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Right-Wing Japanese girl threatens to kill all Koreans living abroard

I used to think Japanese became docile and peaceful when the americans nuked them. But now I see Japanese are preaching open racism and hate speeches in public. I thought after becoming so educated, progressive and developed. They might have attained a sence of tolerance and acceptance of diversity.
By 1894, an estimated 34,000 Koreans lived in China, with numbers increasing to 109,500 in 1910.

That proves my point. Koreans were not allowed to enter China until Japanese aggressors smuggled some of them in around 1910 when Japan finally and offially snatched Korea from China.
Japanese lost WWII, the loser pay back winner, unconditional.
Here i must point out the ODA (official development assistance) from Japan government, 90% of it to China belong to official loans with low interest. NOT FREE !
Read below documents:
Overview of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to China
Review on Japan's ODA to China

Japan kill ur millions of ppl then provide ur country ODA by 35billion $$ loans with low interest, DEAL? 35billion $$ Japan's loans could built today China ?!
At the same time China is the N.o1 biggest foreign market for Japan over U.S.

I can never understand how could some Japanese even take the ODA as a "advantage" of blaming China.
ODA, as you mentioned, is NOT FREE.
Those Japanese are really like to slap their own faces.
japanese girls have great sense of humour and also they are very enthusiastic and active. they have their feelings and right to express them. but they should be a bit close to the reality and must not wander in fantacy
Human being are wonderful by its existence nature
On one hand some one see with anger and jealousy eyes, whereas on the other hand some one through the flower on your self...
i am scared ... what if she might kill them ??:p i will miss my neighbours :drag:
I never knew Japanese girls would be interested in politics because of nationalism. The Japanese are good in brainwashing their own people.
I never took these Japanese seriously , come on guys its just an American protectorate .
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