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PTI Jalsa @ Minar-e-Pakistan: Karar daad-e-Naya Pakistan

Salaam to all the Muslims,


Looks-like the rain has dampened the Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf's Jalsa.


Salaam to all the Muslims.

کسی کو ن لیگ کی دھرنی یاد ہے جس میں بارش ہوئی تو لوگ بھی بھاگ گئے اور وگ پوش بھی لیڈرشپ
Yes it does. You are being typical PTI defensive and reactionary instead of thinking this through. I can understand the desperation that people hold to PTI and Imran Khan. But instead of freaking out at every observation as critique , you need to understand the underlying reason for it.

There has always been religious invocation in PTI's Gatherings, but there has been a lot more usage of it in this particular gathering as compared to the past. This may not be a change in doctrine when it comes to what PTI is, but rather a campaign shift to try and reach a wider audience especially since the JI alliance move failed. This does not translate as "good" or "bad", just may be construed(look up the word in case you dont know and freak out on it) by commentators on the international front as being a greater shift to the right when compared to before.

Yet, the presence of the father at the gathering is meant to offset this message by offering minorities(after the Christian community burning fiasco) a hope as well.
This has nothing to do with A Taliban Khan moniker(if that is what is causing you worry), but rather a more wide sweeping campaign strategy. It means that the target audience has been expanded from just the "inqiliabi" types who just want a positive change.. to encompassing those that wish for greater role of Islam in the governance, whilst at the same time keeping minority and some leftist votes.

exactly this is what I said but I guess you overlooked me post (#479), let me requote it , as you said it is the shift in campign to reach out to the miniorities, and its good he realized it

it was the need of the hour, he had to counter Sharif's tactic on moral ground, he knows how important it is to get minorities on board after what happened to Hazara community/ shias and than the joseph colony, thats why we can see Father on stage

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/nation...ar-daad-e-naya-pakistan-32.html#ixzz2ONMToqwZ

lol @ Chaudary Shujat, he praises IK's six promises......chaudhary sahab ka mood kya hai? he was on IK and TuQ side when election commissioner issue was raised :rofl:
Yes it does. You are being typical PTI defensive and reactionary instead of thinking this through. I can understand the desperation that people hold to PTI and Imran Khan. But instead of freaking out at every observation as critique , you need to understand the underlying reason for it.

There has always been religious invocation in PTI's Gatherings, but there has been a lot more usage of it in this particular gathering as compared to the past. This may not be a change in doctrine when it comes to what PTI is, but rather a campaign shift to try and reach a wider audience especially since the JI alliance move failed. This does not translate as "good" or "bad", just may be construed(look up the word in case you dont know and freak out on it) by commentators on the international front as being a greater shift to the right when compared to before.

Yet, the presence of the father at the gathering is meant to offset this message by offering minorities(after the Christian community burning fiasco) a hope as well.
This has nothing to do with A Taliban Khan moniker(if that is what is causing you worry), but rather a more wide sweeping campaign strategy. It means that the target audience has been expanded from just the "inqiliabi" types who just want a positive change.. to encompassing those that wish for greater role of Islam in the governance, whilst at the same time keeping minority and some leftist votes.

I think you are exaggerating.
IK does take references from Islam,but thats him speaking as per his personal beleifs to which he is entitled.
He never hinted anything about 'imposing' shariah law in Pakistan or anything like that...

Even German chancellor recently said "Germany is a christian country,and those who cant comply with the values are in the wrong place''. Obviously her comments were aimed at muslims...but many or most germans wont agree with her declaring germany as 'christian country'...
Same is IK...he speaks as per his beleifs,and that shouldnt bea problem...
Feedom works both ways... If people want freedom of not beleiving or not practicing...that shouldnt mean no freedom to beleive and practice...both sides of the spectrum should be free.
In recent year a 'reverse extremism' has been going on all over the world..
Isee here in UK atheists bullying religious christians,calling them witch burners and looking down at them..
They want their righr to be atheist but they havw problem with local christians' right to be religious...

