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T90 Compared with Al Khalid

dont poke your nose on things you have little idea about.
dont mind,,,wrong thread:D
btw,,,now that u quoted me,,,,n i went through the thread,,why did u care for my smiley??:Dstop taking offence where none is meant
also,maybe stop claiming big,,if u cant back up ur claims.
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fire control system of alkhalid being worked on in ASRF..


noice the commanader and gunner have seperate sensor heads for their respective optics, laser range finder and thermal imager. the t-90 features a basic 1A45T fire control system which features ZERO hunter killer support which is why the tank cannot lock on more than one targets and cue them in the fire control computer. More coming..
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fire control system of alkhalid being worked on in ASRF..

noice the commanader and gunner have seperate sensor heads for their respective optics, laser range finder and thermal imager. the t-90 features a basic 1A45T fire control system which features ZERO hunter killer support which is why the tank cannot lock on more than one targets and cue them in the fire control computer. More coming..

Could You Explain This?
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good find mate, its gunners optics with day/ night sight and thermal imager
Bottom left looked to me as sort of sensor system for a remote weapons station. I remember there was a pic of mohafiz 3 with rcws on top... wonder where it went.
Also can you tell me about how much of the systems we produce in house?
Bottom left looked to me as sort of sensor system for a remote weapons station. I remember there was a pic of mohafiz 3 with rcws on top... wonder where it went.
Also can you tell me about how much of the systems we produce in house?

which system?
. .

here is something interesting, the chinese ISFCS-212 fire control system has better characteristics and features tan 1A45T....just read below

the fire control system is designed for 85 - main battle tank developed a new fire control system and 59 tanks on the system with the car after the experiment long day/night periscope has an interface that allows drivers to go beyond gunner rotary turret control or to deal with different goals

contents 1 introduction

2 system components

3 principles and characteristics

3.1 work way

3.2 features

4 performance data system parameters

1 introduction china isfcs-212 fire control system stabilization

country china

name isfcs-212 fire control system stabilization isfcs-212 image-stabilized fire control system

research unit of china north industries ( group ) corporation, china north industries group

production unit of china north industries ( group ) corporation, china north industries group

production status

equipment of 85 - mbt

2 system consisting of 1 and observation equipment and observation equipment including triple stable circadian ranging field of sight including the main cavity laser sight laser emission power and counter 1periscope into the mirror and the sight of its shimmer function is to observe the battlefield targeting and tracking targets determine the target distance and azimuth targeting low speed

its features are

(1) through direct way to make a stable visual field gunner can clearly observe the battlefield smooth and easy to aim to track reliably measure the distance

(2) shimmer sight 1 periscope cavity laser emission through peer connection so interchangeable modular design approach and the main sight is good and repair convenient

(3) the use of a laser rangefinder first/last pulse logic technology to suppress false targets

2. ballistic computer ballistic computer including computer main control panel and stepper motor drive

advance angle and its function is to display all of the input and output signals according to the intermediate results of the selected output target distance we missile all automatic and manual setting of the parameters of the sensor is mounted in the angle and orientation calculation arms firing self-test when the fire control systemis in the automatic setting reticle sight reticle work by a stepper motor drive automatic setting of its technical characteristics of weapons by a stepper motor firing data calculated using the calculation method in order to improve circulation as a reason for starting hits lsi ballistic computer performance and stability of the structure is simple and reliable to use a switch to interrupt firing projectiles quickly check off target

3. correction and azimuthal velocity sensors sense the target level measure contains tilt sensors ( vertical gyro ) is used to measure the trunnion tilt angle static and dynamic cross- wind vane sensor ( optionally ) be used to measure horizontal wind turret location in the sight of turret angular velocity sensor ( tachometer generatortype ) used to measure the speed of the automatic setting target azimuth partition work when

4. artillery cannon bi bi stabilizer stabilizer comprises a gyroscope motor group stability of the converter artillery angle limiter electromagnetic clutch automatic locking device console tachometer generator motoramplifier amp power distribution box body gyro gyro auxiliary fuel tank turret hydraulic booster and hydraulicpower cylinder artillery bidirectional stabilizer function is when the tank movement and provide opportunities for artillery gunner or it can be used to drive the car long before firing artillery and automatic aiming to makeartillery guns technical features bidirectional stabilizer is by using a composite control and stability so that the principle of bi-directional stabilizers artillery guns showing a good tracking performance and high stability andaccuracy due to the use of advanced components and control method for the bi- stable artillery has good low-speed performance and the ability to tilt swivel guns on tanks

5. control equipment control equipment the function is to stabilize the field of sight distance between the computer and the artillery ballistic bi- stable electrical connection device integrated and handles all control signals to allow the formation of artillery firing artillery into the signal forcing the door to allow shooting display and auxiliary fire control system works artillery and line of sight collimation adjustment

3 principles and characteristics of the fire control system work type image stabilization and automatic setting work reticle work two ways

