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Tableeghi Jamaats to be banned from Cantts, Defence areas

brother, only groups associated with TJ are causing trouble throughout the world and in Pakistan and giving Islam a bad name.
Yes and the others are just doing monkey antics on green TV channels?? Please take your misleading propaganda somewhere.

Not every arab/saudi preacher is a wahabi and the millitant influences are often propagated by deoband sympathic saudi / arab preachers, of which exisits an awful lot of variety.
There is a reason why janglee jamat is banned in KSA since early 80's.

I would say the janglee jamat preaching to be replaced by wahabi preaching which would set the iman of many people straight and stop them from going awry against the state.

Pitting people against the state in the name of islam has been the hall mark of janglee jamat.

I live in a wahabi country for last 25 years and never came across a creditable preacher who said we should pick arms and bombs against the state. Wahabis stress on purity of iman and elimination of biddah strenously rather than advocating regime change in the name of islam.
The plain stupidity is that you forget tableegi Jamat is the biggest proponent of deobandi school and originated from such

Every movement goes through phases..now the mullah greed of power has crossed all bounds..these mullah justify the corrupt rulers holding abusive power in the name of islam and yet see no problem with that. If we want change, it has to come within not by bigoted fatwas and blaming others.

And more importantly from pure national intrest point of view, a group which was hardcore opponents of Pakistan creation should not be allowed to operate in Pakistan..why are we so blind. jamat does not hold God given powers over Islam.

i been spending time withTJ since 1988 . at the same time i am bait with the silsilaa of shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilanee. and i have spent time with haree pugree walay too.
there is nothing wrong with any of these three ways of following islam.
i am saying this after 20 years of active experience with these schools of thought. not based on a wiki article or a google search.
ISLAMABAD: Preaching teams (Tableeghi Jamaats) as well as those who are not permanent residents of the area are likely to be barred from entering mosques of cantonments and defence and security institutions across the country, it was learnt here on Monday.

“Security agencies have been suggesting such measures from time to time in the past in view of the growing terrorism. It has happened in the past that junior officials of the Pakistan Air Force got one-year-long leave on the pretext of accompanying the preaching groups, but when they were later arrested, it transpired that they had in fact been training with different militant groups,” a senior security officer told The News on condition of anonymity.

The officer said that the most important and consensus revelation made by the people so far arrested and interrogated for their alleged involvement in different terrorism acts was that their militancy grew on religious grounds more than all other factors. He said that after the killing of Osama bin Laden, the country faced the most serious threat from internal terrorism, which had already started.

The News has already published a report following the recent Charsadda attack about the intentions of the terrorist groups of avenging the death of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. According to the report, al-Qaeda and its affiliates have already announced that they would avenge the death of their leader in a very cruel manner.

“Security agencies of the country look much worried about the deteriorating law and order situation in the country. The problem would not be resolved by mere issuance of security warnings and alerts about the possibility of terrorism incidents in the wake of the killing of Osama,” the security officer commented.

Tableeghi Jamaats to be banned from Cantts, defence areas


Not sure if its a good news or bad one. Look what these Takfiri Mullahs have done to the religion which once was known for its tolerance!

Tableeghi Jamat is peacefull movement dont believe in destruction and extremism. TTP had targeted Tableegi Jamat in SWAT , they dont collect any Chanda and only focus on spiritual enhancement .

All over the world they have very good reputation and face no problem in issue of Visa .

Many great citizens of Pakistan example Junaid Jamshad,Saeed Anwar joined TJ .This is the only jamat against any Jehadi movement but they are against the Ahmadi or Qadyani lobbies .
Tableeghi Jamat is peacefull movement dont believe in destruction and extremism. TTP had targeted Tableegi Jamat in SWAT , they dont collect any Chanda and only focus on spiritual enhancement .

All over the world they have very good reputation and face no problem in issue of Visa .

Many great citizens of Pakistan example Junaid Jamshad,Saeed Anwar joined TJ .This is the only jamat against any Jehadi movement but they are against the Ahmadi or Qadyani lobbies .

