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Sri Lankan monk sets himself ablaze over cow slaughter

No, they gave up because Hinduism / Budhism made no sense to them just as it doesn't make any sense to me today. Again, this is what I have understood so far:

It would appear Hindus were forced to revere the cow to the point of worshipping the animal despite it was not part of the Hindu religion. I am assuming this is something that many Hindus questioned in the past and many question today. But if the questioning gets too tough for hardcore Hindus, then they resort to violence to silence their questioners.

There the point only people with proper Brains can follow such a complex religion... In Hinduism there are many sects one of which even consumes Human.

The violence today is the brainchild of British.. Today cow slaughtering and consumption has become a religious matter for both Hindus and Muslims.
In Hinduism Animal can be consumed as food only If agree for Its own Sacrifice.. which is confirmed by Animal nodding its head in agreement once mantra is chanted... Belief is that the Bali Animal would attain moksha and Its not sin to consume its meat... also there is specific method of sacrifice... the animal must not suffer any pain hence the tool must be sharp enough to take it out in one blow... a crying animal at the time of Bali is bad omen.

Bali, in origin meaning "tribute, offering or oblation" generically Bali among other things "refers to the blood of an animal"and is sometimes known as Jhatka Bali in Hinduism.

The Vedic term for "sacrificial victim, animal sacrifice" is medha.


The meat eaters should be ready to face the consequences in their social life as Vegetarian diet make you more spiritual and increase the Godliness[Devic mindset]... while eating meat would promote Asuri[Devilish mindset].. in Humans.

How does eating meat increases devilish mindset? are you implying the same Indian textbook that said that meat eaters are criminals and rapists?

Hence you will find most of the great saints in India not eating meat... or even cereals or food grains... the live on fruits and milk... even on festival occasion the worshiper and ladies perform fasting and don't eat salt... food grains or meat... they live on milk.. water and fruits which is consumed in the evening after the last worshiping just after the sunset.

Hinduism the name came thousands of years later... how do you expect Vedas to define meaning of something which Originated much after they were written.

:) and who are these saints? the great Muslim sains who are also revered by thousands of hindus, supposed to had eaten meat

Indian Hindus by large don't sacrifice animals today, its only some pockets in rural areas or specific regions u'll see such practice that too mostly goat.:)

Hinduism does not prophibit animal slaughter.

as far as less sacrifice well may be due to economic issues :) .
Indian Hindus by large don't sacrifice animals today, its only some pockets in rural areas or specific regions u'll see such practice that too mostly goat.:)

It is not some pockets. It is a common practice to sacrifice animals in rural areas and pray to village deities.
Animal Rights??? the people who consider gao as mata or mother, are doing the following as sacrifice so where is animal rights?
Knock Knock ...

First grow the intelligence to understand the Difference between a Cow & a Buffalo...
Hinduism the name came thousands of years later... how do you expect Vedas to define meaning of something which Originated much after they were written.

So why should the message from Vedas be taken seriously by the hindus? Especially the topic here - avoid cow slaughtering - my understanding is it came from the Vedas.
Knock Knock ...

First grow the intelligence to understand the Difference between a Cow & a Buffalo...

Knock knock first you must clear that according to hardline Indian Hindus only cow has animal rights not buffalos.
ഒന്ന് പോടാ കൊരങ്ങാ

Even you scumbag, deserve basic fundamental rights. A small cut above animals I suppose......
U have all the Brain Masterbation u want ... but ur post dont even deserve a Reply ... apart from some Cheap personal Attack ... No good what can i expect from a Nasrani...
So why should the message from Vedas be taken seriously by the hindus? Especially the topic here - avoid cow slaughtering - my understanding is it came from the Vedas.

NO not from vedas.

many Indians present vedas as their inspiration to follow faith whereas in vedas meat eating is NOT prohibited neither mentioned.

now its another matter that specific indians have excluded cow from the list of slaughter. and they argue that its Baffalos and oxes which are allowed to be slaughter.

Well for a moment OK lets accept this version even then these staunch "hindus" looked down upon meat eaters :))))

U have all the Brain Masterbation u want ... but ur post dont even deserve a Reply ... apart from some Cheap personal Attack ... No good what can i expect from a Nasrani...

Nair sab Mahabharata praises king Rantidev for slaughtering 2000 cows and 2000 animals and distrubute food with meat every day.
Keep Up the Spirit ...

Cow is sacred for all Dharmic Religions ... Including Hindus , Buddhist , Jains & Sikhs ... Cow is considered as Mother...

Jai Gau Mata!!!

thousaands of cows are being slaughtered in INDIA everyear , and we hindus are remaining silent...:hitwall:
On the other hand Mahabharat praises king Rantidev for slaugtering 2000 animals and 2000 cows every day and distribute the food along with the meat :)

Its a disputed claim as according to many scholars, some scholars deliberately quoted only 3 lines of the verse and left 1 line from Dronaparva Chapter 67 first two shlokas. They misinterpreted Dwishatsahasra to mean 2000 when it actually means 200 thousand. This itself shows there competence in Sanskrit. None of these lines have any reference to beef. And when combined with 4th line that they deliberately missed, it means that Rantideva had 200,000 cooks in his kingdom who used to serve good food (rice, pulses, cooked food, sweets etc) day and night to guests and scholars.
Then the word ‘Masha’ from the next shloka was changed to ‘Mansa’ to imply that it talked of beef. On contrary there are ample verses in Mahabharat which talk of non-violence and condemn beef eating.

