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Terrorist attack on Ahmadi mosques in Lahore

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and it is an indian or an american who is coming in the night and giving you the prove

these saffron warriors, these sufroon lungi warrior, the likes of RSS, bajrag daal, and indian terrorist RAW is responsible for what is going on, i dont think so islamic this and islamic that with zordari support with do this.

what the fcuk is wrong with pakistanis now a days, a bit of propaganda from musharraf and his "enlightment moderation" as continued by his brother zerdari has totally damped pakistani minds.

here you would be busy in eliminating so called terrorists who "threat" our national security, on the back these HINDOO sufroon warriors with holy cow blessing would be trying to make akhand bharat.

i guess the debacle of 1971, the war of 1947, 1965 and kargil war was also the result of "lashkar e jhangvi"????????????

we throoughly need a change of govt, zordari and busharraf has made SIR nadeem paracha lovers half sh1t already!!!

these bhartis will not succeed in their mission, punjab and nagaland will soon carve out of them, they are doing this to us, so does it mean only our blood will spill and they would remain peaceful, we will not remain silent for long, as soon as this monkey zardari goes out, we will deal with dehli and mumbai soon..

we will also deal with the traitor pakistanis soon..

these bhartis, cry infront of us, gives us condolences, and laugh their hearts out some other place.. some bodys gonna bang you ugly people soon man..

That's it.

Join jolly and the Turk in contemplating why being a bigot is not acceptable.
Problems are so many that it is impossible for us to solve. Never say never, eh!

Anyways, best of luck to you guys and may God help Pakistan and her people.

Pakistan is becoming a failed state though.

Please, stop posting on this forum then, and spare us from spewing your pessimism non-stop.

This is a forum dedicated to Pakistan affairs, most Pakistanis on here do care about Pakistan, warts and all, and do want to help in someway.

Go take some Zoloft and Prozac and leave us be please.

We really don't need people like you.
All problems are emerging from sand dunes of south Punjab. Its time for US govt official open their eyes and start monitoring the project from themselves or third party.. All aid money is drain in politicians foreign accounts. Desperation is leading toward militancy. When no hope of future, families are starving to death....Unfortunately politician rob the nation and fly over foreign land..
Give job and education to these young generation, militancy will disappear within no time
Zaki sahib aap kuch bolna chahtey thay.

sudhar jao,

before i read "banned members" underneath your title. I would feel sorry for you "Allahoo" is such a beautiful user ID :cry:

Happy now?

@ your post to agnostic muslim

i believe Suspended members can still read these posts - they just can't reply anymore
RIP to the killed.

Are the Ahmadis similar to the Druze? My friend from Lebanon who is a Druze claims that they consider themselves as Muslims but differ from th mainstream followers in their interpretation of God.

And why are the Ahmadis being targeted?
punjab gov needs to get serious in tackling all the sectarian groups they are harbouring.....
only God knows wat will happen when they come back to govt after next elections...
RIP to the killed.

Are the Ahmadis similar to the Druze? My friend from Lebanon who is a Druze claims that they consider themselves as Muslims but differ from th mainstream followers in their interpretation of God.
No Druze is a different sect.... Ahmedis are the followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani - who was born in Indian state of Punjab. His followers are known as Ahmedis or Qadianis.

And why are the Ahmadis being targeted?

to spread terrorism/violance

now back to the topic please
Is something up there so thick that you can't get the idea what is being talked about or what ??

In last 1 decade of this violence, not a single attack happened on this sect people, but all of a sudden such a massive attack, speaks something else.

Especially after the incidents which i just mentioned. If you don't have any idea what i am talking about, then understand it and then comment.

There is no conspiracy theory, this act is something which has been done to convey a message and the motivation behind it is linked to what i just said in the earlier post.

If you don't know about what incidents happened, then plz keep it closed and know about it first and then comment.

Sorry for the late response,

The link I provided was self explanatory to your derailing concerns, I was happy to see majority of members growing up to a level when they feel reluctant to discuss religion but nation.

Ahmadi community will not be surprised from such attacks cause they were shouting from the roof from last one month about Hate Operas running all over Pakistan. [This is the only snub to all having affinity with conspiracy theories and mother of all reasons behind these attacks by an evil; desperate to earn popularity among bigoted Muslims]

I am not trying to exaggerate here cause it is Pakistan's internal matter and this thread has over overwhelmingly shown the support and requisite maturity against this particular massacre.

I must tell you (if have to give you benefit of doubt) that I have no objection with your think tank analysis but your timing was pre mature and over defensive. Let the nation condemn this without any ifs and buts.

Why is Naseem Zehra referring to Ahmedis as "giroh" in her latest show "Policy Matters"? and one of the guest is talking about a fatwa against Ahmedis on Alim online? Anyone knows more about that?
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I don't understand your comment. Do you not think that when people at prayer are attacked, it is not an attack on all of us? These terrorist may have targeted a specific group, but all terrorist target the same thing-civility and honourable people who behave according to the wishes of God.

Maybe you failed to truly understand the ambassador's comment.
Anyone who fails to understand that, has a short memory since of late both Shia and Sunni Muslims have been killed during Friday prayers. Cowardly killed by terrorists while in prostration to Allah.

