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Report: IAF planes spotted over Saudi Arabia


Apr 3, 2010
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Source: Report: IAF planes spotted over Saudi Arabia
Source is Israeli

Israel Air Force aircraft have been spotted in recent days at a Saudi Arabian military base unloading military equipment in the city of Tabuk, in northwestern Saudi Arabia, according to a report from Iranian news agency FARS.

The base will reportedly be used as a forward operating base by the Israelis as part of an offensive on an Islamic country.
The following is from a blog:

Reports: IAF Landed at Saudi Base, US Troops near Iran Border

(Arutz Sheva) The Israeli Air Force recently unloaded military equipment at a Saudi Arabia base, a semi-official Iranian news agency claimed Wednesday, while a large American force has massed in Azerbaijan, which is on the northwest border of Iran.

Both reports follow by less than a week the Pentagon’s confirmation that an unusually large American fleet sailed through the Suez Canal Saturday. Several reports stated that an Israeli ship joined the armada.

The Pentagon played down the news, saying the American maneuvers were routine. However, a report by Iran on Wednesday that it has enriched dozens of pounds of 17 per cent enriched uranium serves as a reminder that time is running out to stop Iran from being able to produce a nuclear weapon.

Iran’s Fars News Agency said the Israeli military aircraft landed 10 days ago at the Saudi base near the city of Tabuk, located in northwest Saudi Arabia, one of the closest areas in the oil kingdom to Iran.

Fars said that the Tabuk base will be the central station for an Israeli attack on Iran. It quoted an Islamic news site that a commercial airline passenger said the airport in Tabuk was closed to all other traffic during the alleged Israeli landings. The passenger said that “no reasonable explanation” was given for shutting down the airport and those passengers were compensated financially and booked in four-star hotels.

“The relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel have become the talk of the town,” the passenger added. The chief authority in Tabuk, Prince Fahd ben Sultan, was reported be coordinating the cooperation with Israel.


Iran’s government-funded Press TV reported that the Revolutionary Guards began closely patrolling the Islamic Republic’s northwestern border after noticing the American forces, which Iran claimed also included Israeli troops. Azerbaijan’s independent Trend news site also reported on Wednesday that American armed forces are in the country, which is in an armed conflict with rebels.

Revolutionary Guards Brigadier General Mehdi Moini said Tuesday that his forces are mobilized “due to the presence of American and Israeli forces on the western border.” The Guards reportedly have called in tanks and anti-aircraft units to the area in what amounts to a war alert.

Enriched Uranium

As signs point to a higher American-Israeli military profile aimed at Iran, Ali Akbar Salehi, the Islamic Republic’s vice president and director of the nuclear program, announced Wednesday that Iran has produced another 37 pounds of uranium enriched to 20 percent. The production of the uranium defies United Nations demands that Iran stop its unsupervised nuclear development, although the 20 percent level is far below level that is needed to build a nuclear weapon.

“Potentially, we can produce 5 kilograms (11 pounds) a month, but we are not in a hurry over this,” Salehi told the semiofficial ISNA news agency.

source: FARS News Agency: Israeli Air Force Unloading Military Equipment in Saudi Arabia as a Large American Force Masses on Northwest Border of Iran Doctor Bulldog & Ronin

It is either a serious build up or the most ambitious ploy of threats.
Source: Report: IAF planes spotted over Saudi Arabia
Source is Israeli

Israel Air Force aircraft have been spotted in recent days at a Saudi Arabian military base unloading military equipment in the city of Tabuk, in northwestern Saudi Arabia, according to a report from Iranian news agency FARS.

The base will reportedly be used as a forward operating base by the Israelis as part of an offensive on an Islamic country.

but funny thing it, it quites an iranian news agency

i question the authenticity of the news; but if true, then it can have very serious repercussions. Not just for Iran; but for Saudi Arabia itself -- where the government does NOT want to be at odds with the local people

i question the authenticity of the news; but if true, then it can have very serious repercussions. Not just for Iran; but for Saudi Arabia itself -- where the government does NOT want to be at odds with the local people

its hard to say, really ....
there is too much drama in it.
and no one knows who is playing who for what
This is nothing new. There have always been some kind of Israeli military presence in the Kingdom since Operation Desert Storm 1991 while maintaining low key. Military to Military co-operation also exists from training to Intel sharing. This sort of things are not meant for public consumption and they remain classified .
An Israeli news agency reporting quoting Iranian news paper!

Only, Iran can clarify if they have released such news or not?

