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Security Official Stoned to Death for Adultery

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That is why one should never marry with in the family, leads to IQ retardation!

Lol- Since we all are the product of this sort of relationships practiced since generations- i assume that IQ retardation applies to all-
You talk about marriage ,a true marriage is a trust and commitment two indivisual put on each other.and they both have equal responsibility to maintain that trust.So you are also same category so take that advice i gave it to your mantor and stick to your indoctinated belief system.

Take some lesson about marolity from your parent and ask them why they where faithfull to each other.

Sure thing, such sage advise, one cannot but praise your sagacity. You will do much good for the society and our nation and bring all us reprobates in line. :rofl:
@Hyperion We've found someone here who can "out prude" Alpha1!
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Personal experience will not hold any value i agree- research/ case studies will yeild mixed results- depending on the biased preconcieved nature of the researcher effecting the outcome-

So legally where are we standing on this issue?- the segregation is the problem or such illegal jirgas?-
I will say the gf/bf idea of yours was based on far cry- not applicable in this context at all-

exactly. that's called detracting thread. Here we observe capabilities of understanding issue and how to fix issue.
some people have 16000 posts but have only one third of that number(55000)as thanks.does that mean they always talk non sense?

You must understand that Marsha is special- she is not be equated with any other poster, she also has the grace of the Emperor. :rofl:
I am surprise how many people are open minded that they are open to the idea of making their Wife,Daughter & Sister Public Property in Name of Women Right and liberal and modern,educated and moraly indoctrinated system.
@Czar786 thats male chauvinism at work here-
Suggesting a hedious reform without even consulting the concerned female parties involved- :lol:-
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I am surprise how many people are open minded that they are open to the idea of making their Wife,Daughter & Sister Public Property in Name of Women Right and liberal and modern,educated and moraly indoctrinated system.
Mate you do not have an idea about liberalism and womens rights, I think you have some prejudice when it comes to womens rights.
Actually "Choice" is more of an "Islamic" notion - "Dawaa" or invitation to accept Islam, is a choice, is this not so?? And you are suggesting that it is "Western"?? All the things you mention, increase in Divorce rates (and for super Muzloums increase in the number of wives), HIV, abortion and many other ills and tragedies, are outcomes of unhealthy interactions.

But I will grant that "Choice" is an evil for you, why must you deny this to others who do not share your unique outlook?

This is the same unhealthy interactions whose many western nations now want into healthy but thats all starts from CHOICE and that's inserted in our society so you can see out come of that.

Invitation & choice are different words. I know Arabic and how it used.
Invitation & choice are different words. I know Arabic and how it used.

So people are not open to refuse the invitation? If this so, then it explains much about the position that some of the arabized hold, which to say that the invitation is more of a mafia style"offer you cannot refuse". Is this so?
The standoff between liberals and extremists is unfair to moderate public-
Every one wants to insert their reforms without consulting the poor Awam-
what the hell is this thread for??
I am surprise how many people are open minded that they are open to the idea of making their Wife,Daughter & Sister Public Property in Name of Women Right and liberal and modern,educated and moraly indoctrinated system.

And I am surprised how many Indians on PDF are holier than thou students of Zakir Nalaiq and DeoBand Academy!

When your sister gets married don't she have to f_ck her husband for procreation and for pleasure? Are you going to ban that as well? :no:
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