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Stop violence against Christians in Karnataka

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I think after 200 years of British Rule Entire Indian should have been Christian...

You think that was never tried but conversion is a slow process unless you do it by the use of sword. If you are trying to convert by telling people that everything they follow in Hinduism is fake and all that Jesus/Mohammad said are the word of God. How many do you think you will be able to convert in a year by doing so? probably not many but you will come into notice for spreading stupid theories and obviously some will take action against you. This is nothing new people are trying to convert for a long time and the people who they are trying to convert have revolted many a time. Abrahamic religions except Jews, are all about conversion by what ever means. First they tried using sword and now since that doesn't work anymore they switched to mercenaries.. But they need to keep one thing in mind there is a risk when you indulge in such activities and the risk is of loosing your life.
link for this incident?

This is not just one incident. mate. A lot of small ones. This nonsense happens a lot; especially in my part of India where there's little media attention intentionally. We are not able to get videos of this because mostly those who are targeted are very poor or illiterate people who have no money for cameras and stuff. But it happens. Forget my part northeast, even in southern India this happens a lot. Which is why this thread is about Karnataka. Whenever the affected community retaliates against these missionaries, they bring media and other sources to show how they are "being persecuted". Which is a lie.

Ask your Chinese friends. They will tell you the same thing about these missionaries. These missionaries are one problem Chinese and we have in common.

You are not rdy to condemn voilence..
you are not in favour of human liberties...
you think war is the way of life ...
you think every thing about you is always right ..

I will never condemn retaliation that was done in response. You are only seeing a few propaganda videos but fail to see why these attacks are happening. I cannot help you if you have such a narrow sight.

what else is remain to discuss ?:disagree: good night dude (correct me if any thing i said is wrong about ur fascism).

If righteous retaliation against a wrong propaganda war is fascism, then there is no use of having militaries world over.
Religion is once personal belief and as long as it stays personal,in general hinduism does not have anything call convertion you can't be converted to a hindu,you will have to be born as one (i-m not here to side any religion or put down other,just here to give facts of mine as I know it)

In most of the hindu houses (in the south coz that is where I originate from) we do pray to all gods,most of the hindu houses will have photos of al the gods of all religions(the praying custom would be different from yours I hope you understand) but the respect given for all the gods would be the same,in fact most of the hindus go to velankani (church of mother Mary) to shave the head of their. Children in TAMIL NADU

Kerla is got a temple called Shabari malai were only men are allowed in to the temple only women above the age of 55 and girls below the age of six are allowed we have to follow strict penence for 41 days to get in to the temple,just before we enter the temple we have to give our respect to a muslim saint caled vavr's shrine who was lord ayappa's friend.

What i'm trying to imply here is the tolarance that hindus have which I don't think christianity or Islam has got and that is the cause for all the violance in our region.

Again I would like to reatrate that this are my personal openion and if I hurt anybody sentiments I am sorry.
You think that was never tried but conversion is a slow process unless you do it by the use of sword. If you are trying to convert by telling people that everything they follow in Hinduism is fake and all that Jesus/Mohammad said are the word of God. How many do you think you will be able to convert in a year by doing so? probably not many but you will come into notice for spreading stupid theories and obviously some will take action against them. This is nothing new people are trying to convert for a long time and the people who they are trying to convert have revolted many a time. Abrahamic religions except Jews, are all about conversion by what ever means. First they tried using sword and now since that doesn't work anymore they switched to mercenaries.. But they need to keep one thing in mind there is a risk when you indulge in such activities and the risk is of loosing your life.

1000% agree with you mate. This is the reality.
This is not just one incident. mate. A lot of small ones. This nonsense happens a lot; especially in my part of India where there's little media attention intentionally. We are not able to get videos of this because mostly those who are targeted are very poor or illiterate people who have no money for cameras and stuff. But it happens. Forget my part northeast, even in southern India this happens a lot. Which is why this thread is about Karnataka. Whenever the affected community retaliates against these missionaries, they bring media and other sources to show how they are "being persecuted". Which is a lie.

Ask your Chinese friends. They will tell you the same thing about these missionaries. These missionaries are one problem Chinese and we have in common.

I will never condemn retaliation that was done in response. You are only seeing a few propaganda videos but fail to see why these attacks are happening. I cannot help you if you have such a narrow sight.

If righteous retaliation against a wrong propaganda war is fascism, then there is no use of having militaries world over.

Supporting crime against innocent women...
A small communal conflict in a small town in India and our neighbors are freaking out ! Speak volumes of their hypocracy
A small communal conflict in a small town in India and our neighbors are freaking out ! Speak volumes of their hypocracy

Rather their incurable obsession with India even after 'leaving' India ;)
good info , got your opinion (we can discuss further but its not appropriate thread but glad to see your theory rejected extremism).


Suppose if your theory suggests otherwise means these rules apply now will you do these things?

