our places of worship burned down just because, were never told to leave the country because it was not ours, never feared to be murdered with impunity, never feared for our women to be abducted with impunity, never feared for what we did or did not say, were never looked down upon for our religion, were never made to answer or pay for something that a man from the opposite end of the planet did or did not say, were never forced to convert, were never forced any limits on the practice or preaching of our religion, and never had any gross injustice against us brushed aside as nothing.
I highly respect your post for your very clear thinking, explanation and most importantly courage to point out the issues.
Similar issues (thankfully to a much lesser degree) happen in India too and we need to be vigilant as well.
In 26-days three Hindu girls got abducted and converted to Islam in Sindh

I condemn any such acts in Pakistan, without reservations, but, the fact is for any such act,
There are dozens if not hundreds of such acts in India, under far worse circumstances. In Pakistan, it is not organized,
In India,
it is organised terror of minorities.

If you are a decent man/woman, let's see you condemn the following, use your own words, but unashamed condemnation.




You do it to women and men, no-one is safe in India.

India does force conversion at another level.
bribes and threats everything goes.

Let's see the condemnations now.

@Del @PakistaniAtBahrain @GHALIB @Uguduwa
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Although I'm quite certain that you are a false flagger but I will still answer you because I know that bigots like yourself do exist in the country.

Pakistan wasn't created as a home for anyone other than Pakistan's Muslims.

That is a lie. Pakistan was created so that the Muslims of the subcontinent could live without fear of the Hindu majority and in accordance with their beliefs. It was not created so that they could then instead subjugate their minorities. Pakistan was absolutely not made for just Muslims. Everything the Quaid has said and the constitution of the country itself stand against your false statement. Pakistan equally belongs to every single one of its citizens. Everything the Quaid has said and the constitution of the country attest to it.

When Pakistan is perfect for our people who it was created for than we can talk about kafir's and what we're going to do with them.

Pakistan is not perfect because bigots masquerading as "Musalmans", such as yourself, are eating away at it from within. You don't get to do anything with them. You are a useless and insecure bigot who can't string two coherent thoughts together. See below,

India on the other hand was created to be for "everyone", the Muslims that wanted to live next to Hindus opted for that sh*thole instead of pushing for their own independence.

It takes a special kind of fool to not realize that he is criticizing India for exactly what he wants to do in his own country. You are no different than them.

So why even complain about Pakistan when we owe nothing to those "minorities"?

Owe them nothing? You owe them their God given and constitutional rights, you blithering imbecile.

Even with how "bad" the situation is for them in Pakistan they're a lot better off than they are in India by their own admission:
Hindus who migrated to India want to return, says NCM chief

I can't even state how stupid that statement is.

Next time someone slaps you for any one of your stupid statements please take solace in the fact that people in Africa have it a lot worse.

I'm curious why aren't you out there 24/7/365 lobbying the Canadian government to start giving the Native Americans, which Canada actually belongs to, justice for horrendous crimes committed against them in their own lands like the Residential School system that robbed them of their culture?

What about campaigning for the native Americans in Canada who have been largely imprisoned on reserves and where, for example, First Nations students get 30 per cent less funding than other children

Can you highlight all the posts and social work you've done locally in Canada fighting for clean drinking water for Native American communities in Canada?
Clean running water still a luxury on many native reserves

I'm curious, do you only present idiotic arguments which have nothing to do with the discussion? Exclusively those that make no sense?

PS: A Native American in Canada today enjoys far more rights and far less discrimination than a non-Muslim does in Pakistan.

Those "minorities" exist in Pakistan because of almost 100 years of British Christian Colonialism that attempted to rob us of our religion, our language and then flooded our ancestral lands with their muppets to destroy us the same way they attempted to destroy a host of other civilizations including those of the Native populations of North America.

Careful before the Indians start claiming that you only exist today because of the 1000 year long colonial rule of Muslim invaders. Apart from the facts that Hinduism predates Islam in the region and that the Christian and Sikh converts were non-Muslims.

You think we're going to "tolerate" that?

You are no one, nobody, insignificant. What made you think you even get to tolerate anything? You don't matter at all.