Further they praise charity
of cows and their nurture. They have interpreted Badhyate to mean killing.However this is not so as per any Sanskrit text on grammar or usage.

Badhyate means to control. Thus, there is no way that
one can prove that King
Rantideva used to have
cows killed.
NO not from vedas.

many Indians present vedas as their inspiration to follow faith whereas in vedas meat eating is NOT prohibited neither mentioned.

now its another matter that specific indians have excluded cow from the list of slaughter. and they argue that its Baffalos and oxes which are allowed to be slaughter.

Well for a moment OK lets accept this version even then these staunch "hindus" looked down upon meat eaters :))))

Never learnt/followed vedas nor my family or neighbors did. So is my ignorance. But the highlighted part is what annoys me.
The so called anti cow slaughter religious sentiment is artificially created by strangulating indian/hindu history..You are free to consider cow as your mother but to go gung ho against people eating beef or redicule non vegetarians by quoting dharmic values only shows your utter ignorance in indian history..Rig veda mentions cow and bull meat as favourites of God Agni..Gods Maruts and the Asviniss were also offered cows as sacrifice.No religious text elaborately describe animal sacrifices as much as vedas..Coming to the upanishads-Taittriya upanishad clearly states that `Verily the cow is food' (atho annam via gauh)..The popular gods in epics-Sri Rama and Sri Krishana,including their families were non vegetarians..In charaka samhita,there are detailed verses on medicinal properties of cow meat and soups,along with many other non veg items...So nairji,while your religious convictions are to be respected,i must tell you that your opposition on eating beef is not at all based on vedic india and its values..
Hahaha first Go & read original Vedas ... Not Veda interpreted By Scum Bag Missionary & Half Brained European Sanskrit intellectuals ... I know now u will start Posting Links from Stupid Blog of Marxists & Anti-Hindus...

& Hero Do u know the Second Name Krishna its Govinda which Means Protector of Cow...

Do u know whats the name of Krishnas father Its Vasu Dev ... again which Mean protector of Cow...

Do u know whats the other Name of Shiva ... its PashuPatinath ... which Means Lord & Protector of Cows...

Do u know whats the other name for Cow in Sanskrit ... Its aghnya ... which means" one which should not be allowed to slaughtered..."

Nair sab Mahabharata praises king Rantidev for slaughtering 2000 cows and 2000 animals and distrubute food with meat every day.

Again the Same old Marxist Blogs ... & Google Search ...

Where u not the same person who once told that Mahabharata war was fought between Gods ... & in which Hindu Gods killed the South Indian Gods ... :omghaha:

No use of debating with u ...
How does eating meat increases devilish mindset? are you implying the same Indian textbook that said that meat eaters are criminals and rapists?

:) and who are these saints? the great Muslim saints who are also revered by thousands of hindus, supposed to had eaten meat

Hinduism does not prophibit animal slaughter.

as far as less sacrifice well may be due to economic issues :) .

To see that you would 1st have to become a Veg. for an year or so... what I said was based on my personal experience aswell as some religious text... I can write lengths on it with examples.

As I said rapist or murderers... I have examples.. and even my Religion has path for both types of people who want to Devic or Asuri.

Saints Right from Ancient times to Mahavir... Gautam Buddha etc...
I was talking about India here... you can see that Christian saints consume Pig a lot more does that make any difference.. remember again what I wrote earlier meat consumption is heavily dependent on the Geography and Climate... A person in Russia has no option but Drink wine and eat pork/beef... while a person in India can choose the better food.

And Please don't Bring in the conversion topic here.. we all know what the more dominant conversion methods by Saints like Muhammad Bin Qasim, Mahmud of Ghazni, Taimur Lung etc.

Less Sacrifice is due to the fact that there are a lot of other good things to eat and the Hot Tropic Climate.

So why should the message from Vedas be taken seriously by the hindus? Especially the topic here - avoid cow slaughtering - my understanding is it came from the Vedas.

The Veda says avoid cow slaughter... what are you trying to imply here.
The Veda says avoid cow slaughter... what are you trying to imply here.

There are many Hindus who do not follow Vedas and are ignorant of them. So mate - I respect your view and you can avoid eating cows - that is your prerogative but respect mine as well is what I am implying.
How does eating meat increases devilish mindset? are you implying the same Indian textbook that said that meat eaters are criminals and rapists?

Hinduism does not prophibit animal slaughter.

as far as less sacrifice well may be due to economic issues :) .

No thats some religious fanatic who wrote that meat eaters r criminals...:lol:

Although there r no specific prohibitions like in Islam for eating pig but there r certain guidelines which Hindus should follow as it helps them in attaining higher spiritual levels.

It is also mentioned in The Bhagwat Geeta that one should avoid eating Tamsi food material n should focus more on Satvik food material.

It is even said that one should even avoid eating onion n garlic the same thing is said in Buddhism too.

It is said consuming Satvik(Vegan) food helps in increasing concentration during meditation n spiritual activities:)
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