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PM Erdogan: Green light for 2500Km Ballistic Missile.

Some of you are really delusional. Israel is not a enemy of Turkey, we will never attack Israel and Israel will never attack us. The hostility between our two countries will be forgotten soon. The only reason why we're developing this Missile is Iran and not because we need it.
Some of you are really delusional. Israel is not a enemy of Turkey, we will never attack Israel and Israel will never attack us. The hostility between our two countries will be forgotten soon. The only reason why we're developing this Missile is Iran and not because we need it.

According to you we watch while Irael is killing and humilating inncent Muslims in Palestine ? I don't mean we should Attack Israel, but with long - Range Cruise Missile Turkey can show Power to Israel and can put the strategic Balance on the Side of Muslims in Middle East. We can also equipp several arab States with turkish made Stand Of Weapons.
Some of you are really delusional. Israel is not a enemy of Turkey, we will never attack Israel and Israel will never attack us. The hostility between our two countries will be forgotten soon. The only reason why we're developing this Missile is Iran and not because we need it.

So according to you we should just piss all over the families of the innocent people that where killed at the Mavi Marmara? Boy why dont you go somewhere else with that thrash cause nobody here is stupid enough to believe that crap. Spare me your bullshit comment. Moron
So according to you we should just piss all over the families of the innocent people that where killed at the Mavi Marmara? Boy why dont you go somewhere else with that thrash cause nobody here is stupid enough to believe that crap. Spare me your bullshit comment. Moron

Not them, but i would piss all over those who first send those people and afterwards not protect them.
So according to you we should just piss all over the families of the innocent people that where killed at the Mavi Marmara? Boy why dont you go somewhere else with that thrash cause nobody here is stupid enough to believe that crap. Spare me your bullshit comment. Moron

I didn't say anything like that, I don't see why we should be responsible for every Muslim in the world. Some Palestine boy died? Why should that be more relevant to our foreign policy, then a few guys that have been shot from Iranian soldiers at our border?
Why are you not as angry with Iran, because they killed 3 or 4 Turks a year ago (you can Google it if you want). It's because they're Jewish.

I'm angry with Israel because they killed 9 Turks, yes. But Israel will apologize (I'm pretty sure they will) and everything going to be fine again. That's foreign policy, that's the reality, deal with it.

Also please stop insulting me and men up, learn to talk and behave even if it's the Internet. I will report you the next time.

According to you we watch while Irael is killing and humilating inncent Muslims in Palestine ? I don't mean we should Attack Israel, but with long - Range Cruise Missile Turkey can show Power to Israel and can put the strategic Balance on the Side of Muslims in Middle East. We can also equipp several arab States with turkish made Stand Of Weapons.

The way I see it we should care about Turks getting killed like in the flotilla but as hard as it might sounds, why should we be responsible for every Muslim killed in the world?

You don't see and Christian country cutting its ties with Nigeria, because 200 Christians have been killed. That's what I mean, we will soon go to business as usual.
What does the above even mean?

Piss all over the those who could not protect our citizens when they were under attack! But ofcourse i don't expect you to understand this due to your radical hateful views. Got it zulky?
and concerning our industrial capacities! we are the bigest economy amoung the muslim countries! and we are not doing it through selling Tomato. we work and produce! industrial capacity is all we have

This forum is often populated by teenagers and youngsters with very little knowledge of the real world. It made me stay away from the forum for a long time, I usually don't comment here for this reason.

Indonesia's GDP in 2011 was 7427.1 billion IDR, which at the average exchange rate of 2391.47 IDR per Qatari Rial for 2011 amounted to 3030.40 billion Qatari Rials .

Turkey's GDP in 2011 was 1281 billion TL, which at the average exchange rate of 0.4593 TL per Qatari Rial for 2011 amounted to 2789.03 billion Qatari Rials

In summary, 2011 GDP based on nominal GDP at current prices expressed in Qatari Rials at the average exchange rate for the year
Indonesia 3030.40 billion Qatari Rials
Turkey 2789.03 billion Qatari Rials

In terms of Purchasing Power Parity, Indonesia's lead over Turkey is only widening. Besides, what is the issue with many Turks always trying to show off that you are "more developed" or "advanced" than other Muslims? Even Bangladesh is the second largest exporter of apparels in the world after China, does it mean Bangladeshis should brag that we are the largest readymade garments/apparel exporter in the Muslim world? Realistically, I hate the BAL (current Bangaldeshi "government") for ruining Bangladeshi economy and its numerous failures. BAL is no more than a stooge of India and the West.

Regarding the topic, I will be very glad if Turkey goes on to develop a medium range ballistic missile, and then proceeds to develop its own ICBM.

you are joke!

and sory I am allergic to BS

:lol: Qatari Rials ???

Forgive me, instead of a comical Algerian genius economist who invented a new formula to calculate GDP (nominal) which is against the idea of GDP, I rather choose to stick and trust figures from IMF and World Bank!


and current growth rates


Do you know what you are laughing at? What is "laughable" about Qatari Rials? You can use any other currency if you like, the results are the same though, Indonesia has a larger economy than Turkey. It seems you are a teenager from your silly illogical post. How old are you? Do you know any Economics? Have you studied any subject at University? Completed your post-doctorate in any field, perhaps?
Turkey's exports in 2011 were worth only $134.9 billion with a trade deficitof $105.9 billion.

Indonesia exports were $203.6 billion in 2011 with a trade surplus of $26.3 billion

Indonesia has a much larger economy than Turkey and the gap is only widening.
Good riddance to bad rubbish!
You call wikipedia a credible source? The following are sources of actual news, not mumbo-jumbo written up by teenagers who know not a thing about Economics.

BPS: Pertumbuhan PDB Indonesia 6,5 Persen - Jaring News
Ýþte Orta Vadeli Program - Sabah

2011 GDP
Indonesia 7427.1 trillion IDR
Turkey 1281 billion TL

It does not get any simpler than this. You still have not answered my questions. How old are you? Have you studied any Economics at University or beyond? Have you completed any studies beyond your postdoctorate? I have no time to teach stubborn kindergarten students simple concepts on an internet forum.

Those links were already included in my original post, but you failed to notice it, so it shows how intelligent you are. Do not insult the Turkish nation by displaying your ignorance here.

Actually, you very accurately displayed the traits that I mentioned in my opening post after my long hiatus

This forum is often populated by teenagers and youngsters with very little knowledge of the real world. It made me stay away from the forum for a long time, I usually don't comment here for this reason.
I have IMF and World Bank figures!

all you have is personal insults! :no:

still waiting for a credible sources from you! how long will it take?

I waited long enough! I am not gonna wast my time anymore troll! welcome to my ignore list! :wave:
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