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Smokers' Joint

I can do that with a cigarette. LOL, I used to scare kids in Pakistan that I can make a jin appear when blowing out smoke onto the ground.

you smoke in front of kids? not good my friend!!

---------- Post added at 02:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:16 PM ----------

this thread reminds me of this song...

wow.. nice song & reminds me of this famous quote by Bob Marley.. 'herb is the healing of a nation & when you smoke, it reveals you to yourself!!'
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i remember it was my second day in med school and during fooling i was forced to smoke a 'churs' cigrette-- i objected, didnt smoke it, they used all mind games and threatened me alot---- 8-9 years down those seniors still remember me as the only one who said no------ its a bit sad that the bodybuilders/healthy lifestyles threads doesnt get much attention as compared to the opposite lifestyle threads.. just my 2 cents
smoking tobacco is bad for your lungs weed on the other hand does not mess up your lungs i am an avid marijuana supporter and smoker!

one of my all time favorites purple kush a good strain for pain relief both emotional and physical it mellows you out to the point of where your problems are gone in an instant


Here in India the mj isn't always great but they can do wonders with the hashish. I feel water pipes are the best, haven't tried vaporizers. If you get some good hash from the hills, it gives you a very mellow high that is passively strong and doesn't knock you out at the same time, way better than most unprocessed strains.
No, once i almost got caught but at times its worth it

Please change your scary avatar :(

why not smoke electronic cigarette or cigars... It at least is not dangerous for your health :(
never came across any one using them...

The trend is changing in EU countries. I find many people using electronic cigarettes in every second street. It looks similar to cigarette / cigar, tastes equally bad, cheap and also not harmful.
I am surprised many of smoking here, lol. It is very bad for your health and lungs, I wouldn't post here many pictures examples of bad lungs, diseases, and cancers.

Destroy stable health or fun smoking/drugs. :frown:
i remember it was my second day in med school and during fooling i was forced to smoke a 'churs' cigrette-- i objected, didnt smoke it, they used all mind games and threatened me alot---- 8-9 years down those seniors still remember me as the only one who said no------ its a bit sad that the bodybuilders/healthy lifestyles threads doesnt get much attention as compared to the opposite lifestyle threads.. just my 2 cents

Finally someone sane on this thread (Besides Liquid and me of course).

---------- Post added at 01:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:28 AM ----------

smoking tobacco is bad for your lungs weed on the other hand does not mess up your lungs i am an avid marijuana supporter and smoker!

The greatest health danger of marijuana is due to smoking, like cigarettes. While THC is a relatively safe drug, smoked marijuana is hazardous. Careful scientific analyses have identified at least 6,000 of the same chemicals in marijuana smoke as are present in tobacco (Iversen, 2008). The main difference between the two is THC in marijuana and nicotine in tobacco. Otherwise, smoked marijuana and smoked tobacco are chemically very similar.

Furthermore, one of the most potent carcinogens in tobacco smoke, benzo(α)pyrene, is present in even greater amounts in marijuana smoke. As marijuana smokers frequently inhale and hold the smoke in their lungs, this increases the amount of tar deposited in the respiratory system by about a factor of four. No wonder, research shows that approximately 20% of regular pot smokers (and it only takes 3 to 4 joints a day) complain of chronic bronchitis, coughing and excess mucus (Tashkin, 2005)
Does Marijuana Cause Cancer? | Psychology Today
^ thats why i use a vaporizer the vapor from the marijuana gets you high but doesn't mess up your lungs and btw THC is known to speed up the death of cancer cells in the lungs according to the FDA no death of lung cancer from marijuana has never happened.
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