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The enemy and Pakistan Army

Yeah so India has border disputes. This is nothing new. And how do you know ALL of those claims are valid? Its disputed. People will go around asking for land, because of THEIR hegemonic ambitions. However we cannot bend over backwards to entertain them. Infact in most of these disputes, India is right. Kashmir belongs to India, infact Aksai Chin too belongs to India. Oh and as for Kachatheevu, to the best of my knowledge, it was ceded to Sri Lanka by India. So much for India's "hegemonic" ambitions.

1998 I believe.

Please name another country which has more territorial disputes than those mentioned above. And this is a rather strange analogy that because India ceded a territory to Sri Lanka, which lay inside Sri Lanka itself and that earlier India had a claim on it.

All other countries are wrong and India is correct in asserting its claim on territories that belong to others and this is also not being hegemonic - surprise in such matters is nothing else but a lure of fools for the Indians, and this surprises most of the world even further.
war is the key word between the countries.How many indo-pak has fought and howmany indo-china has fought. When it takes normal express train to chug passenger 4 days from kanyakumari to jammu then why would india deploy the forces inland.where it will almost take at least 2 weeks to move forces from east to west or west to east in any emergency.And why would india not take into account the the advantage pakistan has wrt most of its cantonment east of indus if one sees from rajasthan border indus is just 150 km or so.

This essentially emanates fro Indian military strategy. In the early 1980s, Indian Government issued a classified political directive to Indian Armed Forces to maintain a strategic posture of "dissuasive deterrence" against Pakistan and "dissuasive defence" towards China. Indian strategic philosophy always endeavoured that, while the threat from China is minimal perceivably till late 2000, marginalise Pakistan and reduce its capabilities through political, diplomatic, military and economic means, so that when the threat from China emerges, India is not confronted with a two front war environment. Indian Armed Forces thus deployed major portion of its assets against Pakistan, which has not been changed since.

The 1980s Indian Government directive led the Indian Army to formulate its strategy in what was known as The Army Plan 2000. It envisaged cutting Pakistan in two by launching deep strategic strikes. However, in early 90s when this strategy was being revised, it was observed that advent of nuclear environment precludes such deep strikes into Pakistan and curtailed its strategic objectives to remain short of perceived Pakistani nuclear thresholds and aimed at destruction of Pakistan’s combat capabilities rather than occupation of large tracts of territory.

And because of Indian strategy, the forces against Pakistan will never be reduced and India would remain Pakistan's major threat, irrespective of other manageable threats that emerge from time to time.
Please name another country which has more territorial disputes than those mentioned above. And this is a rather strange analogy that because India ceded a territory to Sri Lanka, which lay inside Sri Lanka itself and that earlier India had a claim on it.

All other countries are wrong and India is correct in asserting its claim on territories that belong to others and this is also not being hegemonic - surprise in such matters is nothing else but a lure of fools for the Indians, and this surprises most of the world even further.

No what I said isnt strange. Its strange that just because there isnt any other country with territorial disputes as much as India (debatable), that India is wrong. It is actually the reverse. India has bad neighbors and despite our best efforts in not pursuing territory, handing over territory etc for the sake of peace, we still get accused of being hegemonic.

BTW out of the 6 countries that have disputed borders with India, 5 out of them including China, want peace in the region. Only one out of those 6 is too loud and has an entirely distorted and untrue view of history. This doesnt affect India as much as it affects said country.

BTW the reason that India has so many divisions against Pakistan, is because of Pakistani aggression. In all the four wars that India has fought with Pakistan, it has ALWAYS been Pakistan that has thrown the first punch. Hence the deployments. You have only yourself to blame.
Please name another country which has more territorial disputes than those mentioned above. And this is a rather strange analogy that because India ceded a territory to Sri Lanka, which lay inside Sri Lanka itself and that earlier India had a claim on it.

Inside Sri Lanka? It's an island, how is it inside Sri Lanka? Big talk, no knowledge.

All other countries are wrong and India is correct in asserting its claim on territories that belong to others and this is also not being hegemonic -

Says the chap whose country's entire western border is disputed by Afghanistan, the border with Iran is disputed by the Baluchis & has a huge disputed border with India......

surprise in such matters is nothing else but a lure of fools for the Indians, and this surprises most of the world even further.

Surprises the world? Indeed! Rich coming from a person whose countrymen are mocked by the world for their fantastic conspiracy theories. Just add one more.
Yawn...must be a real slow day to say the same stuff only breaking it down piece by individual piece.... Why don't you start listing all the individual mountains in Kashmir, you will have an even longer list by the end.

Regardless of your silly post, India has not actively pursued any territory it does not have, even against weaker neighbours. You prove nothing. We are still a status quo power though what we might claim with other countries should have little bearing on us being status quoist with respect to Pakistan.

When confronted with facts it becomes silly because the rhetoric ends here and you guys have no answer except for repeating the same rhetoric again and again.

