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Putin Bans Head Scarfs in schools

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In islam its not like that mr we r only bound to the All Mighty not to our selves,family or The State.
Our religion says if ur living in a non muslim country follow their law WHICH DOES NOT CLASHES WITH THE ALL MIGHTY'S LAW
n if it does try to take them into confidence abt Religious laws n if things get worse then leave that country!
To Muslims actually Islam is not just a religion, but it is the full system of our lives n routine!!!!

Then don't go to countries where you know the local laws are going to clash with your religious beliefs. Why be an unnecessary headache for the country you remigrating to , as well as yourself?
In islam its not like that mr we r only bound to the All Mighty not to our selves,family or The State.
Our religion says if ur living in a non muslim country follow their law WHICH DOES NOT CLASHES WITH THE ALL MIGHTY'S LAW
n if it does try to take them into confidence abt Religious laws n if things get worse then leave that country!
To Muslims actually Islam is not just a religion, but it is the full system of our lives n routine!!!!

That is just ridiculous. How can you called a law-abiding citizen when you dont consider the laws of the land as supreme ?

Turkey is currently running under an Islamic Party. Hijabs wearing has grown then it ever did in the past. Its a true mordern Islamic country which most of you people don't see.

I'm talking about the past when Hiijabs were not allowed. Still they were doing pretty good. Its not that only after Hijab was allowed that suddenly schooling percentages increased drastically. Infact if it is anything I get from many Turks here, they hate Erdo and his Islamism.
Then don't go to countries where you know the local laws are going to clash with your religious beliefs. Why be an unnecessary headache for the country you remigrating to , as well as yourself?

Mr so called neutral person i was debating with KS on something else ie for those muslims who r living in a country who does that.
N u come up with a new theory!
Its not and thats why Germany under Hiter and Russia under Stalin in the past did better good for this world, right? :lol:

Stalin took a peasant nation were 90 percent were illiterate and made a world superpower that beat the US to space first , something your Islamic country's can only dream of.:lol:
Mr so called neutral person i was debating with KS on something else ie for those muslims who r living in a country who does that.
N u come up with a new theory!

Fair enough, but most people hwo protest to such actions are immigrant Muslims, not ones that are born in Western countries.
Putin should also ban in schools turbans , and he should outlaw putting lipstick on one's forehead.

I would have replied to your post. But I could not understand what you tried to say, because I dont speak gibberish.
Asked to comment on the issue, Putin clearly voiced his opposition to headscarves at schools, saying that Russia is a secular state and must create equal conditions for all its citizens.

How is banning headscars becoming a secular state?
That is just ridiculous. How can you called a law-abiding citizen when you dont consider the laws of the land as supreme ?


U as a non Muslim wont understand the Islamic philosophy , that why yr calling it ridiculous.
It not life that to us (Muslims).
The Law of the All Mighty is above then any man made Law, this is what we believe n thats why we follow our laws strictly.
Yes we r not perfect in following it yet as we should be following, but its a separate issue!
But as per our religion which guides our daily lives n routines its far far more important 4 us to follow that then what the other r saying who dont believe it too.
A Muslim means a person who submits his/her will to the All Mighty's will in this live is Called Muslim!!!!

in the end isnt it predicted that this is what kaffir will do, desperatly try to suppress islam and muslims

as is written in the quran the unbelivers can plan but god is the greatest of planners

all they are doing is pissing in the wind
U as a non Muslim wont understand the Islamic philosophy , that why yr calling it ridiculous.
It not life that to us (Muslims).
The Law of the All Mighty is above then any man made Law, this is what we believe n thats why we follow our laws strictly.
Yes we r not perfect in following it yet as we should be following, but its a separate issue!
But as per our religion which guides our daily lives n routines its far far more important 4 us to follow that then what the other r saying who dont believe it too.
A Muslim means a person who submits his/her will to the All Mighty's will in this live is Called Muslim!!!!

See I dont need to understand Islamic philosophy. I just need to understand that every citizen in a nation state must be subservient to the laws of the land. And I am not talking about Muslims alone. Any citizen of any religion, if he does not follow the law of the land then he is not a law-abiding citizen and the Govt is technically within its right to enforce the law. You cant blame that. We are living in the era of modern nation states and Muslims cant be considered something special to give exemption to them.
Putin is against it as he wants assimilation & it's just his stance on head scarf matter. It's not even an official ban, so no need to make it such a huge phenomenon.
At the end of the day the russian muslims must keep strong, keep growing and understand that the russian goverment does not represent them
U as a non Muslim wont understand the Islamic philosophy , that why yr calling it ridiculous.
It not life that to us (Muslims).
The Law of the All Mighty is above then any man made Law, this is what we believe n thats why we follow our laws strictly.
Yes we r not perfect in following it yet as we should be following, but its a separate issue!
But as per our religion which guides our daily lives n routines its far far more important 4 us to follow that then what the other r saying who dont believe it too.
A Muslim means a person who submits his/her will to the All Mighty's will in this live is Called Muslim!!!!

Speak for yourself. There are plenty of muslims who dont wear scarves.
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