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Sarkozy will not ban Sikh turbans in France

Dear bro sarkozy banned only burka not Hijab..............

Ok burqa but even banning that is not right ! if some one choose to wear one its their own why is he banning that and l why is he picking up on burqa only!?. What about tatoing or body piercing etc .. what kind of freedom does it represents ?
Look its just a part of this global campaign against islam one dont have to be a genius to work this out! If other communities and cultures wont protest this they are next in line.
The man is a FOOL, the Burqa is NOT a sign of subservience to any man! It is a part of a Muslims lifestyle! Alhamdulillah!

The world is uniting against us Muslims, we must rise and unite! Work for our own countries, help build our own economies, and protect our own people first!

Translated Hadith:

The Messenger of God said: The nations are about to flock against you [the Muslims] from every horizon, just as hungry people flock to a kettle. We said: O Messenger of God, will we be few on that day? He said: No, you will be many in number, but you will be scum, like the scum of a flash-flood, without any weight, since fear will be removed from the hearts of your enemies, and weakness (wahn) will be placed in your hearts. We said: O Messenger of God, what does the word wahn mean? He said: Love of this world, and fear of death.
dude; if you and your family want to run naked and dont give a **** about your modesty thats fine with me; but dont force your atheist/hindu agenda on the muslim world; you've got the right to choose; so do we...

First allow burqua in your musilm world i.e, Turkey.

And banning Burqua in France is also an insult to India and indian muslims if they think its suppression of their religious belief. Now quit acting like champion of islam like you pakistsanis always do :chilli:
First allow burqua in your musilm world i.e, Turkey.

And banning Burqua in France is also an insult to India and indian muslims if they think its suppression of their religious belief. Now quit acting like champion of islam like you pakistsanis always do :chilli:
First Turkey is secular, and shouldn't be viewed as an example for the Muslim world, and Alhamdulillah Pakistan will remain as a champion of Islam, so you Indians can get as jealous as you want!

Pakistan Ka Matlab Kya?
La Ilaha Il Allah Muhammadur Rasool Allah (Sal Allahu Alay he Wasalam)

Its good news for Sikh and India. but he banned burkha. how will we see???? paisa bolta ha. anyhow burkha should be banned all over the world.....

Nope, a ban on the Sikh-Turban, Kirpan and other identities would be much well suited for the world!
Nope, a ban on the Sikh-Turban, Kirpan and other identities would be much well suited for the world!

See double standard of Pakistan. one way they support sikh and khalistan movement and on other side this hatred . high time world see this........ anyhow Will world listen u. no way
See double standard of Pakistan. one way they support sikh and khalistan movement and on other side this hatred . high time world see this........ anyhow Will world listen u. no way

I've never supported the Khalistan movement nor a Sikh movement! I think its a silly name to begin with, because all countries that end with "Stan" are Muslim, and I don't want to be associated with any Sikhs!

I am a Pan-Islamist, I couldn't care less about Sikhs!

And Pakistan is not like India, we dont have double standards!

Alhamdulillah, we are a nation under Islam, we speak the truth, because it is a commandment from God! :pakistan:

I doubt the world will be listening to your hypocritical hatred, you fool! Lol! You Indians make me laugh so much, people like you are no more than hypocrates and liars!
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Sikhs could be hiding a number of dangerous things in their turbans, and you never know what a Sikh may do with his knife! Oh the horrors!

The Burqa is much safer! ;)

yes where u cant see even a Face.....................

Turban covers only head but burkha cover whole body u never know who is in , male ,female or ????????? you said burkha is safer. may be in Pakistan not in europe...
yes where u cant see even a Face.....................

Well if a woman doesn't want to show her ur face, then u have no business seeing it! :agree:

Don't like it, then that is ur problem! :coffee:
Well if a woman doesn't want to show her ur face, then u have no business seeing it! :agree:

Don't like it, then that is ur problem! :coffee:

Not mine love. Its ur probelm Indian woman don't wear burkha in France. More over its banned so be relaxed cool down, use ur energy in other thread
Not mine love. Its ur probelm Indian woman don't wear burkha in France. More over its banned so be relaxed cool down, use ur energy in other thread

I couldn't care less what Indian women do... And the Burqa isn't banned!

Are you gonna say anything useful now, or are you just going to keep on going on about ur irrelevant nonsense? :argh:
The man is a FOOL, the Burqa is NOT a sign of subservience to any man! It is a part of a Muslims lifestyle! Alhamdulillah!
The world is uniting against us Muslims, we must rise and unite! Work for our own countries, help build our own economies, and protect our own people first!

Translated Hadith:

The Messenger of God said: The nations are about to flock against you [the Muslims] from every horizon, just as hungry people flock to a kettle. We said: O Messenger of God, will we be few on that day? He said: No, you will be many in number, but you will be scum, like the scum of a flash-flood, without any weight, since fear will be removed from the hearts of your enemies, and weakness (wahn) will be placed in your hearts. We said: O Messenger of God, what does the word wahn mean? He said: Love of this world, and fear of death.

Burqa is a sign of subservience Mr. Coolyo, but more importantly the western civilization believes alot on freedom rights of women, why would you try to force it upon them to live by your standards. Do not live in those countries, it is very simple as that.

And stop quoting the scripture for all the ails of the world or the decision made in the world. Let me give you a hint, the world is not going to end as the scripture recommends.:azn:

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