When Pakistan's people, it's Muslims, are able to live in prosperity, peace and without the unwanted and hateful influence of kafir's who demean our nation, our peoples and culture then we can talk about anyone else who wishes to live in Pakistan.

Funny you should say that because it is morons like yourself, pretending to be Muslims and Pakistanis, who are spreading their unwanted and hateful influence in the country and demeaning, nay, destroying it, its people, its culture, and everything else about it. Fortunately, yours is an increasingly impotent noise which in a few more years will die its natural death.
Feel deeply saddened about Pakistani christians. However, hindus are non of my concern.

Christians in Pakistan should be accomodated as much as possible.

These people did not kill muslims in 47.

Are these Hindus, the ones who chose to stay in Pakistan and become Pakistanis, the ones who killed those Muslims in 47?

Also, what of the Muslims who killed those Hindus and Sikhs in 47?

They should be ONE concern out of many and not THE concern. Islam is the state religion and our identity, no need to waste too much time, money and effort on minorities. No other country does this. These PR stunts for westerners are useless and counterproductive.

Tell me exactly what have you and Pakistan so far spent or "wasted" on minorities? Exactly where is the PR stunt in this minor girl being abducted and raped? Does your bigotry hold no limit? Even an animal would show more compassion in this situation.
More nonsense excuses.

Well, to you it might be, similarly I can say the same.

The society is heavily rigged against the minorities, there is no denying it.
I won't go as far as to say heavily, but it's quite normal behavior. Tell me one place on earth, where minorities have more rights than the majority? Sure, I can't claim the minorities have absolute equal rights in Pakistan but I can say with assurity that they have almost about same rights as every one else. And that's good, sure it needs improvement, what doesn't need improvement.

It is not the powerful or the system or some fringe elements or some foreign hand responsible for their miserable situation. It is the regular Pakistani, you and I.

Nahh, I doubt a regular Pakistani or me, going out of my way to abuse some poor minority. So I would say it's definitely the one's with the power and some fringe elements.

The issue is not the pervasive injustice and/or lack of justice in the country, it is your deliberate apathy and complete disregard of their misery.
Do tell me if your response to any of those cases was "Meh.....there's injustice every where. So what?"

Yeah, just like you shrugged of the pedophilia issue with deliberate apathy and complete disregard of their misery. "Ohh, it doesn't matter since they are not in the minority". Lets be fair there are more voices for minority issues than there are for majority.

Hogwash. The injustice against the minorities stems from the societal bias and apathy against them. As is clearly evident from your posts. The extent of injustice faced by minorities is exponentially more than anything the majority has ever had to face.

"Exponentially" "Yes, minorities are getting raped left and right and there are no issues of the majority. Pedophilia non-existent, rapes non-existent, that motorway rape case that was just an illusion." Please be realistic, what you are suggesting is not numerically or logically possible.And about societal bias, I did say before that there shouldn't be any preferential treatment. I am of the opinion of justice for every one, but If some says no to that, and claims that minorities should be given preferential treatment then sure, I'll have issue with that.

You can't bring yourself to admitting the systemic injustice and discrimination exacted upon your own brothers and sisters let alone post a statement condemning the abduction and rape of a minor.
Sure, its condemnable, and me not specifically writing that "I condemn this", doesn't mean I am not condemning it. What I am suggesting is, stop portraying it a minority issue, the rest of us are having same type of issue.

Instead you made it a point to brush it off as if it was nothing.

Quote me where did I do that.

The hypocrisy then is that you would have no problem going on rabid rants against the very same minorities as soon as a Dane sitting thousands of miles away does something against your liking.

Well, I would speak for the rights of minorities too, if some one was abusing Hindu or Christian gods in Pakistan. That's totally a different discussion.

