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Tableeghi Jamaats to be banned from Cantts, Defence areas

On a lighter note, iam not . It just that I only care about my Deen country and my indo-iranic lineage :)
Allah pak hum sb ko hidayat dy or mujhy mazeed behas nhi krni. I am proud of Tableeghi Jamat and their non-violent ways and preaching.
This ain't wahabi Syria where zombies roam freely to destroy the Rozas of Saints and no one bats an eye. Aagay khud samjh Dar ho meray momin bhai-----

yeh we must to ki rat choro itni okaat nahe hain :D

When Bedouin sheikhs personal accounts are at their disposal who needs Chanda. Mama :D

Please grow up, get out of this sub-continent deobandi - Razakhani mind set. Look around you, great game is played aganist Islam and Muslims. NWO, Zionest and Hindutva (RSS, VHP, BJP) are all united aganist Islam and Muslims. It is time for us to united and fight aganist extermist, and those powers who are using these Rental Jihadi group who don't represent Islam.
We need to educate the mases about real islam and eliminate Jado-tona (in the name of Islam), Jali baba, Jali peer, taweez ganda, grave worship, bidat and shirk practices from our society. We need to create Islamic Utopia, where people can practice real peacefull islam without judgeing others. Ask yourself why islam is flourishing in the west and people accepting Islam there? And those muslim living in muslim countries willing to cut each others throat? Is this real islam?
Tableeghys call themselves 100% apolitical but I think this has changed over time. They have an agenda ; I wouldn't really trust most/many of them. Good move

Please bring forth your evidence. How has it changed? Where are the examples?

No one is asking you to trust them my friend. I do realize there are many Shia's on the forum with a natural dislike for tableeghis or anything to do with Deoband.

Why hide in the closet just come out and admit lol
Defence and Cantt??
Ban them from all over the country.. issue a shoot on sight order for them..

Would you recommend the same for Christian missionaries? Jewish Rabbis? Hindu Pudits? or the (genuinely annoying) Jehowah Witnesses?

Fascism is wrong, regardless of which side it is on.
bruh, I mostly get surrounded by Tableeghis and trust me the only thing I have been encouraged to do due to their presence is to not go to Masjid for Namaz.
This has to be the biggest joke in this thread.

One of the most important part of the purpose of Tableegh is to reconnect muslims to masjid so that they start praying and beliving in Allah and realize how Merficul he is that he has given us Islam.

why not just go in the jamat for a 3 day course to find out my friend?

Honestly it could be one of the best spiritual eye opening experience for you. The 3 days could completely change your being.

They want me to keep a beard, wear a turban and wear a strange type of shalwar kameez because they say its a Sunnah.
They taught me how to do wudhu properly. They taught me how to pray. How to sit down in sunnah way, to eat, and dress. How to make sujjuud. The basics of halal and haram in Islam that many western youth have forgotten.

A tableeghi relative of mine left for tableegh to Bangladesh when his wife was extremely ill, and her illness only increased during his absence but he only said "Allah Malik hai"

What if she had died during his Tableeghi trip? Then what? If it was written for her she would die, even if her husband was out of the country working in lets say America making big money, no one would complain. It's because the shayateen are always at work creating waswasah.

There are lots of good stories i can tell. A tableeghi shaykh helped cure my friends wife suffering from sugar her entire life by doing dumm on her water. Another convert friend suffering from cancer in last stage when doctors had given up on his life and gave him 6 months has recovered to a large extent, been married now with a kid. There are countless stories i can share...
We need to educate the mases about real islam and eliminate Jado-tona (in the name of Islam), Jali baba, Jali peer, taweez ganda, grave worship, bidat and shirk practices from our society.

Yes, we need to educate the masses about real Islam ... We need to tell them that Political Islam that originated and flourished in Arabia (with the help of the British) in the 18th century, and which was "brought" to the sub-continent by the British in the 19th century, is not the Real Islam.
Please bring forth your evidence. How has it changed? Where are the examples?

No one is asking you to trust them my friend. I do realize there are many Shia's on the forum with a natural dislike for tableeghis or anything to do with Deoband.

Why hide in the closet just come out and admit lol
Not all of them. They're largely peaceful too. Just the trouble makers. All sects have extremist version within them that should change
CIA and RA&W find it ways in thru these kind of activities. easy for them almost perfect people who join this kind of activities without bringing their families.
people whos families living in ABC countries and they are in Pakistan for long long time in the name of taking care of land of their forefather sud be monitored.
Someone used the word 'YAZEED' here incorrectly. Give the respect where it is due. Its 'YAZEED PALEED'.

Having said that. Few words about Tableeghi Jamaats ideology:

This jamaat doesn't promot any particular sect and only talks about Islam. But does minus certain practices that a person ultimately ends up being a Deobandi/Zombandi.

These practices are debatable and i mention few of them in the end.

It isn't a problem that one has little knowledge of religion and starts preaching. In fact it is encouraged whatever little good you know pass on to others. Problem begins when you insist whatever you know is right, moreover what others say is wrong. Even if others debate and prove their point, they say, "how could we solve these issues when our elders couldn't solve" hence back to sequare. They'll still say, "you don't want to improve yourself. You hate Islam, you are munafiq". And start using psychological tactics.

So tableeghis are arrogant to the core with hollow arrogance.

Here is an important flaw in the Tableeghi Jamaats nature and soul and spirit:

Wherever does the jamaat go and stays in a mosque, their people try to erase 'Ya' from 'Ya Muhammad' written on the mosque, and prohibit saying Ya Rasoolallah. They say mosque is house of God and non other than God be called. It is like visiting GHQ, talking about army procedures but don't talk about army chief, his powers and authority. TJ severely lacks discipline, and following it is disasterous. Still they're pompous being perfectly upright.

There is their hypocrisy if one takes dust from tableeghi's grave or a tableeghi does 'dum' sick is cured. Still they preach others not to worship graves and leave peeri mureedi.

With the end i only say TJ is here to cut the roots of Islam slowly and steadily.
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