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Stop violence against Christians in Karnataka

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A straight answer - NO! Who cares what anybody writes or orders, we have brains to decide for ourselves whether we want to follow that or not. Nobody is going to faithfully follow some silly dogmatic instructions from a different era.

Nobody refutes the argument that Manu & Manusmriti were treated as important. That is history, no point in denying it. Also true that it is bigoted in nature & when defined by today's standards - unadulterated horror. It played an main role at a time when caste system was at its most rigid form, not at all relevant in today's India.

To answer your question, Hinduism has evolved from its inflexible days. That has happened because people evolve & there is no book that Hindus have to follow. Old instruction manuals end up by the wayside as time passes. Manu's treatise too has long fallen out of favour & therefore is irrelevant in today's day & age .

Good to see that NO , may extremism die and peaceful world emerge .
Religion is once personal belief and as long as it stays personal,in general hinduism does not have anything call convertion you can't be converted to a hindu,you will have to be born as one (i-m not here to side any religion or put down other,just here to give facts of mine as I know it)

In most of the hindu houses (in the south coz that is where I originate from) we do pray to all gods,most of the hindu houses will have photos of al the gods of all religions(the praying custom would be different from yours I hope you understand) but the respect given for all the gods would be the same,in fact most of the hindus go to velankani (church of mother Mary) to shave the head of their. Children in TAMIL NADU

Kerla is got a temple called Shabari malai were only men are allowed in to the temple only women above the age of 55 and girls below the age of six are allowed we have to follow strict penence for 41 days to get in to the temple,just before we enter the temple we have to give our respect to a muslim saint caled vavr's shrine who was lord ayappa's friend.

What i'm trying to imply here is the tolarance that hindus have which I don't think christianity or Islam has got and that is the cause for all the violance in our region.

Again I would like to reatrate that this are my personal openion and if I hurt anybody sentiments I am sorry.

So you say that all other religions in world are non tolerant..........
original question is still un answered.. if these thing apply in current era some one interprets its like this will you do this ?
plus established fact MANU is not a novel writer some hindu frd was saying it...

Dude, why are you insisting on my personal opinion ? Does it really matter ? The point I was making, if any Hindu feels that, any "Hindu Philosophical school of thought" is objectionable he is free to criticise that thought and choose other school of thought; which the followers of Abrahmic Religions cannot do.

That is, Nobody can forcefully enforce Manu Smriti, at the same time nobody can give orders to kill the followers of Manu Smriti. To each one, its his own. :lol:

Regarding who/what is Manu, and how Hindu's can treat manusmriti, and various 'Hindu Philosophical Schools'; I have explained enough in my previous [read my post (#173 and #231)]. This is my last post regarding this religious discussion in this thread as I don't want to get infraction for going off topic from moderators.. :argh:
Go to see that NO , may extremism die and peaceful world emerge .

We're all for it. However some elements don't want it and constantly attack us. So we retaliate in the language they understand. If retaliating against a wrong is extremism then I assume you don't know the meaning of this term.

You have no idea what these losers do with our Buddhist community. So why should I protest when they are getting a taste of their own medicine?

---------- Post added at 01:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:18 PM ----------

So you say that all other religions in world are non tolerant..........

No he pointed out just to 2 organized religions. Just in case you don't know, there are thousands of ways of life around the world from the ancient world and both modern spiritual movements that have NOTHING to do with Abrahamic religions. Do gain some knowledge about the world's beliefs before jumping the apologetic bandwagon.

Others are not the cause of your ignorance....
Dawah and Evangalism are Abrahamic Jacksh!t Concepts Responsible for most of the Deaths in History of Humanity!

Here comes the Evangelist B*stards!

How to Convert Hindus and Buddhists to Christianity?

http://www.paul-timothy.net/pages/t&m/t&m_1995/Evangelizing Hindus and Buddhists.pdf

Why Islam is True and Hinduism is False?

Islam and Hinduism

Why Islam is The Only True Religion and Buddhism False?

Islam and Buddhism.com - This site is based on the works of Harun Yahya

I forgot about this angle totally and focused only on missionaries.

Thanks for adding this as well, bhai.
We're all for it. However some elements don't want it and constantly attack us. So we retaliate in the language they understand. If retaliating against a wrong is extremism then I assume you don't know the meaning of this term.