Dude, do you seriously have comprehension problem? Read my post again where carefully where I have clearly stated that these rules doesn’t apply to people of current Manvantara. Then where does the imaginary question of application of rule and me doing these things, arise ? or are you just trying to troll here ? :what:.
Any way lets give a full stop to this religious discussion in this thread. :wave:

---------- Post added at 09:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:40 AM ----------

A small communal conflict in a small town in India and our neighbors are freaking out ! Speak volumes of their hypocracy

True buddy, that too, after the Karnataka Govt itself stated that the issue is caused by some mischievous groups like "New Life" trying to take advantage of poor Local people.

Law against religious conversion - Times Of India

Law against religious conversion

MANGALORE: The Centre should bring in a legislation to curb the practice of religious conversions, the minister for Haj, Wakfs and Minorities Welfare, Mumtaz Ali Khan :rolleyes:, said here on Tuesday.

A political colour is added to any move by individual states in this regard. Conversions should steer clear of all sort of force or inducement, he told reporters.

Unsavoury events all over Karnataka in general and Dakshina Kannada, in particular, were fanned by allegations by groups, such as, New Life being involved in the conversions, Khan said. Noting that such actions disturbed the cordial ties between the Hindus and Christians, he said such groups should be curbed in the initial stages and not allowed to continue.

The dominant Christian groups (especially the Catholics) must bring pressure on groups such as New Life and ensure that they desisted from conversions.

Acknowledging the role-played by Catholic institutions in the field of education and health care, the minister said this goodwill should not be sullied at any cost. "These groups (New Life) are feeding on the poverty of people, including Muslims and converting them," :smokin: the minister said.

Rather their incurable obsession with India even after 'leaving' India ;)

One small correction. Its more to do with Hindus rather than India. After reading the underlined part they might drop their obsession on the current issue. :cheesy: Dont you know these religious tolerance speeches are only applicable to Hindus ? No wonder not a single post on religious tolerance from their side on the threads like the following one. :tdown:

Dude, do you seriously have comprehension problem? Read my post again where carefully where I have clearly stated that these rules doesn’t apply to people of current Manvantara. Then where does the imaginary question of application of rule and me doing these things, arise ? or are you just trying to troll here ? :what:.
Any way lets give a full stop to this religious discussion in this thread. :wave:

original question is still un answered.. if these thing apply in current era some one interprets its like this will you do this ?
plus established fact MANU is not a novel writer some hindu frd was saying it...
original question is still un answered.. if these thing apply in current era some one interprets its like this will you do this ?
plus established fact MANU is not a novel writer some hindu frd was saying it...
These Warrior will not be able.................their typical nature........................
A small communal conflict in a small town in India and our neighbors are freaking out ! Speak volumes of their hypocracy

The more they feel besieged in their own country, the more they see it on the downward spiral, the more they need to obsess with even minor issues in India.

There is a pretty strong motive for them to remain obsessed with anything that seems to be wrong in India. Their whole identity depends on it.

A negative identity needs to be constantly sustained. In the absence of negativity, it just can't survive.
original question is still un answered.. if these thing apply in current era some one interprets its like this will you do this ?
plus established fact MANU is not a novel writer some hindu frd was saying it...

The thing is we are NOT people of the book who bob their head up and down and rote memorize it and are mandated to follow each and every word of it to make our way into "eternal paradise".

We live according to our inner Dharma..we evolve...and are not stuck up with some 7 th century literature...
Because I know the truth that these missionaries do against our peaceful Buddhist community; something you don't know. There is an equal and opposite reaction when one creates an action. They're just getting their karma back. Now since there are no media present in our regions, I can't show you any videos, but you have to take my word for it. It isn't pretty what these so-called peaceful missionaries do here, mate.

Believe me, even though you're not us, you will also condemn it if you could see.

Propaganda of missionary-groups funding media channels like IBN-7, CNN-IBN, NDTV etc which are nothing but sell-outs.

Ya everybody should believe you what you say and should not believe what you see...............
So according to you to hit some violently with the help of state machinery.........is only reaction...............if we react back then you & state may label us terrorist..............All that doesn't suit your ideology are funded and corrupt...............
original question is still un answered.. if these thing apply in current era some one interprets its like this will you do this ?
plus established fact MANU is not a novel writer some hindu frd was saying it...

A straight answer - NO! Who cares what anybody writes or orders, we have brains to decide for ourselves whether we want to follow that or not. Nobody is going to faithfully follow some silly dogmatic instructions from a different era.

Nobody refutes the argument that Manu & Manusmriti were treated as important. That is history, no point in denying it. Also true that it is bigoted in nature & when defined by today's standards - unadulterated horror. It played an main role at a time when caste system was at its most rigid form, not at all relevant in today's India.

To answer your question, Hinduism has evolved from its inflexible days. That has happened because people evolve & there is no book that Hindus have to follow. Old instruction manuals end up by the wayside as time passes. Manu's treatise too has long fallen out of favour & therefore is irrelevant in today's day & age .
Ya everybody should believe you what you say and should not believe what you see...............
So according to you to hit some violently with the help of state machinery.........is only reaction...............if we react back then you & state may label us terrorist..............All that doesn't suit your ideology are funded and corrupt...............

There would be no reaction and reactionary reaction if there was no provocative action in the first place.
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