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Security Official Stoned to Death for Adultery

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When your sister gets married don't she have to f_ck her husband for procreation and for pleasure? Are you going to ban that as well? :no:

a Marriage is a lawful practice for which one is rewarded for every sex. Your offensive post has been reported.
Ofcourse she is going to enjoy it with her husband but not like your wife who will have Double Maaza with lots of extra marital affair ending up with STD .

You got it wrong i hate Zakir naik and i am against deoband school of Fitna

And I am surprised how many Indians on PDF are holier than thou students of Zakir Nalaiq and DeoBand Academy!

When your sister gets married don't she have to f_ck her husband for procreation and for pleasure? Are you going to ban that as well? :no:
The standoff between liberals and extremists is unfair to moderate public-
Every one wants to insert their reforms without consulting the poor Awam-

It's a personal decision - something that works for one person may not work for another I don't think we need to be pulling our harir out over such a simple thing
Try researching why corporate spend tons of money to bring women out of house and how they made these western society so unmoral and indoctrinate to their way of thinking and how they are exploiting women in the name of woman rights,

Mate you do not have an idea about liberalism and womens rights, I think you have some prejudice when it comes to womens rights.
And I am surprised how many Indians on PDF are holier than thou students of Zakir Nalaiq and DeoBand Academy!

When your sister gets married don't she have to f_ck her husband for procreation and for pleasure? Are you going to ban that as well? :no:

Really? Please don't go there - leave peoples sisters and mothers out of this
So people are not open to refuse the invitation? If this so, then it explains much about the position that some of the arabized hold, which to say that the invitation is more of a mafia style"offer you cannot refuse". Is this so?

Invitation - act of calling to do some thing
Choice - act of having multiple items/paths for some thing.

You can invite to choosing/choice but choice itself not invitation but chance of selecting between offers.
Dawaa - Invitation for specific act, where act could be choice/selection or toward one specific act. Choice always name of selecting withing multiple things.

Now come to modern meanings; Choice is free, out of any boundaries, free from social restrictions even religious restrictions applied for the benefit of society, based on materialistic approach connected to physical needs mostly not looking or expecting for family/society/community religion control.

Choice in Islam, should be sanctioned by authority personalities of family/society/community/religious rules, selections of choice to adopt choice and going with choice all comes under protective frames of family/society/community/social laws/religious sicial laws.

If you reside out side of Pakistan and you are Pakistani then i don't feel to explain its results because they are in front of our eyes and we practiced it even in this thread. Anyhow i am ready to even explain you if still you want it.

It's a personal decision - something that works for one person may not work for another I don't think we need to be pulling our harir out over such a simple thing

Personal decision couldn't be out of ethics if it was revised by particular social laws.
Ofcourse she is going to enjoy it with her husband but not like your wife who will have Double Maaza with lots of extra marital affair ending up with STD .

You got it wrong i hate Zakir naik and i am against deoband school of Fitna

When losing an argument resort to personal attacks - well established tactics of trolls.

Try researching why corporate spend tons of money to bring women out of house and how they made these western society so unmoral and indoctrinate to their way of thinking and how they are exploiting women in the name of woman rights,

Sure, may be we should also try researching why Islamic world fares soo poorly in globally productivity and why millions of Muslims are uneducated, unemployed and dirt poor. What breeds violence in the Muslims world and who is acting as the ideological catalyst to this self destruction of Muslim world.

Once you have an answer for all this then we can spare some extra time to research corporates as well.
And dont tell me all of this is happening because people have swayed away from true Islam!

Really? Please don't go there - leave peoples sisters and mothers out of this

He started it.
pathetic posts here.thread should be closed.
Try researching why corporate spend tons of money to bring women out of house and how they made these western society so unmoral and indoctrinate to their way of thinking and how they are exploiting women in the name of woman rights,

Exploitation of women happens more if women depends on a man's earnings, what about women who do not have man's support??
the more strength you give to women the more these exploitations will reduce.
Exploitation of women happens more if women depends on a man's earnings, what about women who do not have man's support??
the more strength you give to women the more these exploitations will reduce.

Oh really? Then Western and Russian women should be the most liberated women from such illicit exploitations? Then tell me why Russian women are the biggest export of prostitution and why 1/4 of Swedish women are raped!
If women is married to abusive husband then she is being exploited by just ONE man and if a women is given toooooooooooo much freedom then she is exploited by 100000000000 men!
********Pardon me, as I'll draw-up some conclusion about members here, these are purely speculative on the basis of my time here on the forum, no disrespect is intended to the valued members**********

Categories of Fundamentalism:

GROUP 1. Borderline:

* Premise * It's not the fault of the law, it's the implementation that is wrong, where they fail to see the whole historical perspective.

* Historical wrongs were done to us, that's why we had to create these fundo-monsters as hedges against *choose anything here*

* It can all be fixed, the situation isn't THAT bad.

( @Armstrong @Abu Zolfiqar & My dad "sort of" )

GROUP 2. Sneaky Monkeys:

* Only counterpoint to an argument, "this is how our society is, don't like it leave it!" < you morons, the society was never like this... only after Arabization of Zia it became like this.

*If they can't understand any argument, well, REACT immediately by attacking their moms and sisters.... sell them... rape them...however...limited to comments only..... you can call them the "aag laganay walay tamashbeen"

(too many people to name here, obviously can't write 10,000 names here)

GROUP 3. Virulent:

Likes of LeJ/SSP/LeXYZ.... *Kill the infidels *Burn the blasphemers *Kill Shias *Kill Ahmadis *Kill Barelvis *Kill Deobandis *Kill the Christians *Rape and loot the Hindus before killing them *Burn the place of worship of others *Declare Jehad on rest of the world *Get butt-***** by Arab masters and kiss their hand for sending their blessings.

Many political parties of Pakistan, who shelter them... limited to couple hundred thousand... these people take cue from Group 2.

GROUP 1 are followers... who will follow / swim with the flow... who in time will become GROUP TWO after one decade of further brainwashing and indoctrination, and will eventually believe anything.

@muse @Armstrong @Irfan Baloch @Abu Zolfiqar @Aeronaut @Dillinger

Wow.This is a gem.

First of all, i think you would be best served by knowing about the members you are talking about first. I am open and read like a book. While I have advocated AT LEAST amending the law (something even the late gov taseer had advocated) so it cant be abuse -- I PERSONALLY would wish for it to be REPEALED. In other words, at the very least (and in the interests of being REALISTIC) have it amended --- but if things were MY WAY it would be repealed.

I don't care if you call me this "IST" or that "IST" --- i'm a REALIST and i stand by my principles. If you dont like em, that aint my problem.

I've never been called a "borderline fundamentalist" before ---but actually to be honest, i can live with that title. Because the second part of your post on Category 1 --- absolutely, that is my viewpoint.

I dont just talk and babble and dream all day while ignoring ground realities. I'd rather steer change slowly and realistically rather than make tall dreams that can neither be achieved in the short or medium term.
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It is almost always men who insist on the 'purity of women'.

It is almost always men who say they're 'protecting the honour of their women' but in reality treat them as property.

And it is men who, when confronted by these facts, lash out by saying "yeah, your sister or other may be loose, but not mine".

Let a desi woman work in the West, then ask her to go back to the 'glorious country with its glorious traditions'. See what she says.

Tell a desi woman who's lived and worked in the west that you are trying to protect her honour by confining her. See what she says.

It is we men who bind women and call it 'honour'. It's not honour, its moral cowardice. It's the lack of a spine.
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