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Right-Wing Japanese girl threatens to kill all Koreans living abroard

imo you are clueless to the extreme. you just become a troll to turn an anti korea topic to a japan china brew. bueatiful. CIA should just thank you.

also solute to other chinese no brainers.

Dude if you are going to call me stupid maybe brush up on your grammar and spelling. The fact that this site has a spell check and you still have misspelled words shows how much smarter you are.

Also I'm sure the Japanese love you, if your flag is correct.
imo you are clueless to the extreme. you just become a troll to turn an anti korea topic to a japan china brew. bueatiful. CIA should just thank you.

also solute to other chinese no brainers.

We wanna forget about the painful memory during the WWII, but now it is the US that releases the contagious Right-Wing movement from the Pandora Box, now the majority of the population has been affected.

You should know that girl in the video is only a high school teen, the next generation of Japan will definitely be brainwashed by the Right-Wing ideology.

Don't blame China to be alert, since the majority of that nation is Right-Wing.

Most of Chinese people are now aware that both US and Japan are China's mortal enemies.
I am never anti China. a close relation between China and Japan is in the interest of all Asians, to get rid of the yankees out of the regions.

some your nobrainers nationlists perplexed by US intellengece agencies, just beried a pro China goverment and rolled the
red carpet tof a rightwing abe gov. how smart is that!
I am never anti China. a close relation between China and Japan is in the interest of all Asians, to get rid of the yankees out of the regions.

some your nobrainers nationlists perplexed by US intellengece agencies, just beried a pro China goverment and rolled the
red carpet of a rightwing abe gov. how smart is that!

We know the current Right-Wing movement was artificially created by US, but now the majority of the population in Japan has been brainwashed by the Right-Wing movement.

You can't blame China being forced to fight against the Right-Wing Japan.

If you wanna talk about the Asian Unity, then Japan should first abandon their Right-Wing ideology and kick US out of their land.
Both US and Japan have strong soft power, but it can't neglect the fact that they are both criminals around the world.

I used to watch American t.v shows a lot but recently I have signicificantly reduced watching them, mostly because they are airing trash on t.v, plus it seems American media is obsessed with their gay agenda : homosexualizing of their society for some reason. American t.v shows now promote open homosexuality among their audiance, and some of these homosexual charcters are aimed at the demogrpahy of younger audiance. Not only American t.v shows are getting dumber but they have also started to add **** in them.
I used to watch American t.v shows a lot but recently I have signicificantly reduced watching them, mostly because they are airing trash on t.v, plus it seems American media is obsessed with their gay agenda : homosexualizing of their society for some reason. Not only American t.v shows are getting dumber but they have also started to add **** in them.

And if you notice Gay couples are usually very successful with straight couples having all the problems :lol: Talk about subtlety

are you in high?

Japanese think Koreans are inferio and dirty. No decent Japanese girl would date Koreans.

IMHO That is not correct, South Korean soap operas were huge success in Japan with male celebrities having more following in Japan then in SK. A lot has been written about it, in-fact recent backlash from rightists Japanese is being linked with this so-called Korean wave:

She didn't went bankai? *disappointed* :undecided:

Anyway, she needs to get laid, make some kids and contribute in alleviating Japan's population declining problem. Japanese have high emphases on ethics and shouldn't destroy their country's image like this.
I used to watch American t.v shows a lot but recently I have signicificantly reduced watching them, mostly because they are airing trash on t.v, plus it seems American media is obsessed with their gay agenda : homosexualizing of their society for some reason. American t.v shows now promote open homosexuality among their audiance, and some of these homosexual charcters are aimed at the demogrpahy of younger audiance. Not only American t.v shows are getting dumber but they have also started to add **** in them.
Yah...I hacked my TV and fixed the tuner to Pakistani channels only. Sooooo much better...:lol:
:lol: Maybe she thinks she can be like that 'Kick A$$' movie girl
Yah...I hacked my TV and fixed the tuner to Pakistani channels only. Sooooo much better...:lol:

I'm glad you liked it, it must be refreshing to not have a gay agenda shoved up in your face for once.
Why the heck are the cops staying silent, isn't hate speech like this illegal in Japan?

Why? Because the whole government has been controlled by the Right-Wing fascists.

US released the Jihadists to ruin the Middle East, now they are trying to do the same to East Asia by releasing those Right-Wing animals from their cage.
Why? Because the whole government has been controlled by the Right-Wing fascists.

US released the Jihadists to ruin the Middle East, now they are trying to do the same to East Asia by releasing those Right-Wing animals from their cage.

trust me. the japanese majority are still pro left as they are envision a less skewed social sphere. its just the recent years as economy staggering and people turned to irratic... most japanese media are also pro left such as Asahi Shinbun is called pro China propaganda.

i dont want to offend chinese bros here but just give you guys a heads up whats going on. you cannot blame japan for the island row, if you see the back stage of the US is returning asia. i wish all members are sane and have some insights instead of confusing the already confused situatian.
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