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Sarkozy will not ban Sikh turbans in France


Sep 18, 2008
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United States
French President Nicolas Sarkozy made headlines last month when he stated that the Islamic burqa is "not welcome" in France, but on Thursday assured to PM Manmohan Singh that no such rule will apply for Sikhs.

Sarkozy had been handed over a 'non-official' memo two days ago in Paris by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh as France's 6,000-strong Sikh community expressed displeasure against the ban of wearing of any religious symbols in schools. The community stated that turban is not a religious symbol but an integral part of their life.

Sarkozy supports the ban of the Burkha in France because according to him, it is not a symbol of religion but a sign of subservience for women. "The burqa is not a sign of religion, it is a sign of subservience," he told lawmakers. "It will not be welcome on the territory of the French republic."

A group of French lawmakers has been calling for a special inquiry into whether Muslim women who cover themselves fully in public undermine French secularism and women's rights.

"We cannot accept to have in our country women who are prisoners behind netting, cut off from all social life, deprived of identity," he said. "That is not the idea that the French republic has of women's dignity. The burqa is not a sign of religion, it is a sign of subservience," he told lawmakers. "It will not be welcome on the territory of the French republic."

But the president added "we must not fight the wrong battle, in the republic the Muslim religion must be respected as much as other religions" in France, which has Europe's biggest Muslim population estimated at several million.

The proposal to hold an inquiry has won support from many politicians from both the left and right, but France's official Muslim council accused lawmakers of wasting time focusing on a fringe phenomenon.

"To raise the subject like this, via a parliamentary committee, is a way of stigmatising Islam and the Muslims of France," Mohammed Moussaoui, head of the French Council for the Muslim Religion (CFCM), said last week.

Sarkozy will not ban Sikh turbans in France | India.com
Its good news for Sikh and India. but he banned burkha. how will we see???? paisa bolta ha. anyhow burkha should be banned all over the world.....
^^ There is difference between saying and actually taking action, I guess we will have to wait and see.
Its good news for Sikh and India. but he banned burkha. how will we see???? paisa bolta ha. anyhow burkha should be banned all over the world.....

dude; if you and your family want to run naked and dont give a **** about your modesty thats fine with me; but dont force your atheist/hindu agenda on the muslim world; you've got the right to choose; so do we...
Its good news for Sikh and India. but he banned burkha. how will we see???? paisa bolta ha. anyhow burkha should be banned all over the world.....

There is seperate thread for the burqua issue. Please try to stick to the topic.:wave:
Sikh policemen to get bulletproof turbans so they can join firearms units


Police are trying to develop bullet-proof turbans for Sikh officers to wear instead of helmets.
The headwear would allow those who insist on always wearing turbans to join gun or riot squads for the first time.
Scientists are investigating whether bullet-proof Kevlar could be used for the 15ft strip of cloth a turban requires.
British Police Sikh Association vice-chairman Gian Singh Chahal said: 'Sikh officers have been prohibited from becoming firearms officers because our religion does not allow us to remove the turban.

'Nor can we wear the NATO helmet for public order policing.'

He said research had already begun into finding the perfect material to create a ballistic turban, but that the high-tech headgear would need to pass Home Office tests before being used by officers.
He said: 'There has been some research done into producing a ballistic material for turbans and we would like to follow any opportunity where we could manufacture a ballistic product - made out of something like Kevlar - that would ensure a certain degree of protection so Sikh police officers could take part in these roles.
'We need to approach the Home Office and police forces and to gain their acceptance so that Sikh officers could become firearms and public order officers whilst wearing turbans.
'There needs to be a recognition from the Home Office that would allow Sikh officers to carry out these roles.

'The will is there from chief constables but perhaps not yet from the Home Office.'

One Sikh PC, who didn't want to be named, said: 'It would be incredible if they developed a bulletproof turban.
'It would make life a lot easier for us and would mean we could go for jobs as firearms and public order officers - which a lot of Sikh officers would like to do, but are currently not allowed to go for.'

Last year West Midlands Police spent tens of thousands of pounds trying to find protective headgear to fit over a turban after a Sikh officer applied to join the counter-terrorist Operational Support Unit.
The force spent 18 months looking for a solution, but failed to find any suitable equipment.

The officer was rejected from the job because he couldn't fit a helmet and respirator over his turban, and instead returned to his job on the beat.

The unnamed officer reportedly claimed to have been discriminated against and was on long-term sick leave suffering from stress.
Dr Indarjit Singh, director of the Network of Sikh Organisations, said Sikhism is the only religion in the world in which wearing a turban is mandatory for all adult males.

