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POLL: Which will be more effective, "SAARC" or "Brother Nation" idea.

Which will be more effective, "SAARC" or "Brother Nation" idea.

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I'm 100% sure that gromell is not really a Bangladeshi, well not a Muslim Bangladeshi for sure. Any Bangladeshi Muslim who read his previous posts would agree with me.

Good! Now a Pakistani decides who is a real Bangladeshi and who is not :):hang2:

As a Muslim, I feel shocked to hear someone accusing me of what you just claimed. I am not sure if you know that it's a big sin to even ask something like "I'm 100% sure that gromell is not really ... well not a Muslim Bangladeshi for sure". I hope that you don't lose everything you gained in Ramadan with such foolish remark, whatever that you gained; only Allah subhanawata'ala knows. Before giving your immature remarks too much importance, I would like you to show me anything from my "previous posts" that proves I am talking anything that goes against Islam. may Allah forgive us all.
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East Timore asked for better relation with Indonesia,even after decades of torture,killing and raping.Why?To improve East Timore's condition.
We are not in a bad condition like East Timore,but we still need better relation with Pakistan for the sake of progressing.

Let me remind you one thing,we are in no position to blame others when we have failed to punish the war criminals inside our own country.And its almost 40 years.Instead we elected them to rule the country.
Believe it or not an AL MP,elected this time,from Patuakhali was a rajakar.There are reports of presence of more rajakars in AL.
All this contradicts our "Great" AL's big mouth stuff.They just used the rajakar issue to catch the neutral voters.That's it.

As for Pakistan army's war crime,yes I do believe that they committed war crime.A formal apology and there should be no more on this issue.
Let me give you another example.
One of the perpetrators of My Lai massacre,Lt.William L. Calley,recently apologised to the Vietnamese.But according to Al-Zazeera news report,most Vietnamese does not even care for it.As Vietnam now has better relation with US in terms of trade.US is now the largest foreign investor in Vietnam.

So its time we move on,but no one should forget the past.

I do not see any relation between 71 and the indonesia east timor issue.

For the Vietnam thing, I do not quite agree with your views. I know a Vietnamese working as a lab assitant in a University here. Old man. Worked for the Americans in the war. He can't go back to his country anymore. Even after all these years, he would still be lynched for working as an interpreter for the Yankees. I do not think you should compare USA-Vietnam with Pakistan-Bangladesh. Quite different story brother. I am pretty sure USA is the largest investor in many other countries too. You are putting Pakistan in the same political and economic league as USA and wrongly that is. Americans did not exploit the Vietnamese economically, culturally, politically before the war, neither they were the same country. I mean it is quite difficult even to imagine those two different wars in the same bracket, I am sorry:disagree: Then Pakistanis were supposed to be "Muslims". They surely did not act like so. You can't judge a kafir's and a muslim's crime against another muslim in the same way. For the issue of apology, that's quite a relative matter. You are happy with just a "formal" apology, I am not. And there are those who wants us to apologize to Pakistanis lol. So I am not going into that debate. Islam tells us to punish the criminals in this world, according to the law and I am just sticking to that. Bangladeshis and most Pakistanis, in formal terms, will not get along with each other in the long term, because unfortunately, most Pakistanis follow their tribal and barbaric Indus culture, not Islam. They are only full of Islamic words when it comes to do the talking. Sad, very sad.
If Bangladesh and Pakistan improve relation by doing trade in greater volume,and co operating in other fields such as Defence,then there is no need to be a "Brother Nation" officially.If the proposed Lahore-Delhi-Dhaka rail link is established,we will be one step closer to better relations.

It's better to concentrate on trades with India. Pakistan has an unstable economy. Their economy was always worse than ours until the late 70s. With no economic or political support from China, USA, middle eastern countries after 71, and with the state capital of Bangladesh in Karachi, we just could not economically advance as much as Pakistan. But things are changing now. The difference between Pakistan's and Bangladesh's economy is not much. Our economy was steady even in the recession while Pakistan literally had to beg money by arranging a donor's conference. Forget Pakistan, concentrate on India. Makes more sense. Believe me, there is nothing Islamic about the current Pakistan.
It's better to concentrate on trades with India. Pakistan has an unstable economy. Their economy was always worse than ours until the late 70s. With no economic or political support from China, USA, middle eastern countries after 71, and with the state capital of Bangladesh in Karachi, we just could not economically advance as much as Pakistan. But things are changing now. The difference between Pakistan's and Bangladesh's economy is not much. Our economy was steady even in the recession while Pakistan literally had to beg money by arranging a donor's conference. Forget Pakistan, concentrate on India. Makes more sense. Believe me, there is nothing Islamic about the current Pakistan.
BD needs economic relationship with Pakistan. Much of the raw materials that India sells us can also be procured from Pakistan. It is not that the BD govt will decide on the import items. It is the choice of business community what to import from which country.

