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Rail Battle Between China and Japan Rushes At High Speed

Link for what? Taiwan is not an English society, u won't hear English news like"html
延误三小时". U don't need some English articles to know a system totally relying on one consortium, how serious are the consequences.

You do not have fund, nor tech, that's the fact.
And we have 250km/h old lines way before the first real high-speed railway was used.
We had locos which can reach 200km/h in operation and 250km/h in test in 1990s.

So you have a link in Taiwanese or Chinese then?
Regarding your claim we can't speed up our normal locos on our own.
On fast track: Railways increase average speed of nearly 90 trains | india | Hindustan Times
Granted the start is slow,but it will only increase in the future

I never get it, and I doubt how many PDF Indians can afford a ticket.

No need to go personal man
my dear Chinese friend , stop fooling yourself , for your kind information India and Japan have signed an MoU [memorandum of understanding] on 12th December, 2015 on cooperation and assistance in the Mumbai–Ahmedabad High Speed Rail Project (referred by many as Bullet Train project). Japan has offered an assistance of over Rs 79,000 crore for the project.

The loan is for a period of 50 years with a moratorium of 15 years, at an interest rate of 0.1 per cent <<<<< [YOU READ THAT RIGHT ] .

The project is a 508-kilometre railway line costing a total of Rs 97,636 crore, to be implemented in a period of seven years.” Japan has offered a loan more than Rs 79,000 crore to be repaid over 50 years at an interest rate of 0.1% per year [Yes you read that right!]. Further, the loan comes with a 15-year moratorium. What this means is that India does not need to start repaying the loan immediately. It will have to do so fifteen years down the line.

Now what would repaying the loan entail? A loan at an interest 0.1% to be repaid over 50 years essentially means almost no interest is being charged. Once India starts repaying the loan, it would have to pay an EMI of Rs 135 crore per month. In fact, the interest is so low that the total repayment over 50 years will amount to just Rs 81,000 crore. This means an interest component of Rs2000 crore over fifty years. <<<<<<<< THAT MEANS JAPANESE ARE PAYING TO THEMSELVES <<<<< AN by investing in INDIAN RAILWAYS , the value of japanease yen will decreace and it will improve the Japanese economy which is export based & INDIA will get world class trains .<<<<<<<<<<<<<<so it is win win situation for both in the nations .

now the most important thing """"" QUALITY """""""

Chinese items are famous for their poor quality , how the hell can you compare china with microsoft ?? ha ha ha ............ Microsoft "" invent "" things on the other hand Chinese are famous for "" stealing "" >>>>>

the CRH used to reach 350 km/h but this was brought down to 300 , now go and check the details of proposed mumbai -ahamdabad train , it is also 300 km/hr <<<<<<< SO Chinese trains dont have any speed advantage .

now For safety, the Japanese Shinkansen has a spotless record while the CRH has had one major crash, with 40 casualties. <<<<<<<< that means "ORIGINAL "JAPANESE TRAINS ARE TRUSTWORTHY , " COPIED " CHINESE ARE NOT .

Let me ask you which is better; a Rolex watch or a Chinese knockoff Rolex watch? This is literally the exact same comparison as CRH trains are literal copies and outright intellectual property theft of Japanese, French and German high speed trains. The Chinese railway ministry contracted to have Hitachi, Alstom, Siemens and Bombardier designs produced and then after receiving several train sets continued to build them itself. However as we saw with the horrific high speed train crash several years ago the Chinese were incapable of reproducing the proper safety controls, or in typical Chinese fashion they cut corners because these were deemed unnecessary.

By contrast the Japanese are world pioneers in high speed train travel. They introduced it and by and large single handedly perfected it, designing and putting the Shinkansen network into place more than 10 years before any other country in 1964.

at peak times on the Tokaido Shinkansen trains run every three minutes and the average annual punctuality record of the network is less than 20 seconds late across all services, despite routes that run up to 900km. In 50 YEARS of service, carrying over 7 BILLION passengers, the Japanese Shinkansen network has never had a single passenger fatality due to accident onboard. Not even ONE. (obviously and sadly, suicides don't count here)
but I think the safety record and punctuality record speak for themselves. The U.K. was impressed enough to complete a 540 billion yen deal with Hitachi, which also builds Shinkansen, to supply bullet trains by 2016.....................