Ahmadis expect more of the same


Tremors of the deadly attack on the Ahmadi community in Lahore, which claimed more than 80 lives, are being felt in Karachi, with community members claiming that such attacks are nothing out of the ordinary since the government does not seem to care much about their plight.

“Despite being the most vulnerable sect in the country, Ahmadis get no security from the state, and our own volunteers oversee the security arrangements outside our places of worship,” a member of the community, on condition of anonymity, told The News.

He said that a violent attack aimed against the community is not a new phenomenon. “Last week, a son and a father from our community were gunned down in Gulshan-e-Iqbal. Many of our people have migrated to other countries for fear of being killed. Others who cannot afford to go overseas refuse to go outdoors. There is no protection for us.”

“No security had been provided by the government for our places of worship. I hope that after this dreadful incident, the government will wake up to the plight of our community,” he said.

On the other hand, Capital City Police Officer (CCPO) Waseem Ahmed assured that the safety and security of the places of worship of various minorities and religious sects will be ensured, and that all officials have been given orders in this regard.

When asked about operational details — including the number of cops to be deployed, or the number of police mobile vans to be stationed — the CCPO hesitated to reveal any details, and simply argued that security will be beefed up.

“After the Lahore attack on the Ahmadis’ place of worship, the police have been ordered to take necessary steps to protect sensitive worship places in the city,” Ahmed said, explaining that Home Minister Zulfiqar Mirza would hold a detailed meeting on Saturday (today) with representatives of various law enforcement agencies in this regard.

Meanwhile, in the backdrop of the Lahore incident, a sermon was delivered to the community members by the London-based spiritual leader of the community, Mirza Masroor Ahmed, urging them to remain patient and to protect themselves amid such trying times.

Ahmadis expect more of the same
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Dispicable act.............and we oughta pray for the safety of those in Pakistan and not resort to petty fights regarding faith.
We oughta look inside our own "geraibaan" and then talk.
Only Allah Almighty is fit to judge equally, we have no right to go about harping faith.

So pray for everyone injured and condolences to the relatives of the deceased.
India condemns Lahore attacks- Hindustan Times

India on Friday strongly condemned the terrorist attacks in Lahore, Pakistan, that killed 72 people and conveyed condolences to the kin of those slain.

“The government strongly condemns the terrorist attacks in Lahore that have claimed the lives of scores of innocent people and injured many more,” the external affairs ministry said in a statement in New Delhi.

“Our condolences go out to the families of those killed by these acts of terrorism,” the ministry said.

Taliban guerrillas wearing suicide vests fired indiscriminately and lobbed grenades as they stormed two mosques in Lahore of the minority Ahmadi sect, taking worshipers hostage and sparking gun battles with police that left at least 72 people dead before the attackers were neutralised.

The Tehreek-e-Taliban Punjab claimed responsibility for the attacks, which occurred when some 1,500 worshipers were in the two mosques for the Friday prayers.
All those pointing fingers without any proof already:-

1. We know that the Punjabi Taliban have accepted responsibility.
2. We know that Punjabi Taliban exist.
3. Govt of Punjab is stating that militants were from RYK, went to Karachi for religious training and trained somewhere in Waziristan and stayed in Raiwind before the attack.
4. We know Karachi madrassas (won't name any) have produced anti-ahmedi violence more than once before. The '53 protests and the entire history is in front of us.
5. There is no reported foreign involvement. Don't bring BS into the thread. And please do not proclaim that the militant was uncircumcised, there was Indian currency in his pocket or that RAW was written on the back of his qameez.
6. Pakistan has been attacked again and we have lost 80 of out fellow countrymen. It's time we indulge yet again in introspection and realize the reasons why people become militants and how we have tolerated the existence of his nuisance in out country rather than being in denial, which has been the activity of choice for our citizens for a long time.

This is the most sane post on PDF.
Pakistan does not consider this sect as muslims and neither does the wider muslim world either. The only reason it has been called a mosque by other posters is because they are similarly part of the religious minority in Pakistan, not that there's any problem with being from an minority but that doesn't mean you have to water down conservative views that are held by the majority of Pakistani's. For example, Agnostic Muslim has said is from a Shi'ite family.

Actually I said that one of my parents is Sunni and the other Shia, and I grew up listening to cousins (kids at the time) from the Sunni side of my family spew hatred and lies against Shia, despite knowing that one of my parents was a Shia.

But I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that you chose to only pick out the Shia part in my posts and label me a 'minority'.

In any case, even if I was from a Shia family and a 'minority', the majority does not have a right to impose discriminatory and bigoted policies on the minority. If that were the case, slavery would be acceptable still. There is simply no justification for practices/policies/laws that openly discriminate and denigrate individuals on the basis of their caste, color, ethnicity or religion, and unfortunately that is exactly what we have in Pakistan today with the black laws that openly discriminate against and denigrate Ahmadis.

This is not a matter of being from a 'minority', it is common sense and basic decency to realize that discriminating against anyone on the basis of their faith is wrong. Apparently many Pakistanis lack even that.
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