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Soon, India to have its own space shuttle

Sorry Off topic .... that will solve the problem of over population and maybe the Asteroids can be mined

And HALO like ring world colonies need to be created for artificial gravity

Lol..I was referring to something like the ISS or future moon bases. But like the way you think!!!
I live in HAL 2nd stage. Next to the main gate. Every month there are vacancies open ranging from pilots to engineers. You just have to read the ToI to realize that. And I haven't applied to HAL, but have friends who work there. You have to realize they recruit from places like IISC and IIT-Madras. These places inherently have a strong South Indian student population. And yes I do support colonization of space

He is just trolling..
jha:Really ..? I dont see the no.s of suicides decreasing with every successful PSLV launch or, increasing with every unsuccessful GSLV launch.. Neither have i seen the hungry people dancing to the tunes of "Jai ho" with the successful launch of satellites..

I call you out to convince any sane poster with IQ more than 100 that the success of modern nation will be decided by an agriculture based economy.
I may agree at some point with you but discussing any topic on topic is the promise we all make before joining this forum which you have refused to do so.

Really ..? You need to learn a LOT about modern farming...Try google for starters...

You are contradicting yourself.
I don't know where you live but people can access Internet like you are suggesting me to do to help themselves on modern farming. The point you just have made has supported me that information on modern farming is readily available to everyone but not the Rocket science, metallurgy, combustion etc etc.

As far as learning farming is concerned then i am from Ludhiana, P.A.U is second home for us and from a family of farmers, presently exporting Tulips to Europe and have just prepared land for Guldaudi flowers for November-December exports.

Thats where a country priorities its policy... For me ~600 mill. people below poverty line , thousands of farmers committing suicide , Devastating Flood every year in Biahr,NE , Drought in Rajsthan and absence of infrastructure in rural India is top priority.. For some its Space shuttle..
I feel embarrassed when some one tells me that my country has more poor than whole Africa.. May be i should inform them about the space shuttle my country is building.

That's a shame isn't it? Do you understand the difference between Achievement and progress. Do you know how many people have been uplifted from poverty within 60 year; against all odds (space program, acc. to you). Do you know what are India's security concerns and how 4 wars with neighbours could have effected our economy big time. Do you know what are other synonyms for a space shuttle? Reentry reusable vehicle. MIRV! rings bell. Aren't we developing cryogenic engine for 4-5 ton satellite? Don't you think we need to know more about putting massive structures in orbit?

My last post before you become more anti India without a reason for sake of proving your point.

In space there not even AIR, isro going to mine? There are so many supporter of colonization, otherwise tiny england can't rule entire India for 100yrs.

Well yes that is true .... we have not even properly explored our Oceans yet ....
There are more people who have been in space than to bottom of the sea.... but space seems more exciting :enjoy:
In space there not even AIR, WTF isro going to mine? There are so many supporter of colonization, otherwise tiny england can't rule entire India for 100yrs.

Wow. That was enlightening. One cannot mine if there is no air.Absolutely brilliant.
Go read up on rare minerals in space.Specifically read up on Helium 3. Iwill not respond to the rest of your post because quite frankly every time I do reply to you ,my IQ level drops by a few points.
It is simple waste of money. I don't see any benefit with it. Can anyone list any benefits with shuttle?

ISRO and HAL occupied by tamil brahamins. These idiots will not allow any other peoples for employment.

Dude, I just noticed a serious anomaly with the Crystal ball you are using right now, it is short sighted and incapable of predicting anything beyond 2011, about the use of space shuttle. Because If you could scry much more in to future using your brain it might give you various advantages of mastering space which definitely doesn't end with sending just spy satellites up in air.
Space shuttle is a space vehicle and like any other vehicle it can be used in recreation,research or rearmament. Space is the final frontier,mate and one who is left behind risks the possibility of staying at the receiving end in a future conflict.
China's ASAT test for example gives us a peak into the scenarios of future conflicts involving space dominance.
Bhai saab.. The lack of fund is a major contributor (atleast for my Bihar )....Fund was not made available to us for building power projects.. There is no infrastructure and yet no special fund is given to us..