:lol: another ah Q spirit from another Indians. Yes, ask the European of Germans, Swedish , British and Macedonian why they prefer Chinese HSR. Those probably has higher standard than you indians.

China HSR proves to be more stable than Japanese HSR. This is the relevation from Swedish committee who experience onboard both countries HSR and prefer Chinese HSR. There are plenty of YouTube video as proof. Feel free to search for it. :enjoy:
HA HA HA , YOU ARE DUMB OR WHAT ?? BRITISH government choose Japanese train ( google it ) , and France , Germany have their own super-fast trains ..................... why the hell they need a copied Chinese Cheap product ???
You must be a frog hiding in your well too long. Go google it :enjoy:
Well said bro. Instead of specific countries, the general guideline for Infrastructure exports-investment (HSR, nuclear energy, etc) should be:
  • Focus on OBOR, and resources-rich nations.
  • Avoid low-income economies, indebted economies, politically hostile nations.

Brother, at the same time we have to also look at the multidimensionality of intranational relations. I suppose Japan and China have mature ways in dealing with nations that may be geopolitically at odds , but may be economically viable and whose relations are rather vibrant. I would liken the relations between Japan and Russia; tho both may be at the opposite of the geopolitical spectrum (Japan is allied to the United States and NATO, and Russia is at odds to those two political bodies), this does not any way negate the economic and civic engagement schema. The trade volume between our two countries increased by 6.6% in 2013 and reached 33.2 billion US dollars. Russia’s export increased by 26.7% and reached 19.6 billion US dollars; import decreased by 13.3% and reached 13.6 billion US dollars. Currently the bilateral trade volume for 2015 has reached nearly $40 Billion. @vostok @senheiser @T-55

Bilateral economic ties first develop in traditional areas: energy, oil and gas, automobile industry. In addition to current projects – Sakhalin-1 (30% of Japanese companies shares) and Sakhalin-2 (22.5% of Japanese companies shares), two new projects of LNG-plants construction in Sakhalin (5.5 million ton capacity) and in Vladivostok (Gasprom and JFG joint project, 10 million ton capacity, commissioning in 2018) are initiated.

As a result of high-level agreements, reached during the Prime Minister of Japan Mr. Shinzo Abe’s visit in Moscow in April of 2013, a number of new Russian-Japanese economic projects were aimed at further development of high-technologies and implementation of innovations in areas of energy efficiency, timber processing, agriculture, medicine, city planning, as well as waste processing in Russia. Construction of hi-tech medical centers (the diagnostic medical center Hokuto in Vladivostok in spring of 2013), city planning with the use of ecology and energy efficient technologies of waste processing (the smart grid city in Krasnoyarsk, the waste processing plant with co-generation function in Sverdlovskiy Region), cooperation in agriculture (Hokkaido Bank and Amur Region joint projects) are among these new initiatives. The “energy bridge” connecting Khabarovsk, Sakhalin and Hokkaido is another large-scale promising project.

So just to show and illustrate to you the high level of maturity in which Japan coordinates and collaborates with regional partners, tho they may be categorized as geopolitical 'rival'.

I suppose it is safe to say and assume that the Chinese State , The People's Republic of China, also has adopted and operates in the same spirit of multidimensionality and broadend interoperability.

Dr. Kenji W., PHD
"aka" @Nihonjin1051
Indians with GDP per capita of $1700/year can afford Mercedes? BMW?

Japan financed the whole deal with virtually 0 % interest rate. With the power of inflation, Japan will probably lose out in the long term.
Indians with GDP per capita of $1700/year can afford Mercedes? BMW?

Japan financed the whole deal with virtually 0 % interest rate. With the power of inflation, Japan will probably lose out in the long term.

The initial investment of $15 billion is miniscule considering the paradigm Japan looks to build in India, which will be to tap the Indian manufacturing sector , which is designed to work in lieu with Japanese lean principles. The amount of bilateral trade between India and Japan, and the potential for the growth in the Indian market more than makes up the initial $15 Billion.

I suppose the Japanese delegation have aimed for long term profitability over short term.
,LIFE of our citizens is important for us .

That's really not true. Check out India's birth mortality and children malnutrition rate , tons of children die everyday, India is never a country really values human lives.

