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Turkish Army Inducts Missile With 200-km Range

All I can say is we didn't reeive any help from any foreign country.

And btw, Turkish Media claimed many foolish things.

Why you acting up so what if we received help from a brotherly country I hope we receive more.
As I said, I won't believe in everything Turkish media says.

India media maybe? :devil:

Ties of Convenience

Chinese hand in Pakistan and Turkey’s cruise missiles

Prasun K. Sengupta

A little-known fact that has gone largely unnoticed, since the early Nineties, has been the vital role played by Pakistan in the substantial expansion of Beijing-Ankara military-industrial collaboration over the last 17 years. Since 1985, Turkey has sent 18 military delegations comprising some 200 members while 14 Chinese military missions with about 330 representatives have visited Turkey at the same time. Sino-Turkish military-industrial cooperation began in the first half of the Nineties after Ankara’s negotiations with Washington for the joint production and technology transfer of the M-270 multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) failed.

The US had then criticised Turkey for using US-supplied weapons for human rights abuses (against the Kurds), subsequently restricting weapons sales and military technology transfers to Turkey, and cutting off grants and loans earlier offered to Turkey for US-origin weapons. It was Pakistan which then informed Turkey that China was ready to fill the void, provided Turkey was willing to cooperate with China in the so-called fight against ‘Eastern Turkestan (Xinjiang)-sponsored terrorism’, namely to restrict, monitor and prevent the activities of Uyghur national organisations and leaders, most of whom were and are still based in Turkey.

Consequently, since 1997 the Third Bureau (military attachés) of the People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) General Staff Second Department (dealing with military intelligence) has been operating in Turkey as one of its most important, and presumably one of the most active, stations. Also in 1997, Turkey, for the first time signed a contract with China for the procurement of 24 WS-1 302mm unguided rockets as well as 144 rockets for licenced-assembly in Turkey, to be supplied between 1998 and 2000. Turkey next began licence-producing the TR-300 rockets (or T-302, upgraded from the four-barrel WS-1B MLRS) under the Turkish designation Kasırga (tornado). In late 1998, based on a similar contract signed with the state-owned China Precision Machinery Import-Export Corp (CPMIEC),Ankara ordered some 15 of China’s most advanced short-range surface-to-surface battlefield support missiles (SSBSM) — the 150km-range B-611 — and under Project J-600T, began license-producing an additional 200 more under a USD 300 million deal. The first such missiles — known as Yıldırım (thunderbolt), were deployed as early as 2001.

The solid-fuelled Yildirim-2 variant, featuring a 300km-range, was subsequently developed jointly by the defence industries research and development institute of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK-SAGE), Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corp (MKEK), and the state-owned China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp (CASIC), while it was series-produced by Roket Sanayii ve Ticaret (Roketsan).

Forceindia.net (Force National Security And Defence News Magazine)
Gentlemen, it is already known that J600Ts are JV between China and Turkey but SOM was made by Roketsan.

Turkey is capable of developing it's own cruise missile line but we are at an infancy level when it comes to Ballistic missiles. So far we've only built SRBMS. That's because Turkish Armed Forces value conventional military strenghth above all else.

We can get all kinds of technical support from Pakistan on ballistic missiles but we don't need any help on cruise missiles
Sorry, but I've read a much longer article about that china is supposedly to have a hand in turkeys CM development. Perhaps it's true, perhaps it's not. They're all just rumours and attempts to either provoke a responds that'll point at the truth or lie.

If Turkey developed it by herself with minimum assistance, what does it mean ? And what would it mean if Turkey got the knowhow handed down produce the CM ?

Rumours and lies have always been hand in hand when it's politics. The world has moved on from the stoneage FYI. rocket science is not something you can study at NASA only. :)
Gentlemen, it is already known that J600Ts are JV between China and Turkey but SOM was made by Roketsan.


We can get all kinds of technical support from Pakistan on ballistic missiles but we don't need any help on cruise missiles

Anymore for cruise missiles. But before.

