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Saudi women refused entry to France for refusing to take off burkas

Well, it's France's law. A French can't come to Arabia the way she dresses in France, and a Saudi woman shouldn't expect to enter France if they want to dress the way they do in Saudi Arabia.
Good,you have got some good logic,please do ask you muslim brothers from pakistan to stop being brain washed from mullah and come live in 21st century
I can not believe this thread is still going. If you go into a country clearly you have to obey it's laws.

having said that it is a silly law that Sarkozy brought in as an act of desperation to shore up his image with right wing in France. A cheap piece of popularism. I mean guys if a very minute number of us want to wear a piece of clothing what biz as the state to interfere what clothes we can wear.

And I think no person would or should object to cooperation with airport security.
I can not believe this thread is still going. If you go into a country clearly you have to obey it's laws.

having said that it is a silly law that Sarkozy brought in as an act of desperation to shore up his image with right wing in France. A cheap piece of popularism. I mean guys if a very minute number of us want to wear a piece of clothing what biz as the state to interfere what clothes we can wear. .

And I think no person would or should object to cooperation with airport security.

11 pages and continues. I think people from non-muslim countries here are more concerned and they are giving random views..
In Europe you have freedom of speech but cant deny the holocoust(Where is the right of freedom of thinking and speech now?). If you do you will get a punishment. In Europe you have freedom to wear whatever you want, but if you wear a niqaab (free choice) you get a punishment. In Europe you have freedom of religion but when you leave a beard or refusing to give a handshake to a woman, you cant get a job. etc. etc.

West always criticize east that they dont give rights and that there is no democracy but if we look to their own democracy we see nothing else but hypocrisy.
Non-Muslims think Muslim women are oppressed, but this is not true at all.

You have to understand the reason behind this whole 'Islam oppresses women' campaign.

Historically, in other cases of discrimination and oppression against gays, blacks and minorities, women tended to be more supportive of tolerance and understanding. Hence the anti-Muslim campaigners had to make sure women wouldn't feel empathy for the demonized Muslims. Therefore, they created this whole image of Muslim women as being oppressed. Never mind the fact that Muslim women themselves deny the charge and defend Islam -- the hatemongers dismiss these women as 'brainwashed'.

For the haters, Muslim women can't possibly be taken seriously. Like previous instances of 'savages' who didn't know what was good for them, it's the new "white man's burden" to 'liberate' Muslim women.
You hit the nail on that.

But it has been useful cos I have found out what Juice wears.

You have to understand the reason behind this whole 'Islam oppresses women' campaign.

Historically, in other cases of discrimination and oppression against gays, blacks and minorities, women tended to be more supportive of tolerance and understanding. Hence the anti-Muslim campaigners had to make sure women wouldn't feel empathy for the demonized Muslims. Therefore, they created this whole image of Muslim women as being oppressed. Never mind the fact that Muslim women themselves deny the charge and defend Islam -- the hatemongers dismiss these women as 'brainwashed'.

For the haters, Muslim women can't possibly be taken seriously. Like previous instances of 'savages' who didn't know what was good for them, it's the new "white man's burden" to 'liberate' Muslim women.

My understanding is that Islam addressed these issues hundreds of years ago and was well ahead of western versions of giving rights to women. I mean in the UK women were only recently allowed to vote in elections. The EEC were compelled as recently as late seventies to address the issue of equal pay for women and men
The league of superheroes isnt happy with french..Almost all of them have face masks,head gear and long gowns...All ofthem will be refused entry in France.. :D

wtf? no, they're all sluts in that pic

oh nahi there are three type of Muslims

1) Practising Muslim (and unfortunately extremists also belong to this tree)
2) Non-Practising Muslim (who thinks I should follow the commandments of God, but they don't)
3) Secular/Liberal Muslim

Doesn't matter which country they belong to... Pakistan or India, they will be following the same way of life... as in Islam there is no such definition of Indian Muslim, Pakistani Muslim or French Muslim.
Secular and liberal are the same for you now? Please don't go full retard.
ANd how could the first two choices have anything to do with the third?
i will never go to france under these circumustances, i praise wisdom and courage of our respected sister, she prefer Allah's order than french

Let bycott french products. If anyone love his culture, community and religion than pls bycott all french products
I can't live without mozarella!!!!!11
Well, it's France's law. A French can't come to Arabia the way she dresses in France, and a Saudi woman shouldn't expect to enter France if they want to dress the way they do in Saudi Arabia.

then we should stop defaming saudi arab for their laws and government, and also should stop praising french for their democracy and religious fredom


According to bible adam and eve ate apple after satan tempt them that they will become God like.

Once they ate the apple both of them became aware of their nakedness

Before that both adam and eve was naked and god want them to be so ,

in fact it is god's wish that both ADAM and Eve should be naked, and it is satan who wants us to wear clothes....
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