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Revenge by Pakistani Pashtuns: Private war breaks out on Pak-Afghan border

2 wrongs dont make a right, but this is inevitable......

I say we just boycott ALL Afghan-owned businesses in Pakistan; dont do business with them. Dont go to their daarzis, dont buy their toys dont buy their cassettes or DVDs dont buy their anything

beating laborers is not revenge ever -- they are poor people. We should have the moral high ground here. There are PROPER ways to show these treacherous types a good lesson.

they are stabbing their own feet every time they inflict harm on Pakistan or its people

Don't you think you would only hurt Afghan Pashtuns in general for the actions of the NA Tajiks and their dogs?
Even though I do not appreciate this " eye for an eye " attack on Afghan nationals , this makes one thing very clear ... The loyalty of Pakistani Pashtuns lies with the state of Pakistan , the people declaring Afghanistan as some promised land for " Pashtuns " can take a hike now !

Karachi belongs to all Pakistani of belonging to each and every ethnicity , not just my race ... Lets make it very clear , we do not tolerate any freakin bull **** of Jinnahpur from traitor Altaf ... He can apply for the nationality of India if he's so against partition , nobody will give a damn !

Oh the fuckin " forbidden ! " ... :lol: Yeah , we have more of the people they claim to be their citizens of the " promised land " :D

I agree. Those who knew Syed Jamaluddin... who is the person who is most vociferously promoting this theory may also know he has always been a confidant of Altaf. You can research him.

Its a really great thing having you and @A.Rafay aboard. BTW I want Karachi to be the bastion of the Pakistan Nationalist Party... the first nationalist party to ever be formed. With you I gain hope. Maybe one day MQM can be out... PNP in. Provided I get healthy again and can take steps in this regard (currently very sick). Its sad that in 60+ years we haven't produced a single nationalist party, one that is based solely on the concept of defending Pakistan's interests both internally and externally (without any cleavages, ethnic, sect or other). Pure nationalism for everyone regardless of religion or ethnic group.

Was my dream once. :)
Utmost pleasure to see that Karachi can be saved.
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Don't you think you would only hurt Afghan Pashtuns in general for the actions of the NA Tajiks and their dogs?

From what I've seen Afghan Pashtuns seem to hate Pakistanis the most because they are the ones who think we've "occupied their land".
i have a question ..

how much pak afghan border is guarded with soldiers and how much is opened?

bottom line -- the border is rugged and extremely porous.

to fully guard every nook and cranny would require more resources than we have; it's nearly humanly impossible

we had an ambitious plan in 2008 -- partnership with USA's DHS (Homeland Security) to build an electrified fence on certain portions of durand line border

unfortunately Karzai the King of Kabul raised a hue and a cry --- and protested. And then our spineless guys in Islamabad cancelled the project just because Karzai regime was opposed to this measure (which I was strongly in favor of)

but that's our government for you.....to them, Pakistani lives are cheap and doing anything to SAFEGUARD this God-forsaken border would be "offensive" to our dear Afghan brothers

There is even a simpler way. Stop export of meat, poultry and wheat. I guarantee you, when a "Nan" in Kabul costs Rs.75, they will all come to their senses. I say, whenever we deal with Afghanistan, we should always use our location to suffocate them!

2 wrongs dont make a right, but this is inevitable......

I say we just boycott ALL Afghan-owned businesses in Pakistan; dont do business with them. Dont go to their daarzis, dont buy their toys dont buy their cassettes or DVDs dont buy their anything

beating laborers is not revenge ever -- they are poor people. We should have the moral high ground here. There are PROPER ways to show these treacherous types a good lesson.

they are stabbing their own feet every time they inflict harm on Pakistan or its people
But I'm sure the average rural Pashtun in both nations is only concerned about his family's security and his livelihood.

NA is the true enemy and they are indoctrinating all within the country.

This is my opinion.
Don't you think you would only hurt Afghan Pashtuns in general for the actions of the NA Tajiks and their dogs?

there comes a point in time, bhai jaan, when we need to worry about our own

and just -- OUR OWN

let them worry about their own country; whether they like us or dont like us -- Afghanistan is their country. Not Pakistan. Was it written in Quran or Constitution that we have to bare all the expenses for Afghanistan?

why arent the holier than thou indians or americans taking in millions of refugees? Why Iran and Pakistan must suffer and bear the huge burden and liability. We've done so much for them and this is how they are repaying us?

lobbing artillery at Bajaur villagers, attacking our laborers and throwing their passports in a disrespectful manner, constant blame games in their media and statements by some of their puppet officials (who wont be lasting long anyways once their masters leave)

where's the honour in this?
Don't you think you would only hurt Afghan Pashtuns in general for the actions of the NA Tajiks and their dogs?

You are not understanding this yar... we don't have to be loyal to Afghan Pashtuns to be Pashtuns. Its a myth perpetuated by people like Luffy which I am trying to fight. Its the entire basis of my argument which I have been making for a weak and you are ignoring it.

I saw how they treat us and I saw no single Tajik hazara or uzbek there. You can shoot me if you find ONE. It was bar Pashtuns (meaning Pashtun from Afghanistan-simplifying our terminology for you) calling us things like heera mandi culture and things like that. I tried to explain that to Luffy and make the point that there were Afghans there too upon which he went berzerk. In any case we can't keep thinking about them.

We don't have to define our Pashtuniyat vis a vis Afghanistan... if we look at history its basically we who ruled. Ahmed Shah Durrani was born on our soil in Multan. Pir Roshan was from Kaniguram, Rehman Baba from Peshawar even Khushal Khan Khattak was from us. Each Pashtun personality was born not in what is modern day afghanistan but in Pakistan.