Here, I will repost my earlier comment, hope it brings much clarity.
Only billionaire lives matter in Pakistan. People here, get confused that just because some one is a minority he/she is getting witch-hunted because of that. Sure there might be a few cases, but the majority of cases are because of poverty. Poor have 0 access to justice, thats the bottom line and this needs targeted reforms. The false narrative that "only minorities are living in some sort of hell" and the rest are enjoying the paradise in Pakistan, needs to be fixed before it takes shape like the LGBTQ/Feminist movement(where genuine issues of women, like acid attacks, honor killings, domestic violence are shadowed/undermined because of "mera jism meri marzi narrative"). There is a severe need of political, judicial and police reforms.
The rich whether they be in minority or majority enjoy a posh life and the poor whether they be in majority or minority live a rigorous hellish life and this is a fact no matter how much you want twist it.

. .
That is a garbage excuse.

The atrocities being committed on these minorities are by the "majority". You do not get to sit back, raise your hands and go "hey man, I don't get no justice either". The society itself is the culprit and your attitudes are the reason.

Nothing stops the "majority" from going rabid, taking to the streets, burning every thing down, and asking for the death of the same minorities for a law which is un-Islamic and inhumane. But "hey man, what can we do?"

I had an interaction with a so called Pakistani Christian minority who claimed political asylum in the US. He was the biggest fraudster, had it good in Pakistan but hated Pakistan since he had become a money worshipper. He was gay and had an Arab boyfriend even though he was married. He was embodiment of the devil himself and one of the weirdest guys I had ever met. Through him I found that the church in Pakistan is more of a mafia and anti- Pakistan ring than followers of a religion. They are well networked and endow favours on each other. They turn a blind eye to abuse and don't want to talk about it or hear about and I wouldn't be surprised if he was a victim or an abuser himself. Pakistani agencies should definitely infiltrate and monitor these type of despicable people and deal with them appropriately.
What a wild 5 pages of offensive rhetoric. If the people above had their way; they'd be clamoring for a genocide.

Privileged people have it good even if they're a minority. However if you aren't fortunate enough and belong to a minority; chances that your rights would be infringed upon go through the roof.

Lets not pretend the problem doesn't exists. Acknowledging an issue is the first step to resolving it.
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What a wild 5 pages of offensive rhetoric. If the people above had their way; they'd be clamoring for a genocide.

Privileged people have it good even if they're a minority. However if you aren't fortunate enough and belong to a minority; chances that your rights would be infringed upon go through the roof.

Lets not pretend the problem doesn't exists. Acknowledging an issue is the first step to resolving it.

Man.....why should anyone care about 1-3% of our population?? I know they aren't doing great but neither is the majority. Focusing on such a tiny population just to appease the West isn't going to do any good lol
. .
Line 'em up into gas chambers. Problem solved.
Man, why don't you understand what we are saying? Nobody is in favor of harming them and if somebody kidnaps their children to "marry" them or to forcefully convert them I am the first to condemn it.


PR stunts like building a temple for 5 Hindus in Islamabad or only caring for crimes when minorities are involved (knowing that rule of law, law enforcement, general corruption and degeneration are a problem on a societal level and not only limited to minorities!) are just cheap virtue signalling. Unfortunately the Queen of England and Western media don't care about that. We are still the evil Muslim nuclear power.

I know people being shot whilst reading Quran over a property issue. No Dawn news, no BBC, no ARY what ever reported on that. But all of Jahannam would break out here on PDF and elsewhere when the murdered would happen to be a Christian or Hindu. That's what we are talking about and not "We evil Muzzzlimms of Pakistan want to kill all Christians and Hindus!!!".

I had an interaction with a so called Pakistani Christian minority who claimed political asylum in the US. He was the biggest fraudster, had it good in Pakistan but hated Pakistan since he had become a money worshipper. He was gay and had an Arab boyfriend even though he was married. He was embodiment of the devil himself and one of the weirdest guys I had ever met. Through him I found that the church in Pakistan is more of a mafia and anti- Pakistan ring than followers of a religion. They are well networked and endow favours on each other. They turn a blind eye to abuse and don't want to talk about it or hear about and I wouldn't be surprised if he was a victim or an abuser himself. Pakistani agencies should definitely infiltrate and monitor these type of despicable people and deal with them appropriately.
Bhai, it's a known fact what Christian missionaries do in Pakistan and that Christian of Pakistan have - let it put it mildly (I don't want to get a warning) - "identity issues". I worked with a Christian Indian with connections to missionaries in Pakistan and what he told me was just disgusting. Our country has no honor in this world but it's our own fault.