Who is responsible for this? Inspite of having 40 members in Lok Sabha and traditionally being the powerhouse of Indian politics , if Bihar went down the drain who should we blame? Biharis ofcourse...They selected incompetent leaders who took Bihar from the pinnacle of Indian Industralization to one of the poorest states in India.

I'm from Kerala. We are the most literate state with high ranking in almost every social indicator but our industrial sector went down the drain because of militant trade unions. We blame ourselves when we see our neighbouring states charging ahead and prosper. Same happened to W.Bengal. On the otherhand Gujurat with very few natural resources became the most prosperous state in India. So there is no point in blaming others while the fault lies with us.

Not at all..People who are rich are entitled to be so..But this ever expanding gap between rich and poor has to reduce..
And lambasting the effort of Poor is a rather unfortunate comment.. No one wants to be in a mess where he has to kill himself and his family..
The concept looks alien to us (the "Rich ..?") but its true..India can not become a capitalist country.. We are a social welfare state with socialism at its core..

That stage of India ended in 1991. Socialist stage of India gave India nothing but poverty and empty rhetoric. India pulled more people out of poverty in the last 20 years than in the first 40 years.

I'm all for equal distribution of wealth, but first lets create wealth in the first place.
what is the status of our cryogenic engine????

Possible test flight in Mid 2012. Here's a brief about it's development.
ISRO's Initial Cryogenic Engine Development Efforts

ISRO started developing a cryogenic engine shortly after the project to develop the Geostationary Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) was launched in 1986. The GSLV is capable of placing a 2 ton satellite into a geostationary transfer orbit (GTO).

Initially ISRO scientists attempted to develop a cryogenic engine on their own, but made little progress,

Transfer of Technology (TOT) from Russia

In 1991 ISRO entered into a $120 million contract with Glavkosmos of Russia for the supply of two KVD-1 cryogenic engines and the complete transfer of technology for those engines.

The KVD-1 is the one and only oxygen/hydrogen liquid-propellant rocket engine in Russia known to have passed through full-scale ground testing routine. KVD-1's prototype known as 11D56 was developed between 1965-1972 by the Design Bureau of Chemical Machine-Building ( KB Khimmash) for the fourth stage of a future version of heavy Lunar N-1 launch vehicle. Bench trials of the engine commenced in 1966.

The KVD-1 engine is a single-chambered unit with a turbopump system designed to feed propellants; and includes afterburning: a feature characteristic of any powerful Russian liquid-propellant rocket engine design.

The engine can be used in cryogenic upper stages designed to put payloads into high-altitude elliptical, geostationary orbits or escape trajectories.

Russia Reneges on Cryogenic Engine TOT

In July 1993, under US pressure, Russia went back on its agreement to transfer cryogenic technology to India on the grounds that it would violate Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR). In lieu of cryogenic technology, Russia agreed to sell two additional cryogenic stages to India.

Following Russia's refusal, India had to develop cryogenic technology it on its own.

ISRO's Cryogenic Upper Stage

ISRO has developed its cryogenic upper stage at the Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC), Mahendragiri, Tamil Nadu.

ISRO's development efforts benefitted from design drawings and other information obtained under the original contract with Russia, and from the extensive training that ISRO engineers received in Russia.

ISRO is believed to have contracted former Russian space technicians to assist in the development effort. The outright supply of two KVD-1 engines provided ISRO a conduit to the source of KVD-1 technology.

ISRO's biggest challenge was to develop the special alloys and high-speed turbines required for use with cryogenic fuels. At very low temperatures of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, metals become brittle.

Indigenous Cryogenic Upper Stage being lifted at Vehicle Assembly Building for stacking on GSLV-D3 launcher.

The special alloys developed needed new welding techniques and the cryogenic engine fuel pumps required new types of lubricants.

ISRO's painstaking development effort soon fell behind schedule, threatening its other space programs.

Because of delays in the production of the KVD-1 derivative, in December 2001, ISRO entered into an agreement with Khrunichev Space Centre for supply of five additional KVD-1 engines. The additional purchase ensured the continuity of the GSLV program.

Current Cryogenic Engine Inventory

Of the seven cryogenic upper stages supplied by Russia, ISRO has so far used five.

The last five GSLV flights from Sriharikota were powered by the Russian cryogenic stages. A cryogenic stage includes the engine, propellant tanks, motor casing and wiring.

