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Soon, India to have its own space shuttle

jha: And yes i have read this because my brother used to work for ISRO for many years and i myself am associated with a company which is among the leaders of its area.

That doesn't help the discussion, you and your brother could have helped farmers without joining these institutions then. You are earning money because you invested in education and that money you are earning is not only helping you but rest of the India, including farmers. Do you agree on this?

And people wonder why naxalism is on the rise..? Ask a farmer to quit farming after snatching land from him in the name of building canals in which there is no water..Dont provide him the necessary infrastructure to sell the production and force him to sell his crops at a price which is joke..
I guess building roads and cold storages is also their responsibility ..Bloody incompetent farmers...
I have opened my eyes and so should you to the harsh realities.. India does not only live in the gated communities..It lives in the million so slum dwellers and people sleeping on footpath..We should wake the F up before its too late.

I have given a very balance comments on the topic in hand but you are going every where. I reckon you have sniffed plenty of anti India propaganda against our space program. You are talking like same anti India trolls those who because of sheer jealously (not your case) or ignorance of not knowing the squat about how investing money in technology and science can help us quickly recover losses of other national issues with complex and malignant social pathogenesis with predictable slow recovery.

Really ..? I dont see the no.s of suicides decreasing with every successful PSLV launch or, increasing with every unsuccessful GSLV launch.. Neither have i seen the hungry people dancing to the tunes of "Jai ho" with the successful launch of satellites..

Really ..? You need to learn a LOT about modern farming...Try google for starters...

Thats where a country priorities its policy... For me ~600 mill. people below poverty line , thousands of farmers committing suicide , Devastating Flood every year in Biahr,NE , Drought in Rajsthan and absence of infrastructure in rural India is top priority.. For some its Space shuttle..
I feel embarrassed when some one tells me that my country has more poor than whole Africa.. May be i should inform them about the space shuttle my country is building..

I believe that there should be a balance of spending on human welfare and space exploration.
That doesn't help the discussion, you and your brother could have helped farmers without joining these institutions then. You are earning money because you invested in education and that money you are earning is not only helping you but rest of the India, including farmers. Do you agree on this?

And whose irresponsibility is to provide quality education at affordable cost to the masses sir..?

I reckon you have sniffed plenty of anti India propaganda against our space program. You are talking like same anti India trolls those who because of sheer jealously (not your case) or ignorance of not knowing the squat about how investing money in technology and science can help us quickly recover losses of other national issues with complex and malignant social pathogenesis with predictable slow recovery.

Not the case.. I am a proud indian and have debated many a times with them on various issues...But that does not changes the ground realities...
Maybe the kind of poverty i have witnessed in my growing days has made me the way i am..

Anyway we are not going anywhere with this and i dont want to give the trolls a chance..

I have utmost regards for ISRO and their achievements.. I only get uncomfortable when i see ISRO following NASA..
We are a country of freaking 1.3 Bil. people..We need more investments in their welfare .. I would very happily trade a space shuttle for another green revolution and joining of rivers project..

We are not making something super big or expensive like the NASA space shuttle or the Russian Buran. Our shuttle is designed to make launch costs even cheaper. If we go by previous reports this shuttle will be unmanned the size of a Mig-25 and be able to carry a 1 ton payload to low earth orbit. Nothing too fancy when compared to the original space shuttles. We won't be flying to the moon or beyond on this. The low payload capacity also means that it would be pretty much useless as a supply vessel for ISS. However it truly will be a huge success for us if we can make this thing work. PSLV is already one of the cheapest launch platforms, this vehicle may not bring about a green revolution but it will surely bring a revolution in cheap space launch.
If we go by previous reports this shuttle will be unmanned the size of a Mig-25 and be able to carry a 1 ton payload to low earth orbit. Nothing too fancy when compared to the original space shuttles.

You are talking about AVATAR..I dont know if the program is still ON..
And whose irresponsibility is to provide quality education at affordable cost to the masses sir..?

Not the case.. I am a proud indian and have debated many a times with them on various issues...But that does not changes the ground realities...
Maybe the kind of poverty i have witnessed in my growing days has made me the way i am..

Anyway we are not going anywhere with this and i dont want to give the trolls a chance..


