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Singapore Malaysia HSR cancelled

Nope, our election is very competitive and not based on appearance and charming. Indonesian people care to track record, program, and sincerity this is why Jokowi who is only a small businessmen with only a bachelor degree win over Prabowo-Sandiaga Uno which are both big businessmen and very rich.

Talking about Jokowi looks. People in Indonesia makes fun of his look and said he looks like village people/construction worker but he did won Jakarta governor and Presidential election two times. It shows looks and charming is not main factors in winning an election in Indonesia

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Just compare to Sandiaga Uno, his rival in Presidential Election. In term of ethnic he is Malay ethnic ( we call it in Indonesia as Melayu ethnic/tribe)

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Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno (born 28 June 1969) is an Indonesian businessman, investor and politician who is the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, and was the Deputy Governor of Jakarta. He was elected along with Anies Baswedan in the 2017 Jakarta gubernatorial election after defeating incumbent pair Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (widely known as "Ahok") and Djarot Saiful Hidayat. He resigned the office to run as Prabowo Subianto's running mate for the 2019 Indonesian presidential election.

A graduate of George Washington University, Sandiaga worked for several companies and rose in rank before founding his own business, which led him to become one of the richest people in Indonesia. In 2015, he resigned from his companies to join Gerindra. Upon his candidacy as vice president, he also renounced his membership in Prabowo's Gerindra as part of the deal with coalition parties.[3]

Sandi is also very clever, articulate, charming and understand economy very well

The problem of US and many western election is it's all about campaign. Just like selling cosmetics, it's all about public speech, advertisement, like a reality TV show.

Ridwan Kamil has architecture design degree, and suddenly become Mayor of Bandung, 5 years later become Governor of West Java.

I don't see how he is qualified for such an important position.

Jokowi was a business man, it took him 9 years from Mayor of Surakarta in 2005 to President of Indonesia in 2014. Surprising to me.

Will fortune 500 enterprise promote someone from manager to CEO in 9 years? Very unlikely.
Vietnam plan on low speed railway for 30 years, not finalized yet.

Vietnam principal route is the 1,600 km (990 mi) single-track North–South Railway line, running between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. This was built at the metre gauge in the 1880s during the French colonial rule.
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Nonsense. Ok the work was begun by the French however the today tracks are not the same as built by the French. The infra is completely renewed and expanded with the assistance of Japan. There are discussions within the government what technology will be used for our Hsr.
Nonsense. Ok the work was begun by the French however the today tracks are not the same as built by the French. The infra is completely renewed and expanded with the assistance of Japan. There are discussions within the government what technology will be used for our Hsr.
Tell me how many km of railway built after Vietnam independence? You guys still stuck with crappy Metre-gauge railway, single-track

Don't boast like Indian, it will go nowhere like Indians. That's their culture issues, not something be proud of.

A section of metre-gauge line in Hanoi like this.
Tell me how many km of railway built after Vietnam independence? You guys still stuck with crappy Metre-gauge railway, single-track

Don't boast like Indian, it will go nowhere like Indians. That's their culture issues, not something be proud of.

A section of metre-gauge line in Hanoi like this.
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2,600 km total length so about 1,000 km being built since the French left. Don’t forget our infra was completely destroyed by the wars with the French, America and Chinese.
Let’s not forget either you enjoy peace since 1945 while we just in 1990 with peace accords with America and China.
2,600 km total length so about 1,000 km being built since the French left. Don’t forget our infra was completely destroyed by the wars with the French, America and Chinese.
Let’s not forget either you enjoy peace since 1945 while we just in 1990 with peace accords with America and China.
That's not my concerns, nor Chinese concerns. Your government made the mistake, and deserve it for every bullets across the border.


You guys did the worst thing, drove out almost every ethnic Chinese Vietnamese, grab their fortune by force in 1975. What did China do before 1975? Vietnam got independence purely because of China deterrence of US on 17°.