1. stabilization-type work bench gunner controls to drive the sight line of sight to the artillery position signal input bi stabilizer artillery position signal and the position signal is fed back sight comparative form a closed loop so the line of sight to follow the movement of artillery when the target has been targeted and havemeasured the ballistic weapons after computing its distance based on the following data cycle firing these dataare from the target from the automatic sensor tilted relative angular velocity trunnion mounted horizontal winddata and artificial shells kinds of drugs given warm temperatures muzzle velocity data computed artillery firingdata with comprehensive integrated position signal after signal input to the artillery guns by controlling bi-stable control of the control device to automatically generated when the artillery advance angle and azimuthangle reaches a predetermined position when the guns allowed stable visual field artillery firing signal and thentransferred to the artillery firing circuit if the transmitter button is pressed at this time artillery gunner can immediately shoot

2. automatic setting mode at this time locked like a top draw no longer stable angular velocity sensor turretazimuth velocity signal generated when the target targeting and measuring the distance from the computer calculated only once and generate firing these signals via stepper motor drive automatic setting sight annularpartition when using after targeting reticle ring gunner can fire again


characteristics of the fire control system are independent and stable sight with high stability and accuracy in order to observe the tank gunner aimed at advancing the goals and tracking determination of the target distance and the angular velocity of the target relative motion allows shooting with a door ( ie in line with the door ) so that the system can automatically find the exact timing of the fire fighting environment can change at any time due to the shooting conditions ballistic computer can calculate and generate a new cycle firing yuan to continue to provide artillery hit rate can be increased starting automatic setting angle and azimuth anglewithout disturbing the line of sight ahead of the fire control system is simple and short reaction time from discovery targets to fire only about 1 6s gunner periscope and shimmer targeting interchangeable lens systemwith a target speed of the target level azimuth angular velocity trunnion tilt four automatic cross wind and air temperature sensors and drug muzzle velocity crosswinds manual setting manually installed at a given distance and azimuth and elevation to the consolidated amended six kinds manual setting parameters can also choose from a variety of shells can be used with the original tank fire control system of the car long day/nightperiscope sight interface drivers can override this time turned the direction of artillery fire control system is to combat command ceremony makes the tank can quickly and accurately shoot moving targets on the move

4 performance data from the system parameters of the target 200 ~ 3990m

target tracking angular velocity

azimuth 20mrad/s

level to 10mrad/s

trunnion tilt 250mrad

crosswind 20m/s

propellant temperature -40 ~ +50

temperature -40 ~ +50

muzzle velocity of 0 ~ -4.5%

comprehensive correction ( ammunition for any kind of )

azimuth -3.2 ~ +3.1 mrad

level to -3.2 ~ +3.1 mrad

information processing accuracy

angular position

azimuth 0.1mrad

level to 0.1mrad

target distance 10m

target tracking angular velocity

azimuth 0.4 mrad/s

level to 0.4mrad/s

trunnion tilt 10mrad

crosswind 1m/s

manual setting parameter resolution

manual setting distance 10m

temperature 1

propellant temperature 1

muzzle velocity - 0/5%

comprehensive correction

azimuth 0.1mrad

level to 0.1mrad

highest rotational angular velocity

turret azimuth 300mrad/s

artillery level to 75 ~ 100mrad/s

minimum rotation speed

line of sight


level to

entry tag :

military weapons tank fire control system

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china isfcs-212 fire control system stabilization

entry statistics

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edit : 3 times history version

last updated :2010-07-01

creator: cao zhu xiang

2013 baidu baidu before using reading | encyclopedia agreement | baidu encyclopedia cooperation platform


1 introduction 2 principles and characteristics of system components 3 3.1 4 3.2 features work performancedata system parameters


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1 introduction china isfcs-212 fire control system stabilization

country china

name isfcs-212 fire control stabilization system isfcs-212 image-stabilized fire control system

research unit of china north industries ( group ) corporation, china north industries group

production unit of china north industries ( group ) corporation, china north industries group

production status

equipment of 85 - mbt

2 system consisting of a sighting device includes a day and night sighting equipment ranging iii. one of the stability field of sight including the main cavity laser sight laser emission power and counter 1 periscope into the mirror and shimmer sight its function is to observe the battlefield targeting and tracking targets identified target distance and azimuth to determine the speed of the target level

its features are

(1) by the method of direct field of view so stable gunner can clearly observe the battlefield smooth and easy to aim to track reliably measure the distance

(2) shimmer sight 1 periscope laser firing chamber and other connected via a modular design approach and the main sights such good interchangeability and easy maintenance

(3) the use of the first laser rangefinder/last pulse logic technology to suppress false targets

2. ballistic ballistic computer including computer main computer control panel and stepper motor drives

its function is based on the selected target we bomb all outputs from sensors mounted automatic and manual setting of parameters to calculate the angle and orientation of arms displays advance angle shot in the middle of all of the input signals and output the results of the self-test when the reticle moroto automatic setting firecontrol system is working the way when sight reticle by a stepper motor stepper motor drive automatic setting of its technical characteristics of weapons firing data is calculated by computing the cycle in order to improve the hit rate due to the first ballistic computers using lsi simple structure and stable performance the reason areliable shooter with a quick check of the projectile interrupt switch to off-target

