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Sri Lankan monk sets himself ablaze over cow slaughter

suppose a muslim is eating pork which is considered disgusting among muslims;what would u infer from it?his behaviour is aberrant since he broke a rule which was inculcated in him from his childhood.no sane muslim wld eat pork.similarly would any sane hindu who has grown in a society which despises beef eating ever eat beef?a normal person wld not do tht.only erratic and ppl with abberant behavious wld indulge in such activities

Don't make yourself the representative of all Hindus. Don't think that whatever you do is correct and what others do is wrong.If you were not Indian I won't have told you all these but staying in country you are spreading false things about it and me being from the same country had to respond. Generally I tend to ignore BS and this is my last post to you. Get over this representative attitude as basically you are falsely claiming it.
Bro. this is prohibited in Islam so thats why they are doing and if you want to do what is prohibited in Hindus then they have problem with that. You know here many people will claim to support animal right and will eat meat in each meal

The Biggest difference here is

1. We do not stop you from eating pig since we dont eat it considering it a shyty animal

2. You stop others from eating cow meat since you do not eat it considering it sacared (which by the way is not mentioned as one in ancient hindu texts.

simple thing which is asked by others here is that if they want to eat beef you are nobody to stop them its their personal right.
Is this not extremism ????
I think not because he was not a Muslim
The educated ones strictly followed low cast high cast difference there whereas the normal ones dint exhbit that kinda behaviour.

i loved eating food cooked by dalits there and found many non dalit uneducated ones far saner than the educated ones.

anyway i wonder why educated Indians do not try to study the real hinduism and do away with twisted insertions.

there was a time when i used to rely on definitions by the religious scholars viz a viz my faith even but after i started reading my Holy book with translation i can argue with even a mullah and debunk his twisted versions regarding many things.

See man I don't know which educated Indian you met. I have been staying in India for the last 26 year and I haven't met them. Well now u claim to meet them, so I can't say anything on that. But this caste system is not that prominent I can say now. People focus more on intellect, culture, wit, education etc. Now I won't say as well that all 1.2 billion people of India are sadhu. Not only India, it's not applicable to all people of any country. Regarding that Dalit and caste system stuff, I don't believe in it and hence don't want to speak much on that. But this much I can say, that caste distinction is reducing day by day towards obliteration among Indian societies. People have much more imp things to focus on.
The educated ones strictly followed low cast high cast difference there whereas the normal ones dint exhbit that kinda behaviour.

i loved eating food cooked by dalits there and found many non dalit uneducated ones far saner than the educated ones.

anyway i wonder why educated Indians do not try to study the real hinduism and do away with twisted insertions.

there was a time when i used to rely on definitions by the religious scholars viz a viz my faith even but after i started reading my Holy book with translation i can argue with even a mullah and debunk his twisted versions regarding many things.

Did you make this story?I like many of my friend used to live with SC ST and used to eat with them in same plate during my B.tech . so does this mean we are supporting caste here? Comman do not live in your dream world.
I know when I was kid, one SC youth came to my house and lay down on my grand father's bed. he scold him. but now the same boy can sit with us in our home. does that give you sense that castism is increasing in Hinduism?
Be on topic. castism and bashing Hinduism are not topic.
@DARKY, Would Hindus sacrifice a cow instead of a bull or any other animal.

Some Facts.

In Hinduism, the cow is revered as the source of food and symbol of life and may never be killed. Hindus do not worship the cow, however, and cows do not have especially charmed lives in India. It is more accurate to say the cow is taboo in Hinduism, rather than sacred.

In ancient India, oxen and bulls were sacrificed to the gods and their meat was eaten. But even then the slaughter of milk-producing cows was prohibited.

Even when meat-eating was permitted, the ancient Vedic scriptures encouraged vegetarianism. One scripture says, "There is no sin in eating meat... but abstention brings great rewards." (The Laws of Manu, V/56)

Later, in the spiritually fertile period that produced Jainism and Buddhism, Hindus stopped eating beef. This was mostly like for practical reasons as well as spiritual. It was expensive to slaughter an animal for religious rituals or for a guest, and the cow provided an abundance of important products, including milk, browned butter for lamps, and fuel from dried dung.

