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Stop violence against Christians in Karnataka

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What makes you think I like the guy? I hate the guy! But my (or anyone else) liking or hating him is not the topic here.

As long as you do it in a legal way, rather than taking the law in your own hands, that is ok.

agreed...no one should kill anyone in first place so i can not support what was done....but i don't think any country can ever control people with hot blood...they are more active and organised...
simple human rights violations and you guyz are supporting them am off the thread now.

When these scum do it against us, where are these rights bodies? When our monasteries get desecrated, when mainstream Hindu temples get de-faced in rural areas by Christian missionary aided goons, when local spiritual gurus and bhikshus are maimed and/or killed, where the freaking hell are these secularist media, rights bodies etc?

So if that "rights" is not applicable to us, then it is applicable to no one.

What makes you think I like the guy? I hate the guy! But my (or anyone else) liking or hating him is not the topic here.

The point I put forth is that this joker is as much despised and has been beaten up. Law is useless in our country where it is hardly followed especially with a votebank system (democracy is only for external consumption) that runs the incumbent government's lifeline.

Even if this law was imposed, it would never be followed. 5 states have passed it and it is still violated. When laws become useless and government becomes the supporter of the enemy, then people take action themselves. That's what has happened. I don't think there's anything wrong in defending one's culture.

We're a neutral country only when those of non-Dharmic organized religions stay peacefully without converting or degrading our culture and branches of faith. Otherwise naturally tensions will simmer and such things will happen.

As long as you do it in a legal way, rather than taking the law in your own hands, that is ok.

You know the law system in south Asia and still you talk about it. Are you US-born? I assume so because you seem to be pretty straight forward in thinking that laws passed here actually have any effect.
"lets not go there".....how cute..

Fine how about this ?

In Sura 4:88-89 Allah tells the prophet how to deal with these particular hypocrites.

Still wanna defend ?

Mostly I only view the discussions... but only if you are there it happens for me to log in especially to thank you...

why dont you oppose attacks on nuns ? your hypocrite ?

Because I know the truth that these missionaries do against our peaceful Buddhist community; something you don't know. There is an equal and opposite reaction when one creates an action. They're just getting their karma back. Now since there are no media present in our regions, I can't show you any videos, but you have to take my word for it. It isn't pretty what these so-called peaceful missionaries do here, mate.

Believe me, even though you're not us, you will also condemn it if you could see.

Propaganda of missionary-groups funding media channels like IBN-7, CNN-IBN, NDTV etc which are nothing but sell-outs.
what a shame you ppl defend violence.... even against women. :undecided:

You don't know anything about India. majority of Indian religion people consider India as Anti-Hindu country. India is secular country where more preference and importance is given to Christians and Muslims. A very hard fact. Now we are use to it.
what a shame you ppl defend violence.... even against women. :undecided:

Only in return for the violence they support against OURS that is not shown by this secularist missionary-funded media.

Bro, since there are no videos you're not believing me. But if you were in my part of the country to see, you will understand what I am talking about.
What's wrong with that? In fact, I admire them for standing up for their local culture before Ottoman invaders struck them and semi-Islamized Spain. Reconquista might sound brutal but it shows the determination of the Spanish to get back to their culture and faith. Sometimes peace has to be earned through war.

War is not the way dude peace is , faith is some thing which cannot be imposed one accepts which he like, you are having some brutal mind you wouldn't understand this.
War is not the way dude peace is , faith is some thing which cannot be imposed one accepts which he like, you are having some brutal mind you wouldn't understand this.

I am having a rational mind, sonny. Peace is the way but had the Ottomans not imposed themselves on Spain (which was Christian before Ottomans were even there), then this won't have happened. Now you will tell me that Ottomans were just and didn't spread religion by force and that Crusaders did it. But the fact is that Spain was Islamized? How? Don't tell me Half the Spain "converted" en masse. NO ONE ever in any history of indigenous culture did that and no one group would simply give away their legacy, culture, heritage etc just in a go. Put yourself in Spain's place; will you give up Islam if some other religion came and immediately offered you conversion? Obviously not. The same law is applicable to other cultures as well.

Had Spain not been Islamized, the Reconquista would not have happened. In short, Reconquista was again a retaliation--- not a direct unilateral action initiated.

You find me brutal because I am being hard-nosed; And being pragmatic is sometimes harsh.
whatever you think you can , i told you what is right by me , and that's enough i think.

---------- Post added at 01:00 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:59 AM ----------

you live in a religious utopia where war never ends.
whatever you think you can , i told you what is right by me , and that's enough i think

We only react, not act. If we had acted, it would have been done long ago. But self-defense is our right and we will redeem it no matter what.

you live in a religious utopia where war never ends.

First of all, I or for that matter any of the Dharmic communities don't have a "religion". This is a false term to describe what is our way of life. Secondly, coming back to the topic, this war was started by organized religions, we are only defending, which we will continue to do so no matter what anyone says.

It is our right to be proud and symbolize our land of our culture and way of living that has been the ancient divine blessing to us for lakhs and lakhs of years.

No imperialist colonial-era framed constitution has the grace, richness, knowledge or as they say, "haisiyat" to ever undo this-- yes I am talking about Nehruvian and Gandhian slave mentality..
We only react, not act. If we had acted, it would have been done long ago. But self-defense is our right and we will redeem it no matter what.

First of all, I or for that matter any of the Dharmic communities don't have a "religion". This is a false term to describe what is our way of life. Secondly, coming back to the topic, this war was started by organized religions, we are only defending, which we will continue to do so no matter what anyone says.

It is our right to be proud and symbolize our land of our culture and way of living that has been the ancient divine blessing to us for lakhs and lakhs of years.

No imperialist colonial-era framed constitution has the grace, richness, knowledge or as they say, "haisiyat" to ever undo this-- yes I am talking about Nehruvian and Gandhian slave mentality..

You are not rdy to condemn voilence..
you are not in favour of human liberties...
you think war is the way of life ...
you think every thing about you is always right ..

what else is remain to discuss ?:disagree: good night dude (correct me if any thing i said is wrong about ur fascism).
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