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Rape victims suffer in silence after Hindu - Muslim riots in India

The thread is about Indian Muslims raped by Indian Hindus.

What do you expect I should talk about? aliens ?

The thread is about India's internal problem and but isn't it true that Pakistanis are obsessed with Indian Muslims since they decided to stay back in India after partition. :cheesy:

The problem with Indian Hindus is that when it comes to nationality they want Indian Muslims to pose as Hindus .

You again invented a new fiction. :lol::lol:
The thread is about India's internal problem and but isn't it true that Pakistanis are obsessed with Indian Muslims since they decided to stay back in India after partition.

It NOT Indian internal problem, its Human rights issue and anyone in the world can take part in the discussion.

Besides just go and read comments from your countrymen they are bringing in Pakistan into the debate hence I have every right to respond.

You again invented a new fiction. l:

Read comments from your Hindu members :))
Why the surprise?? In a largely secular polity, overt religious parties do not get support.

As for acceptance, Muslims will be accepted as long as they subordinate their religious beliefs to Indian nationalism. Their acceptability has been dented in recent times precisely because of rising fundamentalism. If, in your opinion, Indian nationalism largely corresponds with Hindu ethos, then so be it. Its a historical product. India cannot accept people who are not nationalistic. If their feeling of being a distinct nation is overwhelming, 1947 was the time to exercise a choice. Their forefathers must have understood that after division, India will be largely Hindu with a severe diminution of Muslim power and culture. They made a free choice.

In fact, for their predicament of making a choice, it was the Muslim League which was responsible. None else.

As it is clear from the figures above, Muslims across the country voted overwhelmingly for Pakistan with Congress doing well only in N.W.F.P. (Probably due to the influence of Frontier Gandhi.) Does this belie the oft-repeated claim that Muslims who stayed back in India actually rejected the two-nation theory and ”chose” India over Pakistan?

It is difficult to say. First, the elections were fought in an environment of violence and fear. Second, since voting was restricted only to land-owners and the educated, only 28% of Indian were eligible to vote. The movement for Pakistan was led largely by upper-class Muslims, it is hardly surprising that they had support in the Muslim elite. It won’t be fair to speculate how rest of the Muslims would have voted if they were eligible. Having said that, one thing is clear: A vast majority of Muslim voters in undivided India supported the creation of Pakistan.

Muslims voted for pakistan overwhelmingly.Yet did not leave. What should be done?
Why the surprise?? In a largely secular polity, overt religious parties do not get support.

As for acceptance, Muslims will be accepted as long as they subordinate their religious beliefs to Indian nationalism. Their acceptability has been dented in recent times precisely because of rising fundamentalism. If, in your opinion, Indian nationalism largely corresponds with Hindu ethos, then so be it. Its a historical product. India cannot accept people who are not nationalistic. If their feeling of being a distinct nation is overwhelming, 1947 was the time to exercise a choice. Their forefathers must have understood that after division, India will be largely Hindu with a severe diminution of Muslim power and culture. They made a free choice.

In fact, for their predicament of making a choice, it was the Muslim League which was responsible. None else.

BJP saffronis are hardline Hindu religious groups. Apply your secularism to them first . Its amusing your secularism yardstick is only for Muslims' curbing politically.

Secondly if Indian nationalism means corresponding largely to HINDU ethos then practically do it DO NOT hide behind fake secularism slogans then.

The issue is that You Hindus are in a fix. Majority of you want Hindu identity for India but unfortunately the fake makeup of "Secularism" word is hindering that.

In my personal opinion there is nothing wrong in wishing for a strong Hindu state which is the fact and which is what India is.
Because of the legacy of partition, a Muslim party will never be acceptable in India. Since Muslims had a choice to migrate to an Islamic country, those remaining behind are assumed to have subordinated their religious beliefs to Indian national identity. And Indian Muslims too are very careful to cultivate this image.

Muslim parties are acceptable in India as there are plenty of such parties.

If you mean to say a muslim candidate as PM will never be acceptable to India, that too is wrong. If a muslim candidate is truly secular in nature like Dr. Abdul Kalam, he stands a better chance to be PM than a Hindu candidate.

Its a different thing that the average Indian Muslim cultivate a image that is anti Hindu.
BJP saffronis are hardline Hindu religious groups. Apply your secularism to them first . Its amusing your secularism yardstick is only for Muslims' curbing politically.

Secondly if Indian nationalism means corresponding largely to HINDU ethos then practically do it DO NOT hide behind fake secularism slogans then.

The issue is that You Hindus are in a fix. Majority of you want Hindu identity for India but unfortunately the fake makeup of "Secularism" word is hindering that.

In my personal opinion there is nothing wrong in wishing for a strong Hindu state which is the fact and which is what India is.

