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Terrorist attack on Ahmadi mosques in Lahore

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Oh, and Nightrider Saulat has joined the list of bigots on leave, in his case permanent.
Sharif Brothers are pussy cats of in the skin of Lion. The low profile security arrangements despite of intelligence warnings can be called criminal act from the Government of Punjab. Salman Taseer also played his part when Sri Lankan team was attacked! that was the when Punjab Government was run under Governer's rule. These shameful politicians are grabbing every penny from the pocket of the poor but doing nothing for the nation. There is no better option but to fill all these ugly politicians in one ship and sink it like titanic. Khas kam Jahan Paak.
First my all sympathies are with the dead and injured and I wish RIP for all dead , early and complete recovery of all injured. I condemn the act of terrorism against the 80 killed, many injured citizens of Pakistan and their numerous loved ones who remained in agony during this whole episode.

Having said all this I just want to tell you that Ahmedis are declared non Muslims due to one of their very fundamental belief against Islam and none of Muslim sect have different opinion about it, so they are non Muslim. Therefore they should maintain their identity in all respect including religion.

Will a temple become any less if i call it something else, will a masjid become anything less if i call it anything else?

Its there right what they want to call there place of worship who we are to judge?
Shame .what about freedom of worship ? Muslim kill Muslim?

I live in Haifa Israel...... we have a big community of
Ahmadi Muslim on the slops of mount Carmel in Haifa city
they live freely among us as good friends, I can see their big nice Mousqe from my house and hear the Mouazzine daily
so for some members here that hate Israel and the Jews and Zionnist for sure' you can learn from us how to except the other
Shame .what about freedom of worship ? Muslim kill Muslim?

I live in Haifa Israel...... we have a big community of
Ahmadi Muslim on the slops of mount Carmel in Haifa city
they live freely among us as good friends, I can see their big nice Mousqe from my house and hear the Mouazzine daily
so for some members here that hate Israel and the Jews and Zionnist for sure' you can learn from us how to except the other

shur mr camera agent u liar just LEAVE PDF muslims liveing peacefully huh? shure bro:angry:
This amount of hate about ones own countrymen just shows how little time our religion has on this earth. It is truely been kidnapped and will very soon be eradicated. People always come and defend the stance that religion first and country second will soon realize this first hand what a gift to religion a country really is. It is sad that some people posting here are breeding, that also means another generation of this intolerance is already in the works. Some call the GHQ on Islam saudi arabia. I do not think they realize that they are leading the charge against our countries with the so called "crusaders" just so they can save their illegal kingship. Do you know what their stance is on terrorists? Does anyone have numbers on how many of their citizens have been handed over to the US? Those they cannot hand over they send to our country. They produce the trash, collect that trash in a trashcan and then light the match. And no I am not shia or ahmedi or some other label you put on Pakistanis when they try to talk sense.
While my religious beliefs say they are not Muslims as well, who am I to force this decision on them? I am however deeply appalled by this terrorist attack on my fellow Pakistanis.

Furthermore, the word Masjid comes from the Arabic word Sajda. So a Masjid is a house (or a place) of prostration in its exact meaning. It is up for grabs by anyone.

As far as the law of the land is considered, we've neither forced anyone to change their views on the Ahmedi either, but do hope the law of the land would be changed through parliamentary resolution - one which is kind, just and fair to all Pakistanis alike.

Stop giving out extremist and appalling reactions to everything. Pause and look around, the Ahmedis have been killed by people who will kill you and them alike. Pakistan needs your unity not your bigotry.

nobody is happy over yesterday's incident, i condemn attacks on civilians whether it's by american terrorists or our lovely pak army or TTP extremists. Just tell me how much concerns you or this forum shows when 95% innocent civilians die in Fata in american terrorists drone attacks. Infact i see liberals jumping up and down with joy. How many threads do you guyz open up for innocents dieing in FATA????

but what i can't withstand is the fact that a lil section has got the opportunity to moan over the decision declaring Qadinais as Kaafirs. Just like you are also hoping for a change, you can practically work and hope for a change but the ground reality is that to date, Qadinais are declared 'Kaafirs and accroding to our own law they cannot use any title/description of Muslims. Even in this thread, the Qadianis and their secular supporters are deliberately arosing religious feelings.

in this forum it seems the matter is more than just discussing the yesterday's event.

It's a pity that in spite of condemning these attacks and sharing our grief over loss of innocent lives, we have indulged into a discussion on status of ahmadis in Islam. It is true that they are not counted among Muslims and have been prohibited from calling themselves Muslims etc. through section 298-B and C, yet they make part and parcel of our society. They deserve all rights including right to life with dignity without discrimination.
We should not forget that all sunnis, shias and religious minorities have been victimized during current wave of violence. We need to promote harmony and not disintegration.
R.I.P. My condolence to the families those lost their relatives.
Just tell me how much concerns you or this forum shows when 95% innocent civilians die in Fata in american terrorists drone attacks.

do you suggest we stop Drone strikes & how exactly, collateral damage is part of every war, the thing you forget is that after all BM was taken out by drones & right now you wont see our Gov speaking a word against those drone strikes, there are reasons for that.......
R.I.P. My condolence to the families of Terror victims,and the Injured people may recover quickly.
=Abu Basit;889283]nobody is happy over yesterday's incident, i condemn attacks on civilians whether it's by american terrorists or our lovely pak army or TTP extremists. Just tell me how much concerns you or this forum shows when 95% innocent civilians die in Fata in american terrorists drone attacks. Infact i see liberals jumping up and down with joy. How many threads do you guyz open up for innocents dieing in FATA????

how does american drone killing justify killing of ahmedis? you are mixing irelevant things. Also re fata drone attacks whats stoping you opening a new thread??

but what i can't withstand is the fact that a lil section has got the opportunity to moan over the decision declaring Qadinais as Kaafirs. Just like you are also hoping for a change, you can practically work and hope for a change but the ground reality is that to date, Qadinais are declared 'Kaafirs and accroding to our own law they cannot use any title/description of Muslims. Even in this thread, the Qadianis and their secular supporters are deliberately arosing religious feelings.

in this forum it seems the matter is more than just discussing the yesterday's event

Thats is the fundamental issue , pakistan as a state shouldnt declare an one kafir if its your opinion than keep it to your self. These fruits we are a bearing are a result of this stupid state policy.
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do you suggest we stop Drone strikes & how exactly, collateral damage is part of every war, the thing you forget is that after all BM was taken out by drones & right now you wont see our Gov speaking a word against those drone strikes, there are reasons for that.......

i was exactly talking abt this mindset, 95% innocent Muslims dieing are collateral damage for you. Then why expect others to openly condemn yesterday's incident?

The reason our gov don't speak is very clear, they are sold out traitors. So when the gov and liberals don't care and fully support the killing of innocent civilians in FATA why you don't expect reaction from the victim families?

drone attacks should be stopped and american terrorists should be thrown out of Pakistan.
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