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Report: IAF planes spotted over Saudi Arabia

the last thing Saudi Arabia wants is Iraqi style sectarian violence, not to mention Hezbollah style guerrilla groups supported by Iran. Of course they are going to allow shias in, but deep down they consider them good for nothing kafirs.
That would be the end of Iran as we know it.It will bombed by NATO+Saudi's just like Iraq was if Iran tries to stir up Shia insurgency in sunni dominated countries.
☪☪☪☪;950632 said:
I see nothing wrong with this - If i was a Saudi General i would urge the king to launch full war on Iran too.Iran by large has supported or tried to support Shia Insurgency in Saudi Arabia trying to disrupt peace and Saudi Arabia has plenty of equipment to take out Iran not sure about soldiers though!Iran has played plenty of dirty games in Sunni domniated countries trying to bring shia uprise.

I've seen Saudi shias that are more loyal to Iran then KSA! I was shocked. If Iran wanted to create instability it would have done so cuz it's much easier then Lebanon. Iran can funnel weapons to KSA easier, Iran has more support among KSA shias, the two countries are closer together etc...
As for KSA military, lol plzzzzzzzzzzzz
what's the point of having a military when you have to ask for permission to fire a gun?
☪☪☪☪;951066 said:
That would be the end of Iran as we know it.It will bombed by NATO+Saudi's just like Iraq was if Iran tries to stir up Shia insurgency in sunni dominated countries.

lol go back to xbox
Iran created Hezbollah ... Iran wasn't bombed

Iran funded, trained and supported Houti rebels that crippled Yemen and killed Saudis... Iran wasn't bombed

Iran took American embassy workers hostage for over a year... Iran wasn't bombed

Iran made Iraq into HELL... Iran wasn't bombed

Iran started to create nukes... you get the picture

Iran can make KSA into Iraq 2.0 and nobody will do anything.
if israel attacks then how will Iran defend itself??They are not getting the s-300s now.
lol go back to xbox
Iran created Hezbollah ... Iran wasn't bombed

Iran funded, trained and supported Houti rebels that crippled Yemen and killed Saudis... Iran wasn't bombed

Iran took American embassy workers hostage for over a year... Iran wasn't bombed

Iran made Iraq into HELL... Iran wasn't bombed

Iran started to create nukes... you get the picture

Iran can do to KSA what it did to Iraq and nobody will do anything.
And your President has the guts to complain about Israel?There were no nukes back then - the game is totally different now - US wants to take out those nukes before they get operational.Supporting Insurgencies in Arab Countries at this time would you be your biggest mistake. You'd loose the little bit support you have in Muslim countries.Pulling a Desert Storm on Iran by Nato is not hard if Saudi funds and other Arab countries fund such operation unless it's Nukes gets operational within few months or a moderate regime is elected.
@ NIMA None of them told me so.Looking at the past Israeli record and also knowing the fact that the Al saud family has close relations with the US.More over your big mouthed president is just not able to keep his mouth shut.
Dont bring religion again into the discussion!!!!!
At first I thought IAF mentioned here stand for Indian Air Force, and thought wtf is IAF plane doing in SA !

Poor me:hitwall:
the last thing Saudi Arabia wants is Iraqi style sectarian violence, not to mention Hezbollah style guerrilla groups supported by Iran. Of course they are going to allow shias in, but deep down they consider them good for nothing kafirs.

You dont get it dont you?

Let me be more direct

Shias are allowed inside both the Holy Mosques.
Kafirs are not allowed in Makkah and Madinah.

if deep down inside the Sunni Saudia considers Shia Iran Kafirs, then they will not allow them into the Holy Cities.
Its their LAW not to allow Kafirs into these cities.

and Hezbollah is dedicated against Israel and i am happy that way.
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I've seen Saudi shias that are more loyal to Iran then KSA! I was shocked. If Iran wanted to create instability it would have done so cuz it's much easier then Lebanon. Iran can funnel weapons to KSA easier, Iran has more support among KSA shias, the two countries are closer together etc..
I have seen Shias more loyal to their country Saudi Arabia than Iran.
where are you living now? when you have seen this?

As for KSA military, lol plzzzzzzzzzzzz
what's the point of having a military when you have to ask for permission to fire a gun?

Whose permission? Rubbish statement
Come inside Saudia and start a sectarian voilence.. you'll never know whose permission was needed to Kill you.
Technically, their was no saudi arabia and house of Saud was far away from the areas under Turk administration.

Saudi Arabia do not wish any conflict with any regional state and has always acted as a responsible state.

Oh really!! it seems you are privy to Saudi govt.

All states in ME are soverign.

If thier is any military threat to ME than it is India rather than Iran and if their are any kafirs than those are hindus which work in Sauid Arabia in millions.

If you are so sure of the role of American troops in Saudi Arabia then Why dont uncle Sam itself attack Iran's nuclear plant?

Because the US does not believe anything short of an invasion will do any good...and we are in a bit of a financial hell hole right now.
At Bushehr there are approximately 1000+ Russian specialists. When one hears about them being evacuated or leaving, then one could expect something to happen. On a side note, Bushehr is not Iran's most important nuclear plant, Natanz is. Its the one place that needs to be protected with everything that Iran has. Getting Bushehr done is of political importance. Getting Natanz complete (it already functions but with 6k centrifuges, needs to reach 50k) is of important to Iran's deterrence capability (assuming a "bomb" is in the works). Assuming IR1's are only used for the full 50k, it would be a nuke every nine days. Though Iran wants to install it all with IR6 (popularly referred to as IR3).
If this rumor is true then the Saudi regime itself will be in danger from internal rebellion. Any help for ZioNazi regime is kiss death for Saudis.
which one these told you that?

People, who had all the problems when someone drew few caricatures, should be the last one trying to insult other religions.

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