Nationalism does not arise in a vacuum. It is a product of shared cultural and historical past.

Since India is largely Hindu in composition, culture and ethos, it is axiomatic that Indian nationalism will have a predominantly Hindu component. This is as obvious as day. Where is a problem in that?

So Muslims staying back will have to reconcile with an aggregate culture which is hardly Islamic, and with public spaces imbued with Hindu symbolism. This is a choice they themselves made. Had partition not been made, Muslims may have had an equal share, but they chose to create a separate space for themselves.

India already has a Hindu identity. All Indian cultural trademarks are largely Hindu. An average Indian in a foreign land is a Hindu. The secular part is only for the political and governance space, where it is actually a good and wise policy.
It NOT Indian internal problem, its Human rights issue and anyone in the world can take part in the discussion.

Besides just go and read comments from your countrymen they are bringing in Pakistan into the debate hence I have every right to respond.

Read comments from your Hindu members :))

I don't see anybody saying Muslims should become Hindus. :wacko: Please don't make imaginary fiction. :wacko:

You are from a country where people are even obsessed with entering of Sanskrit words in the Urdu language, I can understand the Pakistani mentality.
Muslims should not have started the riot. They should have realised by now that its a no-win situation. Its best for them to live in harmony with their neighbours. Gone are the days when non-muslims would be passive against Muslim aggression.
Muslim parties are acceptable in India as there are plenty of such parties.

these are not parties. These are small weak groups.

All small groups of Muslims will have to get united and bring a three-party politics into Indian two-party concept to get their rights.

If you mean to say a muslim candidate as PM will never be acceptable to India, that too is wrong. If a muslim candidate is truly secular in nature like Dr. Abdul Kalam, he stands a better chance to be PM than a Hindu candidate.

Its a different thing that the average Indian Muslim cultivate a image that is anti Hindu.

:lol: again Indian concept of "Secular" means a Muslim who at the same times bow down to idols and recite gita in the morning.

How about Modi becoming a secular and start praying nimaz after becoming PM?

Isnt it funny that an extremist Hindu is voted to PM slot because of his faith and a Muslim is asked to abandon his faith for appearing as secular ?

Anyway a Muslim PM will also NOT serve any purpose for Muslim rights in India just like a SIKH PM did not viz a viz provision of justice to 84 victims of Sikh massacre .

Hence Indian Muslims must become a strong political party

I don't see anybody saying Muslims should become Hindus. :wacko: Please don't make imaginary fiction. :wacko:

You are from a country where people are even obsessed with entering of Sanskrit words in the Urdu language, I can understand the Pakistani mentality.

Following is from an Indian member

Nationalism does not arise in a vacuum. It is a product of shared cultural and historical past.

Since India is largely Hindu in composition, culture and ethos, it is axiomatic that Indian nationalism will have a predominantly Hindu component. This is as obvious as day. Where is a problem in that?

So Muslims staying back will have to reconcile with an aggregate culture which is hardly Islamic, and with public spaces imbued with Hindu symbolism. This is a choice they themselves made. Had partition not been made, Muslims may have had an equal share, but they chose to create a separate space for themselves.

India already has a Hindu identity. All Indian cultural trademarks are largely Hindu. An average Indian in a foreign land is a Hindu. The secular part is only for the political and governance space, where it is actually a good and wise policy.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...hindu-muslim-riots-india-6.html#ixzz2hORZ0H9B

You should first understand your own mentality after that you are allowed to understand ours :)
BJP saffronis are hardline Hindu religious groups. Apply your secularism to them first . Its amusing your secularism yardstick is only for Muslims' curbing politically.

Secondly if Indian nationalism means corresponding largely to HINDU ethos then practically do it DO NOT hide behind fake secularism slogans then.

The issue is that You Hindus are in a fix. Majority of you want Hindu identity for India but unfortunately the fake makeup of "Secularism" word is hindering that.

In my personal opinion there is nothing wrong in wishing for a strong Hindu state which is the fact and which is what India is.

Jana ji the hindu nationalism resolves around so called Hindu / indian way of life and thinkin hindus never opposed any group but when hindus were targetted by over zelious muslims and christians who wanted them to change there idology for the foriegn abrhamikal releons of west asia things started to get really bad ....it was choice of muslim feudals and elite which they sucssessfully implanted in muslim masses against indian nationalism which creted the divide and was soully responsible for Riots culture which in itself was foriegn to indians/hindus since ages (we are the onli nation where christians , jews and other non hindus lived peacefulli without a hint of relegous haterd until muslim invaders came and later the british propogated the Divide & rule policy which is now taken further by congressies & so called secular partyies to harness the Vote Bank Politicks)
Following is from an Indian member

Nationalism does not arise in a vacuum. It is a product of shared cultural and historical past.

