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The Balance of Air power in Sub-continent considering latest inductions of Platforms / capabilities by PAF


Critical Assets depicting growth & prowess of China's Aviation industry.

Humble beginning of Low Cost assets utilizing Russian designs or inputs from Western tech,turning into world class high tech industry.

This Transformation resulting in High tech reliable systems , which PAF as a 'strategic partner' would benefit from in future.

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The new John Fricker of the PAF. By the way, where is the 2nd pilot who was admitted in CMH hospital?
Wing commander SHAHBAZ ALI not Shahzad but Shahbaz. You just find it out if there is a pilot in PAF named that and if he is missing or not😊. Last time they reported he is abroad on deployment but no talks of where and why. Do check
I see the legacy of John Fricker calling Indian propaganda out right then and there is still haunting you lot. Good to know.

Also I take Christine Fair is also the new John Fricker as well. She also said that India did not shoot down a F16. 👀. Wonder how you will deal with that news.

I don't know who is the second pilot. Must have been wing commander Shazaz Ud Din 🫠.

Also I see you have tried to perfect your propaganda by changing the name from Shazaz Ud Din (lmao) to Shahbaz Ali now.

I take it you are getting your propaganda from this post about this particular pilot

Which to that all I can say is lololololololololololololololol. What a mong.
On a closer inspection — what this picture shows is clearly a part of a panel from a F-16 Falcon fighter jet View attachment 929078
Upon closer inspection it's actually the part of a panel from a F22 raptor secretly used by Pakistan shot down by Abbinandan. Lol.
On a closer inspection — what this picture shows is clearly a part of a panel from a F-16 Falcon fighter jet View attachment 929078

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1.Abhinandan is captured by the Pakistan Army near Horan Kotla Ghafoor confirms.

2.One parachute lands north-west of Charhoi. Ghafoor confirms second pilot in custody, picked up by SAR heli to CMH.
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3.The Tadpole in air — The Pakistan Army assumes that a second IAF jet has crashed. Ghafoor informs that another pilot is yet to be captured. The Khuiratta video shows the parachute of a PAF fighter pilot as well as a part of the debris falling after the puff event — cementing the fact that there indeed is a ‘Doosra Banda’ in this very intriguing episode
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The debris near the PAF pilot tagged as an F-16 part and media/Internet blackout in Charhoi.
Reports of small molten debris from Tadpole area. Investigation by evening reveals own aircraft. Information blackout and alibi of Indian surface-to-surface missile attack floated, with two of them intercepted by Pakistan Army. Would fit well with the debris evidence in area, which people will believe
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There was also a communication gap between the PAF and the Pakistan Army during the first hour.

The Indian Army visual sighting of the PAF pilot was bang on in the General area Sabzkot.
You know that post you linked about the R73 detonation mechanism is cool and all but it's all purely speculation. That's it. It's just speculations lol.


Holy moly you actually uploaded this image as proof 😂. Blank space separating the squadrons pilots is proof of the missing F16 pilot. OMG the entire military has been exposed.
@PanzerKiel @Signalian. You 2 might as well pack up shop, this indian just exposed the whole nation with this logic 😬.

The rest of your posts just gave me a brain aneurysm. I get it. You can copy paste what sameer joshi wrote, but that doesn't mean he is right. After all. It wasn't just a Mig21 that went down that day for the IAF. Also your point about the SAR helicopter for PAF being proof of the f16 shoot down.....what does that make the Mil Mi17 SAR proof of considering how both Air forces knew the Mig21 went down over Pak airspace. 🤔

I understand its hard for you punch2000/lava820/safari2021 (your twitter handle). Losses occur in battles. That's war. I understand that you try to change the narrative into Feb 27th being a loss for Pakistan when it clearly wasn't because that's what your 2INR per post IT cell is telling you to do. I get it. I really do. Just do us a favour. Don't embarrass yourself and start racially attacking Pakistanis in your post only to quickly edit it out of fear of being banned again.