Why don't you recall Joe Shearer, he will again start repeating the rhetoric in his english prose. He is a master in generating sarcasm where none exists.
When confronted with facts it becomes silly because the rhetoric ends here and you guys have no answer except for repeating the same rhetoric again and again.

Why don't you recall Joe Shearer, he will again start repeating the rhetoric in his english prose. He is a master in generating sarcasm where none exists.

What we are saying doesnt amount to rhetoric. This whole lengthy diatribe that you come up with everytime an Indo-Pak issue thread comes up is what is called rhetoric. The perpetual fear that makes India the boogeyman out to get Pakistan, the continuous brainwashed and distorted piece of history that you come up with and the incessant accusations that India is hegemonic is what amounts to rhetoric.
Please name another country which has more territorial disputes than those mentioned above. And this is a rather strange analogy that because India ceded a territory to Sri Lanka, which lay inside Sri Lanka itself and that earlier India had a claim on it.

Inside Sri Lanka? It's an island, how is it inside Sri Lanka? Big talk, no knowledge.

Says the chap whose country's entire western border is disputed by Afghanistan, the border with Iran is disputed by the Baluchis & has a huge disputed border with India......

Surprises the world? Indeed! Rich coming from a person whose countrymen are mocked by the world for their fantastic conspiracy theories. Just add one more.

Oh, the rhetoric again.

The whole world agrees that there is an international border between Afghanistan and Pakistan - I am sure you would have read the recent statement from the US state department. Even Saadi and others since hundreds of years ago have named Afghans as schmucks.

Contrarily, the whole world agrees that India has border disputes with all its neighbours. You can't hide this behind some rhetorical responses.
When confronted with facts it becomes silly because the rhetoric ends here and you guys have no answer except for repeating the same rhetoric again and again.

What rhetoric? Dividing Kashmir in parts does not make it separate issues, it still remains one. As I suggested, you can always start writing down individual peaks if you so choose.

Why don't you recall Joe Shearer, he will again start repeating the rhetoric in his english prose. He is a master in generating sarcasm where none exists.

What on earth for? To deal with you? Thanks for the laugh....
What we are saying doesnt amount to rhetoric. This whole lengthy diatribe that you come up with everytime an Indo-Pak issue thread comes up is what is called rhetoric. The perpetual fear that makes India the boogeyman out to get Pakistan, the continuous brainwashed and distorted piece of history that you come up with and the incessant accusations that India is hegemonic is what amounts to rhetoric.

That's what you think - the facts I highlight state the reality. The sooner you guys wake up to the reality, the sooner South Asia will have peace - but for your rhetoric.
India should have one-subcontinent doctrine/policy to swat all disputes under one big hammer stroke.
marginalise Pakistan and reduce its capabilities through political, diplomatic, military and economic means

This is the crux of the matter.

With the nuclear standoff, actual military combat has become unthinkable and the conflict has moved to the covert and diplomatic levels. The huge deployments along the border are merely insurance.

Moreover, India (and the US) will engage third parties as proxies to do their fighting. Besides the TTP and BLA, I expect the new Afghan government and Northern Alliance-stocked military will be increasingly hostile towards Pakistan, egged on by India and the US.
What rhetoric? Dividing Kashmir in parts does not make it separate issues, it still remains one. As I suggested, you can always start writing down individual peaks if you so choose.

What on earth for? To deal with you? Thanks for the laugh....

ha ha ha .... then keep him hidden for the rhetorical coup de grace, because facts and realities can not be answered through rhetorics.
Oh, the rhetoric again.

The whole world agrees that there is an international border between Afghanistan and Pakistan

The Afghans don't and that makes it disputed. The Durand line and the McMahon Line are both drawn up on similar principles. As for what the world agrees, don't make me laugh. What they think about Pakistan wouldn't make you laugh anyways.
This is the crux of the matter.

With the nuclear standoff, actual military combat has become unthinkable and the conflict has moved to the covert and diplomatic levels. The huge deployments along the border are merely insurance.

Moreover, India (and the US) will engage third parties as proxies to do their fighting. Besides the TTP and BLA, I expect the new Afghan government and Northern Alliance-stocked military will be increasingly hostile towards Pakistan, egged on by India and the US.
but it was the usa which took out the baitullah mehsud......and many other TTP commanders.
You have it the other way around. It is Pakistan that is trying to maintain the status quo while India on the other hand wants to establish itself as the hegemonic power of South Asia. Indian actions of interfering in the internal affairs of her neighbours in the past and trying to build a dominant position at present is ample evidence of Indian expansionist motives. Pakistan's defence money is well spent because we have a nation called Pakistan, Pakistan does not lets herself get bullied by India like other smaller South Asian nations.


well said,
its Pakistanis who only aim for minimum deterrence and our military structure reflects that in the kind of manpower and hardware. just enough to keep the South Asian bully away from the Western corner and only take the frustration at the smaller and minor states around it.

no matter how Indians want to spin it. Pakistan refused to accept the Indian hegemony even in the current times we are not letting Indians have a free ride in Afghanistan & their covert activities viz-a-viz Baloch insurgencies are going to fail once again
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