Many terrorists have been linked to this extremist group:

He was there as an 18-year-old volunteer working for Tableeghi Jamaat,

Osama bin Laden death: 7/7 bomber visited bin Laden city - Telegraph

Is that why they sponsor Al Qaeda members:

‘Tablighi Jamaat Qaeda Delhi cover’ - Indian Express

I am glad they are banned and I hope they are banned everywhere.
T-Faz , you are living in Lahore , Raiwind is very close to Lahore , better spend three days with TJ to get the taste of apple

No, thanks.

I have been able to find out enough already, things are not always presented the way they are behind closed doors.
Okay cantts i know of, but what do they mean by Defence areas? Does that mean that no Mullahs will be allowed in DHA's? :what:
SO what is the majority conclusion here..Janglee jamat banned is a step in good direction or bad??

Look at the Janglee jamat patriotism with untied india in KSA, i very much doubt their intentions and loyalties towards Pakistan. Jangle jamat followers immediately start bashing PA when introduced to a service man from any branch of Pakistan armed forces. And they still call Jinnah an fascist pedophile nationalist. Its a shame we even allowed them to establish in Pakistan, the land of pure.
No, thanks.

I have been able to find out enough already, things are not always presented the way they are behind closed doors.

But we cannot just beat the hell out of any jamat...thr exists good ones. Though I am allergic to many; but yes I had seen in my university life that there were sane educated tableghi members who gav you patriotism; religion & humanity in a single character...& believe me there were no back doors:)
SO what is the majority conclusion here..Janglee jamat banned is a step in good direction or bad??

Look at the Janglee jamat patriotism with untied india in KSA, i very much doubt their intentions and loyalties towards Pakistan. Jangle jamat followers immediately start bashing PA when introduced to a service man from any branch of Pakistan armed forces. And they still call Jinnah an fascist pedophile nationalist. Its a shame we even allowed them to establish in Pakistan, the land of pure.

if you calm down a bit. your comments will be more understandible. right now i didnt understand what you mean by "jaangli"?
my problem is that even if we stop our people from preaching islam and islamic way of life. we cant stop THE OTHERS from preaching their way of life on us.THEY are preaching and tbey will continue to do so.

You Live in England am i to assume unless Islamic preachers preach u every step of the way u will convert or you think others are week and will convert leaving you behind.

Please do explain?
Okay cantts i know of, but what do they mean by Defence areas? Does that mean that no Mullahs will be allowed in DHA's? :what:

If it was up to me there will be no mullah allowed period but fortunately for mullahs i am not in charge .

I think what they mean is no outsiders will be allowed in these areas so if u work for the army and have a badge to prove it u are allowed to practice what ya like but if u are coming in from out side to preach Not going to happen.
No, thanks.

I have been able to find out enough already, things are not always presented the way they are behind closed doors.

thats fair enough. each to their own. but isnt it unfair to say nasty things about people you never been with. dont know well enough and have no interest in knowing them.
I think what they mean is no outsiders will be allowed in these areas so if u work for the army and have a badge to prove it u are allowed to practice what ya like but if u are coming in from out side to preach Not going to happen.

you have explained it in a better way. Thats the rational thing to do. no ID no entry for all. Tablighi or not. But to name and shame a peaceful organization is just demeaning.
You Live in England am i to assume unless Islamic preachers preach u every step of the way u will convert or you think others are week and will convert leaving you behind.

Please do explain?

this thread is not about me. but since you asked. suffice saying that i still wear my shalwar qameez and go to the mosque.and regularly attend religious gatherings. i have good terms with my non muslim english neighbors. i dont look down at them for being kafir. i am indifferent to their religious beleifs or lack of it. or wht ever they do in their private lives.to me they are my fellow human beings.
i am thankful to the ulema who keep my belefs alive in me. who tell me good things. withlut them i had forgot it all and beclme a confused nobody.
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