Why is it should be either this or that? I don't believe one needs to be supported to develop in a society. If they really intent to, they can too. I can't understand why one has to sacrifice himself for others to develop. If I develop myself to an extent so others can aspire to, that in itself is a success. I can't stop my progress just because there are too many poor in my surroundings. What next? You would accuse all rich for having money or the ability to create more of it. That's a slippery slope my friend. If you can't develop, don't blame others but yourself because you just lack the effort.

Who's stopping Bihar, Rajasthan and other states from developing? Is it because of lack of money or lack of proper governance? Who's electing the government? Would you actually consider the root causes? Or you just blame it all on rich for not caring enough for the poor. What do you mean by helping the poor? How? What extent of the present help is actually reaching the poor? I am sorry but whatever you said on this thread so far is too vague to determine if you actually understand the issue here. It seems you are just arguing for the sake of arguing without proper merit.
And whose irresponsibility is to provide quality education at affordable cost to the masses sir..?

Not the case.. I am a proud indian and have debated many a times with them on various issues...But that does not changes the ground realities...
Maybe the kind of poverty i have witnessed in my growing days has made me the way i am..

Anyway we are not going anywhere with this and i dont want to give the trolls a chance..


If you honestly think that Rajasthan, Bihar and Orrisa would come up by cutting money of the space program then you are really naive to the economics of the country. These 3 states have a bulk of natural resources and have some of the richest people in the country (wealth unimaginable by even people living in shiny glass buildings of Mumbai, Bangalore, Delhi). The money we try and funnel down there will never reach the villagers.
There is an issue of social welfare for which sufficient funds have been allocated. The implementation is an issue.Even if you pour billions of dollars into upliftment of these people, it will never reach them. Space program and the social welfare program have their own place in the system. Cutting funds from one is not going to support the other.
It is simple waste of money. I don't see any benefit with it. Can anyone list any benefits with shuttle?

ISRO and HAL occupied by tamil brahamins. These idiots will not allow any other peoples for employment.

Are you on high?
It is simple waste of money. I don't see any benefit with it. Can anyone list any benefits with shuttle?

ISRO and HAL occupied by tamil brahamins. These idiots will not allow any other peoples for employment.

I'll address the second line first as a non Tamilian who has lived in Chennai for a year. It is bigots like you who spoil the name of our nation and portray a distorted image of the tolerance we have for the various communities living in India. You also drip of inherent prejudice on the basis of caste which to be honest is one of the hurdles we are trying to break down in India. Your views of ISRO, HAL and it's HR policies are borne more out of ignorance than fact.
As far as the use of Space missions go, the future of natural resource mining lies in space. Questions like the ones you asked were also asked of European countries 700 years ago when they started sending ships to far corners of the earth. Those same regions became colonist powers of the future. Only countries with capabilities to send man to space can harvest resources there. India would be among a handful with the capabilities.
oppppps wrong entry I didn't know that its an economic and business forum ..

anyways I hope We rectify our cryogenic engine as soon as possible now
Well I also lived in Chennai before coming to USA. I am from Orissa. I am talking about ISRO, HAL and DRDO even BHEL. You need to visit those companies. Have you applied for job in those companies?
Do you support colonization?

I live in HAL 2nd stage. Next to the main gate. Every month there are vacancies open ranging from pilots to engineers. You just have to read the ToI to realize that. And I haven't applied to HAL, but have friends who work there. You have to realize they recruit from places like IISC and IIT-Madras. These places inherently have a strong South Indian student population. And yes I do support colonization of space
And yes I do support colonization of space

Sorry Off topic .... that will solve the problem of over population and maybe the Asteroids can be mined

And HALO like ring world colonies need to be created for artificial gravity
Who's stopping Bihar, Rajasthan and other states from developing? Is it because of lack of money or lack of proper governance?

Bhai saab.. The lack of fund is a major contributor (atleast for my Bihar )....Fund was not made available to us for building power projects.. There is no infrastructure and yet no special fund is given to us..

You would accuse all rich for having money or the ability to create more of it. That's a slippery slope my friend. If you can't develop, don't blame others but yourself because you just lack the effort.

Not at all..People who are rich are entitled to be so..But this ever expanding gap between rich and poor has to reduce..
And lambasting the effort of Poor is a rather unfortunate comment.. No one wants to be in a mess where he has to kill himself and his family..
The concept looks alien to us (the "Rich ..?") but its true..India can not become a capitalist country.. We are a social welfare state with socialism at its core..
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