You guys back stabbed us, it's just revenge. If Vietnam was China, you will do the same thing.

There was peace after Vietnam unification, during 1975-1979, Le Duan chose war, blame him and VCP, not us.

You guys give navy port to USSR, use USSR to threaten us, it didn't bring safety nor prosperity. Such a fool. Blame yourself, VCP for stupid and suicidal policy.

Le Duan want to colonized Cambodia, but failed desperately. He died with a divided VCP and recessional economy. Whose fault?

Ho Chi Minh is a much wiser leader, he knew how to deal with great power, Le Duan is just a adventurist, has no clue on geopolitics. He risk everything Vietnam once had, but lost every penny, left a starveling nation, and beg for peace after 1989.

China has nothing in 1949, but built tens of thousands of km of railway in 1950s, 1960s. VCP is just incompetent, that's it.
2,600 km total length so about 1,000 km being built since the French left. Don’t forget our infra was completely destroyed by the wars with the French, America and Chinese.
Let’s not forget either you enjoy peace since 1945 while we just in 1990 with peace accords with America and China.
China-Vietnam just fought one month, the army went into Vietnam about 100km. And most the areas are North mountain. Your infra was completely destroyed not by the war with China..
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The problem of US and many western election is it's all about campaign. Just like selling cosmetics, it's all about public speech, advertisement, like a reality TV show.

Ridwan Kamil has architecture design degree, and suddenly become Mayor of Bandung, 5 years later become Governor of West Java.

I don't see how he is qualified for such an important position.

Jokowi was a business man, it took him 9 years from Mayor of Surakarta in 2005 to President of Indonesia in 2014. Surprising to me.

Will fortune 500 enterprise promote someone from manager to CEO in 9 years? Very unlikely.

Well tbh the fact that he manage to do that in 9 years is what make him qualified.
If you look all indonesian president in the past, they're always an important people even before they become president, either it's political party leader, high ranking soldier, leader of a big organization, powerful family etc...

But Jokowi ?
He is no one, he came from an ordinary family that live in slum for many years.
A small mable business owner, become a mayor of Solo city which is from political or economic POV is not an important city
And then manage to become Jakarta Governoor fighting againts an incumbent which have many powerful politcal party back up and somehow now become the President of Indonesia.

I mean seriously it's already enough proof how smart and competent Jokowi is.
Well tbh the fact that he manage to do that in 9 years is what make him qualified.
If you look all indonesian president in the past, they're always an important people even before they become president, either it's political party leader, high ranking soldier, leader of a big organization, powerful family etc...

But Jokowi ?
He is no one, he came from an ordinary family that live in slum for many years.
A small mable business owner, become a mayor of Solo city which is from political or economic POV is not an important city
And then manage to become Jakarta Governoor fighting againts an incumbent which have many powerful politcal party back up and somehow now become the President of Indonesia.

I mean seriously it's already enough proof how smart and competent Jokowi is.
So Indonesia bet on hero who appears randomly? Not promising.
So Indonesia bet on hero who appears randomly? Not promising.
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They dont appear randomly, people cannot get popular and show up on the TV if they dont achieve some thing substantial. Democracy will give more opportunity for any Indonesian to become Indonesian President compared to authoritarian rule. Don compare our democracy with US two party rule democracy. We have multiparty system that force ruling party to form a coalition. Our current biggest party only have 20 % vote on national parliamentary election.

For China case, leader should come from CCP right ?. What will happen if some how CCP get corrupted ??? They are very efficient Today but possibility the party can deteriorate morally is still there right ?? There was cultural revolution and great leap forward in the past right ?

In Indonesia democracy, new party can show up and fight the establish ones if the established party disappoint the people. We have the system to allow new party to comes up and compete in our local and national election. The reason we make parliament and presidential election under one election is also to make new party with very popular candidate can win the Presidential election.