BD also needs the central asia's market for its finished goods. It can use the Pakistan transit route for that. BD must diversify its source of raw materials and also expand market for its finished goods. Better not to put all the eggs in one basket.
Haha man you sure have some serious problems in the head.I have not seen even a indian having so much hatred for Pakistan.
It's better to concentrate on trades with India. Pakistan has an unstable economy. Their economy was always worse than ours until the late 70s. With no economic or political support from China, USA, middle eastern countries after 71, and with the state capital of Bangladesh in Karachi, we just could not economically advance as much as Pakistan. But things are changing now. The difference between Pakistan's and Bangladesh's economy is not much. Our economy was steady even in the recession while Pakistan literally had to beg money by arranging a donor's conference. Forget Pakistan, concentrate on India. Makes more sense. Believe me, there is nothing Islamic about the current Pakistan.

I am talking about better trade with Pakistan.Whether they are Islamic or un-Islamic is none of my concern.Pakistan can supply the raw materials needed for our garments just like India,and they are of good quality too.
Besides Eastwatch sir has already given you an explanation.

In case you don't know,our military uses many hardware which are "made in Pakistan".Pakistan's economy may not be that better than Bangladesh,but they can help us with technology in fields such as Defence.And there are some projects already underway.

And Its global economy.You don't trade with only one country,but all of them.So saying forget Pakistan and trade only with India,makes you look naive.For Bangladesh,we need better relation with everyone ,to develop.
IMO this brother nation idea will work better. I think Muslims today need to look after themselves first and then think about any other issue. Friendship with India will always be under pressure so why not just stick to peace with India and work to clean the mess on our side. Making a confederation/brother nation with Bangladesh will certainly sort out some mistakes that we had done in the past and it will work as an example for other Muslim nations as well to put away their differences and remain united for joint causes.

Remember peace with rest of the world can only be achieved when we rely on ourselves and become stronger from inside.
I agree otherwise Pakistan would be full of illegal Bangladeshi Immigrants like India currently is.Not that we dont have any illegal banglais here already.Karachi have many thousands of illegal Banglais.

----and Bangladesh has more than a million of Pakistanis. With border with Pakistan, this number could have increased.
It's better to concentrate on trades with India. Pakistan has an unstable economy. Their economy was always worse than ours until the late 70s. With no economic or political support from China, USA, middle eastern countries after 71, and with the state capital of Bangladesh in Karachi, we just could not economically advance as much as Pakistan. But things are changing now. The difference between Pakistan's and Bangladesh's economy is not much. Our economy was steady even in the recession while Pakistan literally had to beg money by arranging a donor's conference. Forget Pakistan, concentrate on India. Makes more sense. Believe me, there is nothing Islamic about the current Pakistan.

Wather we like it or not, we need to see things from Islamic perspective also. Economically what I believe that it is always better to maintain relationships with similar economies so that they can complement each other. Working with bigger economies can have –ve effect on local industries and increases reliance.

When we have to rely, why not rely on our brother who can come for our support in tough times?
----and Bangladesh has more than a million of Pakistanis. With border with Pakistan, this number could have increased.
Yeah, you mean those Biharis...who migrated to BD in 47.No Pakistanis were air lifted in 71 from West Pakistan so technically they're your citizens now if you deny them your citizenship then its YOUR problem not ours.Also, unlike illegal Benglai immirgrants they live in camps made by BD...not like a free citizen which banglis live like in Pakistan and India.All West Pakistani citizens returned to West Pakistan or to India from where they later sent back to West Pakistan.Does not matter what you say..the figures and stats tell us other wise.There are few crores illegal Bangladeshis in India and well, a lot in Karachi too which if you put aside your nationalism you will accept.Pakistan is not forcing bd to maintain good relation with us.Gormell is posting as if Pakistan is going to disintegrate without good relations with BD.It's another matter that no pakistani have any ill feeling regarding Bangladeshis now and always have good feelings but gormell is doing good work by turning that good feelings into hatred.
Yeah, you mean those Biharis...who migrated to BD in 47.No Pakistanis were air lifted in 71 from West Pakistan so technically they're your citizens now if you deny them your citizenship then its YOUR problem not ours.Also, unlike illegal Benglai immirgrants they live in camps made by BD...not like a free citizen which banglis live like in Pakistan and India.All West Pakistani citizens returned to West Pakistan or to India from where they later sent back to West Pakistan.Does not matter what you say..the figures and stats tell us other wise.There are few crores illegal Bangladeshis in India and well, a lot in Karachi too which if you put aside your nationalism you will accept.Pakistan is not forcing bd to maintain good relation with us.Gormell is posting as if Pakistan is going to disintegrate without good relations with BD.It's another matter that no pakistani have any ill feeling regarding Bangladeshis now and always have good feelings but gormell is doing good work by turning that good feelings into hatred.

many Indians have been harping on the "illegal BD national" line in the past on this forum...and now you you too...brother...we tend to exaggerate things to home in our point...but it becomes demeaning in the end.
many Indians have been harping on the "illegal BD national" line in the past on this forum...and now you you too...brother...we tend to exaggerate things to home in our point...but it becomes demeaning in the end.
They do exist in Pakistan too but quite frankly i have no problem what so ever with them as they are only trying to earn some money and even Indians and Pakistanis go to western countries illegally but i do have problems with nationalistic egotistic begnlais giving bad remarks about Pakistan, it's people and it's culture like Gormell has done before.
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