Pakistan is first and foremost an Islamic country, so Christians and Hindus will always find it difficult to get along, because foreign powers use them for their agendas. National security and identity are not a wokeness contest, for the love of god!

And before start complaining about the fact that I live in Germany: there was no red carpet for my father and grandfather when they first arrived in the West all I have today was built by hard-work and trust in Allah, so don't gimmie that! Euros don't like Muslims and we are a cheap political currency used to get cheap votes when ever needed (let's ban halal slaughter, let's ban circumcision, let's ban the headscarf...). No country ever became prosperous by only caring for minorities. No country in the entire history of mankind!
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PR stunts like building a temple for 5 Hindus in Islamabad or only caring for crimes when minorities are involved (knowing that rule of law, law enforcement, general corruption and degeneration are a problem on a societal level and not only limited to minorities!) are just cheap virtue signalling.

You're missing the point. Problems multiply up an order of a magnitude if you're a minority. You'd reason that they probably get away for stuff that'll probably end the majority in jail such as possessing liquor. Still doesn't change the fact that they'd end up lynched because no one would question the person who lynched them.

Majority=power; and power comes with "I'll get away with it" syndrome. The state doesn't have effective minority protection laws; and if they exist, getting through the archaic justice system of Pakistan is like pissing against the wind.

Your reasoning that the majority share those same problems are invalid because I've never heard of a minority lynching a majority person and getting away with it.
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Well, to you it might be, similarly I can say the same.

I won't go as far as to say heavily, but it's quite normal behavior. Tell me one place on earth, where minorities have more rights than the majority? Sure, I can't claim the minorities have absolute equal rights in Pakistan but I can say with assurity that they have almost about same rights as every one else. And that's good, sure it needs improvement, what doesn't need improvement.

Nahh, I doubt a regular Pakistani or me, going out of my way to abuse some poor minority. So I would say it's definitely the one's with the power and some fringe elements.

Yeah, just like you shrugged of the pedophilia issue with deliberate apathy and complete disregard of their misery. "Ohh, it doesn't matter since they are not in the minority". Lets be fair there are more voices for minority issues than there are for majority.

"Exponentially" "Yes, minorities are getting raped left and right and there are no issues of the majority. Pedophilia non-existent, rapes non-existent, that motorway rape case that was just an illusion." Please be realistic, what you are suggesting is not numerically or logically possible.And about societal bias, I did say before that there shouldn't be any preferential treatment. I am of the opinion of justice for every one, but If some says no to that, and claims that minorities should be given preferential treatment then sure, I'll have issue with that.

Sure, its condemnable, and me not specifically writing that "I condemn this", doesn't mean I am not condemning it. What I am suggesting is, stop portraying it a minority issue, the rest of us are having same type of issue.

Quote me where did I do that.

Well, I would speak for the rights of minorities too, if some one was abusing Hindu or Christian gods in Pakistan. That's totally a different discussion.

Here, I will repost my earlier comment, hope it brings much clarity.

The rich whether they be in minority or majority enjoy a posh life and the poor whether they be in majority or minority live a rigorous hellish life and this is a fact no matter how much you want twist it.

Unfortunately in the loud noises of extremist lefts and rights, we sane people become a silent majority.
You're missing the point. Problems multiply up an order of a magnitude if you're a minority. You'd reason that they probably get away for stuff that'll probably end the majority in jail such as possessing liquor. Still doesn't change the fact that they'd end up lynched because no one would question the person who lynched them.

Majority=power; and power comes with "I'll get away with it" syndrome. The state doesn't have effective minority protection laws; and if they exist, getting through the archaic justice system of Pakistan is like pissing against the wind.

Your reasoning that the majority share those same problems are invalid because I've never heard of a minority lynching a majority person and getting away with it.
You completely missed his point. I have yet to see any statistics that prove that minorities are victims of crimes disproportionately higher than majority.

Sometimes people argue that minorites are in such low end jobs as street cleaners than on that I would say that I have seen minorites on very noble positions as VC and Dean etc. It is upto the person what he/she has set the goals for him or her.

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