He said: 'It is mandatory for adult Sikh men to wear the turban.'

Turbans consist of around 15ft of cloth wound around the head.
Sikh men wear them to cover their hair, which they leave uncut in accordance with their religion. They often wear their long beards rolled up.
As well as being a sign of spirituality, the turban is also a symbol of Sikh identity and of courage.
There are more than 750,000 Sikhs, the only religion allowed to ride motorbikes without crash helmets, in the UK.
Sikh soldiers serving in the British Army refused to wear helmets during the First and Second World Wars.
They fought with their turbans on, several receiving the Victoria Cross for acts of gallantry.
Legendary British General Sir Frank Messervy praised the Sikh soldiers who laid down their lives in the two world wars.
He said: 'In the last two world wars 83,005 turban wearing Sikh soldiers were killed and 109,045 were wounded.

'They all died or were wounded for the freedom of Britain and the world, and during shell fire, with no other protection but the turban, the symbol of their faith.'

A Home Office spokesman said: 'The Government wants a police service that reflects the diverse communities it serves.

'It is down to individual forces to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate the religion or beliefs of individual officers, as far as operational requirements permit.'

Sikh policemen to get bulletproof turbans so they can join firearms units | Mail Online


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dude; if you and your family want to run naked and dont give a **** about your modesty thats fine with me; but dont force your atheist/hindu agenda on the muslim world; you've got the right to choose; so do we...

you think all non- burka women r naked . Good keep it up. I don't have to say anything. Sarkozy has done wat he has to done. You and me will not effect his decesion.... there is old saying Mr. in english "While in Rome do as Romans do". If u people wanna wear burka than leave france go back to respective countires. as far as sikhs r concerned we r alowed so we will stay:victory::victory::victory::victory:
Pentagon may allow Sikhs to join US army

Following an outcry from the Sikh community, the United States Defence Department has decided to review its policy, which prevents Sikhs from joining the country's armed forces. On behalf of Defense Secretary Robert Gates, the Pentagon [ Images ] has informed advocacy group Sikh Coalition that it was reviewing current regulations, which prevent a US Sikh national from serving the army, on the ground that they wear turban.

"Although our current regulation establishes the standards of wear and appearance of the uniform, we understand the importance of reviewing the rationale behind our current policies when circumstances warrant," wrote Major General John R Hawkins, Director, Human Resources, Policy Directorate, Pentagon.

The senior leadership is aware of the concerns of the Sikh community, said the letter dated April 29, which was released to the media on Friday. The Coalition, which had taken up the issue after two Sikh Americans challenged the regulation, has welcomed the army's step.

"We believe that once the army fully reviews the policy, it will agree that Sikh practices have in no way acted as an impediment to successful service in any military in the world," Amardeep Singh, executive director of Sikh Coalition, said in a statement.

On January 26 this year, the Coalition wrote to Gates, regarding two Sikhs who were told to give up their religious practices in order to continue their services in the army. Captain Kamaljit Singh Kalsi and Captain Tejdeep Singh Rattan were recruited as part of an army programme that pays for medical education in return for military service.

At the time of their enrollment, military recruiters assured both of them that their turbans and unshorn hair 'would not be a problem'.

Four years later, the army is now telling the two Sikhs that the recruiters' assurances were false and that they will have to forsake their religious practices.

Source: PTI

Pentagon may allow Sikhs to join US army - International News ? News ? MSN India - News
Sarkozy should make it mandatory for everybody to be nude. The french will more than oblige except that the French fashion industry would be in a loss.

This will also prevent any suicide belt bombers.
Sarkozy should make it mandatory for everybody to be nude. The french will more than oblige except that the French fashion industry would be in a loss.

This will also prevent any suicide belt bombers.

Good say mate hahahaha. one is just held in UK. Seee sky news and he is from our neighbour.....
Sarkozy should make it mandatory for everybody to be nude. The french will more than oblige except that the French fashion industry would be in a loss.

This will also prevent any suicide belt bombers.

how convenient; people wont have to spend much in the recession on clothes; just be nude :enjoy:
This shows what hippocrate this sarkozy !! no one can stop muslim girls wearing Hijab or head scarf if they choose to wear it ,the issue is with muslims so i guess he dont want to have an issue with Sikh turbans .. 5 years down the line another frenchie president will come up with a new ban !!
This shows what hippocrate this sarkozy !! no one can stop muslim girls wearing Hijab or head scarf if they choose to wear it ,the issue is with muslims so i guess he dont want to have an issue with Sikh turbans .. 5 years down the line another frenchie president will come up with a new ban !!

Dear bro sarkozy banned only burka not Hijab..............
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