3. correction and azimuthal velocity sensor target level sensor includes tilt sensor ( vertical gyro ) in sight usedto measuring trunnion tilt angle static and dynamic cross- wind vane sensor ( optionally ) be used to measure the location of the cross-wind turret turret angular velocity sensor ( tachometer generator type ) is used to measure the autoloader azimuthal velocity set targets when planning work

4. artillery cannon bi bi stabilizer stabilizer comprises motor gyro converter angle limiter electromagnetic clutchautomatic locking device console tachometer generator motor to enlarge machine amp distribution box bodygyro gyro auxiliary fuel tank turret hydraulic booster and hydraulic power cylinder artillery bidirectionalstabilizer function is stable when the tank cannon artillery firing exercise and provide opportunities for long-gunner or car and use it to drive artillery before making artillery firing artillery bidirectional automatic stabilizers targeting technology is characterized by the use of complex control and stability so that the principle of bi-directional stabilizers artillery gun trace showing a good performance and high stability and accuracy due to theuse of advanced components and control method bi- stable artillery has good low-speed performance and the ability to tilt swivel guns on tanks

5. control equipment control equipment function is to stabilize ranging field of sight and artillery ballistic computer bidirectional electrical connection between the stabilizer and integrated handle all control signals toallow the formation of artillery guns firing signal forced into the fire control system allows the firing door display work and assisted with the line of sight collimator artillery adjustment

3 principles features work with the fire control system stabilization work style and automatic setting reticle work two ways

1. stabilization-type work bench gunner controls the line of sight to sight the driver position signal input to theartillery guns bi stabilizer position signal is fed back and the sight of the position signal comparison form a closed loop so the line of sight to follow the movement of artillery when the target has been targeted and havemeasured the ballistic computer based on the following data from the cycle after it moroto firing weapons from the target from these data is automatically relative angular velocity sensor tilting trunnion mounted horizontal wind data and artificial kinds of drugs given projectile muzzle velocity and air temperature data computed firingdata and artillery position signal integrated comprehensive after the signal is input to the artillery guns by controlling bi- stable control of the control device to automatically generated when the gun angle and azimuthangle advance reaches a predetermined position when the cannon artillery firing signal and allow the transferto the artillery gunner firing circuit if this time by under the artillery firing button you can immediately shoot

2. automatic setting mode at this time locked partition image stabilization gyro so the field is no longer stableturret azimuth angular velocity sensor target speed signal generated when targeting and measuring the distance from the computer calculated only once and generate firing these signals via stepper motor driveautomatic setting sight reticle in the ring with the ring when the targeting reticle gunner can fire again

characteristics of the fire control system are independent and stable sight with high stability and accuracy in order to observe the target in the tank gunner aimed at tracking and measuring the traveling distance between the target and the target angular velocity relative motion allows shooting with a door ( that is consistent with door ) enables the system to automatically find the exact timing of the fire fighting environment can change at any time due to the shooting conditions ballistic computer can calculate and generate a new cycle of firing datacontinue to provide artillery hit rate can be increased starting automatic setting angle and azimuth advanceangle without disturbing the line of sight fire control system is simple and short reaction time from finding the target to fire tilted only about 1 6s gunner periscope sight with the shimmer interchangeable system withspeed target level of target azimuth angular velocity cross trunnion four automatic air charge temperature sensors and temperature muzzle velocity manual setting crosswind manual setting distance and in azimuth and elevation to the consolidated amended six kinds of manual setting parameters can also choose from a variety of shells can be used with the original tank fire control system car long day/night periscope sight interface drivers can override this time turned the direction of artillery fire control system is to combat command ceremony makes the tank can shoot moving targets quickly and accurately on the move

4 performance data system parameters target distance 200 ~ 3990m

target tracking angular velocity

azimuth 20mrad/s

level to 10mrad/s

trunnion tilt 250mrad

crosswind 20m/s

propellant temperature -40 ~ +50

temperature -40 ~ +50

muzzle velocity of 0 ~ -4.5%

comprehensive correction ( ammunition for any kind of )

azimuth -3.2 ~ +3.1 mrad

level to -3.2 ~ +3.1 mrad

information processing accuracy

angular position

azimuth 0.1mrad

level to 0.1 mrad

target distance 10m

target tracking angular velocity

azimuth 0.4mrad/s

level to 0.4mrad/s

trunnion tilt 10mrad

crosswind 1m/s

manual setting parameter resolution

manual setting distance 10m

temperature 1

propellant temperature 1

muzzle velocity -0/5%

comprehensive correction

azimuth 0.1mrad

level to 0.1mrad

highest rotational angular velocity

turret azimuth 300mrad/s

artillery level to 75 ~ 100mrad/s minimum rotation speed

line of sight


level to

Tank optronics and sensor systems if any...

make quite A few day and night sights, binoculars, monoculars inhouse and import thermal imagers from France, Italy and other countries but interate them inhouse.
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. . . . .
os oka muqabla

(Al khalid is named after Khalid bin waleed,victorious in more than hundred battles and never defeated)

just adding, he defeated two super powers of the time.


the complete fire control system featuring ballistic computer, angle and velocity sensors, thermal imager, auto control and tracking device, hunter killer device for FCS system, weather sensor among others...

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