You have no idea what these losers do with our Buddhist community. So why should I protest when they are getting a taste of their own medicine?

---------- Post added at 01:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:18 PM ----------

No he pointed out just to 2 organized religions. Just in case you don't know, there are thousands of ways of life around the world from the ancient world and both modern spiritual movements that have NOTHING to do with Abrahamic religions. Do gain some knowledge about the world's beliefs before jumping the apologetic bandwagon.

Others are not the cause of your ignorance....

Jews,Muslims & Christians ...........the Abrahamic Religion accounts more than 80% of world population

---------- Post added at 02:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:57 PM ----------

Dawah and Evangalism are Abrahamic Jacksh!t Concepts Responsible for most of the Deaths in History of Humanity!

Here comes the Evangelist B*stards!

How to Convert Hindus and Buddhists to Christianity?

http://www.paul-timothy.net/pages/t&m/t&m_1995/Evangelizing Hindus and Buddhists.pdf

Why Islam is True and Hinduism is False?

Islam and Hinduism

Why Islam is The Only True Religion and Buddhism False?

Islam and Buddhism.com - This site is based on the works of Harun Yahya

Am not surprised by your Vocabulary...........you people are being taught so................
Dawah and Evangalism are Abrahamic Jacksh!t Concepts Responsible for most of the Deaths in History of Humanity!

Here comes the Evangelist B*stards!

How to Convert Hindus and Buddhists to Christianity?

http://www.paul-timothy.net/pages/t&m/t&m_1995/Evangelizing Hindus and Buddhists.pdf

Why Islam is True and Hinduism is False?

Islam and Hinduism

Why Islam is The Only True Religion and Buddhism False?

Islam and Buddhism.com - This site is based on the works of Harun Yahya

You have to think without any bias , what is religion , it is about to find truth , if one finds his truth in some ideology other should not have problem , it seems that your way of thinking is that ppl are slave for ever of a theory....

plus u used unappropriated language .:tdown:
Jews,Muslims & Christians ...........the Abrahamic Religion accounts more than 80% of world population[

Err..So ?

BTW there is a simple arithmetic error in your assertion..try guessing that..

Hint : -The majority in two most populous countries are NOT Abrahamic.
Err..So ?

BTW there is a simple arithmetic error in your assertion..try guessing that..

Hint : -The majority in two most populous countries are NOT Abrahamic.[/QUOTE]


Better you read the post which i answered

Better you read the post which i answered

Doesnt matter..Just correcting you on the 80% part...

And numbers mean shyt without quality.
Doesnt matter..Just correcting you on the 80% part...

And numbers mean shyt without quality.

I think you better understand that................
I think you better understand that................

We know..else these market conversions wont be still happening in India.

Good that now more an more people are awakening to the impending catastrophe caused by these market conversions...Even the Catholic community in Mangalore is blaming the extremist fringe evangelical groups for inciting violence.
I think you better understand that................

- Use sell-out media as propaganda.
- Use degrading other's faiths to convert.
- When debating, personal attacks is what you do.
- And when retaliated and countered, call them "racists, murderers intolerants" bla bla.

That's all you lot can do. :lol:

Wake up.

Jews,Muslims & Christians ...........the Abrahamic Religion accounts more than 80% of world population

Does it mean others are irrelevant? He just mentioned 3 communities from numerous around the world. Nothing to get so touchy about it.

Am not surprised by your Vocabulary...........you people are being taught so................

Yeah? Well my people experienced it. Taugh...:lol: your missionary propaganda won't work after seeing what we have. It is a good thing you lot showed your true colors to us who at one stage used to feel that mainstream Hindu people are being too aggressive needlessly.

Not surprised you won't take it seriously since it is a strikeback; something you lot don't like.

---------- Post added at 04:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:03 PM ----------

We know..else these market conversions wont be still happening in India.

Good that now more an more people are awakening to the impending catastrophe caused by these market conversions...Even the Catholic community in Mangalore is blaming the extremist fringe evangelical groups for inciting violence.

But secularist jokers will continue to bleed for the money they get running their household from these enterprises.
The BJP govt is a disaster for karnataka's name. There were no attacks on churches before they came to power. Also they are as corrupt as any other party.
Hope they will be thrown out in the next election.
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