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Sri Lankan monk sets himself ablaze over cow slaughter

i said tht there are some college going students who eat beef.i didnt deny it.i only said tht they do it in secret.if u want to prove me wrong just tell the parents of the girl whom you are going to marry tht u r a beef eater and see if they will still give their daughter to u.I am not spreading lies.no not all restaurants serve beef.only very high class hotels where they have foreign tourists serve it .if u open a medium size hotel,put beef on the menu and see how much business ur hotel will do.

Well well sir, even girls eat beef!! Lollz, be it again Brahmin, Kshatriya,Kayesth, Vaishya, Shudra. Many of my friends do and they are a mix of all these castes. Again I'll say it's a personal choice and no one cares much. Some of my friends, girls and guyz(of different castes I mentioned above), we go to a very famous Continental joint in Calcutta to eat Beef Steak. It's not a Muslim Restaurant, but a very famous and favorite eating joint of all Calcuttans.
Either U dont have any Idea of Religious sentiments of a Hindu or ur Being Stupid...

A Mlechha Can never Understand Dhramic Values ... For a Hindu Mother & MotherLand is Bigger then the Unseen Heaven ...

The so called anti cow slaughter religious sentiment is artificially created by strangulating indian/hindu history..You are free to consider cow as your mother but to go gung ho against people eating beef or redicule non vegetarians by quoting dharmic values only shows your utter ignorance in indian history..Rig veda mentions cow and bull meat as favourites of God Agni..Gods Maruts and the Asviniss were also offered cows as sacrifice.No religious text elaborately describe animal sacrifices as much as vedas..Coming to the upanishads-Taittriya upanishad clearly states that `Verily the cow is food' (atho annam via gauh)..The popular gods in epics-Sri Rama and Sri Krishana,including their families were non vegetarians..In charaka samhita,there are detailed verses on medicinal properties of cow meat and soups,along with many other non veg items...So nairji,while your religious convictions are to be respected,i must tell you that your opposition on eating beef is not at all based on vedic india and its values..
You have to right impose your nonsense beliefs on others. Nor can you.
SO Our belief is non sense and your belief make sense? come of age mate. Who is imposing belief on you? Did I said to you to call cow as gau mata? no? You live with your belief but let other also live with their belief.
SO Our belief is non sense and your belief make sense? come of age mate. Who is imposing belief on you? Did I said to you to call cow as gau mata? no? You live with your belief but let other also live with their belief.

You are being a nice little fascist when you try to stop people eating something just because it offends you.
Don't believe in the statements here, else you'll definitely get a wrong impression. Rather you can come to India and witness yourself. You'll get to know yourself the reality.
One more thing caste system might have prevailed even 20-30 years back but nowadays its thinning among youths. It's not much there, probably one can witness a bit during marriage but still during marriages as well people look for a partner with good education and background than looking for a higher caste. Well, yes caste system is currently present mostly among backward and low mentality people in India.

what do you mean by backward and low mentality?

i did visit India i have my own observations will share sometime later.

all i feel there is need to do away with imposed things by certain groups for monopoly.

there is need to teach real hinduism not the twisted versions.
You are being a nice little fascist when you try to stop people eating something just because it offends you.
I am not? Did I say you to call cow as gau mata? in this case do not preach other to respect other belief when you can offend other's belief just for stomach. I am not but you are fascist.
SO Our belief is non sense and your belief make sense? come of age mate. Who is imposing belief on you? Did I said to you to call cow as gau mata? no? You live with your belief but let other also live with their belief.

NO your belief is NOT nonsense. There are some reservations and these are

1. Does Hinduism ban cow meat? if it does when the ban was inserted in real ancient beliefs?

2. What was the purpose of the ban? if social and not religious then your religious claims and stopping others from slaughtering and eating cow meat amounts to imposing your wish on others.

3. Many among hindus also eat beef what do you call them?
aka and his friends represent tht class of youth who want experiment diff types of sex,food and drinks and if given a chance drugs too.but such youth is restricted only to metros in minority.an avg youth doesnt involve in group sex,beef eating and drugs(many are into drinking though)
I am not? Did I say you to call cow as gau mata? in this case do not preach other to respect other belief when you can offend other's belief just for stomach. I am not but you are fascist.

NO, but you are stopping me from eating it :pissed:
dont get me wrong.i dont have problem with people who eat beef though i hate the very smell of eat.i am an atheist and i am only stating the facts regarding beef eating in india.now a days no one even thinks cow as maata but they hate eating it out of disgust.

I agree to you, that not everyone eats beef. But thats because they never tried it and din't want to try something new again. In that case Hindu Indians also don't eat pork. Just they take Chicken,Mutton and Fish. Many are veggie but again many hindus eat as well. Beef eating is a bit more prevalent among Bengali, Keralite and Goanise youths. Though it's not cooked in Bengali homes but people do eat it in restaurants. And yes for your kind info no one looks down and stuff. It's a very petty matter.
NO your belief is NOT nonsense. There are some reservations and these are

1. Does Hinduism ban cow meat? if it does when the ban was inserted in real ancient beliefs?

2. What was the purpose of the ban? if social and not religious then your religious claims and stopping others from slaughtering and eating cow meat amounts to imposing your wish on others.

3. Many among hindus also eat beef what do you call them?

Yes, In Hinduism we need to protect cow. and Cow has very significant impotent in our daily life and our culture custom.
And yes we know. I have many Hindu friend from Kerala who eat beef but does that mean we accept cow is made for slaughter?
i already said in kerala ppl eat beef.now u r saying tht even bengalis and goans love beef.i didnt know tht.as far as my knowledge goes ppl who eat beef are looked down upon .ppl wont mind a muslim eating beef but a hindu eating beef is not common
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Pakistani hospitality at its finest....

Don't eat McDonald's, it's garbage. Google "McDonald's Immortal Hamburger"

I'd rather prefer the traditional naan kebab :lol:

Bruv .... I agree... KFC is much better than McDonalds..
Yes, In Hinduism we need to protect cow. and Cow has very significant impotent in our daily life and our culture custom.
And yes we know. I have many Hindu friend from Kerala who eat beef but does that mean we accept cow is made for slaughter?

you did not answer my points which means you do NOT know that in which period cow was made not to be slaughtered and seems you are following the general belief.

can you tell me how many people in India owns a COW? and how many of them get benefit of milk from the cow?

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