Hope when IK comes,we will have a balance.
Those who want to practice Islam will not be looked down at,and those who dont want..will not be forced...
when IK comes,we will have a balance.
Those who want to practice Islam will not be looked down at,and those who dont want..will not be forced...

Yes that, exactly. None should be forced to do either.
I think you are exaggerating.
IK does take references from Islam,but thats him speaking as per his personal beleifs to which he is entitled.
He never hinted anything about 'imposing' shariah law in Pakistan or anything like that...

Even German chancellor recently said "Germany is a christian country,and those who cant comply with the values are in the wrong place''. Obviously her comments were aimed at muslims...but many or most germans wont agree with her declaring germany as 'christian country'...
Same is IK...he speaks as per his beleifs,and that shouldnt bea problem...
Feedom works both ways... If people want freedom of not beleiving or not practicing...that shouldnt mean no freedom to beleive and practice...both sides of the spectrum should be free.
In recent year a 'reverse extremism' has been going on all over the world..
Isee here in UK atheists bullying religious christians,calling them witch burners and looking down at them..
They want their righr to be atheist but they havw problem with local christians' right to be religious...

Hope when IK comes,we will have a balance.
Those who want to practice Islam will not be looked down at,and those who dont want..will not be forced...

You have done exactly what I cautioned about what may statement is.
Again, Please re-read it and see where I have explicitly mentioned this as a campaign electioneering approach rather than a personal or party ideological doctrine.
End of a historic event. The sky roared along side the lions of PTI.
For my dear leader Imran Khan.

daikh ke sadaqat teri,
Aaj Aasmaa'n bhi ro parra
badal toot ke barsa,
aaj barsoo ke baad
You have done exactly what I cautioned about what may statement is.
Again, Please re-read it and see where I have explicitly mentioned this as a campaign electioneering approach rather than a personal or party ideological doctrine.

I agree that IK has a certain lack of experience in 'typical pakisrani politics' and his speeches are very different fro others...in more than one way.
But thats 'change'.....
Myself being an expat and my roots sunk too deep abroad...can only watch....
Lets see if people of Pakistan want 'change' or same old 'ghisee pitee' politics....

I do think that IK posing as a non mullah but 'pro Islam' candidate will attract support...
Most Pakistanis are against 'mullah' but still are Pro Islam,and IK presenting himself exactly as that.
Yes it does. You are being typical PTI defensive and reactionary instead of thinking this through. I can understand the desperation that people hold to PTI and Imran Khan. But instead of freaking out at every observation as critique , you need to understand the underlying reason for it.

There has always been religious invocation in PTI's Gatherings, but there has been a lot more usage of it in this particular gathering as compared to the past. This may not be a change in doctrine when it comes to what PTI is, but rather a campaign shift to try and reach a wider audience especially since the JI alliance move failed. This does not translate as "good" or "bad", just may be construed(look up the word in case you dont know and freak out on it) by commentators on the international front as being a greater shift to the right when compared to before.

Yet, the presence of the father at the gathering is meant to offset this message by offering minorities(after the Christian community burning fiasco) a hope as well.
This has nothing to do with A Taliban Khan moniker(if that is what is causing you worry), but rather a more wide sweeping campaign strategy. It means that the target audience has been expanded from just the "inqiliabi" types who just want a positive change.. to encompassing those that wish for greater role of Islam in the governance, whilst at the same time keeping minority and some leftist votes.
Nice Summary ... He tried to focus Islamists today to really power up his vote bank , Being a emotional nation by nature , What do you think? will Islamists would put their faith on him? I don't think they would trust Imran without having any representation in his political Party .
Congratulations to all PTI fans it was good Jalsa i think PPP is finished future politics of Pakistan will revolve around these two parties PML-N and PTI. :pakistan:
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