India has the highest number of child deaths in the world, with an estimated 1.2 million deaths in 2015 — 20 per cent of the 5.9 million global deaths. Other countries in the top five for number of deaths included: Nigeria (7,50,000), Pakistan (4,31,000), Democratic Republic of the Congo (3,05,000) and Ethiopia (1,84,000). -
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That's really not true. Check out India's birth mortality and children malnutrition rate , tons of children die everyday, India is never a country really values human lives.

You can't totally blame the state for the poverty and human health issues in the country given the lifestyles citizens take up. I suppose it is safe to say that there are indeed health standards challenges for the Indian Government and their Ministry of Health to tackle. However, we all know that government can only impress upon certain standards and goals, it takes time and energy to realize goals, especially when we refer to a country as large as India, which has a population of 1.25 billion.
China puts several times higher the percentage of the country's GDP in health care .He shouldn't say that India cares more about their citizens lives by implying that China doesn't, that's the point.
China puts several times higher the percentage of the country's GDP in health care .He shouldn't say that India cares more about their citizens lives by implying that China doesn't, that's the point.

I suppose one can appraise the role of direct government role and the dichotomy of state intervention on citizens private lives in the China vs India case analysis. Whereas in India there are more personal liberties ; how many children a couple can have, life style standards, et al, there is more so a review for the Chinese aspect.

Secondly it would be necessary to evaluate and consider the kinds of cultural lifestyles and preferences. In India there is much more emphasis on the use of coconut oil, and oil in their foods, the use of butter and dairy is rather extensive. This is perhaps probably a reason for the high co-morbidity instances of diabetes, and cardiovascular ailments such as myocardial infarctions, atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, deep vein thrombosis and embolic infarction as compared to in China. In China, like most East Asian cuisine and dietary preferences, there is less use of oil and more emphasis on broth and soups, more emphasis on fiber food as well, and emphasis of sea food, which is high in omega 3,6,9s, which are proven to be cardio-protectors (it helps raise HDLs -- high density lipoproteins; and lowers LDLs -- low density lipoproteins).

This is why when you analyze health and dietary trends, you have to consider the cultural preferences and intonations of a particular society. Note that when referring to India, their dietary trends and habits are rather similar , too, to those in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and even Pakistan.

Dr. K.W, PH.D.
I guess that's why they have the highest infant mortality rate in the world. They care more about their citizens lives? still sounds like a joke to me. instead of being the biggest weapon importer in the world, they should spend more money on their citizen's well being by raising the healthcare percentage in GDP like China does every year.
I guess that's why they have the highest infant mortality rate in the world. They care more about their citizens lives? still sounds like a joke to me.

Its not really a joke, nor is it a laughing matter or something to gloat about, my friend. It requires our matured analysis and positioning. India, like much of the developing world, is in need and they have gaps in their civil and health sectors. There are plenty of opportunities to build upon such areas of want, and that requires international as well as domestic investment.

The promise of India lies on her vibrant population, their work ethic, and the various potential(s) that the Indian labor force brings to the table.

Remind you to consider that there are pros and cons to any market; I would caution you to focus also on the pros , and put less emphasis on the cons (tho it is important not to ignore these variables).

China, as a major trading partner of India's, should look to bolster relations with India by increasing joint production projects, cultural trade, commercial activities and a plethora of confidence building measures. The potential for India and China is immense. It is all about rising above geopolitical differences, my friend.
ha ha ha YOUR google must be " chinese " .............he he he , japanese company
Hitachi , is making new trains for UK ,
BTW japan is our old friend ( and your old enemy he he he ) ...............Delhi’s successful metro was built with Japanese help , so we trust our friend JAPAN , we dont trust unreliable cheap Chinese products ,LIFE of our citizens is important for us .

You're such an idiot:

HS2: the UK looks to China - Railway Technology

Nothing about any solid deals being met. You're about to get banned noob...
Brother, at the same time we have to also look at the multidimensionality of intranational relations.

Dr. Kenji W., PHD
"aka" @Nihonjin1051

Dr., why does your post smell of "holier than thou" sewage? There's nothing "multidimensional" about a non-open bidding process.
Private bidding is often seen as quality driven in lieu of the price driven process normally experienced in the public bidding arena. Private bidding is based on a defined process in which the contractor is invited based on reputation, track record, experience, capacity to meet project requirements, current workload, safety or other criteria important to the owner.
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