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Attack On Indian Mission, Herat

Exactly! You Bharati, why have you opened up so many missions? Obviously not for target practice by the Taliban?

This is a normal thing by many nations including Pakistan in Afghansitan, Stop misleading and inventing theories from your appendix. Where there is a an Indian consulate, there is a Pakistani as well. By that logic one must suspect Pakistani activities rather more, because of their active confrontations with its neighbours.
Another terrorist supporting and loving friend from our neighbourhood.

We need consulates there because there are many Indian business and workers operating there. The same way there are many Afghans who travel to India for various things such as studies, medical treatment etc.

Anyway we have just 4 consulates. It's not that much.
Yes sir, any one opposes you is a terrorist and if he speaks your language then he is an angel, if that's what the criteria is then around 100 million terrorists supporters living in our eastern neighbour...what a manipulation of facts, we are not bothered about afghanies but if they seek help to our longtime enemy we will definitely take care of them.
Newly found friend? "our friendship is longer than the age of your failed country".

Or maybe we will take care of you?

Americans will stay, and they have parked their f-15's in Bagram and Kandahar for your purpose.

I will be surprised if Pakistan will be able to celebrate its 100th year.

bwahahahahahahah says another delusion bharati

BTW is it a second attack on a terrorists' shelter or the old morning news is reposted by someone ?? :P
Newly found friend? "our friendship is longer than the age of your failed country".

Or maybe we will take care of you?

Americans will stay, and they have parked their f-15's in Bagram and Kandahar for your purpose.

I will be surprised if Pakistan will be able to celebrate its 100th year.

Ad couple of more zeros and then maybe there will be some doubt :D
Classic case of "Begani shaadi mein Abdullah deewana".

you mean Abdulla Abdulla?
Silly photoshop - the original too is a photoshop.

Silly remarks

Wrong spellings

A similar retort on Islamic religious offering would not be appreciated.


This is what really happened , some poor afghan had eat too much indian prasad and he let a huge one rip which resulted in indians getting paniced and claiming that it was an attack

actually is was an afghan full of gas due to eating too much indian prasad


its better to keep the discussion civil

if Afghanistan has interests with india for economic prosperity, why should it matter to Pakistan?

Pakistan can also compete to provide economic prosperity to Afghanistan much much more tha india
Newly found friend? "our friendship is longer than the age of your failed country".

Or maybe we will take care of you?

Americans will stay, and they have parked their f-15's in Bagram and Kandahar for your purpose.

I will be surprised if Pakistan will be able to celebrate its 100th year.

True that.

As long as Afghan Animals exist, Pakistan may not see 75th.

How many millions of worthless, thankless refugees shall we host ... who smuggle our resources to their cave land, and in turn bring back guns and drugs ?

How many more thousands of tonnes of drugs, and millions of guns can we take before we succumb ?

How many hundrends of thousands of our cars will be stolen, to be scrapped in Animal-istan
and be smuggled back as spare parts to be sold again ?

How many of our people will be stolen from, or kidnapped and held in Animal-istan ?

Pakistan may not see the 75th birthday ...

The cave dwelling barbarians will eventually perish, once there will be no more Pakistan to sponge off from.
This is what really happened , some poor afghan had eat too much indian prasad and he let a huge one rip which resulted in indians getting paniced and claiming that it was an attack

actually is was an afghan full of gas due to eating too much indian prasad


True that.

As long as Afghan Animals exist, Pakistan may not see 75th.

How many more thousands of tonnes of drugs, and millions of guns can we take before we succumb ?

The cave dwelling barbarians will eventually perish, once there will be no more Pakistan to sponge off from.

zia ul haq considered Afghanistan the cradle of true Islam

zia ul haq considered Afghanistan the cradle of true Islam

shu ... be lost.
That history book you neglected will haunt you in more ways than you may ever think of.
Oohh just another day on PDF.

Lowlife dal khor Pakistanis celebrating a terror attack, forgetting that TTP and BLA are fist fucking them.

as usual their asses are burning beacuse the Afghan-India friendship.

Modi has come to power, well it is going to be a good time for our region, we need to flush these Osamas out of our region.

wurakega smuggler bachiya.. bayghairat afghan qom
This is what really happened , some poor afghan had eat too much indian prasad and he let a huge one rip which resulted in indians getting paniced and claiming that it was an attack

actually is was an afghan full of gas due to eating too much indian prasad


Oohh just another day on PDF.

Lowlife dal khor Pakistanis celebrating a terror attack, forgetting that TTP and BLA are fist fucking them.

as usual their asses are burning beacuse the Afghan-India friendship.

Modi has come to power, well it is going to be a good time for our region, we need to flush these Osamas out of our region.


The only Dalkhor and bachi baz bastards around here are afghans.

Sad bastards who can't look after their own people who leach of us, these dalkhors and their women work as street cleaners and prostitutes.

So next time you spit Shyte out remember who you are, a dalla.

Talibans and Russians have fist ficked and raped your mothers so hard that the you are the end product a imbred bastardos.
Oohh just another day on PDF.

Lowlife dal khor Pakistanis celebrating a terror attack, forgetting that TTP and BLA are fist fucking them.

as usual their asses are burning beacuse the Afghan-India friendship.

Modi has come to power, well it is going to be a good time for our region, we need to flush these Osamas out of our region.


75 or 10000 years but we will not become slaves of Bharat like you dear Afghanis, :pakistan:
Newly found friend? "our friendship is longer than the age of your failed country".

Or maybe we will take care of you?

Americans will stay, and they have parked their f-15's in Bagram and Kandahar for your purpose.

I will be surprised if Pakistan will be able to celebrate its 100th year.
HAhaha take care of urself first... "We will take care of u."..:omghaha:F-15 (american) Guns (Russians, provided by indian in Kherat) we'll see who will see what... half of ur immigrants are here destroying our economy and other bastards like u are saying Pakistan will not see 100th year.. I respect Afghanis but Scumbags like u are just Paid Pithoos of Indians... slaves is the right word
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