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South Tibet (Arunachal Pradesh) is NOT an integral part of India

You want to restrict freedom of movement? Confirms, Indians are imperialist racist dictators just like the British.

Nope we just don't believe in giving fancy "autonomous" tags to occupied territories, and then go on to dilute the local demographics. Arunachal Pradesh is happy conserving its ethnic identity and culture. So it will remain with India until Tibet becomes independent, and then India can discuss the issue of Arunachal Pradesh with the Tibetan government. :enjoy:
Then come and get it,don't bark..
2 mountain divisions are waiting..More will be added total 1lakh will be there soon..
The reality is arunachal is in india our army and air force is there
you're yelling here won't change anything
When our pm said arunachal is integral part of india just 10days ago,till now have chinese govt publicly disagreed with it...?
While most Indians claim, intentionally or unintentionally, all over the place that Arunachal Pradesh (South Tibet) is an integral part of India, (see in http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...china-not-reality-says-pm-manmohan-singh.html ) I actually find, with factual truth, that Arunachal Pradesh (South Tibet) is NOT an integral part of India.

Friends, the following is why Arunachal Pradesh (South Tibet) is NOT an integral part of India. And there is no legal ground for Indians to claim so.

While it is true that there are some traces of Indian cultural relics found in AP, it had been more that Tibetans who ruled ZN before the British took it over.

For simplicity, just get a rough picture from wiki:

Simla Accord has been trashed by the very UK itself:

Thus, India has only recently (after 1962) occupied the territory illegally, and there is no legal ground for Indians to claim that ZN(AP) is an integral part of India.

Dissidents from India or Tibetans in exile who want to be indian, voice your different/opposing opinions.

No jingoism, no slogans, as they count nothing in a legal argument among matured grown-ups.

I feel the region Tibet itself as the Part of China is a Debatable Why are you arguing about a small part called Arunachal pradesh.

Why are you asking India for illegal occupation of AP when the whole Tibet is being destroyed both culturally and identity wise by Chinese?

By raising this Issue what Do you want to be done by Indian Govt?

Truth is Tibet existed as an Independent part for a while and In Simla accord is a trilateral Meeting between the British India,China and Tibetan Govt. Which shows that Tibet has its sovereignty and it was well respected by Chinese.

"The Chinese representative had no problems with the border between British India and Outer Tibet, however on the issue of the border between Outer Tibet and Inner Tibet the talks broke down. Thus, the Chinese representative refused to accept the agreement and walked out"

As you have mentioned Chinese had no problems with the border between China and Tibet but who cares if they are concerned with the border between India and Tibet. Historically speaking there existed a buddist country along side India in the northern border called Tibet Not China.
And the fact of the matter is Tibet is still in the hands of illegal occupation of China.

And the bottom line is politically speaking Chinese are not for territory claims but to distract the progress of India in the 21st century

Gpit what if I say the european races have not right to claim the USA as they are originally inhibited by Red Indians and were forcefully slaughtered and driven into mexico.
You guys are making me feel like India is the most poweful nation of the world.:yahoo:
Look any where and you will find India occupying some or more part of other nations. Kashmir, arunachal, nagaland, goa and so on...... and the point is that nobody could do any Sh#t about it nor even all mighty CHINA.:P
I am feeling wild to be a part of such wicked and so powerful nation:devil:
You guys are making me feel like India is the most poweful nation of the world.:yahoo:
Look any where and you will find India occupying some or more part of other nations. Kashmir, arunachal, nagaland, goa and so on...... and the point is that nobody could do any Sh#t about it nor even all mighty CHINA.:P
I am feeling wild to be a part of such wicked and so powerful nation:devil:

lol thanks for injecting some humour into an otherwise humourless bunch.
You guys are making me feel like India is the most poweful nation of the world.:yahoo:
Look any where and you will find India occupying some or more part of other nations. Kashmir, arunachal, nagaland, goa and so on...... and the point is that nobody could do any Sh#t about it nor even all mighty CHINA.:P
I am feeling wild to be a part of such wicked and so powerful nation:devil:
You live in India with a chinese look like face?Sikkim or Nagaland or Assam or ...?
We chinese has no Indian look like citizen.
Soon chinese will put india and usa on their map as chinese territory and claims it..:lol:
You live in India with a chinese look like face?Sikkim or Nagaland or Assam or ...?
We chinese has no Indian look like citizen.

All people with east Asian eyes are know Chinese look a likes brah? Thats something a lot of Americans say. Didnt expect that from Chinese people.. Why not Japanese look like the face?







Heres some more Chinese look like the face Indians.:tup:
lol thanks for injecting some humour into an otherwise humourless bunch.

Think otherwise(means sensefull) and you will find some logic behind it too.
How a mediocre and semi developed country is able to forcefully occupy the land of all its neighbours??? Think for a bit........
You live in India with a chinese look like face?Sikkim or Nagaland or Assam or ...?
We chinese has no Indian look like citizen.

What kind of retarded logic is that :confused: If we go by your logic the China should claim all the countries where the population has mongoloid features. Or England should claim all the anglo-saxon countries in the world. India should claim rest of the sub continent countries.






More Chinese look like the faces.. Well some of them look Peruvian or something.

What kind of retarded logic is that If we go by your logic the China should claim all the countries where the population has mongoloid features. Or England should claim all the anglo-saxon countries in the world. India should claim rest of the sub continent countries.

Well Anglos and Saxons are Germanic tribes and these tribes invaded England. So England cant claim the Germanic look like the faces.
You live in India with a chinese look like face?Sikkim or Nagaland or Assam or ...?
We chinese has no Indian look like citizen.
Thats what we call as unity in diversity.
In India for every 300 km language changes, culture changes and faces changes too but still we are united.
Thats what make India Incredible not the economy or military and thats what we are proud of
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