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Soon, India to have its own space shuttle

Cryogenic Engine Failure Analysis

On Sunday, April 18, 2010, after a two day meeting chaired by ISRO Chief K. Radhakrishnan to analysze GSLV D-3 telemetry data, space scientists announced that the CUS ignited but shut down within a second because the turbo pump supplying fuel to the engine stopped working.

"The data clearly shows that combustion [of the cryogenic engine fuel, liquid hydrogen at minus 253 degree Celsius, and the oxidiser, liquid oxygen at minus 183 degree Celsius] had indeed taken place. The rocket's acceleration had increased for a second before it drifted off the designated flight path. Indications are that the turbine that powered the fuel turbo pump had somehow failed. [The propellants are pumped using turbo pumps running around 4,000 rpm.] There could be various reasons for its failure," a senior ISRO scientist told The Hindu.

A 'Failure Analysis Committee' will now attempt to zero in on the exact reason for the failure and submit its report by May-end. Next, the national experts' panel, constituted to review and give clearance to the GSLV-D3 mission, will examine the report.

Failure Analysis Committee Pinpoints Cause of Failure

The committee submitted its report on July 9, 2010. It attributed the failure of the third stage to a malfunction of the Fuel Booster Turbo Pump in the liquid hydrogen tank of the CUS.

The following are relevant excerpts from the committees report:

"Following a smooth countdown, the lift-off took place at 1627 hrs (IST) as planned. All four liquid strap-on stages (L40), solid core stage (S139), liquid second stage (GS2) functioned normally.

The vehicle performance was normal up to the burn-out of GS-2, that is, 293 seconds from lift-off. Altitude, velocity, flight path angle and acceleration profile closely followed the pre-flight predictions. All onboard real time decision-based events were as expected and as per pre-flight simulations.

The navigation, guidance and control systems using indigenous onboard computer Vikram 1601 as well as the advanced telemetry system functioned flawlessly. The composite payload fairing of 4 metre diameter inducted first time in this flight, also performed as expected. Performance of all other systems like engine gimbal control systems and stage auxiliary systems was normal.

The initial conditions required for the start of the indigenous Cryogenic Upper Stage (CUS) were attained as expected and the CUS start sequence got initiated as planned at 294.06 seconds from lift-off.

Ignition of the CUS Main Engine and two Steering Engines have been confirmed as normal, as observed from the vehicle acceleration and different parameters of CUS measured during the flight. Vehicle acceleration was comparable with that of earlier GSLV flights up to 2.2 seconds from start of CUS. However, the thrust build up did not progress as expected due to non-availability of liquid hydrogen (LH2) supply to the thrust chamber of the Main Engine.

The above failure is attributed to the anomalous stopping of Fuel Booster Turbo Pump (FBTP). The start-up of FBTP was normal. It reached a maximum speed of 34,800 rpm and continued to function as predicted after the start of CUS. However, the speed of FBTP started dipping after 0.9 seconds and it stopped within the next 0.6 seconds.

Two plausible scenarios have been identified for the failure of FBTP, namely, (a) gripping at one of the seal location and seizure of rotor and (b) rupture of turbine caused probably due to excessive pressure rise and thermal stresses. A series of confirmatory ground tests are planned.

After incorporating necessary corrective measures, the flight testing of Indigenous Cryogenic Upper Stage on GSLV is targeted within a year."

In the meantime, the next two GSLVs would fly with the available Russian Cryogenic Stages.

Indian Cryogenic Engine Second Test Flight
ISRO's CUS will be tested for the second time on GLSV D-5 in the middle of 2012. The launcher will be carrying GSAT-14.

Cryogenic Engine Test Facility

ISRO has built a new facility for static testing of the cryogenic engine at the Liquid Propulsions Systems centre (LPSC) at Mahendragiri.

Speaking to the press on June 18, 2011, after inaugurating a two-day National Conference on "Expanding Frontiers in Propulsion Technology," ISRO Chairman K Radhakrishnan said the facility will be ready in another two months an will be a big boon for the LPSC.

More Powerful Cryogenic Engine

ISRO is already working on a more powerful version of the cryogenic engine that it has developed.

"Our next step is to develop a bigger cryogenic engine with a stress of 20 tons compared to 7.5 tons now," ISRO Chairman, G Madhavan Nair, told PTI in September 2009.

The current version of the Indigenous Cryogenic Engine develops a thrust of 73 kilo Newtons (kN) in vacuum with a specific impulse of 454 seconds and provides a payload capability of 2200 Kg to Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO) for GSLV.

Work is underway to increase the thrust to 90 kN.


it would be better if we conduct test in a vacuum some where in Russia. at STP(standard temp and pressure) ground tests won't help I believe. and as far as i know we dont have that facility in India to test.
Shuttle is a whole different ball game :). They need to test it on earth first and then unmanned tests in space. But yeah, we would have the base rocket to launch one.

yeah and we do not have the cryogenic engine for that as per today's date.
Sir jee, where did i say that India should remain agri. based economy.. But the truth is (however bitter it may be ) that more than half of our population is engaged in this.. Whose responsibility is to provide them an alternative..?