@waz @The Eagle @LeGenD

Multiple ID IT cell member is back. Do what you please and clean up the thread please 👍
I gave you the info you needed right? I can even tell he was flying a Jordanian f16 which PAF acquired later, a twin seater aircraft. We showed radar images, we shared data with OEM, your own dg ispr have said 3 pilots were captured and amongst them one was admitted in CMH hospital, your own villagers admitted of seeing 3 parachutes in the skies of Azad Kashmir

You showed no evidence of SU-30 MKI, u lied about not using f16 in that operation
No sir the F22 was used in the operation which Abhinandan shot down. You clearly exposed Pakistan. Amazing job. You can even tell it was the Jordanian jet he was using even though no image of the wreckage exists for thr f16. You could just tell through your superior telepathic abilities that it was a Jordanian F16 ADF that was shot down. You are sooooo clever sir clearly you know better than Abhinandan who hasn't once spoken about the claim
It changed its course! First it went vertically than in the next stage positioned itself horizontally. Trajectory suggests powerful maneuver to horizontal orientation configuration. If this is conventional ballistic missile, than I’m batman 😀
Its not been confirmed as you said in your earlier post

And you're not a Batman but a troll man
Indian mig 21s and HAL dhruvs are dropping like flies, one crash every couple of months, soon balance will be in Pakistan’s favor.
BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 11. Türkiye conducts test launch of Cakir cruise missile

"Roketsan's Cruise Missile ÇAKIR, launched from land, naval and, air platforms, can become a new force multiplier for Pakistan's armed forces with its state-of-the-art features and effective warhead.
Presidential Defense Industry President İsmail Demir announced that the ÇAKIR cruise missile fired from the AKINCI TUAV hit the target with pinpoint accuracy, stating that it was a first in the world.

Demir shared a post on his Twitter account regarding the ÇAKIR cruise missile.


Pointing out that a cruise missile was fired from a UCAV for the first time in the world, Demir said: “The ÇAKIR fired from the AKINCI UCAV was fired with an engine, all critical components of which are indigenous-national, and hit the target with pinpoint accuracy.

A gift from the defense industry for the Turkish Century.



It is fitted with a 70 kg high-explosive semi-piercing blast fragmentation thermobaric warhead. When launched from surface platforms the Çakir is fitted with a solid fuel booster weighing around 55 kg, which brings its weight close to 330 kg. The weight of the missile is 275 kg, which corresponds to that of the air launched version.

With booster, the Çakir is 4.1 meters long, the missile having a 275 mm diameter, the air-launched version without booster being 3.2 meters long. Lift is provided by two sets of cruciform wings while a set of cruciform actuators ensures manoeuvrability.


Equipped with KTJ-1750 Turbojet engine providing a 1,750 N thrust, designed and produced by Kale ARGE in Turkey.

Can be effectively Launched from fixed and rotary-wing aircraft, Assault Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (AUAVs)/UCAVs, AUSVs, tactical wheeled vehicles and naval platforms, and offers operational versatility against land and surface targets.



Hence PAF's Akinci can fire a 4.1 meter long with boaster Cakir CM With 70 kg warhead to a range of over 150 kilometers aimed towards Indian surface targets, strategic land targets & field targets ;

which can be controlled by other TB-2s hovering , utilising the Network-based datalink facilitates Man-in-the-Loop capability for target update, attack/re-attack for the in-flight target of opportunity.




PAF with its Assets such as Akinci , TB2 & PAA Future rotary winged T-929 ATAK-II / ATKA-I with Local engine , utilising the prominent feature of ÇAKIR to carry multiple payloads up to four missiles, and its ability to perform"Swarm concept missions" with inter-communicating missiles.


Swarm Munitions, also known as Swarming Munitions, is a class of “smart” weapons in which the classic military strategy of swarming an enemy is conducted by using a group of agile, networked, constantly communicating, semi-autonomous munitions to collectively overwhelm and damage targets that have been chosen by human controllers.


Akinci 3.jpg

The swarm concept, through which coordinated attack scenarios with multiple missiles are enabled, can be used to overcome hostile defence systems, and ensures high effectivity against single or multiple targets.

The data link in Cakir also allows inter-missiles communications, which give the Çakir swarming capabilities, ensuring maximum effectiveness through enemy defence saturation.

Hence presumably 4 - 6 Akinci's armed with 16 - 24 Cakir Missiles , 2 Akinci's with SOM- Stand off missiles & AESA Radars with aid of EW systems under fighter cover launching Swarm Missiles would be deployable against strategic Indian assets.


Considering Indian deployment of AD Systems & Jamming , ÇAKIR for PAF offers high survivability thanks to its unique design with radar absorbing material utilized on the frame.


ÇAKIR’s ability for super sea-skimming and terrain masking at high subsonic 0.8 Mach speeds in combination with radar-absorbing structure minimizes the detectability by Indian air-defence systems.

Thanks to its Antijam GNSS and altimeter-supported inertial navigation system, ÇAKIR continues on its trajectory even in the event of intense electronic jamming."











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