Last time Saudi Arabia came forward and rejected what was associated to him.

To me it is clear who is behind this propaganda and why Iran govt. will never clarify their position.

i question the authenticity of the news; but if true, then it can have very serious repercussions. Not just for Iran; but for Saudi Arabia itself -- where the government does NOT want to be at odds with the local people

Arabs have no love for the Persians...the news does not surprise me in the least.
What are the basis of your belief?
In your opinion, how Arabs can improve their relation with Persia?
Saudi govt. had officialy rejected such rumors in past but you prefer to trust Israeli news more! why?

Ever wonder, why media is leaking such news over and again, at this moment of time?
In my opinion, all of these are nothing but creating a pressure climate for Iranians to get worried.

This has many purposes:

1- Pressure the Iranian population both inside and outside to create a climate of anxiety hoping this would crack Iranians one way or other to pressure their government.

2- Put pressure on Iran as a form of physiological warfare.

3- Because of the lack of sufficient intelligence on Iran's military, they are pushing Iranian military to show its hands through movements

4- Create divisions among Iranians, a single and most important point. All other attacks of so the called Coalition/ US against poorly armed and equipped countries has been in the atmosphere of internal divisions.

Remember Granada, Lebanon, Panama, Iraq and Afghanistan. Unity of Iranian citizens is the corner stone of Iran's defense (it was the lone asset that held back Saddam and his much internationally supported army). An attack on Iran would unify it's people.The US hasn't been able to attacks on North Korea or Cuba for for such reasons (amongst a host of other reasons whether real or perceived).

I do not believe attacking Iran would be a sane decision for any party. This is especially true given the harsh economic climate across the Western world and the two back breaking wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which would make such attacks highly unlikely let alone the unknown consequences of such attacks. The Zionists are not able to attack Iran in a sustained fashion by themselves which is why they have to utilize their full media and diplomatic power across the world to push US to attack. They would have devastating consequences but they care the least.

What would an attack achieve any way? Under the current circumstances they would force Iran to have the bomb even if they do not already-- Iranians will simply have an existential reason then.

Any US attacks will be solely by air, what will that achieve in a long run? What will it achieve in the short run? Of course some insane mentality could overcome the American politicians either by the Zionist lobby or simply an over confident government. But then, they will also have to deal with the future consequences.

So the best we can all do is not to get anxious and jump up and down. Just stay calm and do not make other Iranians anxious of such news that most likely will be increasing ten fold. They very intention is to create such a response.
Pasban, I can expect any thing from Pakistan's corrupt civilian govt. but Saudi Arabians are neither insane and neither they can be turned against their own state.
IMO.. helping Israil against Iran is like helping Israil against themself.
What are the basis of your belief?
In your opinion, how Arabs can improve their relation with Persia?
Saudi govt. had officialy rejected such rumors in past but you prefer to trust Israeli news more! why?

Ever wonder, why media is leaking such news over and again, at this moment of time?

Saudi Arabia wants to be top dog in the region and they do not want to defer to Iran. If you look back in history the Arabs have only in the last century really gained independence.For centuries the Turks ruled over them and I am sure they do not want to be second fiddle to the Persians now.

Plus it does not help that a lot of the Saudi clergy think of the Persian shias as nothing better than Kafirs.

Saudi Arabia will not allow Iran to gain predominance over it in the ME.
Saudi Arabia wants to be top dog in the region and they do not want to defer to Iran. If you look back in history the Arabs have only in the last century really gained independence.For centuries the Turks ruled over them and I am sure they do not want to be second fiddle to the Persians now.
Technically, their was no saudi arabia and house of Saud was far away from the areas under Turk administration.

Saudi Arabia do not wish any conflict with any regional state and has always acted as a responsible state.

Plus it does not help that a lot of the Saudi clergy think of the Persian shias as nothing better than Kafirs.
Oh really!! it seems you are privy to Saudi govt.

Saudi Arabia will not allow Iran to gain predominance over it in the ME.
All states in ME are soverign.

If thier is any military threat to ME than it is India rather than Iran and if their are any kafirs than those are hindus which work in Sauid Arabia in millions.
This is not possible..
Allowing an attack on Iran from Saudi airbase will be suicidial.

i dont think saudis are that dumb.
i hv seen alot of demobilisation of saudi armed forces, APC's, tanks, artillery as they are going back after completing the operation on Yemen Boder.
Maybe the unloading of military eqipment in Tabuk is a part of that.
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