And in Today Indonesia politics, person can be more powerful than party. Party will lose if they cannot find Presidential candidate that can win election, this is why Jokowi who is not a high ranking PDI-P party member is chosen by PDI-P to compete in small city and then Jakarta and then Nasional. This is very important since party is not many while person are many, we have 270 million people, so we dont need to rely only on Party high ranking officials which is so few, it makes the possibility to get the best people is more wide open.

The system is also supported by NGO and press/media and we also forbid major/governor/president to serve more than 2 period. From the history of Indonesia, our leaders usually perform better for the first 10 years. If they have more than 10 years, they tend to be corrupted like Soekarno and Soeharto.
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This is a great myth. The ethnic malays were always wealthy people since even before Islam and during Islams golden age and in the modern era and they had one of the wealthiest sultanates due to geo-location they were always crafty traders. They were always wealthy people and the chinese came to benefit from the platform offered to them by the wealthy malays and their superior systems that were more tolerant and peaceful environment compared to the one they came from. Malays didn't need them for prosperity or anything in that matter. Malaysia is more developed then China. Malaysia is 1st world and China is 2nd world

What? Malaysian medium wealth per adult in 2019 was only around $9000. Chinese have much deeper pockets than them. Barely see a malaysian migrant can afford buying a house in his first 5 years in new zealand while chinese is a force to be reckoned with in new zealand real estate market. Their purchasing power is astonishing. Malaysia might be doing several times better than the likes of indonesia vietnam philippines in south east asia but is definitely not a developed first world country even in asia level.
This is a great myth. The ethnic malays were always wealthy people since even before Islam and during Islams golden age and in the modern era and they had one of the wealthiest sultanates due to geo-location they were always crafty traders. They were always wealthy people and the chinese came to benefit from the platform offered to them by the wealthy malays and their superior systems that were more tolerant and peaceful environment compared to the one they came from. Malays didn't need them for prosperity or anything in that matter. Malaysia is more developed then China. Malaysia is 1st world and China is 2nd world

Not 100% accurate just gives you a rough idea where malaysia stands so you have a proper self image.
2,600 km total length so about 1,000 km being built since the French left. Don’t forget our infra was completely destroyed by the wars with the French, America and Chinese.
what is the reason for the drastic up and down of the rail lines in Vietnam? It looks quite unusual.

What? Malaysian medium wealth per adult in 2019 was only around $9000. Chinese have much deeper pockets than them. Barely see a malaysian migrant can afford buying a house in his first 5 years in new zealand while chinese is a force to be reckoned with in new zealand real estate market. Their purchasing power is astonishing. Malaysia might be doing several times better than the likes of indonesia vietnam philippines in south east asia but is definitely not a developed first world country even in asia level.

Not 100% accurate just gives you a rough idea where malaysia stands so you have a proper self image.

The measurement of that survey is irrelevant and not even real because there is many things they haven't taken into account.

But the PPP per capita is the official and real indicator. Malaysia's is 27 USD per individual while China is 17 USD per individual.

These buyers you were talking about are the chinese elite because China has a large number of elite since it is a big country and a large number of millioniares due to it's population size but that doesn't mean China is more wealthy then Malaysia and in fact on the contrary when you measure size and wealth. You don't see Malaysian elites because Malaysia is better then Australia they have no interest in a dry land across their border. They have everything they need in Malay peninsula
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The measurement of that survey is irrelevant and not even real because there is many things they are not taken it count.

But the PPP per capita is the official and real indicator. Malaysia's is 27 USD per individual while China is 17 USD per individual.

These buyers you were talking about are the chinese elite because China has a large number of elite since it is a big country and a large number of millioniares due to it's population size but that doesn't mean China is more wealthy then Malaysia and in fact on the contrary when you measure size and wealth. You don't see Malaysian elites because Malaysia is better then Australia they have no interest in a dry land across their border. They have everything they need in Malay peninsula

This is the best data to compare in term of overall human index (welfare)

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