Some scholars believe the tradition came to Hinduism through the influence of strictly vegetarian Jainism. But the cow continued to be especially revered and protected among the animals of India.

By the early centuries AD, the cow was designated as the appropriate gift to the brahmans (high-caste priests) and it was soon said that to kill a cow is equal to killing a brahman.

Babur, who invaded India all the way from Kabul and established the Mughal Empire in India, despite being an orthodox Muslim had banned Cow Slaughter in his empire. All successive Mughal Emperors – Humayun, Akbar, Shah Jahan, Jehangir and then even Ahmad Shah had banned Cow Slaughter in their kingdoms. Hyder Ali and Tippu Sultan who ruled the Mysore State in the present day Karnataka had made cow slaughter and beef eating a punishable offence and the crime would be punished by cutting off the hands of the person who committed the crime.

The Mughal Emperor Babar in ‘ Tuzuk-e- Babari’ while making a will in favor of his son Humayun says that, “Humayun should respect the sentiments of the Hindus and hence should not allow the cow to be sacrificed or killed anywhere in the Mughal Empire. The day any Mughal emperor ignores this will, the people of India will reject him”. Aurangzeb ignored this will and that caused the downfall of the Mughal Empire.

Robert Clive on entering India was astonished and amazed to see the success of the agricultural system here. Cow was an integral part of a Hindu family as was any other human member in the family. He even found that in many places the total number of cattle was more than the number of humans living there.

And thus was opened the first slaughterhouse of cows in India in 1760 by Robert Clive at Kolkata. It had a capacity to kill 30,000 cows per day. Indian agriculture had started becoming dependent on west invented artificial products and was forced to give up home grown natural practices. Hindus did not work as butchers at the slaughter houses opened by the British. And of course the British were well known for their divide and rule policies which they practiced throughout their colonial kingdoms then. So what did they do? Well, they hired muslims as butchers and this was done in almost every slaughterhouse they opened. And this slowly pushed the muslims into believing that beef eating was their religious right.

And Thanks to Such Religious belief instigated there used to be 70 breeds of cows in the country at the time of independence, today we have only 33 and even among them many breeds are facing extinction.

Today many Muslim don't consider them Muslim until they have consumed cow.
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The Biggest difference here is

1. We do not stop you from eating pig since we dont eat it considering it a shyty animal

2. You stop others from eating cow meat since you do not eat it considering it sacared (which by the way is not mentioned as one in ancient hindu texts.

simple thing which is asked by others here is that if they want to eat beef you are nobody to stop them its their personal right.
Not any difference here.
its plain and simple. if you hate anybody and someone kill him then you do not have problem with killer but if someone killed your loved one than you will make hue and cry.
The Biggest difference here is
2. You stop others from eating cow meat since you do not eat it considering it sacared (which by the way is not mentioned as one in ancient hindu texts.

“yaḥ pauruṣeyeṇa kraviṣā samaṅkte yo aśveyena paśunāyātudhānaḥ,yo aghnyāyā bharati kṣīramaghne teṣāṃśīrṣāṇi harasāpi vṛśca"

Rig Veda 10.87.16

"The fiend who consumes flesh of cattle, with flesh of horses and of human bodies, who slaughters the milk producing cow, O Agni, tear off the heads of such with fiery fury".

The milk-giving cow here is described as “Aghnya” which means “that what is not to be sacrificed”.
1. Does Hinduism ban cow meat? if it does when the ban was inserted in real ancient beliefs?

2. What was the purpose of the ban? if social and not religious then your religious claims and stopping others from slaughtering and eating cow meat amounts to imposing your wish on others.

3. Many among hindus also eat beef what do you call them?


2.More to do with Agriculture related practices... promote Spirituality and save the milk production.

3.“There was a time when a Brahmin without eating beef could not remain a Brahmin”.

“You will be astonished if I tell you that, according to the old ceremonials, he is not a good Hindu who does not eat beef. On certain occasions he must sacrifice a bull and eat it.”

Swami Vivekananda
“yaḥ pauruṣeyeṇa kraviṣā samaṅkte yo aśveyena paśunāyātudhānaḥ,yo aghnyāyā bharati kṣīramaghne teṣāṃśīrṣāṇi harasāpi vṛśca"

Rig Veda 10.87.16

"The fiend who consumes flesh of cattle, with flesh of horses and of human bodies, who slaughters the milk producing cow, O Agni, tear off the heads of such with fiery fury".