You are asking govt. to support farmers and make funds available to them. You are supporting agriculture based economy by putting other wealth earning (directly or indirectly, sooner or later) institutes to stop taking new challenges. We all agree on equal distribution of funds and priorities according to stress levels and the same is every year worked out in fiscal year budget; both national and state. You can not say their is absence of a well thought process and Agriculture is not given requite attention including providing training and education to farmers. Agriculture is heavily subsidized in India and is highest amongst all developing countries excluding few (may be Pakistan). On the other hand ISRO and DDRO budget is lowest amongst nation having a space program and Ballistic missile program.

A farmer has a land and he has all the facilities in govt. books for him. Without putting whole blame on farmer i would say that if things haven't change for them in few states then they are not going to change any time sooner. Capitalism is a way to go, the magic of capitalism is that you invest more money to earn more money.
I have given you my family's example. People should help themselves. Becoming a naxalite or rebel is not going to help farmers. There was naxalism in Punjab as well for 20-30 years before terrorism of worst kind. Backward states have no one to blame others but themselves. Socialism was an evil and it has done harm to our nation.

Your original statement was so unfortunate that i had decided not to reply..
BTW Information itself is not enough.. Huge fund is required to teach them and provide them the necessary tools..

Well i am doing more hard work, punching in my words for this particular thread. My original thought is what i think is right after doing editing without any external pressure or dictation. Rest is just a non issue, i am liable to what i have concluded in last, that's the rule of the game.

As i said before, that's not possible.. I can never be anti India..Its just my way of thinking does not suite you.

I know you are not, but your statement on poverty ect. were just as typical as any anti India blogger. I have defended my point to best of my ability and it is up to other's to decide (both pro India and anti India) posters; how their own views on this particular issue will be influenced after this discussion. I have done my job and rest I would leave on the future of our great nation. We all wish best of luck for Mother India, Isn't it?

You are talking about AVATAR..I dont know if the program is still ON..

They are talking about Avatar, the report says unmanned space plane. It's the media that's comparing it with the Space shuttle and the Buran.
They are talking about Avatar, the report says unmanned space plane. It's the media that's comparing it with the Space shuttle and the Buran.

It's not the Avtaar. Who told you that the Avtaar was unmanned? This RLV is unmanned during tests so they can test for safety. They will not man the vehicle till they achieve all safety parameters for takeoff and touchdown landing.
It's not the Avtaar. Who told you that the Avtaar was unmanned? This RLV is unmanned during tests so they can test for safety. They will not man the vehicle till they achieve all safety parameters for takeoff and touchdown landing.

I might have missed that part. Can you provide a link for a manned avatar/shuttle mission?
Bhai saab.. The lack of fund is a major contributor (atleast for my Bihar )....Fund was not made available to us for building power projects.. There is no infrastructure and yet no special fund is given to us..

Not at all..People who are rich are entitled to be so..But this ever expanding gap between rich and poor has to reduce..
And lambasting the effort of Poor is a rather unfortunate comment.. No one wants to be in a mess where he has to kill himself and his family..
The concept looks alien to us (the "Rich ..?") but its true..India can not become a capitalist country.. We are a social welfare state with socialism at its core..

Here comes another pseudo socialist. That bloody socialism has left us in tatters that we are in today. Don't mind me saying this but world doesn't work on social welfare but on philosophy of everyone for himself. Its the competition for resources that brings in the latest technology, innovations and overall better services. Anyone who believes that one would give up their own comfort for people who can't help themselves is delusional. Saying 'Bihar' ailments are due to lack of funds is idiotic because you wouldn't know how much is getting siphoned off behind the doors. I would suggest you to elect people who are inclined towards development and not some petty popular politics. As for the money, as and when development sets in, it would find its way to you.

Oh and India is a capitalist country. Calling it anything other than that is unacceptable to many of the present day Indians. We all came out evil shadows of the socialism which confined all of us to poor snake charmers community. Today's India gives the opportunity for people to become rich and banks on their shoulders to grow along. Please don't drag it down again.
Here comes another pseudo socialist. That bloody socialism has left us in tatters that we are in today. Don't mind me saying this but world doesn't work on social welfare but on philosophy of everyone for himself. Its the competition for resources that brings in the latest technology, innovations and overall better services. Anyone who believes that one would give up their own comfort for people who can't help themselves is delusional. Saying 'Bihar' ailments are due to lack of funds is idiotic because you wouldn't know how much is getting siphoned off behind the doors. I would suggest you to elect people who are inclined towards development and not some petty popular politics. As for the money, as and when development sets in, it would find its way to you.

Could have been said without getting personal but i guess thats too much to ask for ..And regarding the points put forward by you- You are well off from reality.. Neglecting Poor will have disastrous effect and is already visible in some parts..You just can not exploit some to provide comfort to others..Noida-extension is just one example..

This was my last post on this topic..You are entitled to have your opinion and so am I..KIT and OUT..
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