The sciences of ‘solid-fuelled missile’ and ‘Guidance INS (Inertial navigation system) (Yildirim-2) – maybe also ‘GPS Precision Guidance System’ and ‘TERCOM’ - aren't come, all alone, from heaven. How? Interface China/Turkey secret, the brother Pakistan.

And this is totally natural. Because it is a brother.
As you have used the term 'secret'; its best to say that no one knows. So let us not dip into topics we are not familiar with. Plus most of USA's tech orgined from NSDAP Germany.
As you have used the term 'secret'; its best to say that no one knows. So let us not dip into topics we are not familiar with ...


But before this is done. It was ‘a big secret’ (China,Turkey and Pakistan). Because the USA would ‘never authorized’ such ‘high strategic missile transfer of technology’ for Turkey. Not even in a dream. It's a obvious.

The ‘solid-fuelled Yildirim-2’ (Tactical ballistic missile) way to MRBM (range of less than 3 500 km) and also IRBM (range of 3 000–5 000 km). And the ‘SOM cruise missile’ way to operational range 2 500 km and more…
First of all i want to say how sorry i am for leaving my last post in a hurry, I said SOM was developed by Roketsan which is BS. I don't know what i was thinking :undecided:

Anymore for cruise missiles. But before.

The sciences of ‘solid-fuelled missile’ and ‘Guidance INS (Inertial navigation system) (Yildirim-2) – maybe also ‘GPS Precision Guidance System’ and ‘TERCOM’ - aren't come, all alone, from heaven. How? Interface China/Turkey secret, the brother Pakistan.

And this is totally natural. Because it is a brother.
Tübitak-SAGE is like USA's DARPA, They have very high-end technology. Tübitak itself is a research institute that employs Turkey's most brilliant scientists. Stand-Off Munition(SOM) wasn't even a secret project. J600T on the other hand, was a secret project that was developed between Turkey-Pakistan-China triangle. Still YILDIRIM is an SRBM which has very little strategic value. For all we know SOM was developed in Turkey, if you have any hard evidence that proves otherwise please share.

Even YILDIRIM III will be an SRBM, Turkey moves like a turtle in this field. I'm so proud of this mentality :) Screw the strategic weapons, battle can only be won on the battlefield.

Stand-Off Munition(SOM) wasn't even a secret project. J600T on the other hand, was a secret project that was developed between Turkey-Pakistan-China triangle.

For all we know SOM was developed in Turkey, if you have any hard evidence that proves otherwise please share.

But I never say that the ‘SOM cruise missile was a secret project’ or it has been developed out of turkey. But its technology partially of ‘solid-fuelled missile’ and ‘Guidance INS (Inertial navigation system) – maybe also ‘GPS Precision Guidance System’ – for its creation really come from Turkey-Pakistan-China cooperation, the ‘J-600T Yıldırım missile’(B-611 SRBM). Ok…


Still YILDIRIM is an SRBM which has very little strategic value.

Even YILDIRIM III will be an SRBM...

It's really funny or rather totally naive. :lol:

And yes. All these technologies (solid-fuelled missile, Guidance INS (Inertial navigation system), GPS Precision Guidance System and TERCOM) of J-600T Yıldırım and SOM cruise missile are ‘an open door’ to go to ability ‘MRBM and IRBM’ in very near future. And this is the reason the USA has never wanted to help you.
@Bubblegum Crisis;

The problem here is that you don't understand the fact that INS, GPS and TERCOM are very simple technologies for Tübitak as for solid fuel missiles, a 3rd grade chemicals student can make one. The problem is with skill and experience that will ensure range and eficiency of a bigger missile.
who said SOM was developed by Roketsan :lol: not roketsan TUBITAK
I corrected my own mistake, thanks for playing.
@Bubblegum Crisis;

The problem here is that you don't understand the fact that INS, GPS and TERCOM are very simple technologies for Tübitak as for solid fuel missiles, a 3rd grade chemicals student can make one. The problem is with skill and experience that will ensure range and eficiency of a bigger missile.


You have trouble with the facts or it’s no doubt the ‘egocentrism Turkish’.

It's strange. Why you had not done before, alone, this missile J-600T Yıldırım?

It’s completely ridiculous.
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