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Putin Bans Head Scarfs in schools

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Jew museum? Are you retarded...or just stupid.

That must be you! Go to Wikipedia or read a book of Mehmud's Campaign to West. When he never had any policy go further west, how can you blame him being weak! He should have fought the Jews rather than fighting the Romans or your so called Greeks!
It was well known the earth was a globe...Colombus under estimated the size...and most knew it...and thought he would die at sea. The reason he gets credit for the "discovery," was that is when exchange of goods and ideas started. The Norse had been there earlier (and of course the "indians")....but nothing came of it. After Colombus the western hemisphere was integrated in the world economy etc.

Don't forget the massacre of red indians.
That must be you! Go to Wikipedia or read a book of Mehmud's Campaign to West. When he never had any policy go further west, how can you blame him being weak! He should have fought the Jews rather than fighting the Romans or your so called Greeks!
Ok...I'll bite....first...what is a "jew museum" (stuffed jews?) and what has it got to do with Byzantium?
WTH does that sentence even mean ? Invented ? And please, i am extremely interested in your American professor quotes about what Columbus learned from the great minds of the Religion of Peace. Do post them.

No need you should just Google Al Andalus most of Europe's knowledge came from their and Europeans kings use to send their children there for education. Now where the people of Al Andalus got their info from is debatable but it should be said that this particular Muslim emirate had little contact with the Caliphates to the East so a lot of their research was probably done in the Iberian Peninsula itself.
Don't forget the massacre of red indians.

Mostly all dead from disease when we arrived (nothing we could do about that...we had no idea ourselves how to control disease). After that...some warfare with surviving tribe members...boohooo we won...perhaps if we had taken loser lessons from certain other areas...
WTH does that sentence even mean ? Invented ? And please, i am extremely interested in your American professor quotes about what Columbus learned from the great minds of the Religion of Peace. Do post them.

Youtube is banned! Nullify my claim by posting your references!! There are two theories regarding red indians. One is they crossed to america from Russia and another one is from france as far as i can remember. Also,Juice mentioned about north europeans!
Mostly all dead from disease when we arrived (nothing we could do about that...we had no idea ourselves how to control disease). After that...some warfare with surviving tribe members...boohooo we won...perhaps if we had taken loser lessons from certain other areas...

lol. Tikalo is yet considered one of the great wonders of the World and what about the battle of Florida where you "immigrants" deceived the great red indian King and captured him! History is well protected.
Youtube is banned! Nullify my claim by posting your references!! There is two theory regarding red indians. One is they crossed to america from Russia and another one is from france as far as i can remember. Also,Juice mentioned about north europeans!
from areas now under Russian control...related to siberians and east Asians...that's why they have straight dark hair...most have eye-folds, shovel-shaped teeth (it is no longer just a theory...modern DNA testing has put it to rest) Youtube is banned in Bangladesh? How long? Is this from that whole movie fiasco?
Don't forget the massacre of red indians.

Spanish killed most by disease while after American independence the others were killed for land however the bloodshed was on both sides and as is the case with most warfare the side with the better weapons won.

lol. Tikalo is yet considered one of the great wonders of the World and what about the battle of Florida where you "immigrants" deceived the great red indian King and captured him! History is well protected.

Those were the Spanish in Florida nothing to do with US colonists at the time.
No need you should just Google Al Andalus most of Europe's knowledge came from their and Europeans kings use to send their children there for education. Now where the people of Al Andalus got their info from is debatable but it should be said that this particular Muslim emirate had little contact with the Caliphates to the East so a lot of their research was probably done in the Iberian Peninsula itself.
Oh...brilliant !!! Did Newton get his education there or Leibnitz or did Galileo and Kepler go to Andalus to formulate Planetary laws ? The Islamic school of thought still considers the Geocentric model to be true and blatantly disregards the Heliocentric view, Copernican views notwithstanding.
Even while his precious country's population is declining every day with alcoholism and disturbingly high infant mortality rates, Putin decides to ban religious head dress as his foremost priority. Just the leader Russia needs to succeed.

Ha, Russia demographics has rapidly improved in the last couple of years

Russia's Demographics Continue to Rapidly Improve - Forbes

Our population decline will fully stop around mid 2013, than it will start to grow again,

Russia is on the rise deal with it!!!!:devil:
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