Since India is largely Hindu in composition, culture and ethos, it is axiomatic that Indian nationalism will have a predominantly Hindu component. This is as obvious as day. Where is a problem in that?

So Muslims staying back will have to reconcile with an aggregate culture which is hardly Islamic, and with public spaces imbued with Hindu symbolism. This is a choice they themselves made. Had partition not been made, Muslims may have had an equal share, but they chose to create a separate space for themselves.

India already has a Hindu identity. All Indian cultural trademarks are largely Hindu. An average Indian in a foreign land is a Hindu. The secular part is only for the political and governance space, where it is actually a good and wise policy.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...hindu-muslim-riots-india-6.html#ixzz2hORZ0H9B

You should first understand your own mentality after that you are allowed to understand ours :)

Where did he write they should become Hindus. Hindus are in majority in India, Hindu culture will always shape the identity of majority of Indians.

I have heard lots of Pakistani logic how Indian movies of Soap Operas are Hindu content or how Indians uses lots of Sanskrit word and talking crap that they are danger to the culture of Muslims. You guys are even obsessed with pity issues.
these are not parties. These are small weak groups.

All small groups of Muslims will have to get united and bring a three-party politics into Indian two-party concept to get their rights.

:lol: again Indian concept of "Secular" means a Muslim who at the same times bow down to idols and recite gita in the morning.

How about Modi becoming a secular and start praying nimaz after becoming PM?

Isnt it funny that an extremist Hindu is voted to PM slot because of his faith and a Muslim is asked to abandon his faith for appearing as secular ?

Anyway a Muslim PM will also NOT serve any purpose for Muslim rights in India just like a SIKH PM did not viz a viz provision of justice to 84 victims of Sikh massacre .

Hence Indian Muslims must become a strong political party

My posts are for Indians so do not respond to my posts.
My posts are for Indians so do not respond to my posts.

Go to Indian forums then.

Jana ji the hindu nationalism resolves around so called Hindu / indian way of life and thinkin hindus never opposed any group but when hindus were targetted by over zelious muslims and christians who wanted them to change there idology for the foriegn abrhamikal releons of west asia things started to get really bad ....it was choice of muslim feudals and elite which they sucssessfully implanted in muslim masses against indian nationalism which creted the divide and was soully responsible for Riots culture which in itself was foriegn to indians/hindus since ages (we are the onli nation where christians , jews and other non hindus lived peacefulli without a hint of relegous haterd until muslim invaders came and later the british propogated the Divide & rule policy which is now taken further by congressies & so called secular partyies to harness the Vote Bank Politicks)

This is interesting that you are punishing Indian Muslims for deeds of outsider invaders that too hundreds of years ago.
Go to Indian forums then.

This is interesting that you are punishing Indian Muslims for deeds of outsider invaders that too hundreds of years ago.

your wrong Jana ji we are not punishingany one the riots in question broke owt when a mob lynched two jat hindu brothers who had roughed up a muslim boy(who stalked & tryied to molest there sister) and even after repeated pleas to police it kept a blind eye for weeks(as SP minister asked to go slow on minority community) on this episode until the video of the crime surfaced on social media

so it was deu to political interfearence in matters of crime which led to inaction by the police and angered the villagers tell me how had people of your town behaved if two pashtun boys were killed by a hindu mob like the situation above

and as for muslims dint they got there own nation on basis of relegeon but stayed back in hindu india what are muslims doing with non muslims and non sunnies in pakistan :azn:
If you read up various Geo politic think thanks, you will learn that it is Pakistan which is certain to be partitioned in coming years.

Muslims in India are simply a bunch of rowdies with no organized power. The Partition of the subcontinent was a brilliant plan - for it has hopelessly divided the Muslims while concentrating the Hindus. The Western, Jewish and Indian interests converge in seeing further division of the Muslim population into smaller and smaller countries. Islam has utterly failed as a politically unifying force which is why the entire Muslim world is in a political ferment.

In the Subcontinent, the process started in 1971, and will continue in its trajectory.

There are 1.7 Billion Muslims and growing, there are a massive number of muslims in India, and numbers are power.

Socieites and civilisations dont tend to be static, weak civilisations can be destroyed when they are weak e.g Inca's aztecs Muslim civilisation is massive

When we are strong our enemies tremble, but weakness comes to all, the muslims world is here it is massiove and growing

Change brings choas and the muslim world is in the midst of neccersary change dont be fooled money worshipper

The Hindu's are the mortal enemies of the Indian muslims, the muslims of india cannot leave their security to biased and ineffective police or security services and useless indian politicians they need to take their own security and the security of their communities in their own hands.

Pakistan is the only nation willing and able to help, the Hindu;s are not just Pakistans enemies they are all of our enemeis
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