The milk-giving cow here is described as “Aghnya” which means “that what is not to be sacrificed”.

Hymn CLXIX of the Rig Veda says: "May the wind blow upon our cows with healing; may they eat herbage ... Like-colored various-hued or single- colored whose names through sacrifice are known to Agni, Whom the Angirases produced by Ferbvour - vouschsafe to these, Parjanya, great protection. Those who have offered to the gods their bodies whose varied forms are all well known to Soma" [The Rig Veda (RV), translated by Ralph H. Griffith, New York, 1992, p. 647]. In the Rig Veda (RV: VIII.43.11) Agni is described as "fed on ox and cow" suggesting that cattle were sacrificed and roasted in fire.
[B]Rigveda (10/85/13)[/B] declares, “On the occasion of a girl’s marriage oxen and cows are slaughtered”, and Rigveda (6/17/1) states that “Indra used to eat the meat of cow, calf, horse and buffalo.”
Imagaine what consquenes would have awaited for a Srilankan Muslim had they slaughtered a cow.
Srilanka boast itself as Secular country and don't let even Muslim decide what they can eat. :frown:

Colombo should be next target of non state actor of Pak for the next for 26\11 in South Asia.:P
Hymn CLXIX of the Rig Veda says: "May the wind blow upon our cows with healing; may they eat herbage ... Like-colored various-hued or single- colored whose names through sacrifice are known to Agni, Whom the Angirases produced by Ferbvour - vouschsafe to these, Parjanya, great protection. Those who have offered to the gods their bodies whose varied forms are all well known to Soma" [The Rig Veda (RV), translated by Ralph H. Griffith, New York, 1992, p. 647]. In the Rig Veda (RV: VIII.43.11) Agni is described as "fed on ox and cow" suggesting that cattle were sacrificed and roasted in fire.
[B]Rigveda (10/85/13)[/B] declares, “On the occasion of a girl’s marriage oxen and cows are slaughtered”, and Rigveda (6/17/1) states that “Indra used to eat the meat of cow, calf, horse and buffalo.”

Read my second quote.

Cattle mostly refers to as Oxen and Bulls... cow is being brought in by Western translators to Justify cow slaughter.

Not saying that Cow slaughter never happened in Ancient India.

2.More to do with Agriculture related practices... promote Spirituality and save the milk production.

3.“There was a time when a Brahmin without eating beef could not remain a Brahmin”.

“You will be astonished if I tell you that, according to the old ceremonials, he is not a good Hindu who does not eat beef. On certain occasions he must sacrifice a bull and eat it.”

Swami Vivekananda

i know. the main fact is that cow was never a religious thingy..

in times of need it may be protected for basic needs but NOT due to religious belief.

somehow it has turned into a religious item.

Read my second quote.

Cattle mostly refers to as Oxen and Bulls... cow is being brought in by Western translators to Justify cow slaughter.

Not saying that Cow slaughter never happened in Ancient India.

:) the one you posted call of tearing off heads of those who consume cattle flesh be it ox or bull or whatever :))))
i know. the main fact is that cow was never a religious thingy..

in times of need it may be protected for basic needs but NOT due to religious belief.

somehow it has turned into a religious item.

:) the one you posted call of tearing off heads of those who consume cattle flesh be it ox or bull or whatever :))))

That was to scare them who slaughtered cow in Ancient Time... proves cow slaughter did take place and was considered unwanted or offence.

Moreover meat eating is strictly dependent on Geographical feature and climate too... you might know that Tibetan Buddhist consume Yak they sacrifice it by chocking it to death and then it is consumed not a single part is wasted even the blood is consumed by them.

BTW I have witnessed a Bull Sacrifice in my Town and had the chance to eat the meat too.

2.More to do with Agriculture related practices... promote Spirituality and save the milk production.

3.“There was a time when a Brahmin without eating beef could not remain a Brahmin”.

“You will be astonished if I tell you that, according to the old ceremonials, he is not a good Hindu who does not eat beef. On certain occasions he must sacrifice a bull and eat it.”

Swami Vivekananda

@Joe Shearer @Bangalore

Whats ur take on this???:what:
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