Indian Cryogenic Upper Stage Overview
The Indian CUS comprises

A main cryogenic engine
Two smaller (cryogenic) steering engines for orientation and stabilization.
Insulated propellant tanks
Booster pumps
Iinter-stage structures
Fill and drain systems
Pressurisation systems
Gas bottles
Command block
Pyro valves
Cold gas

The main engine is a regenerative cooled engine which works on staged combustion cycle, producing a thrust of 69.5 kilo Newton (kN) in vacuum.

The main engine, and two smaller (cryogenic) steering engines together develop a nominal thrust of 73.55 kN in vacuum. The main engine of CUS achieves a specific impulse of 452 seconds.

During the flight, CUS fires for a nominal duration of 720 seconds.

Liquid Oxygen (LOX) and Liquid Hydrogen (LH2) from the respective tanks are fed by individual booster pumps to the main turbo-pump, which rotates at 39,000 rpm to ensure a high flow rate of 16.6 kg/sec of propellants into the combustion chamber. The main turbine is driven by the hot gas produced in a pre-burner. Thrust control and mixture ratio control are achieved by two independent regulators. LOX and Gaseous Hydrogen (GH2) are ignited by pyrogen type igniters in the pre-burner as well as in the main and steering engines during initial stages.

Apart from the complexities in the fabrication of stage tanks, structures, engine and its subsystems and control components, CUS employs special materials like Aluminum, Titanium, Nickel and their alloys, bi-metallic materials and polyimides. Stringent quality control and elaborate safety measures have to be ensured during assembly and integration.

Indian Cryogenic Engine First Test Flight Failure

The first test flight of ISRO developed Cryogenic Upper Stage (CUS) on board the GSLV D-3 failed on Thursday, April 15, 2010.

GSLV D3 Launcher fitted with indigenous CUS

Initial indications are that the CUS ignited after the first two stages performed flawlessly, lifting the rocket to a height of 60 km and imparting it a velocity of 4.9 km/sec as designed.

Subsequently, the rocket was seen to tumble indicating a failure of the two vernier engines on the CUS.

While the main engine of the CUS provides the thrust necessary to loft the satellite to a GTO orbit, two smaller cryogenic vernier engines help steer the rocket along its programmed trajectory.

The failure initially drove ISRO chairman K Radhakrishnan to tears but he soon gathered himself and promised that ISRO will perform a detailed analysis to determine why the vernier engines did not ignite, and whether the main cryogenic engine did ignite.

Pointing out the ISRO scientists and technicians had worked hard for 18 years to come to this level, Radhakrishnan promised to be ready for another launch within an year.

The GSLV D3 launcher was carrying the 2.4 ton GSAT-4.

Cryogenic Engine Failure Analysis

On Sunday, April 18, 2010, after a two day meeting chaired by ISRO Chief K. Radhakrishnan to analysze GSLV D-3 telemetry data, space scientists announced that the CUS ignited but shut down within a second because the turbo pump supplying fuel to the engine stopped working.

"The data clearly shows that combustion [of the cryogenic engine fuel, liquid hydrogen at minus 253 degree Celsius, and the oxidiser, liquid oxygen at minus 183 degree Celsius] had indeed taken place. The rocket's acceleration had increased for a second before it drifted off the designated flight path. Indications are that the turbine that powered the fuel turbo pump had somehow failed. [The propellants are pumped using turbo pumps running around 4,000 rpm.] There could be various reasons for its failure," a senior ISRO scientist told The Hindu.

A 'Failure Analysis Committee' will now attempt to zero in on the exact reason for the failure and submit its report by May-end. Next, the national experts' panel, constituted to review and give clearance to the GSLV-D3 mission, will examine the report.

Failure Analysis Committee Pinpoints Cause of Failure

The committee submitted its report on July 9, 2010. It attributed the failure of the third stage to a malfunction of the Fuel Booster Turbo Pump in the liquid hydrogen tank of the CUS.

The following are relevant excerpts from the committees report:

"Following a smooth countdown, the lift-off took place at 1627 hrs (IST) as planned. All four liquid strap-on stages (L40), solid core stage (S139), liquid second stage (GS2) functioned normally.

The vehicle performance was normal up to the burn-out of GS-2, that is, 293 seconds from lift-off. Altitude, velocity, flight path angle and acceleration profile closely followed the pre-flight predictions. All onboard real time decision-based events were as expected and as per pre-flight simulations.