People like luffy know history more than others even Pashtuns- his own research confirms that only 5% Pashtuns know the people I just mentioned so they can perpetuate this myth that we are for some reason all supposed to be loyal to Afghanistan... its senseless and stupid. Pakistan comes first for all of us as we struggled to make it. Bar pashtuns step against it... they can go to hell.

Its funny that Bar Pashtuns put pressure on us to be loyal to Afghanistan after they abandoned us... its slightly understandable that Pashtun nationalists define their nationalism in an Afghanistan-centric fashion, we share a common history before 1893... but it really hurts when other fellow brothers put pressure on us to be loyal to them. For example the comment by the freak who said everything west of the indus should go to Afghanistan??? Whats that mean?

Its typical chauvinism. Some people just want a Pakistan that has their ethnic group... and this is a real, real issue because it means these people haven't understood the essence of Pakistan AT ALL! Pakistan is not a nation based on a single ethnicity... it is an amalgamation, a united nation binded by (should be) Nationalism which is unfortunately mixed a lot with religious chest-thumping (though the 2 are very separate things-I have an article on this I will share later but its a different topic)... each of our cultures is beautiful and to be cherished... and in the end ethnic identity is just supposed to disappear and become inconsequential...

Why am I so attached if I am preaching bar Pashtuns should not even matter? I am defensive about Pashtuns... yes but I am not by birth one... za pashtun yam lh dee amlah za ghwarem (meaning i am Pashtun because I want to be). Razpak since childhood I have seen these beautiful people being abused... I saw it firsthand from the Muhajir community which has stooped to new heights of racism ever since it arrived but there is this same racism among many Punjabis too... my purpose is not to increase tension....

My purpose is to give a message of unity... of our strength by being together. I am not just arguing for Pashtuns. I am by joining the most misunderstood community and defending it arguing against bigotry. All our cultures... all our history is Pakistan's history. If we love each race and disengage ourselves from our own we can prosper. Saudi's don't even remember their tribes even though throughout their history there has been internecine tribal warfare.

Its the time for us to do the same with ethnicity. Lets make it inconsequential. We don't have to support the bar Pashtuns, Muhajirs shouldn't love India, Punjabis should forget there are 30 million Punjabis more right across the border and Balochs too... we are a nation. Lets act like one.

Afghanistan attacks us. Pashtuns will attack Afghanistan. :pakistan:
But I'm sure the average rural Pashtun in both nations is only concerned about his family's security and his livelihood.

you're right

but not just Pashtuns. Everyone wants economic security and physical security....shouldnt be a lot to ask for

if our laborers are following where the money and jobs are, they shouldnt have to worry about some dope-smoking goon border guard from the neighbour country beating them to a pulp

what kind of sick shmuck beats on low-income, helpless people anyways? (our feudals/politicians do it -- doesnt mean we should)

NA is the true enemy and they are indoctrinating all within the country.

This is my opinion.

they've always been our enemies, but as a bitter pill to swallow we have to "accept" them......as long as their squabbles remain within Afghanistan borders and don't affect us, i'm at a point where I could care less about them. Hopefully one day Afghans would unite and stop their internal ethnic wars so that all Afghans can move back there where they belong. That's most ideal, even Afghans would agree to that.
@Abu Zolfiqar, mate I'm fond of bankrupting my competition, instead of shooting them. I'm sure that we can some how influence the supply of food inside of Afghanistan and use other economic measure to starve them. A hungry man can not fight. Doesn't matter, how many of those lower life forms suffer and die, as long as we can make a point!
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You guys from KPK know what to do and the situation.

But all I can say is that kisay masoom say na insaafi ney karni chaiye. Even if they are Afghans.

what these relatives did was wrong.....according to the link, some were arrested (good)

how many of those Afghan border guards were arrested or even "disciplined" ????

@Abu Zolfiqar, mate I'm fond of bankrupting my competition, instead of shooting them. I'm sure that we can some how influence the supply of food inside of Afghanistan and use other economic measure to starve them. A hungry man can not fight. Doesn't matter, how many of those lower life forms suffer and die, as long as we can make a point!

i dont want them to starve bro....i just dont want my country-men to be humiliated and treated like that when all they were doing was their damn jobs.

and i believe there are peaceful, professional ways to "RESPOND" to this aggression from across the border

and anyways -- Afghanistan is no competition for us. They gain more from us than we gain from them; it's been that way since forever.
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Razi yara, peace can not be made with animals, first they need to taste the stick, only then will logic prevail.

You guys from KPK know what to do and the situation.

But all I can say is that kisay masoom say na insaafi ney karni chaiye. Even if they are Afghans.
what these relatives did was wrong.....according to the link, some were arrested (good)

how many of those Afghan border guards were arrested or even "disciplined" ????

i dont want them to starve bro....i just dont want my country-men to be humiliated and treated like that when all they were doing was their damn jobs.

and i believe there are peaceful, professional ways to "RESPOND" to this aggression from across the border

Bro these Tajiks should be flogged and have their heads on pikes. I mean our people go there to work and they attack them.

In response the family of the victims extracted revenge and beat down exactly the same number of Afghans that were attacked from their family.

I see it as an eye for an eye.

Good! That was justice.

But bro, I met some really good Afghans in Punjab.

I have mixed feelings about this situation in general. You guys know best how they roll in your area.
Please never forget the Uzbeks as well. The northern gutter is full of them.

Bro these Tajiks should be flogged and have their heads on pikes. I mean our people go there to work and they attack them.

In response the family of the victims extracted revenge and beat down exactly the same number of Afghans that were attacked from their family.

I see it as an eye for an eye.

Good! That was justice.

But bro, I met some really good Afghans in Punjab.

I have mixed feelings about this situation in general. You guys know best how they roll in your area.
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