The navigation, guidance and control systems using indigenous onboard computer Vikram 1601 as well as the advanced telemetry system functioned flawlessly. The composite payload fairing of 4 metre diameter inducted first time in this flight, also performed as expected. Performance of all other systems like engine gimbal control systems and stage auxiliary systems was normal.

The initial conditions required for the start of the indigenous Cryogenic Upper Stage (CUS) were attained as expected and the CUS start sequence got initiated as planned at 294.06 seconds from lift-off.

Ignition of the CUS Main Engine and two Steering Engines have been confirmed as normal, as observed from the vehicle acceleration and different parameters of CUS measured during the flight. Vehicle acceleration was comparable with that of earlier GSLV flights up to 2.2 seconds from start of CUS. However, the thrust build up did not progress as expected due to non-availability of liquid hydrogen (LH2) supply to the thrust chamber of the Main Engine.

The above failure is attributed to the anomalous stopping of Fuel Booster Turbo Pump (FBTP). The start-up of FBTP was normal. It reached a maximum speed of 34,800 rpm and continued to function as predicted after the start of CUS. However, the speed of FBTP started dipping after 0.9 seconds and it stopped within the next 0.6 seconds.

Two plausible scenarios have been identified for the failure of FBTP, namely, (a) gripping at one of the seal location and seizure of rotor and (b) rupture of turbine caused probably due to excessive pressure rise and thermal stresses. A series of confirmatory ground tests are planned.

After incorporating necessary corrective measures, the flight testing of Indigenous Cryogenic Upper Stage on GSLV is targeted within a year."

In the meantime, the next two GSLVs would fly with the available Russian Cryogenic Stages.

Indian Cryogenic Engine Second Test Flight
ISRO's CUS will be tested for the second time on GLSV D-5 in the middle of 2012. The launcher will be carrying GSAT-14.

Cryogenic Engine Test Facility

ISRO has built a new facility for static testing of the cryogenic engine at the Liquid Propulsions Systems centre (LPSC) at Mahendragiri.

Speaking to the press on June 18, 2011, after inaugurating a two-day National Conference on "Expanding Frontiers in Propulsion Technology," ISRO Chairman K Radhakrishnan said the facility will be ready in another two months an will be a big boon for the LPSC.

More Powerful Cryogenic Engine

ISRO is already working on a more powerful version of the cryogenic engine that it has developed.

"Our next step is to develop a bigger cryogenic engine with a stress of 20 tons compared to 7.5 tons now," ISRO Chairman, G Madhavan Nair, told PTI in September 2009.

The current version of the Indigenous Cryogenic Engine develops a thrust of 73 kilo Newtons (kN) in vacuum with a specific impulse of 454 seconds and provides a payload capability of 2200 Kg to Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO) for GSLV.

Work is underway to increase the thrust to 90 kN.

Eventually, all GSLVs will use the Indian Cryogenic Upper Stage (CUS) that develops 90 kN ton of thrust, against 75 kN of the Russian CUS; and they will carry 15 ton of propellant against 12.5 ton of the Russian engine.

As a comparison, one of the most powerful cryogenic engines in use is the RS-24. Three of them power the Space Shuttle at lift off along with two solid rocket boosters. Each RS-24, commonly referred to as the Space Shuttle Main Engine (SSME), produces almost 1.8 mega-newtons (MN) or 400,000 lbf of thrust at liftoff.
the success of modern nation will be decided by an agriculture based economy.

Sir jee, where did i say that India should remain agri. based economy.. But the truth is (however bitter it may be ) that more than half of our population is engaged in this.. Whose responsibility is to provide them an alternative..?

I don't know where you live but people can access Internet like you are suggesting me to do to help themselves on modern farming. The point you just have made has supported me that information on modern farming is readily available to everyone but not the Rocket science, metallurgy, combustion etc etc.

Your original statement was so unfortunate that i had decided not to reply..
BTW Information itself is not enough.. Huge fund is required to teach them and provide them the necessary tools..

My last post before you become more anti India without a reason for sake of proving your point.

As i said before, thats not possible.. I can never be anti India..Its just my way of thinking does not suite you..
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